Swedish Royal Videos & Sound Clips (+ coming TV appearances)

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How was the programme?
Chatleen said:
Oh no, I missed it :( Can anyone tell me, if there will be a repeat?

It will be repeated on Saturday, 2:00 pm (14:00) on SVT1
And maybe (I hope!!!) it´s online tomorrow.
Lena said:
How was the programme?
I liked it alot! Very relaxed and funny. They talked in a more "down to earth" style that one´s used to hear. There was also some "daring" qutoes :D
I´ll watch it again and see if I can write them down
Those, who have watched the programme on Kanal 5 and those, who have watched the part on Carl Philip online, what do you think of "Kungligt"?

Personally I liked of course the many nice pictures of Carl Philip (which girl wouldn´t ;) ) but on the whole I think I don´t like this programme. When I think of the german Royalty TV or more conservative swedish TV on Royals (the Royal year) or foreign programmes, than "Kungligt" is like a strawberry flavoured lollipop in comparison to belgian or swiss chocolates.
I´ve just read an interview with the host of the show, Catharina Hurtig (on www.stureplan.se) and she´s asked for the most glamourous Royal houses and she´s coming up with the jet set-kids Charlotte and Andrea and with the sultanate Brunai. Ok, maybe the ponytail of a certain swedish Royal highness looks a bit boring in comparison to the Sultan´s wonder world, but for me the traditonal monarchies, which don´t collect expensive bling bling-trash are 100 times more glamourous. Well, maybe I´m just missing the meaning of the word "glamourous".
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Kanal 5 has uploaded a clip of part 5 of "kungligt". It´s about Victoria and how she stays fit and in shape. The moderator of the show has interviewed her to these topics. Strangely I (and others as well) simply can´t open the clip. The player opens, but then it stops and I get the error 0xC00D1197).
So I wonder, if you can open it, and which player and player options you have (press "klipp" next to Victoria´s picture)
Here: mms://wms.it.gu.se/gutv/vfest.wmv is a video with a interview with Victoria talking about science. It was filmed in Gothenburg when she was the to inagurate the Science festival

"Följ Kronprinsessan Victorias invigning av Vetenskapsfestivalen i Göteborg"
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Året med Kungafamiljen/The Year with the Royal Family for this year will air on 28 December at 20:00 (8 PM) on SVT1.

According to SVT's website, Agneta Bolme Börjefors will act as the programme's host again, and the viewers will get glimpses from some of the royal events of the year. We're gonna see bits from Crown Princess Victoria's trips to China, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, the King and Queen in Australia, the Royal Official Visit to Norway, and something from Prince Carl Philip and Princess Madeleine's year (doesn't say from what thought).
it will air on december 28? Thats early... wonder why they changed the date, havent its been on January 1st for the last couple of years??

but, it does sound interesting!
Can´t wait to see the program, very interesting every year
On Boxing Day, 26 December, SVT2 (Swedish Televion) will air the memorial ceremony (for the tsunami) live from Skansen in Stockholm, attended by the Royal Couple and the Crown Princess.

Also attending the ceremony will be representatives from the Government. One minute's silence will be held and 543 candles will be lit for those who died in the tragedy. The Speaker of the Parliament, Björn von Sydow, and the Bishop of Stockholm, Caroline Krook, will hold speeches.

On Boxing Day it will be one year since the tsunami, and SVT2 will devote the whole day and evening to the anniversary, broadcasting special programmes all day. SVT2 will also air the memorial (with 400 Swedes attending) from the Orchid Beach Resort in Khao Lak, Thailand at 9 in the morning.
Swedish royals on TV & Radio around Christmas

* Juldagen / Christmas Day - the King's annual Christmas speech
Swedish Radio (SR) P1 at 12:40 pm and re-run at 19:45 pm

* Juldagen / Christmas Day - Skurt's meets Crown Princess Victoria (carrying on the tradition of meeting the children's character from the Queen, who was the one who did this traditional meeting for many years)
TV3 at 18:30 PM

* Annandag Jul / Boxing Day - the tsunami memorial live from the Skansen Open Air Museum in Stockholm, attended by the King, Queen and Crown Princess
Swedish Television (SVT) SVT2 at 15:00 pm

* 28 December - Året med Kungafamiljen / the Year with the Royal Family
Swedish Television (SVT) SVT1 at 20:00 pm

* New Year's Eve 31 December - the Nobel Prize Concert (recorded 8 December), attended by the Crown Princess
TV4 at 13:30 pm
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GrandDuchess, thanks for your information about the TV & Radio around Christmas with the royal family. But, unfortunately, in German we cann't hear and see it.

Do you see pictures from the Crown Princess by Nobel Prize Concert (9.12.05)?
ursulajohanna said:
GrandDuchess, thanks for your information about the TV & Radio around Christmas with the royal family. But, unfortunately, in German we cann't hear and see it.

Do you see pictures from the Crown Princess by Nobel Prize Concert (9.12.05)?
Well the Year with the Royal Family is usually available online from SVT, so I think you will be able to see that at least.

