Versailles is often thought of as the greatest palace in the world, but did you guys know that Russia's Kolomenskoe palace was built in 1671 around the same time and was even "greater"? Kolomenskoe had baths and toilets even for the servants (Versailles did not have any baths and toilets, not even for the royalty and nobles). Kolomenskoe was a wooden palace, but its exterior was deceiving and on the inside it was nothing like its rather austere exterior. There were 3,000 micapaned windows, 270 rooms (small, yes, compared to other palaces), mirrors, velvet drapes, and elaborately painted ceilings. It was the favorite retreat of Tsar Alexis, father of Peter the Great, but sadly was destroyed by Catherine the Great in 1771.
I don't suppose anyone knows where to find pictures of this lost treasure? Obviously I mean pictures of paintings possibly? I don't know if a painting was ever done of the palace while it stood. It would be a pity if not.