Queen Margrethe II announces Abdication for January 14, 2024

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Keeping also in mind that Mary renounced her Australian citizenship.

And Australia is a big country … not that big a population … but even little Tasmania is bigger than Denmark.

Between Christmas and school going back there is a lot going on.

No-one even pays that much attention to our own Royalty.

I just had the tv on … breakfast time here … and the news had a long interview with the emergency head guy about the weather havoc up north, a bit with the tradie who rescued the old lady from her house that Curryong mentioned and sport.

I think it has already slipped from the news cycle.
Here is a photo of Mary in her “flannie” … her flannelette shirt … Toledo. (Scroll down a bit, Mary standing between two guys, holding a can of drink, black and white.).

I don’t think the Murdoch press had anything to do with the local coverage here in Tasmania yesterday, or that there will be any “ demand” from the public to get more.

Australians aren’t going to get all wrapped up in this, we will wish Mary well, and get on with our own lives. That’s how Australia is.


Anything to hurt the British monarchy sadly I seen a lot of the praised with Mary used to insult the Australian royal family
It worries me that she announced it so short-term.:cool:
Anything to hurt the British monarchy sadly I seen a lot of the praised with Mary used to insult the Australian royal family

Australia does not have a Royal Family, we are part of the Commonwealth of the British Empire and have King Charles III as our head of state. CP Mary is certainly not used to "insult" the British Royal Family here in Australia - even the BRF doesn't make news here. As Sun Lion says, the abdication made news for one day and we get on with our lives. We have more pressing issues - like the severe weather battering QLD since early December, cost of living, David Warner retiring from ODI, test Cricket with Pakistan staring in Sydney...and the list goes on.
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Really surprised! And so I hope her Abdication is just caused by her age and not by something pressing and serious.

If Her Majesty just retires, she hopefully finds a lot of time for her artistic adventures and her family.

The Queen and all her sisters are widower. I would love to see them together more enjoying each other's company in their older years.
Surprising amount of attention in The Guardian about the abdication and the CP couple. The usual anti-monarchy opinion piece's as well of course.

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announces surprise abdication

Monarch will step down on 14 January, the 52nd anniversary of her accession, and leave the throne to her son Frederik

All of Denmark is crying’: Danes react to Margrethe II’s abdication

‘I cried. And then I watched it back and cried again,’ says one as nation processes shock royal broadcast

Crown Prince Frederik: the former party prince who will be Denmark’s next king

As his mother, Margrethe, abdicates after 52 years as queen, Frederik looks ready to extend her style of relaxed, liberal sovereignty

The promotion of Australian-born Mary from princess to queen proves what a pure lottery the aristocracy has always been
With Denmark’s Queen Magrethe abdicating, Mary may come to fulfil an imaginative role as a local queen for Australians when her husband Prince Frederik accedes to the throne

How Australia’s Mary Donaldson went from commoner to Danish Queen

An unconventional journey from Australia’s middle class to European royalty began in an unremarkable bar in Sydney in 2000

From a Sydney pub to Denmark’s royal throne: Crown Princess Mary – a life in pictures
A casual drink with friends heralded the beginning of a fairytale journey after Tasmanian real estate manager Mary Donaldson met Denmark’s Crown Prince Frederik. Here is a look at how her life was transformed after her marriage to Frederik, and on the eve of becoming Queen Mary
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These are quotes by QMII from when she realized that she was soon to be monarch almost 52 years ago.
The thoughts that went through her head back then are fortunately not the same as those we may imagine may go through Frederik's head these days.

From the book: Under Way by Tom Buk Swienty.
This is when QMII hosted the New Year Court on behalf of Frederik IX who had fallen ill.
"Even though dad's situation didn't seem serious and I was completely untroubled at that point I still had a strange premonition in the evening during the gala dinner. I didn't say much. I still don't at that occasion. The (the royal anthem) was played and it gave a - and always does - a jolt in me, because it's so solemn. But that evening I felt like a cold chill down my back. I had a strong and nasty feeling of this not being an exception, me standing here in this role, but that it was only the beginning. I think mother too had the feeling."

Frederik IX was committed to hospital.
"Until then we had not been nervous, but now there was unfortunately good reason for that. The doctors told us that the situation was serious and of course we sensed that as well.
Dad soon became more and more distant and by now there wasn't much left of him (his mind/awareness). Then we began to realize where it went. Anne-Marie had come home and Benedikte was there as well. We visited him every day and we began to take turn sitting by his side."

