Speech of His Majesty the King in the luncheon offered by the Government of Luxembourg, Bourglinster Castle.
Mister Prime Minister,
I am very grateful for so nice words and the cordial reception that you has wanted to distribute to us in the singular frame of Bourglinster Castle during our second Visit of State to the Grand Duchy.
I wish to express to you, first of all, my satisfaction for the tuning in between Luxembourg and Spain in the European Union and in the international politics, departing from a common bet for the European integration and from a coincidental commitment with the peace, the freedom, the human rights and the international solidarity.
Likewise, I state, with pleasure, the intensity of the contacts between our societies.
A trend that meets happily fed by the tourism and the increasing cultural interchange.
Spain values and admires the firm European vocation of Luxembourg, which appears between the founding countries of the European Communities and is distinguished by his constant and constructive contribution in the bosom of the Union. For all this, the Grand Duchy has been and is a constant reference to Spain.
Many of your predecessors, Mister Primer Ministry, have left a deep fingerprint in the project of European construction.
You represent one of the most solid paths of contribution to the European reason, specially with his impulse to the Economic and Monetary Union, as well as his support to the social cohesion and in the struggle against the unemployment.
The Governments of our two countries are narrowly associated in their positions concerning the Constitutional Agreement.
I celebrate that in the European forums Luxembourg and Spain support concordant positions.
I think about so current and diverse problems as the climatic change, on the one that reached a historical commitment in the last European Council of Berlin, or in the immigration, which must be an object of attention in the European area, by means of the development of a migratory coherent and solidary politics.
Mister Prime Minister,
Last night I had occasion to indicate that, as allies in the OTAN and associates in the Union, besides members of the OSCE - that this year presides by Spain-, we are joined by the same vision of the requirements of safety and of cooperation, both in Europe and in the rest world. All this, in an international environment marked by so complex phenomena, as the blight of the terrorism or the regional conflicts.
Luxembourg and Spain bet also for the reinforcement of the United Nations and of the International Law.
We are sure that, only from the conciliation and the understanding, we will be in conditions to confront successfully the international achievement of the peace and the safety, the promotion of the democracy, the struggle against the poverty and the inequality.
Mister Prime Minister,
Our economic and commercial relations are enormously fluid and in constant growth, although the commercial scale Hispanic - Luxembourg presents a certain deficit for Spain that would be desirable to balance.
I hope that in the Economic and Financial Seminar in the Chamber of Trade of Luxembourg, which tomorrow we inaugurate with companies of our two countries, could explore and open new routes to press hard our economic bows.
I am sure, in sum, of which the intense contacts foreseen in the frame of this Visit of State, will allow to expand the wealth of relations and the mutual understanding that they join Luxembourg and Spain.
Thank to you again for the amiability of this luncheon, I want to raise my glass to toast to the Government of the Grand Duchy and to the deep and intense friendship between our two States.
Thank you very much.