Royal Lodge, Windsor

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Jan 22, 2005


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Warren said:
Here is a pic, courtesy Viennaport previously posted by purple platinum in the "Family Pictures, Andrew, Sarah ..." thread. It shows Andrew, Sarah and their daughters standing in front of the Duke of York's new home, Royal Lodge at Windsor. It was previously the Queen Mother's Windsor residence.
I heard a while back that Andrew and Sarah still live with eachother! So, my question is that still true?
I also thought Andrew and Sara were still living in the same house, it's interesting that neither of them have been linked to a significant other and given that recent photo of them together at Royal Lodge would seem to indicate...
Are there any more pictures of the Royal Lodge. You really couldn't see much of the house in that posted pic. Great shot of the family. though.
The link to the pic of the York family outside Royal Lodge in post #1 had failed so I've found the pic and re-linked it.
I've also found two other photos which show the scale of the residence.
I was wondering about the possibility of Prince Harry being given Royal Lodge when Charles is king? Andrew is unlikely to need such a large home and could be given a smaller property in a a palace in London, Nottingham Cottage at KP for example.
Why should Andrew have to move to London in his 60s or 70s when he has had a home at Windsor since his mid-20s?

Andrew also shares that place with his daughters and ex-wife - so it is their base when at Windsor.
Beacuse by then he will be a minor royal with a much dimished role. He will be the Princess margaret of his generation.
If he is to stay at Windsor, as he may well want to, he could be given a much smaller property, possibly wthout the need for residential staff.
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Why do you want to make him move at all - he will be a major royal for a long time yet as he will be one of the first 4 in line to the throne for at least 21 years - allowing for The Queen to live that long (unrealistic) so even longer than that - in that time he will be serving as a Counsellor of State - from from minor royal status at all but one of the most important.

You are aware that the lease on Royal Lodge is also in Andrew's name so it isn't up to anyone to ask him to move as he basically owns it - I believe the lease is a 99 year lease so it is for his use and then that of his descendents.

Of course he will need residential staff - as he has never been without it and is more likely to need it in the future e.g. if he needs nursing care.
Of course he will need residential staff - as he has never been without it and is more likely to need it in the future e.g. if he needs nursing care.

On the staff issue, he currently employs people to run baths and all kind of things for himself. Apart from perhaps a cleaner, a single man of his age should be able to run a house by himself, including cooking and ironing which everyone else manages to do themselves.
On the staff issue, he currently employs people to run baths and all kind of things for himself.

You know this how?

Apart from perhaps a cleaner, a single man of his age should be able to run a house by himself, including cooking and ironing which everyone else manages to do themselves.

You're not talking about an ordinary single man here. Especially one who lives with two daughters in their 20s living in a house like Royal Lodge.
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On the staff issue, he currently employs people to run baths and all kind of things for himself. Apart from perhaps a cleaner, a single man of his age should be able to run a house by himself, including cooking and ironing which everyone else manages to do themselves.

We are still talking about the second son of the monarch, and although I am sure he can do some of these things given his education at Gordonstoun and time in the navy, he is a royal and royals have staff, particularly in his generation. Even the Kents and Gloucesters have staff to do things like this as that is normal in their circles.
Princess Margaret wasn't kicked out of Kensington Palace when the Queen's Children became adults. Why should Andrew leave Royal Lodge? Not Cottage is not suitable. Andrew does some formal entertaining from his home.

Harry will have a suitable home without kicking anyone else out of theirs. Right now he doesn't need much. He doesn't have a family and he doesn't need to entertain royal guests.
On the staff issue, he currently employs people to run baths and all kind of things for himself. Apart from perhaps a cleaner, a single man of his age should be able to run a house by himself, including cooking and ironing which everyone else manages to do themselves.

At least until he reaches the point where he needs elder care. I'm not kidding - I look at my dad and realize what he needs are some stiff backed keepers of the wardrobe, etc. And Andrew is not that much younger than Dad; it all depends upon the person.
On the staff issue, he currently employs people to run baths and all kind of things for himself. Apart from perhaps a cleaner, a single man of his age should be able to run a house by himself, including cooking and ironing which everyone else manages to do themselves.

Thats quite amusing. Is it really our business of where Andrew lives or how Andrew handles his doemstic affairs? Let him employ a 100 people if he so chooses to: think of the positive impact on the economy!
Why should Andrew have to move to London in his 60s or 70s when he has had a home at Windsor since his mid-20s?

He is only in his early 50s, his mum is unlikely to live another 15-20 years.

You know this how?

You're not talking about an ordinary single man here. Especially one who lives with two daughters in their 20s living in a house like Royal Lodge.