"Mother was a fantastic support for me. She was simply eminent. She began to plan and prepare what was to come and was setting up even the smallest details for what was to be done. She felt good about that and it took the mind off from how colossal that we went through was. And there was a lot to prepare. Going into that process was like a time away from the sadness that dad soon wouldn't be among us anymore."

"Now I have to show dad that I can! That was the thought that settled more and more within me during the last days before his death. At the same time my though began to circle around what proverb I should have as queen and in my mind was also that I should prepare a little speech for the day I was proclaimed."

On the 14th January Frederik IX died with his family there.
"It was so quiet and peaceful in his room. Gently, very gently life slipped away from him. When he himself sensed what way it went, he understood to let go. He died around 20.30.
Of course everything jittered within us when it happened, but we were first and foremost focused on the task that lay ahead of us. Also in that situation my mother was incredibly strong and composed and she went ahead as a role model. When we stepped out of the hospital in the dark, sad January evening, she said to me: Now you must go in front."

Frederik referred to himself as the executive officer in his speech to QMII, Perhaps he refereed to this thought by QMII after the death of Frederik IX when she boarded Dannebrog for the first time:
"During the days around the death of my father and the funeral, I often thought about the mental image I had of him, the sailor, the naval officer, standing on the bridge when Dannebrog was to be sailed safely into the harbor and when he then said: I'll take it! (The rudder.)
I could identify with that situation when I became Queen. The feeling of that now it's me who is standing on the bridge and take it - not because I'm to command - but because the responsibility is mine. That's what it entails in a chief taking over the command of a ship.
I wasn't trained at sea like my father and I could of course not for real like him say: I'll take it. Yet it was perhaps only in that moment, when I was aboard Dannebrog on the spring day some months after dad's death that it dawned on me in earnest that I had become Queen.
The ship was mine."

- Frederik will of course go through the emotions of losing his mother at some point, but now he can at least focus on his grief and not the burden he has already taken over.
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I don’t know what the true state of Margrethe’s health is, and I wish her a very long and creative retirement — but I believe the sadness in her eyes from yesterday was identical to her dad’s in his last speech.
Thank you for making me cry, Muhler.

(But thank you)
I think he already knew, because it seems the decision had already been made before this incident.
I am in this camp. It has crossed my mind, I can't stop my tin foil hat from activating, that Frederik was reckless and indiscreet as a way of signalling to his mother that she should delay her abdication, and her response was, "my mind is made up, January 14, 2024 is the date, deal with it."
:previous: He'd be foolish to think that after having been a frontseat witness to the title debacle where Joachim appear to have attempted to stall her decision.
I personally take QMII at her word as to why she made the decision she has. No conspiracy, no weird agenda, no strong arming or using the throne as some sort of disciplinary tool.

She simply had had some time for self reflection and some honest conversations with herself, especially after her surgery. IMO this has probably been on her mind for sometime and the aftermath of her surgery sealed the deal.

She is stepping down for Frederik to take over because she feels he is ready, prepared and capable of doing the job. Simple as that. And she believes that he and Mary as the royal couple is what is needed to move the monarchy forward.

Looking forward to seeing what is announced over the next couple of weeks and the events of January 14th.

It is indeed sometimes easiest to believe people when they speak. It is not an uncommon reason for an abdication. Queen Wilhelmina and Queen Juliana both abdicated for the same reason. The first said so in her autobiography and the second in her abdication announcement.

I can't see why the crown prince would want to stall his mother's decision. And even if he did, I doubt something as happened 6 weeks ago [however we want to interpret it] would be his way of doing so. Why not simply ask his mother for more time? I very much doubt it influenced the matter one way or another. The decision will have been made long before.
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I can't see why the crown prince would want to stall his mother's decision. And even if he did, I doubt something as happened 6 weeks ago [however we want to interpret it] would be his way of doing so. Why not simply ask his mother for more time? I very much doubt it influenced the matter one way or another. The decision will have been made long before.

The opposite is also possible, and Frederik in Spain was potentially either trying to get his affairs in order (so to speak)... or panicking and doing things without particularly thinking about them.
These are quotes by QMII from when she realized that she was soon to be monarch almost 52 years ago.
The thoughts that went through her head back then are fortunately not the same as those we may imagine may go through Frederik's head these days.

From the book: Under Way by Tom Buk Swienty.
This is when QMII hosted the New Year Court on behalf of Frederik IX who had fallen ill.
"Even though dad's situation didn't seem serious and I was completely untroubled at that point I still had a strange premonition in the evening during the gala dinner. I didn't say much. I still don't at that occasion. The (the royal anthem) was played and it gave a - and always does - a jolt in me, because it's so solemn. But that evening I felt like a cold chill down my back. I had a strong and nasty feeling of this not being an exception, me standing here in this role, but that it was only the beginning. I think mother too had the feeling."

