I have been following the Monaco Family since I was a child, when one day I saw an article about Grace's first daughter, Caroline. The first pic I saw she was 15, a side picture, a perfect face with long hair. Since this moment I have been following all her life, happiness and pains, and my God she had a lot of pains.
Women of this lineage had always a kind of magic aura, beauty, luck but also a dramatic side, the famous Grimaldis curce, happiness and drama, all extreme.
A young American girl, becoming a famous actress, after a fairy tale Princess in a doll country since then unknown even to her, and leaving this world too early, a breathtaking beautiful daughter searching for happiness, touching the fairy tale with a happy marriage and beautiful kids and again a tragedy.
And now these doll kids are adults and having their own lifes, I wish them to be just calm, flat and common.
I lived these times, before Internet, when a blurry pic of a 20 years old Princess Caroline kissing a male friend in the cheek was explosing the sales of German magazines.
When Paris Match was setting a special mission of papz to Galapagos, in order to have the breaking news of Caroline having a short affair with Guillermo Villas.
She was followed everywhere and at every moment of her life.
And the story continued with her sister, less charismatic, with less romanesque aura, but also followed at every beach, every tropical island. And again, breaking news, Stéphanie left Paul Belmondo for Antony Delon, Stéphanie's husband cheated on her, Magazine EVA tremilla set a full edition only with pictures of Daniel Ducruet having sex with this streepper, and French and Monaco citizen queueing in the Italian border in ordre to buy it, and drama again and again.
Young posters, believe me, Casiraghi's life is very calm in comparison.
Among the young generation, who really knows who is Charlotte ? She became a little known to young French, after her affair with Gad, otherwise, the non royal followers do not know her.
Nevertheless she still carries, she and her brothers (I do not know about Alexandra yet) this inheritance of legend, combined with beauty and whealthiness, items still sell. Her glamour image, fashion, horses, jetty set, still fascinate, but her personal life less. In the era of Internet, when a pic becomes immediately known, but quickly forgotten, people get easily interested by the 'next story", so Charlotte can change partners, without making fireworks. I often wonder if the Casiraghis were ugly and charmless, if this fascination would stop, but no, they are beautiful, magnificent cover pictures. Among them, clearly who continued the fairy tale, is upto now Pierre, marrying into beauty and old aristocraty, glamour and shine. Let's fix appointment in 15 years to see Pierre's children.
Tatiana has not this kind of charisma, and Charlotte till now broke the fairy tale. She makes people dream by her beauty, but her partners no, they are more the ugly frog the the charming Prince.