The new book “The Resurrection of the Romanovs..." by G.King and P.Wilson
That's what I Learned and Understood from Communication with Greg King.
(about “The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World's Greatest Royal Mystery” by G.King and P. Wilson)
I must say at the outset that while I have not read the new book of Greg King, and Penny Wilson (my English is so-so), but since the end of December 2010 (and until the end of January 2011), I daily actively communicated with Greg King on their web-forum ColdHarbor (my English is sufficient for this
and we discussed about this book. I'll briefly lay out my conclusions below:
1. Of course, the authors have done a lot of research (archives) - I give them their due in connection with this great work, and I agreed with some of their conclusions on several themes. However, they decided to ignore the fact that some files (Hesse's archives) were created under the control of the most ardent enemies of Anna Anderson (under the control of "Uncle Ernie" and his lawyers). As I understand it, the book don't contains no one critical word about Hesse's archive (not even talking about a critical analysis of each document from this archive).
2. Authors rejected (without good reason) many evidence against Franziska Shanzkowska (hereafter FS) and in favor AA's self-identification. For example, they are (without any basis) rejected the recognition of the Berlin police the killing of FS (Grossmann, at 1920), and the authors (without a valid reason) considered the version that the Berlin Police did a statement about the identification of AA as FS - all this is merely a by their “BELIEF” and their “PRESUMPTION” - as G. King himself wrote on web-forum ColdHarbor (further abbr. CH)...
Another example: the authors reject (without any reason) the reports of five well known German professional psychiatrists (made by them in 1925 and 1927) that they exclude any kind of fraud or hypnosis in AA claims to be Anastasia ("Anastasia. The riddle of Anna Anderson" by Peter Kurth \ in Russian, p .103, 104, on my reverse translation \).
In particular, Dr. Bonhoeffer wrote:
"Her posture, facial expressions and elegance in manner of speaking suggests that she derives from an educated family ... She probably grew up surrounded by a great princess, she was a daughter of an (military) officer or some sort of a court of the tsar's family ... She could not take over all of the books or stories of other people. " ("Anastasia. The riddle of Anna Anderson" by Peter Kurth \ in Russian, p.103, 104 \).
In addition, I cite below the evidences of psychiatrist from sanatorium "Shtillehaus” in Oberstdorf, where AA was in the autumn and winter of 1927 (" Anastasia. The riddle of Anna Anderson "by Peter Kurth \ in Russian, p. 150-153). Dr. E. Saathof (Chapter the sanatorium) in the final diagnosis wrote:
"It is absolutely impossible that Frau Tchaikovsky - an impostor." Dr. Saathof also wrote also: "I consider it impossible that this woman was from the lower classes of society ... I think it is absolutely impossible that this woman was deliberately played the role of the other woman. Moreover, the observation of her behavior as a whole does not contradict her assertion that she was the one who calls herself."
The conclusions others German psychiatrists and psychoanalysts were the same. These diagnoses are particularly significant given that the coincidence psychiatric diagnoses belonging to one national school, rarely exceeds 60-65% ("Diagnosis in psychiatry," Morozov GV Shumsky N G. http:// articles / article.aspx? Id = 6432 ).
I asked Mr. King (on web-forum CH) whether he knew of several opposite testimony of psychiatrists or psychoanalysts, or someone from physicians Anna Tchaikovsky? Or even one? - how you can easily guess, Greg King did not answer me this question.
I could cite many more such examples of apparent bias of this book (Greg King and Penny Wilson), but will limit the foregoing. Several customers on and (in their Reviews) wrote: Customer Reviews: The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World's Greatest Royal Mystery LittleNell8's review of The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasi... Customer Reviews: The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World's Greatest Royal Mystery
3. G.King in the book and on the web forum (ColdHarbor) tried many times to present Dr. Sergei Rudnev as only a narrow specialist in one area of medicine (treatment of bone tuberculosis), and even as an inexperienced physician and/or a liar.