Frederik IX was committed to hospital.
"Until then we had not been nervous, but now there was unfortunately good reason for that. The doctors told us that the situation was serious and of course we sensed that as well.
Dad soon became more and more distant and by now there wasn't much left of him (his mind/awareness). Then we began to realize where it went. Anne-Marie had come home and Benedikte was there as well. We visited him every day and we began to take turn sitting by his side."

"Mother was a fantastic support for me. She was simply eminent. She began to plan and prepare what was to come and was setting up even the smallest details for what was to be done. She felt good about that and it took the mind off from how colossal that we went through was. And there was a lot to prepare. Going into that process was like a time away from the sadness that dad soon wouldn't be among us anymore."

"Now I have to show dad that I can! That was the thought that settled more and more within me during the last days before his death. At the same time my though began to circle around what proverb I should have as queen and in my mind was also that I should prepare a little speech for the day I was proclaimed."

On the 14th January Frederik IX died with his family there.
"It was so quiet and peaceful in his room. Gently, very gently life slipped away from him. When he himself sensed what way it went, he understood to let go. He died around 20.30.
Of course everything jittered within us when it happened, but we were first and foremost focused on the task that lay ahead of us. Also in that situation my mother was incredibly strong and composed and she went ahead as a role model. When we stepped out of the hospital in the dark, sad January evening, she said to me: Now you must go in front."

Frederik referred to himself as the executive officer in his speech to QMII, Perhaps he refereed to this thought by QMII after the death of Frederik IX when she boarded Dannebrog for the first time:
"During the days around the death of my father and the funeral, I often thought about the mental image I had of him, the sailor, the naval officer, standing on the bridge when Dannebrog was to be sailed safely into the harbor and when he then said: I'll take it! (The rudder.)
I could identify with that situation when I became Queen. The feeling of that now it's me who is standing on the bridge and take it - not because I'm to command - but because the responsibility is mine. That's what it entails in a chief taking over the command of a ship.
I wasn't trained at sea like my father and I could of course not for real like him say: I'll take it. Yet it was perhaps only in that moment, when I was aboard Dannebrog on the spring day some months after dad's death that it dawned on me in earnest that I had become Queen.
The ship was mine."

- Frederik will of course go through the emotions of losing his mother at some point, but now he can at least focus on his grief and not the burden he has already taken over.

Thank you for those quotes Muhler. Wow. Powerful.

QMII's decision will spare this burden for Frederik and they can all have more happy memories, even if some bittersweet, when Frederik is proclaimed King in 2 weeks.

I really think that events other than just her surgery made QMII really reflect on events in her life, her current situation with health issues and even her own mortality and what was best for the monarchy and the DRF. Plus, it is my belief that once she cemented her decision she was going to do this on her terms, in her way and in her time. And I think she did all 3.

The next couple of weeks will be very interesting to see what is announced as to how things will unfold. I look forward to all of it and just drowning out unnecessary outside noise. Too much important events unfolding for that.
Rumors of a divorce... actually they are about to become King and Queen. Looking forward to another star couple ascending their nations throne.
77% of Danes think Frederik is ready.
This was a recent poll in December 2023. So no, I don't think he needs any growing up to do regardless of posters speculations. Those who actually follow his work events know this and not relay on tabloids.

"TV also made a recent poll asking whether you think Frederik will be a good monarch.
Here the answers were:
Very good or good - 77%.
Nor good nor bad - 12%.
Bad or very bad - 7%
Don't know - 4%."

Posters can try to make the Spain incident more then it was, and ignore everything else, but Danes are happy with their Crown Prince. Speculations will be there but actual facts can't be bended.
A few British newspapers have been quick to point out that Mary's dad is Scottish!
A few British newspapers have been quick to point out that Mary's dad is Scottish!

So was her mother Henrietta. Her dad I believe is from Edinburgh. Her mother is buried in Scotland.
QM II is a creative, yet cerebral, individual. She gave this decision a great deal of thought. I suspect that the death of QEII last year while quite frail leaving an almost 75-year-old King-in-Waiting, the abdications of some of her peers, and, finally, her own health issues as the tipping point.

The "Spanish issue" had nothing to do with it at all.

She believes that Frederik and Mary are ready for the job. Period. End of questionning. Let's move on to issues like fashion and bling on January 14.
:previous: Foreign reporters misspelling his name won't make it true. He will be Frederik X of Denmark regardless.

