Red Cross Ball, Monaco: 2005 - 2019, 2021 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It is probably too much sun and nature taking its course with stephanie. Not everyone ages well.
Albert and Charlene look so adorable. Her hair is absolutely beautiful and she looks younger. I hope they will marry soon. They are perfect for each other. They are obviously soulmates who share so many personal traits. They can always go jogging together. And I can't wait to follow their exciting future!! With ten little swimmers running around. The girls can form a synchronized swimming team. How adorable! I can't wait for the wedding. I'm sure it will be so emotional because they obviously love each other so dearly and the magnetism between them is just so radiant. They both glow with happiness.
lynda said:
Well the Red Cross Ball is over and everybody has gone home and put away their gowns and tuxedos. I thought everybody looked very elegant. However, IMO something was missing. The glitter and glamour of the prior balls no longer seems to exist, but I guess the real importance is the proceeds to help the underprivileged. How much were the tickets this year? Last year I read an article and the tickets sold for $1000 per person.

No announcement of an engagement at the ball between PA and CW thus far, what’s next, more speculation???? I guess we will have to wait and see what happens at the next event…The Jazz Festival.

I have to agree with you the glamour wasn't there no real celebrities or even one supermodel. I don't know if Albert can draw big name celebrities .
Stephanie and Charlene looks charming - gowns and hairs.:)

I agree that Steph should do smth with her face which looks to old as to the rest of her body.

Caroline ... well if she only would wore this dress without this smth around her neck and arms:w00t2: She should decide - wore a dress or this smth blouse/undershirt... And her hairs - she should dismiss her hairdresses and take a new one:hammer:
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I realize that most posters here are die-heart Monaco fans which is fine with me so I don't mean to offend anybody - but still, may I be allowed to post a few pragmatic though strictly personal observations?
The Red Cross ball has lost most of its former prestige over the past years, and this year doesn't help... Having Duran Duran perform is a bad joke compared to the former heydays, and the appearance of several members of the Monegasque Principal family is rather disheartening to me.
Prince Albert looks as bland as ever. There's very little interaction between him and his supposed 'girlfriend' who now is only 'The Prince's guest' officially it seems - nice dress on CW, but she's just so unremarkable.
Princess Caroline manages to appear like a total fashion victim in a very silly gown, and this is not the first time in recent years - she used to dress impeccably, but not anymore.
Princess Stephanie squeezed herself into a lovely dress a few sizes too small, and her bitter face sports rather terrible signs of wear & tear & unhappiness.
The only one looking as if she belonged to a Royal Family is Princess Antoinette.
Anyone who has seen footage on TV might agree that the sibling's body language looked even icier on TV than on pics. This Family has had their share of unhappiness & tragedy for sure, but keeping all their wealth & prvileges in mind, I can't help thinking that they still could try a little harder. They managed to keep up appearances long after Princess Grace's death, and I had hoped that Prince Albert might introduce some fresh energy, but watching all of them being stuck in the glory of the past along with a lack of class over the past few years makes me rather sad.
Boris said:
Princess Caroline manages to appear like a total fashion victim in a very silly gown, and this is not the first time in recent years - she used to dress impeccably, but not anymore.
That's not true! :boxing:
Silly gown???CAROLINE A FASHION VICTIM??:bash:
No offence Boris but she was radiant.
Boris said:

Princess Stephanie squeezed herself into a lovely dress a few sizes too small, and her bitter face sports rather terrible signs of wear & tear & unhappiness.
The only one looking as if she belonged to a Royal Family is Princess Antoinette.

That may be :rolleyes: but Stephanie looked great in that dress she has a great body . It was good to Princess Antoinette out she did look good. Wish stephanie happiness .:wub:
I'm sorry, I have to agree with Boris. I've tried to think otherwise, but I just think Charlene Wittstock is really quite unremarkable. IMO, even though the dress is very appropriate for the occasion and she does look nice in it, she must have gotten some help with her comportment, her make-up, her hair and with picking that outfit. I hope she keeps in touch with the design team that worked on her for this party, because in other pictures where she's sitting in the balcony or doing other questionable things (!), she's obviously dressing herself in her own clothes, doing her own hair and makup (or doing nothing at all, whatever the case) and she has looked much worse and un-refined like some kind of cheap date.

It did look like everyone was having fun though, which is probably all that matters. The party itself looks like great fun, even for the ones who attend on a regular basis. It is good to see the younger members of the family showing up too, they look nice.

it'll be interesting to watch how PA (or someone in his camp) tries to make a silk purse of a sow's ear -- or at least make people think that's what they've done.
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I don't agree with Boris about the fashion victim of Caroline... You are offensed about it of us!

