The Habsburg Monarchy and Dynasty

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Rules of Habsburg court

I am trying to find some info regarding regulations on Maria Theresia court, but all I could find was political facts. I am more interested in people working on court and their tasks (including counts and countess, etc), how to behave properly, their social status, every day habits,... Can anyone tell me where I can find this kind of information? I would appreciate it.
Kova said:
I am trying to find some info regarding regulations on Maria Theresia court, but all I could find was political facts. I am more interested in people working on court and their tasks (including counts and countess, etc), how to behave properly, their social status, every day habits,... Can anyone tell me where I can find this kind of information? I would appreciate it.

In which language do you require this information? English or German, too?

I found this scientific journal, maybe you can try inter-library loan at your town's university if you can read German:

Schimmer, Karl August (Herausgeber)
Bilder aus der Heimath. Oesterreichische Volksschrift zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf vaterländische Geschichte, Topographie und Statistik. Unter Mitwirkung ausgezeichneter Fachmänner ..
Wien, A. Pichler"s Witwe & Sohn, 1853

It has an article about the court of Karl VI. and his daughter Maria Theresia.

Here are two articles published in scientific journals about the "Hofstaat" (court) of the Habsburg emperors from Maria-Theresia. The first article includes the rules of the "Spanish ceremonials" (right word?):

Ottillinger, Eva B. – Hanzl, Lieselotte: Kaiserliche Interieurs. Die Wohnkultur des Wiener Hofes im 19. Jahrhundert und die Wiener Kunstgewerbereform. Wien-Köln-Weimar 1997.
Zolger, Ivan: Der Hofstaat des Hauses Österreich. Wien-Leipzig 1917 (Wiener Staatswissenschaftliche Studien 14).

And here's an English book about this topic:
State and Society in Early Modern Austria
by Charles W. Ingrao
Purdue University Press, 1994 - try inter-library loan!
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Thank you for your reply! I need it in English language because I don't understand German that well. I tried getting those books from the library and any other possible material on that subject but the closest thing I got were autobiographs on their private lives. I think it's a disgrace that we have limited sources on the subject because we were a part of the dynasty once. Anyway, thank you again for all your help!
Benjamin said:
Ein Hauch von K.u.K. im Rathaus
Dr. Otto von Habsburg zu Besuch in Graz

Graz fühlt er sich freundschaftlich verbunden, schätzt die Vitalität hier und die Kombination aus Historie und Zukunftsorientierung: Dr. Otto von Habsburg, Sohn des letzten Kaisers von Österreich, Karl I., und Urgroßneffe von Kaiser Franz Joseph I., war heute Mittag zu Gast im Rathaus und trug sich - wie übrigens der Kaiser anno 1895 auch - ins Goldene Buch der Stadt ein.
Article about a recent visit of Archduke Otto to Graz. Includes pictures (1, 2, and 3)

Thanks , Benjamin, for mentioning this article. I was always interested in Otto, somewhere I admire him, he is still so lively and so much travelling and does so many activities, even if he is so old. This is rare in my opinion, in the interview , which I posted on the Alexanderpalace, he mentiones more than fifteen or twenty destinations to travel only in two months.
I would be interested to meet him once, before he once will die, but this will be impossible; I suppose. He has written many books and two on them I have, especially the one about his ansistor Karl V must be interesting (but I could not read it yet)
But as one can imagine, among left people his political views are discussed and he once have an interview to the "Junge Freiheit" foe example, who is considered a conservative - right positioned journal. But one must always consider that this is a person, which survived and managed all the difficulties from the fall of the Empire and the two wars (he was also, as you may know hunted by Hitler) and so on. For me is on eof the most interested Habsburg members of today, many others do not have to do with family traditions and interests anymore and have completey other tasks like every person of today. There is an interestingt biography on Otto in my library, I will that I will have the possibility to read it.
I'm not quite sure whether someone already has posted about this birth but...
I found something on another board which lead me to the following website...
...According to the link Ps. Lorenz's brother, Archduke Martin and wife, Princess Katharina, welcomed one Archduke Bartholomäus Karl Robert of Austria-Este into the world on July 27, 2006.
...I know it's a bit late but I, myself just recently found out :flowers: . I hope I contributed something intresting to this thread.
...According to wikipedia...
...Archduke Bartholomäus Karl Robert of Austria-Este is 10th in line to the abolished Austria-Hungary throne.
SavannahFaith said:
Ok. I need your expertise.

