The Next Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg

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Frauenschwarm = heart·throb
It basically says that all the women are in love with Guillaume

They're all in love with him because he posed for pictures with them? He's even more charming than I thought. :rolleyes:

And regarding my previous ambitious comment about the 'spectacular' woman I hope he marries :) - I did not mean that she should ONLY have these qualities and nothing else. I think it hardly needs to be said that they ought to be happily in love, above all else. However, true love and 'spectacularness' on the part of the bride are not mutually exclusive possibilities. It's not like he can only have the one thing, and not the other! He can have both true love AND with a spectacular woman. It's ambitious, yes, but the world is full of possibilities. And if he does find true love with a 'spectacular' woman, wouldn't that be the best? And why should we not wish the very best for him?
They're all in love with him because he posed for pictures with them? He's even more charming than I thought. :rolleyes:

And regarding my previous ambitious comment about the 'spectacular' woman I hope he marries :) - I did not mean that she should ONLY have these qualities and nothing else. I think it hardly needs to be said that they ought to be happily in love, above all else. However, true love and 'spectacularness' on the part of the bride are not mutually exclusive possibilities. It's not like he can only have the one thing, and not the other! He can have both true love AND with a spectacular woman. It's ambitious, yes, but the world is full of possibilities. And if he does find true love with a 'spectacular' woman, wouldn't that be the best? And why should we not wish the very best for him?

I fully agree with you.
And I would like to add that sometimes love just isn't enough. I think a woman who marries a prince needs more than just to be in love. It's really nice but ordinary woman who marries prince is still ordinary woman and that might cause problems which make unhappy both of them and the rest of monarchy too.
I personally think that if Guillaume marries a women he is in love with and she also loves him they will compromise for each other to make it work as if Guillaume did not marry for love it would just another job for him.
If he's thrust into a situation where he has to frequently mingle with a certain set of commoners, like classmates or room mates at uni, he could marry one. Even then, I noticed the Wales' commoner gfs are still very well heeled - sadly much more 'upper class' than me.
I think that whomever Guillaume marries, she must remember that it is not only a commitment to a marriage, but also a commitment to a life-long full-time job. She will basically have to give up almost everything for this type of marriage (although, the rewards are more amazing than any of us could ever know).
Please note that claims in the direction of: I know royal X and I am going to talk about it' will be removed by the moderator team.

Lux. Moderators
I think that whomever Guillaume marries, she must remember that it is not only a commitment to a marriage, but also a commitment to a life-long full-time job. She will basically have to give up almost everything for this type of marriage (although, the rewards are more amazing than any of us could ever know).

I reckon you're right but we all have to work regardless and there are some really crumby jobs out there. Nice to have one with a few perks. I was just implying that people tend to marry within their own social class. While at uni a sociology lecturer told us that it's easy to slip a class but rare to step up a class.
I reckon you're right but we all have to work regardless and there are some really crumby jobs out there. Nice to have one with a few perks. I was just implying that people tend to marry within their own social class. While at uni a sociology lecturer told us that it's easy to slip a class but rare to step up a class.

Well that can't be right. Just as many people have to 'step up' a class as the number of people who 'slip down' a class.
Wow, that's a big call, not that it doesn't happen. I didn't say it doesn't happen just that it's seldom. I'm happy for people when it does happen too, like Princess Mary. Moving from working class to middle class is one thing but the shift from working class or middle class (and I'm not referring to upper-middle class) to upper class is rare. Anyway all this talk of class is vulgar.
Let's see.

Princess Maxima - she worked in bank or sth like that
Princess Mette-Marit - even not study, problematic past etc.
Princess Letizia - journalist, worked in TV
Princess Mary - I'm not sure, she was accountant or lawyer? I've read different things
Princess Marie - she was secretary or sth like that

Princess Victoria's boyfriend Daniel - fitness trainer
Charlene (Albert's girlfriend) - swimmer
Kate Middleton - middleclass ( newspapers write about her Kate Middle(class)ton )

Autumn Kelly - don't remember but she works somewhere, even now
Zara's boyfriend - rugby player

Queen Silvia - she was hostess (?)
Guillaume's mother - not upper class too

That's not full list.
So as you see I don't suppose that conversation about class have sense. Royals can marry who they really want. Upper class, middle class, work class. Whoever.
Thanks for the overview grace marie. So in short: anything goes these days, my vote goes to Tila Tequila...:cheers:
Thanks for the overview grace marie. So in short: anything goes these days, my vote goes to Tila Tequila...:cheers:

I'm open minded and I love my bi's my friends...But doesn't Guillaume at least deserve a full heterosexual?
Pretty please?? :blush:
Let the rest of us dream a little??:rolleyes:
Wait...I'm married.:glare:
Let's see.

Princess Maxima - she worked in bank or sth like that
Princess Mette-Marit - even not study, problematic past etc.
Princess Letizia - journalist, worked in TV
Princess Mary - I'm not sure, she was accountant or lawyer? I've read different things
Princess Marie - she was secretary or sth like that

Princess Victoria's boyfriend Daniel - fitness trainer
Charlene (Albert's girlfriend) - swimmer
Kate Middleton - middleclass ( newspapers write about her Kate Middle(class)ton )

Autumn Kelly - don't remember but she works somewhere, even now
Zara's boyfriend - rugby player

Queen Silvia - she was hostess (?)
Guillaume's mother - not upper class too

That's not full list.
So as you see I don't suppose that conversation about class have sense. Royals can marry who they really want. Upper class, middle class, work class. Whoever.

