I am deeply grateful, touched and proud of the recognition that the Robert award represents. Receiving an award that the industry itself awards makes me particularly happy, and it has been a great joy and pleasure to be able to contribute to the expression of the film. I would like to thank the entire team behind the film, but I especially thank all those who have made my ideas, sketches and drawings a reality - not least the talented people who have sewn and worked with the many costumes
Lovely. Glad that she has more time now to dedicate to her passions and remain active. I always knew that if she retired, she would no sit idle for too long.Really wonderful. Glad that she can really concentrate and enjoy this passion of hers.
Dronning Margrethe står bag ny forestilling i Tivoli: Her er hendes reaktion
Dronning Margrethe er igen scenograf, når Tivoli åbner dørene for forestillingen ”Klods-Hans” til sommer.www.billedbladet.dk
Since I was a child in Tivoli for the first time and experienced the Pantomime, I have been fascinated by the peacock carpet. The very idea behind such a rug is both wonderful and adventurous, and it has therefore been an exciting task to give an updated take on the peacock rug. I have approached the task with great respect for the original and original idea, and whether it has been successful is for others to judge. In any case, it has been an inspiring and fun task, and I am very much looking forward to seeing the finished result.
I'd buy it. I like abstract art, and this is really interesting.Would you like to own a painting made by QMII?
Here's your chance.
Back in 1987 she dedicated a painting to her art teacher Mable Rose. - And she's presumable dead or sold it at some point. Whatever, it ended up in an auction house in the small (but very scenic BTW) of Svendborg.
It was put at a minimum price of 250.000 DKK. (1€ = 7.4 DKK). Alas, no takers. So the current owner still has it.
But it may be put up for auction later and it may end up decorating your wall somewhere. (Personally I think it would look good in our laundry room...)
Anyway, see for yourselves.
Øv! Ingen ville købe dronning Margrethes maleri
Der var ingen, der var villige til at lægge den store sum, dronningens kunstværk kostede.www.bt.dk