I haven't seen any pictures from that event...
GrandDuchess said:
Well the Year with the Royal Family is usually available online from SVT, so I think you will be able to see that at least.

I haven't seen any pictures from that event...

With SVT do you have to watch it "live" or can you view it the day after it airs?
Amy said:
With SVT do you have to watch it "live" or can you view it the day after it airs?
I think they usually publish it online after it has been aired on TV. Our members here on the forum always manages to catch it when they publish it, so just keep an eye out and you'll know when it's here.
will there be a separate interview with victoria, madleine and carl philip this year as there was one last year
Josefine said:
will there be a separate interview with victoria, madleine and carl philip this year as there was one last year
This is what it said about the programme on www.svt.se

The Year with the Royal Family
Crownprincess Victoria in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
Victoria in China
Princess Madeleine in Hälsingland
Prince Carl Philip is into both books and motors
The royal couple visits Australia, Norway and welcomes their relatives from Norway on their visit to Sweden.

Agnetha Bolme Börjefors meets the royal family and talks about the year that has gone by

So perhaps there´ll be a interview with them, but I dont think it will be as "big" as it was in last years programme
alright wonder why the interview was so long last year

So not much about the australien trip victoria made
Tonight´at 18.30 on Tv 3 the annual Skurt interview will air. For the second time Skurt will meet Victoria...

Tv 3 www.tv3.se
And we will see the programme of the yearly happenings of the Swedish royals tomorrow at 16.00. http://www.mtv3.fi/ohjelmat/ohjelmatiedot/index1_.shtml/20051226?26.12

Today we saw once again the Lost Prince, tomorrow will be the second part. I am very pleased to see it again, because last time my video didn't work. Now I was able to record the film, well the 1st part, anyway. I hope, it will go good tomorrow, too.
Tonight the annual show "Kungafamiljen 2005" aired on SVT.

There was no real surprises, most things we already knew of... not even a new interview. But it was nice to see anyway :)

Statevisit from Malaysia Victoria visits Sri Lanka Visit from Norway Inaguration of the new Svinesundsbridge

Carl Philip visits the Academy of art
Victoria during her visit to China. Looks like she had a good time :)
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and the show continues...

The King and Victoria during the royal Colloquium

The royal couple visits Australia and Ayers rock
Victoria and the boat "Tre Kronor af Stockholm"
The statevisit from the Norweigian royal family
Interview with the royal couple

Princess Madeleine visits Hudiksvall and "her" county
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Madeleine at a exhibition about princesses at the royal palace in Stockholm

Victoria in Odense, Denmark during the celebrations of H.C Andersen

Victoria in Bangladesh

Victoria and Carl Philip meets some young scientists during the Stockholm International Youth Science seminar
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thank you for your hard work with the screen caps Yennie. I only saw the second half and I have to say I found it extremely boring and dull, no interesting interviews not really any unseen pictures, and the King and Queen standing during the interview looking like they wanted to run out of the room

I know that this is supposed to be a humble show in the christmas spirit but I think the interviewer could have pushed them a little more on Victorias wedding plans, just accepting a single NO from the King and then moving one was to lame of a supposedly renouned reporter. The King also said no to grandchildren three times in a row whilst the Queen was more positive about it.

If I may do some complaining about Victoria her answers are alot of words and very little content, but maybe that is the art of beeing royal, saying alot and then not really saying anything but at the same time make it sound like she knows what she is talking about. But if you listen to what she says she hardly says anything (If that makes sense:eek: )

Did Madeleine and Carl Philip give some small interviews in the first part of the show? Was there any segment on Lilian in the first part? I would love an interview with her
No they didn´t mention Lillian at all, wich is a pity I think. She´s such a wonderful and funny lady who most likely will not be with us for such a long time in the future, they could atleast have shown one report with her I think. Otherwise I actually liked the program even though I have seen fotos from most activities here, it´s still nice to see it live.
Yennie said:

Princess Madeleine visits Hudiksvall and "her" county

thank u... thank u... yennie!!
gorgeous caps...

do you know where we can watch the video of the show?
and when was this madeleine's visit?
Thank you, Yennie!

Thank you very much, Yennie, for doing all the hard work with the screen shots and letting us participate in the film, too. Great job! I really liked it. Thanks again.
the only....really...funny thing in the show was when Victoria was on the Chinese wall n was bout to give another of her long answers without really saying anything (i agree with u larzen) n then there was this buggy thing n victoria suddenly started to laugh soooo much coz it "attacked" the interviewer :p it was very funny...

n i wish madeleine would b a bit more..mmm open to things..or as we say here, bjuda på sig själv, she should have kissed that frog *mutters* (n mmm ditch the östermalm dialect if you know wats good for ya madeleine )

btw i think the king said "no" to grandchildren coz i think it will make him feel oooold being a granddad...and coz if he isnt positive about that then its probably easier to avoid questions bout the yongsters partners...
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