Caroline of Monaco is one of the best dressed princess of the world, don't forget of it. So I'm very proud of her.

Indeed Caroline of Monaco loves dressing as a natural and simple woman, she always tried to dress as natural during holiday vacations. Maybe you prefer to see Paris Hilton as a fashion victim and Paris Hilton wanna "to be seen" right?
Boris said:
The Red Cross ball has lost most of its former prestige over the past years, and this year doesn't help... Having Duran Duran perform is a bad joke compared to the former heydays, and the appearance of several members of the Monegasque Principal family is rather disheartening to me.
Prince Albert looks as bland as ever. There's very little interaction between him and his supposed 'girlfriend' who now is only 'The Prince's guest' officially it seems - nice dress on CW, but she's just so unremarkable.
Princess Caroline manages to appear like a total fashion victim in a very silly gown, and this is not the first time in recent years - she used to dress impeccably, but not anymore.
Princess Stephanie squeezed herself into a lovely dress a few sizes too small, and her bitter face sports rather terrible signs of wear & tear & unhappiness.
The only one looking as if she belonged to a Royal Family is Princess Antoinette.
Anyone who has seen footage on TV might agree that the sibling's body language looked even icier on TV than on pics. This Family has had their share of unhappiness & tragedy for sure, but keeping all their wealth & prvileges in mind, I can't help thinking that they still could try a little harder. They managed to keep up appearances long after Princess Grace's death, and I had hoped that Prince Albert might introduce some fresh energy, but watching all of them being stuck in the glory of the past along with a lack of class over the past few years makes me rather sad.

i totally agree with everything you said Boris. :w00t2:

out of the family i think pierre and princess Antoinette looked every bit royal and proper in contrast with the rest of the family :rolleyes:
I said in another forum that Caroline looked like she stepped out a bubble bath a bit too soon and did not have time to dry herself or her hair, she looks bad in that dress and Stepanie had a face of been in a very bad mood.
le_ptit_diablotin said:
I don't agree with Boris about the fashion victim of Caroline...

Caroline of Monaco is one of the best dressed princess of the world, don't forget of it.

Indeed Caroline of Monaco loves dressing as a natural and simple woman
Well said :flowers:
I agree with a portion of Boris's statement. And I totally don't think you offended anyone...everyone on the Forums is entitled to HIS or HER OPINIONS.

I don't follow the Monaco family as much...I just pop in and out of the threads...but here are my observations. Caroline looked radiant and I love her new hair cut..but I didn't care for her dress either. It was like they put two dresses together...they perhaps should have stuck with one style perhaps? I would think many are disappointed by her choice because they have seen her dressed better. Imagine what the dress would have looked like without the ruffles!

Stephanie...loved her dress..perhaps it couldn't have been a size bigger. I don't think a Princess should wear such a dress...but if anyone could wear it...she was the one. I do agree with the comments about her tan..she has had too much sun and it has aged her. Madeline would be wise to look a pics of Stephanie (who was gorgeous in her youth) to see what too much sun would do..but she has she Aunt as a role model..and she seems to ignore that lesson.

I feel sorry for cant help who you fall in love with..and more the pity that he is a people who don't know you can make assumptions on you based on a couple of pics. I am sure when she decided not to finish school so she could focus on her swimminmg...the last thought in her mind was the Prince that she was to date ten (just an approximation) later! In regards to her being a role model...I think she is a role model in the sense that she had the convictions to follow her dreams to do swimming. She can always go back to school..its never to late. I think she looked lovely!
Please remember that Charlene's education is not the subject of this thread.

Please get back on topic.


Monaco Moderator
Here is a video about his years red cross ball.... Click here... And then click on Tagesschau.....
thanks for the link
did you see that look caroline was giving to her left when they were at the table, then she leans over to talk. look at it again omg what a look
It's really nice seeing Charlene attended.She looks wonderful.It seems to prove about her role in the future, however only time can tell us.
Charlene looks nice...then again with a team of hairdressers, make up artists and fabulous tailors everyone has potential.

Is this the first girlfriend/companion Prince Albert takes to the ball-any ball for that matter?

Boris said:
...The Red Cross ball has lost most of its former prestige over the past years, and this year doesn't help... Having Duran Duran perform is a bad joke compared to the former heydays, and the appearance of several members of the Monegasque Principal family is rather disheartening to me.
Prince Albert looks as bland as ever.

I agree Boris, the Red Cross ball has lost its magic. It needs to be revamped, starting with the Saturday Night Fever floor up to the performers. Duran Duran is a nice band but they are so yesterday! It would be nice if next year's recaptured old hollywood glamour and mixed in a hip band/performer.
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gsm said:
Charlene looks nice...then again with a team of hairdressers, make up artists and fabulous tailors everyone has potential.