There is a family legend on my father's side of the family and I am trying to prove/disprove it.

It goes like this:

My father's great-grandmother was the Grand Niece of the Archduke Ferdinand. Before WWI, she ran away with the Captain of the Guard and came to the United States.

In the 1950's there was a royal visit from the family and they came to Detroit to see my dad's grandparents.

There were several archdukes called Ferdinand around in a timespan that could suit your interesting story. I think you should first ask about them on the Ellis island records -maybe you get an information about the maiden name of your ancestor.

The way the story is told is strange: why the niece of an archduke? If she was an Habsburg, she would be a descendent of an empress or emperor. Wouldn't the legend refer to that noble and direct ancestry instead? Thus I guess she is from the archduke's wife's side, only related through the wife to the archducal family. But most archdukes married princesses, so your ancestor would not be prominent through her marriage-relation to the Habsburgs, but through her own Royal blood. Thus you should look for an archduke with a commoner or lower nobility wife. Only this scenario makes sense to me when connected to your legend.

When I count back on taking 25 years for a generation, your ancestor probably was born around 1885. Then the archduke must have a birthdate of 1870 to 1830 (depends on if he is the greatuncle or direct uncle of your ancestor).

During this period there were two archdukes called Ferdinand who married a commoner or lady of the lower nobility. Both were brothers and nephews of emperor Franz Joseph.

Franz Ferdinand was born in 1863 and married Sophie Countess Chotek, his younger brother Ferdinand Karl was born in 1868 and married Berta Czuber, a commoner.

Because they had both married morganatically, the line of sucession passed them and went to their brother Otto's son Karl (I.). If "your" Ferdinand is one of these two, then the niece would be at least a step-cousin of Dr. Otto von Habsburg - maybe he was that Royal relation who visited. As Otto von Habsburg is still alive and can be reached by phone or mail, it think it could be worth while contacting him. But before that I'd try to trace the maiden name of your ancestor and find out a bit more on the geneology pages on the net.

Hope that helps.
Hey, Jo, thank you very much. I am working on the genelogy sites as well as tracing the family from my father backwards.

I also think the legend focuses on the Archduke Ferdinand because he was the name people might know -- regardless that it may have been the WRONG Ferdinand.

I'm not ready for that step yet, but when I am: How does one contact Dr. von Habsburg?

And lastly, can I ask a really stupid question?

Why is it sometimes Hapsburg and sometimes Habsburg?

Thanks again.

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SavannahFaith said:
I'm not ready for that step yet, but when I am: How does one contact Dr. von Habsburg?

And lastly, can I ask a really stupid question?

Why is it sometimes Hapsburg and sometimes Habsburg?

Thanks again.


Habsburg is the Austrian/German version, while Hapsburg seems to be the anglizised one. In times before spelling rules were agreed upon, you could find Hapsburg on documents. But for the last two hundred years it's Habsburg. As the Habsburg is in the German part of Switzerland and is called that today, it makes sense.

As for Otto von Habsburg, here's the adress from the German phonebook:

Habsburg, Otto von
Hindenburgstr. 15
D-82343 Pöcking
Telefon: +49-8157-7015

Telefax: +49-8157-70 87

Greetings from Germany, Jo
SavannahFaith said:
Ok. I need your expertise.
There is a family legend on my father's side of the family and I am trying to prove/disprove it...
Maybe you will be interested in this particular thread.
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Warren said:
Not forgetting Princess Maria Paloma, daughter of Princess Anne of France and Carlos, Duke of Calabria, Head of the Royal House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. She married Archduke Simeon of Austria. Not reigning, but certainly glittering!

