Queen Rania Picture Thread Part II

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shelley said:
The memorial ceremony in London was 'hosted' if that is the right word, by the London based the Anglo Jordanian Society, of which Prince Hassan is founder and President.

Are you sure? I thought it was hosted by the British royal family
Lilygal said:
Are you sure? I thought it was hosted by the British royal family

100%. They were invited to attend. The Duke of Kent is co-patron with Prince Hassan. Prince Hassan is also patron of the Jordan/British Society which is Amman based.
~*~Humera~*~ said:
since we're talking Rania's makeup, here are a few pics of her not wearing any.
I think we'll all agree that makeup, applied properly, makes every woman look better, not matter how beautiful she is naturally.
But like someone else mentioned on the previous page, it cant change one's features or facial bone structure. From these pics its evident that Rania has striking features naturally (except for her altered nose ofcourse), my favourite one being her eyes. Nothing's more pretty on a woman than big, beautiful eyes.

btw..this is something I just noticed from these pics, Rania's nose job is evident if you look at the bottom half of her nose, the skin on the top half is slightly lighter than the lower half. The difference is very subtle but its there (esp. the first, third, and last pic)
these pics are from the days and weeks after King Hussein's death (from Gettyimages, Corbis, fotomarktplatz)

Are you sure,??from pictures I see that she's wearing make-up,and lipstick"orange/gold",and some mascara:rolleyes:
Amina said:
According to an article in Harpers Bazaar in 1999. She is 5ft 7" and was asked to model but her father refused to give his permission.

Those kind of papers used to add to truth to embelish the image of the "stars" that they are describing,I've read that Marie chantal of greece was 5'8:confused: or 173 butI'm sure that she's les than 5'3 160cm acording to her pictures with other royals and celebreties;)
The only time I saw her and thought it looked way too much was during the official coronation photos. Her lips were way too dark and her eyes were also heavily made up. As people have written, you usually try to do one or the other but not both. She wasn't ugly but it also wasn't her best look. She also appeared to be wearing a really heavy pancake makeup foundation. It's very much in keeping with many of the ways ME women wear makeup I've been told but it just didn't suit her IMO.
Little_star said:
I've never thought of Rania's make-up as "heavy". If anything it's the complete opposite and usually looks sheer and flawless.
QR has access to the best make up, skin care, hair care and all the experts. I would expect a woman in her position to always look like she has been professionally groomed, even on the days when it looks like she has hardly any make up well that goes to show how well made up she is as it takes longer to make someone look 'natural' than it does to do 'glamour' makeup. Her hair and make up are always good except for a very few, very rare occasions.
her majesty queen rania is beautiful both in her appearance and in the way she carries herself as a queen, her beauty is beyond make up and fashion,she has a natural grace and elegance which adds to her beauty.she was born to become a queen.
Tami_T said:
Those kind of papers used to add to truth to embelish the image of the "stars" that they are describing,I've read that Marie chantal of greece was 5'8:confused: or 173 butI'm sure that she's les than 5'3 160cm acording to her pictures with other royals and celebreties;)

Maybe the guy who approached them was sleazy - there are lots of young students approached on campus to become 'models' but I don't think they mean the sort who appear on the front cover of Vogue!!!

I reckon her Dad knew what the score was and sensibly said no. Look at a lot of ME models and in comparison, you can see that before the nose job, Rania was not model beautiful and she wasn't tall enough to do fashion modelling.

However, she is an attractive lady now and she certainly did manage to get lots more magazine covers than if she had become a model.
And thank goodness her parents said "no." If you read anything about the world of modeling, it can be quite icky--even supermodels tell horrific stories. I'm sure there are men who approach women on these campuses with all sorts of promises......but not the best intentions. QR and her parents took the more sensible path by refusing his offers. Her friend who talked about it also decided to ignore his advances.

lizz70 said:
Maybe the guy who approached them was sleazy - there are lots of young students approached on campus to become 'models' but I don't think they mean the sort who appear on the front cover of Vogue!!!

I reckon her Dad knew what the score was and sensibly said no. Look at a lot of ME models and in comparison, you can see that before the nose job, Rania was not model beautiful and she wasn't tall enough to do fashion modelling.

However, she is an attractive lady now and she certainly did manage to get lots more magazine covers than if she had become a model.
I think you are right Maryshawn, it could have been something really nasty instead we (and Rania) got the happy, fairytale ending :)

She is undoubtedly one of the most photographed women in the world today and marrying royalty guarantees press coverage and attention - lucky for us or we wouldn't have material to write abouit or look at ;)
I love Rania's wedding dress! They are such good pictures of King Abdullah and Queen Rania!
Queen Rania's style, in my opinion is very modest yet elegant. She does know how to dress well. :)
yes and she doesnt seem snooty about her looks either.
I don't think I have ever seen Rania's wedding dress. It's beautiful, I really like it! Thanks for the links!
Oprah Show.

Hello everyone, I am new to the block. Trying to get use to the threads here. Not sure if i sending this message right. Love all the pictures of Queen Rania. Wish I could do my hair like her. I heard from a friend she was on the Oprah show yesterday. Well, It was a prerecorded taping I was told. Can anyone tell me what it was about? Thanks.:) ALso, I heard a rumor Queen Rania was writing a book? Yes or no. If so... What is it about? Merci....
oh no I missed it.
Was it the show about terrorism which aired yesterday?
I kept switching to it a few times but didnt see Rania.

Queen Rania has written a children's book, that was a few years ago.
She is currently in the process of co-authoring a new book.
I will look for the article.
Got a copy of the show. Queen Rania was on the last ten mins of the show. Her hair looks great. Well, she looks great all the time. Wish I had my own stylist. Thanks for the info Humera. Do you know what the new book is about? The one she is co-authoring. Would love to know. Merci again.
Claudia Lisa Remy said:
Thanks for the info Humera. Do you know what the new book is about? The one she is co-authoring. Would love to know. Merci again.

no problem.
I will post the info. in King Abdullah and Queen Rania's current events thread since this thread is for pictures.
Thanks again Humera. Got alot of old news to catch up with. So much to read and just love all the pictures of the royals. Great place to be. Glad I found you all. Merci...
I surely love the gown that Queen Rania was wearing during Prince Hamzah's wedding. I like the Grecian touch to it.
Queen Rania is beautiful with casual clothes.

Somebody have pics of Queen Rania visit to Qatar in february 2004? Thank´s
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rania has a very nice style. she looked everytime perfect. she waer Armani, John Galliano, Prada, Yves Saint Laurent and Missoni very often.
She has a natrural grace that makes anything she wears stunning:wub: ..even a j.suit..she was born to be a queen :) ...
She is so elegant and beautiful!
salwa said:
She has a natrural grace that makes anything she wears stunning:wub: ..even a j.suit..she was born to be a queen :) ...

I agree with you. I also believe that she knows how to pose well for the cameras. :)
Lovely photo amina, she looks better with less make up on I feel, a really great profile shot of her, she really is very beautiful.

I think she does look better with a little more weight on as her face shows weight loss more so than on other women whose bodies decrease but their faces stay relatively the same.

And when were the photos at the pan arab games taken, she looks large there (in comparison to now!).

She has certainly slimmed down from her early days when she was just a Princess and in her early days as Queen, she was not model thin as she is now, I think she has had to work to get her weight down to it's current level and she is obviously disciplined enough to continue doing so because of her position and the fact she knows she will get photographed by the world's media.
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