Probably, G. King did not bother to carefully look for information about this famous Russian doctor.
In fact, the high medical level Dr. Sergei Mikhailovitch Rudnev confirmed not only that he was famous in Russia and managed hospitals in Russia and in Germany (as well as the fact that he was caused by the Bolsheviks for the treatment of their leader Lenin), but also the fact that in 1925 he had cured AA in a very difficult situation for her, when many thought she would die soon. She died in 1984 and she was grateful to Dr. Rudnev all his life. In addition:
I quote the facts about Rudnev from the book "Hippocratic Oath" by Corresponding Member of the RAS G.Domogatsy:
Georgy Zatsepin
"My father told me that the well-known surgeon Sergey Rudnev enjoyed the reputation of a brave doctor who takes even the most difficult, almost hopeless operation. … In the 1910's Dr. Rudnev built own clinic. In 1917 / 1918 Rudnev treated (in his clinic) the famous Russian General Alexander Brusilov".
Dr. Rudnev was also privat-docent at Moscow University:
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A privat-docent - a position in higher education in Russia (until 1917) and Germany. Position privat-docent could occupy only a man with a PhD.
Dr. Rudnev was also a director of own hospital and the CHIEF surgeon of the Red Cross hospital in Moscow:
"" -
All these facts disproves all of obviously biased attempt of G.King to discredit Dr. Sergei Rudnev
As I understand it, King & Wilson recognized that wounds and injuries (on the head, the body and legs) of Anna Anderson were a much more severe than injuries FS (which she received as a result of a squabble in 1918) - this is why King & Wilson are trying to discredit Dr. Rudnev (who diagnosed AA in 1925). But they "forget" (?) that these wounds and injuries (of AA) were also described in March 1920 at a clinic in Daldorfe.
Furthermore, as correctly wrote one reviewer on (see link on LittleNell8's review above):«Am I to believe that when Franziska Schanzkowska jumped into the Landwehr Canal she shrank whilst she was in the water? Franziska was taller than Doris Wingender, who in turn was taller than the claimant [AA]. Franziska took size 39 shoe size, and when she came out of the water her shoe size had shrunk to 36? And acquired there and then those unforgettable eyes? Am I to believe this? I think not.»
4. DNA-testing IS NOT “A SACRED COW”!
Unfortunately, Greg King (and all FS's supporters and fans) does not understand some very important things related to the validity of evidences and tests in the balance of probability theory (such as Likelihood ratio, hereafter LR).
DNA test is not “a sacred cow”, and Likelihood ratio (LR) of other evidences and tests may be far more convincing (much more) than the LR of DNK-test.
Meanwhile, for a proper understanding of DNA'LR (liklihood ratio of DNA) is necessary to know at least the simplest elementary foundations of probability theory. Greg puts the DNA-testing as "the cornerstone", but does not understand basic things that are needed to compare the LR of DNA tests with LR of other tests.
See in detail posts 154 and 155 at:
or (part 4)
Of course, I think (I hope and I want to believe) that Greg King and Penny Wilson wrote this book in a state of sincere (honest) mistake (and being blinded a glare of the "sacred cow" of DNA tests in 1994 and 2010). But this does not change the essence in full and the essence of their book «The Resurrection of the Romanovs: Anastasia, Anna Anderson, and the World's Greatest Royal Mystery».
In any case, in fact, this book not only has some historical errors, but in King&Wilson's efforts to discredit all the witnesses in favour of Anna Anderson and the expert witnesses at the Hamburg trial, they discredit themselves.
Boris Romanov
Ph.D (Candidate of Technical Sciences), writer
P.S. Those readers who know little about the history of Anna Anderson (Anna-Anastasia), I advise you to first read the articles on this theme on the page of Vladimir Momot:
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Anna-Anastasia (,
The Night without a Dawn ()
and, how GD Anastasia was rescued during the night July 17, 1918 :