Prince Andrew advertises for £16k skivvy who can run a bath and help with the packing | Mail Online

Yes I know it's a rubbish newspaper but the actual advert is shown.

But he is an ordinary man. Royalty are not chosen by God as many use to believe. His mum happens to be a head of state. And he is from a wealthy family. But Andrew, himself, is an ordinary person. Therefore he should run his own baths. I wouldn't expect even the Prime Minister to have their baths run for them, and certainly not their children.

We are still talking about the second son of the monarch, and although I am sure he can do some of these things given his education at Gordonstoun and time in the navy, he is a royal and royals have staff, particularly in his generation. Even the Kents and Gloucesters have staff to do things like this as that is normal in their circles.

I have the greatest respect for Andrew's naval service, but nowadays his status has fallen considerably. The public like to see hardworking royals, which is why HM, DoE, Charles and Anne are probably the most respected royals, whereas many of the others are seen less favourably, whether or not that is fair.
I have the greatest respect for Andrew's naval service, but nowadays his status has fallen considerably. The public like to see hardworking royals, which is why HM, DoE, Charles and Anne are probably the most respected royals, whereas many of the others are seen less favourably, whether or not that is fair.

With all due respect, looking at Iluvbertie's weekly tallies of engagements on the Court Circular, Andrew actually is in third place so far this year in respect to number of royal engagements. I would say he's very hard working.

HRH The Prince of Wales - 283
HRH The Princess Royal - 226
HRH The Duke of York - 179
What is this urge some people seem to have to move royals around from house to house like pieces on a chess board. There is no real need for anyone to relocate, other than a new monarch and the consort of the previous monarch. The rest can all continue to live where they do now.
I certainly can see no reason why anyone should have to move out of their private residence, i.e.Royal Lodge, in order to make room for a younger member of the family. Is this another example of ageism.....everyone must make way for what is younger, newer, shinier???
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Prince Andrew advertises for £16k skivvy who can run a bath and help with the packing | Mail Online
Yes I know it's a rubbish newspaper but the actual advert is shown.
...he should run his own baths.
You do realise that longevity runs in The Queen's family, she could easily live to 100 and reign that long as well. Don't count her out when she's not gone yet.

As for your "skivvy" article the advertisement itself states that it's for

"You will assist the Housekeeping team at Royal Lodge with;
- the cleaning and presentation of accomodation
- the care of antiques and specialist cleaning
- maiding and valetting service for guests
- assisting at receptions, dinners and other events

Where is "you will assist on running a bath for Prince Andrew" in there? It's the Daily Mail interpreting things to make Andrew specifically look bad.

What is this urge some people seem to have to move royals around from house to house like pieces on a chess board...
There's no some people about it, I haven't seen any news stories or other people mentioning kicking Andrew out of his home with his two daughters for un-married Prince Henry other than one. :whistling:
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Let's end the speculative discussion on who will live at Royal Lodge when Charles is King.

In the Right now...right here...Queen Elizabeth II still reigns and its the home of The Duke of York.

Any additional speculative posts will be deleted without notice.
It was King George V who insisted that the name of Royal Lodge always be preceded by "The" with a capitalized "T".
King George declared, "People will know it's really royal."
In 1931 King George V gifted The Royal Lodge to the Duke and Duchess of York. Thereafter it became the family's country retreat.
Lady-in-waiting Anne Glenconner reveals why The Queen Mother refused to redecorate Royal Lodge.
There have been several news stories lately about Andrew being unable to afford the upkeep of Royal Lodge. Although I have no doubt that he will stay here long term, if he was forced to move due to financial reasons, what sort of property would be suitable for the Duke of York? It would need to be smaller and more affordable, and assumably within commuting distance to London.
There have been several news stories lately about Andrew being unable to afford the upkeep of Royal Lodge. Although I have no doubt that he will stay here long term, if he was forced to move due to financial reasons, what sort of property would be suitable for the Duke of York? It would need to be smaller and more affordable, and assumably within commuting distance to London.

An appartment at Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace or Sandringham House ? I understood the Duke and his former wife Sarah only have to pay 250 GBP a week for this sprawling mansion, the Royal Lodge, so if the King can assist his brother with the (undoubtedly costly) maintenance, it would be helpful.
An appartment at Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace or Sandringham House ? I understood the Duke and his former wife Sarah only have to pay 250 GBP a week for this sprawling mansion, the Royal Lodge, so if the King can assist his brother with the (undoubtedly costly) maintenance, it would be helpful.

Andrew doesn't pay any rent for Royal Lodge. This was agreed when he paid for the required renovations prior to moving in.
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