Yes I'd forgotten about Mette-Marit, lol. Thanks for letting me know, some do seem to be from regular backgrounds after all which is nice. I don't follow most of the Euro royals though but know that Mary had a good job with Microsoft and GD Lux was from big money as is Kate Middleton.
:previous: These women may be middle class or at least not upper class, but many if not most still came from fairly wealthy backgrounds. Kate Middleton's parents are millionaires. Queen Silvia's father was a wealthy businessman. Maxima of Netherland's father is an important politician and I believe they have some links to nobility in their family history.

As for our Grand Duchess, her family has links to nobility up in the family tree I think. In any case, even when her family fled Cuba and lost their wealth, they had enough to send her to Switzerland for university studies. She had an excellent education, the kind that excellent money can buy. Not many families have that kind of money!

Some of the ladies do come from more ordinary backgrounds - Mette-Marit and Mary, for instance. That seems more to be the trend with the younger generation. Their parents started the trend of marrying rich upper-middle class people, now they are marrying not-so-rich middle-middle class.

As yet, there aren't any who are from working class backgrounds that I know of, but looks like we're getting there.
Good post however I would like to say that Mary is not from an ordinary background although people downplay her background & she & hubby did meet under ordinary circumstances. Mary's father is a university professor and her step-mother is an author. Mary worked for Microsoft, which a few years ago would have been a big deal.
Good post however I would like to say that Mary is not from an ordinary background although people downplay her background & she & hubby did meet under ordinary circumstances. Mary's father is a university professor and her step-mother is an author. Mary worked for Microsoft, which a few years ago would have been a big deal.

I would consider that an ordinary background.
Some would consider it an ordinary background but I think it's rather esteemed.
Just a warning, but don't drag the background discussion of any princess in here, this thread is only to discuss possible HGD'sses or their qualities (or supposed qualities).
I think the next hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg as described my Guillaume himself on Vanidades (a spanish magazine) must have a broad knowledge of political and diplomatic affairs, be fluent in several languages, like sports and music, enviromentalist and most importantly she must be an open minded, modern and independant women.

What does he mean by "environmentalist?" Does she have to be a member of an environmental group or just care about it in general?
What does he mean by "environmentalist?" Does she have to be a member of an environmental group or just care about it in general?

I think it means that she just has to care about the environment...although I think being a member of an environmental group would naturally follow. :flowers:
Micaela was Hereditary Grand Guillaume 's current girlfriend??? what about her surname.thanks .
I don't think I said that they swap ties Nitey (but quote me if I did) What I said was that they each wear their own tie frequently Felix more than Guillaume though. Guillaume's tie is a baby blue one with some kind of chain-looking design, but to his credit he also wears a yellow one with stuff on it. Felix on the other hand wears that baby blue/pink stripped little number like a uniform.

I was just looking at all the pictures I have of Felix (and Guillaume) and I have to say I'm pretty sick of seeing that baby blue/pink stripped tie that it appears he wears every other day. I love the pink tie he wears with his morning suit but I think he should alternate it with something else. He seems to favor light shades of blue and pastel pink in his ties.

Now Guillaume seems to have a rather large collection of ties, and I see him in many different styles and colors.

I think that we should start a retire the baby blue/pink stripped tie campaign and send a variety of ties to Prince Felix c/o the Grand Ducal Palace. We did something similar in the late 90s/early 20s with Felipe and a Valentine's message that we sent around the US for contributions from some then loyal admirers. He received it and, we were informed, liked it. Although, it wasn't a tie we sent.
We should not complain about what anyone wears (eg: men in ties) etc. as anyone one can thinkit but its undignified to stat it out to other people anyway he looks good in any colour/shade of tie and it does not manner how often Guillaume wears the same one. It also makes he pretty normal if he keeps wearing the same one or two as does normal men wear a different tie everyday of the week.
We should not complain about what anyone wears (eg: men in ties) etc. as anyone one can thinkit but its undignified to stat it out to other people anyway he looks good in any colour/shade of tie and it does not manner how often Guillaume wears the same one. It also makes he pretty normal if he keeps wearing the same one or two as does normal men wear a different tie everyday of the week.

Seriously, it was a joke. Once upon a time my royal watcher girlfriends and I would have actually organized a tie campaign and sent them like we did the Valentine for Felipe but we're much, much older now.

I like Guillaume and Felix in suits - period. I just like to see variety and it helps date the photograph. I have a hard time telling if I'm looking at the wedding of his cousin or National Day photographs sometimes because he wears the same ties so frequently.
Yer, I know but I do wonder if we were high profile people and Guillaume was not and he were to talk about us like we do about him how would we feel about it then.

Also, i am the first to hate what clothes I wear but I don't normally tell people what I think of what they wear as everyone can wear whatever they like its not up to the public to define what others should wear or not...
Yer, I know but I do wonder if we were high profile people and Guillaume was not and he were to talk about us like we do about him how would we feel about it then.

Well, If I was famous, I would be very curious what people talk about me. For example I think that Royal Forum has high standards. Moderators works efficiently so If somebody write sth really ridiculous or conversations getting on bad way it clear out or closed. Many gossips sites or tabloids side are different. It's news about for example prince William. And what people write? "what a ugly face, buuahhhaaa" or sth stupid.

But I was told, or I read somewhere that Guillaume has better things to do than read what people write about him in internet and he doesn't care about it. However, he isn't very famous, like William or Harry. In my country I will be very suprise If anybody knows who Guillaume is.

And even If Guillaume wasn't prince, for sure, he would catch my attention (if I meet him of course) becouse I like this type of guys. But for example prince William - well, if he wasn't prince I won't even notice him.
Forcini :) There's not much about her on the web (that I've seen- maybe someone can redirect me)
Guillaume could also go for someone totally opposite. You never know what the heart will decide.
I am not aware of him dating anyone at this time. Or is he?
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