Is this the first girlfriend/companion Prince Albert takes to the ball-any ball for that matter?
No, appearantly he took others before.
I dont understand why Charlotte wasnt in the ball, i hardly can find an event more important than to support your family. Same thing for Andrea, they have all the year for doing vacations and trips, how cant they be in 2 or 3 acts a year for contributing with their contry and the benefic cause?
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I was wondering.. Now that Charlene has accompanied Albert to several official engagement, does it mean that this relationship is actually going somewhere? That it can lead to a possibility of a marriage in the future?
christinacg said:
I know I'm the minority but I like Caroline's dress. She can make any Chanel dress look good.

isn't it meant to go the other way - chanel dresses make the wearer look amazing? I am not sure it is such a skill to be able to make a dress one of the most famous and elegant fashion houses in the world look good.
Boris I agree with you so much regarding the prestige lost by the Red Cross Ball. Duran Duran performing at a ball is so very sad. They travel around to cheap venues now as a retro group... You could get Duran Duran tickets for a song. Who picks out the talent????
I understand that Monaco can't get the same talent that they had in the Princess Grace years, but they should try to give an upscale appearance. Perhaps a strictly ballroom/swing night with Michael Buble , Harry Connick and Matt Dusk --something to give a hint of glamour.......
Finely got a chance to come out and play with everyone!
Looks like I missed a pretty good party. Stephanie was the star! Only change I would have suggested was add a size to her dress, I agree OUCH!!
Did not like Caroline's choices -- What was that dress??? and she should have dried her hair. Never did like the wet look.
But I have to say my major hair problems came from Prince Albert and Charlene.
Was it just me or did PA do something to his head? A major hair cut? I am not sure just what struck me strange about this. Always did think he looked really good in White Jacket.
Charlene looked real nice in her dress and her hair style was fine -- again, was it just me, or -- does it look like time for a treatment on the dark roots?
Before you all start yelling at me -- check out the close up photos of her that show the top of her head.
I just read a hilarious account in the local papers summer supplement and I thought I should share a few tidbits. About the band he said that they took the theme a little too literaly and that Andy Taylor was taking himself for Keith Richard. (they also said that Marilyn Manson wasn't available) When the fireworks started, no one paid any more attention to them so they were just standing there not knowing what to do and then left without saying goodbye.

Apparently there were also children present, who were quietly accompanying their parents, but obviously got bored during a 3 hour dinner and ended up playing under the tables with their mums shouting: Pierre-Alexandre come eat your caviar. Daddy paid 1000 Euros for the dinner and if you don't eat it up, you won't be going to Mc Donalds. - Anne-Sophie give Ivanna immediately back her shoe.

When he lists the celebrities he says:... the baroness Brandstetter and at least 3 of her clones....

The moderator Nelson Montfort replaced Stephane Bern during his vacation in Greece, but it went almost unnoticed since they share the same hairdresser..

About the decoration:There is even cheat metal on the floor instead of the read carpet at the entrance to make it look a little "garage". my word, the decorator took his classes at Leroy Merlin (hardware and decoration shop), says one of the guests whose amazing "bibi a etages" (apparently a kind of hat or hairdo) passes just about through the door of the salle aux etoiles...

To the dancing of Albert he writes: il enchaine les rocks les plus terribles avec Charlene et tout Monaco annonce leurs prochaines fiancailles. For an instant there, one already thought to be at the wedding.

I forgot to add that on the regular pages they said that Charlene was dressed like a mermaid in her green robe (they didn't say girlfriend or sth of the likes, just that she accompanied the prince)

Prada offert their latest parfums, the menu was: carpaccio of Saint-Jacques on truffles, filet of lamb grated with herbes, and a caribean bowl/shell (???) with red fruits.
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Thanks a lot paca for those tidbits :) I remember Claudia Schiffer entered with the family like Charlene in 1995's Rose Ball, so only Claudia and Charlene have entered with the family in the Balls' history.

I also think Michael Buble would be a great choice for a future Red Cross Ball. But then again we have to keep in mind that new generations are attending the Ball and the show has to be somewhat "modern".
That was so funny paca, thanks for sharing. So even the locals were making fun of The Red Cross Ball? Oh man....

anag said:
That was so funny paca, thanks for sharing. So even the locals were making fun of The Red Cross Ball? Oh man....

My favourite is the mother threatening that the kid is not allowed to go to Maccers, if he doesn't eat his caviar. I don't know many places in the world where that happens.:ROFLMAO: :clap:
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