Archduke Simeon and archduchess Maria just had their third son and fifth child: Philipp on January 15th 2007 after Johannes (29-10-1997) Ludwig (16-11-1998) Isabel (13-9-2000) and Carlotta (16-1-2003).
Thanks for letting us know, Sjetajiem! I didn't know Archduchess Maria was pregnant, but this is great news!
I hope there will be any pictures. I did not know that they have already so many children. I only saw pictures of the two boys (Johannes and Ludwig, they are very sweet!) and I never saw the girls...Are there any links to pictures?
The Hapsburg splendor of Vienna
[SIZE=-1]03:55 PM CST on Saturday, December 30, 2006[/SIZE]
...Sissy has been compared to Princess Diana because of her beauty, bittersweet life and tragic death (she was assassinated by an Italian anarchist in 1898). When you visit Vienna, it’s easy to get caught up in the growing legend of Empress Elizabeth...

Coffee, Habsburgs and song
von Neville Walker
Financial Times

...From Franz Josef to Franz Lehár, Bad Ischl is steeped in imperial and musical history. Nowhere - not even in Vienna itself - is as evocative of the Habsburg Empire in its 19th-century pomp...

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Who is Ashmita Goswami again? And what was the issue surronding her marriage that caused a racus in the family? Thanks in advance.
flctylu said:
Who is Ashmita Goswami again? And what was the issue surronding her marriage that caused a racus in the family? Thanks in advance.
Ashmita Goswami, of UK Indian background, married Archduke Konrad in 2005. Contrary to some expectations the marriage was recognised by the Head of the Imperial House as "equal". She thus became an HI&RH Archduchess of Austria, rather than a lesser-ranked Countess von Habsburg.
Thank you Warren :flowers: .
Archduke Carl-Christian of Österreich, son of archduke Rudolf and archduchess Marie-Hélène, will marry on june 2th miss Estelle de Saint-Romain, his french fiancée. The bride is related by both her parents to monseigneur Thierry Brac de la Perrière, auxiliary bishop of Lyon (Lyon is the main diocese of France), who are his first cousin once removed.
Does anybody know where the wedding will take place?
Marengo said:
Does anybody know where the wedding will take place?

In the church of Voiron, near Grenoble, in France.
Thanks Danielane. Is the bride from that area or does Archduke Max live there? His wife is a Belgian Baroness, right? A de Villefragne de Vogelsanck, I believe.
Marengo said:
Thanks Danielane. Is the bride from that area or does Archduke Max live there? His wife is a Belgian Baroness, right? A de Villefragne de Vogelsanck, I believe.

The father of the groom is Archduke Rudolf, not Max and yes his wife Marie-Hélène is a born Baroness de Villenfagne de Vogelsanck. I believe the are living in Belgium. Probably the bride is from that area. The grrom will be the first great-grandchild of Emperor Karl and Empress Zita who marries. Two others are engaged Princess Hedwige of Liechtenstein to Comte Olivier de Quelen and Princess Xenia Galitzin to a Mr. Albert Matta Maya.
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Correct if I am wrong but does it the Habsburg dynasty also go by the name Hapsburg too?
True, Habsburg is the original spelling but in english it is sometimes changed to Hapsburg.
Less than 2 weeks until the wedding. I hope we will see pictures.
I also wanted to ask about Archduke Geza's married sons. Has anyone seen pictures of these families?

1f) Franz Ferdinand Gf von Habsburg, b.Geneva 8 May 1967; m.Tete, Mozambique 12 Jan 1995 Theresa João Manuel Carlos (b.3 Feb 1973)

Ana Monica Gfn von Habsburg, b.Tete, Mozambique 24 Nov 1995
Philipp Paolo Gf von Habsburg, b.Harare, Zimbabwe 9 Sep 1997

2f) Ferdinand Leopold Joseph Gf von Habsburg, b.Geneva 14 Jul 1969; m.Nairobi 28 Aug 1999 Mary Nyanut Ring Machar (b.Wau, Sudan 1 Jul 1969)

Luisa Aluel (b.Nairobi 3 Aug 2000)
László Rum (b.Nairobi 25 May 2002)
Gisela Aluk (b.Nairobi 22 Oct 2004)

It seems like 2 of his sons are married to African ladies. I've only seen one picture of Mary Nyanut Macher. Are these marriages recognized as equal?
Thanks Kerry. :flowers: I've come across that pic. I'm really want to see the kids :closedeye They must be so cute.
That's the only pic I can find. Sorry, Burberry.:sad:
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