The king welcomed all to the Royal Colloquium and said:
"A lot has happened in society over 25 years - and it has also greatly influenced our view on the environment. The geopolitical map has been revised. The European Union has emerged as an important factor. Technology development has been dramatic. And, not forgetting: we have actually become two billion more on our planet."
"In 1972, the UN held an environmental conference here in Stockholm. It became a bit of a start for my commitment. Today, my daughter, Crown Princess Victoria, is one of the ambassadors for the UN's Sustainable Development Goals".
Then spoke Sverker Sörlin, history historian, professor of environmental history and writer. The subject was The environmental issue in a historical perspective - from the quiet spring to sustainability.
Afterwards, Sverker Sörlin spoke with Thomas Rosswall, microbiologist and director, and Bo Kjellén, diplomat and former chairman of the UN climate negotiations.
After a break, the afternoon continued with the topic Environment - a social issue. What does the agenda look like? Darja Isaksson, Digital Transformation Strategy, Åke Iverfeldt, CEO of Mistra Foundation for Environmental Strategic Research, and Foreign Commissioner Erika Bjerström talked about the fatal consequences of climate change, which is a reality today.
The day was concluded by Johan Kuylenstierna, natural geographer and director of the Stockholm Environment Institute, and Marie Jurisoo, researcher from the Stockholm Environment Institute, who spoke about Heritage - what is the message for the next generation?
Actor Andreas T Olsson ended with a reflection of our time. Lilla Akademien played at the seminar.
Kungen och Kronprinsessan vid Royal Colloquiums 25-årsjubileum - Sveriges Kungahus
The king's speech
H.M. Konungens inledningsanförande vid Royal Colloquiums 25-årsjubileum, Confidencen, Ulriksdal, onsdagen den 6 september 2017 - Sveriges Kungahus
Här jobbar kungen och kronprinsessan Victoria ihop på 25-årsjubileum!