Reporters from the United States might misspell Frederik's name. Hopefully no reporters from Denmark mispell Frederik's name.
There will of course be changes in the staff - and also in the apanage.

From now on Frederik will get the main part of the apanage, probably still with Mary getting a substantial sum allocated to her personally. How much remains to be seen.

QMII will get a "retirement-apanage", also to cover her expenses and salaries for her lady-in-waiting and other members of her staff. I.e. chamber maid a couple of cleaners, a cook and chief of her staff.

The leading courtiers are likely to stay on and continue serving M&F. But more personal staff like secretaries and most of QMII's ladies in waiting will leave.
Mary will get her own ladies-in-waiting. QMII had four I guess Mary at the very least initially will have four as well.
The staff of adjutants will now accompany M&F pretty much everywhere now.

Lower-ranking courtiers like cleaners and footmen will no doubt continue.

I guess some will simply resign while others will be transferred to other jobs within the state. (They have job-security. Meaning that jobs will be offered before a sacking is considered. And even if they are laid off, they will get a substantial sum.)

The current key members of M&F's staff will go with them, unless they decide the increased responsibility is not their force and resign.
The only job that really hangs in the balance is M&F's current chief-of-staff. Because QMII already has a very experienced chief-of-staff and it would be silly IMO to dismiss him.

It is indeed sometimes easiest to believe people when they speak. It is not an uncommon reason for an abdication. Queen Wilhelmina and Queen Juliana both abdicated for the same reason. The first said so in her autobiography and the second in her abdication announcement.

I can't see why the crown prince would want to stall his mother's decision. And even if he did, I doubt something as happened 6 weeks ago [however we want to interpret it] would be his way of doing so. Why not simply ask his mother for more time? I very much doubt it influenced the matter one way or another. The decision will have been made long before.

I agree, there's no point in looking for hidden agendas! HM said that she's
abdicating for health reasons, it's been clear for all to see, so why not
accept it at face value?
If you insist on speculating, the only thing I could come up with is that
by abdicating now, she's also trying to avoid a painful public display
of deteriorating health, like we witnessed during the last year of the life
of Queen Elizabeth.
Now Frederik will be king at 55, and I'm convinced the he'll be a popular
king at eyelevel with the Danes. Hopefully his temporary display of ill judgement in Madrid
whatever happened or not! - will be forgotten.
It's not a big issue here in Denmark; only a republican tabloid is trying
hard to make a scandal out of it, but what else can you expect?
So was her mother Henrietta. Her dad I believe is from Edinburgh. Her mother is buried in Scotland.

Indeed. Mary was actually a dual British/Australian citizen under British and Australian nationality law, bur she renounced both citizenships.

I personally take QMII at her word as to why she made the decision she has. No conspiracy, no weird agenda, no strong arming or using the throne as some sort of disciplinary tool.

She simply had had some time for self reflection and some honest conversations with herself, especially after her surgery. IMO this has probably been on her mind for sometime and the aftermath of her surgery sealed the deal.

She is stepping down for Frederik to take over because she feels he is ready, prepared and capable of doing the job. Simple as that. And she believes that he and Mary as the royal couple is what is needed to move the monarchy forward.

Looking forward to seeing what is announced over the next couple of weeks and the events of January 14th.

None of us can know the full reasons why she decided to abdicate. It is not a question of "believing" her or not. Public statements rarely convey everything that went on behind the scenes. I will leave the task of writing the book on the abdication to historians and journalists, who will probably look into this issue in the future (not in the near future though, I would imagine, and probably not while the Queen is still alive).

There will of course be changes in the staff - and also in the apanage.
The leading courtiers are likely to stay on and continue serving M&F. But more personal staff like secretaries and most of QMII's ladies in waiting will leave.
Mary will get her own ladies-in-waiting. QMII had four I guess Mary at the very least initially will have four as well.
The staff of adjutants will now accompany M&F pretty much everywhere now.

I don't follow those matters very closely, but my understanding is that some of the new European monarchs like King Philippe and King Felipe VI had more radical shakeups in their respective Royal Households when they ascended the throne, also changing the top-level staff. But, in those cases, they presumably inherited a somewhat dysfunctional or less than ideal household from their fathers and needed to put the house in order so to speak.

The Danish court seems to run quite smoothly, so I suppose Frederik can keep the top staff in place and replace them gradually with his own picks as the senior courtiers retire over time.

I don't think Mary is that progressive, but could she choose not to have ladies in waiting? Even Queen Camilla doesn't officially have ladies in waitimg anymore although some critics may point out that she just calls them by another name (or title) in practice.
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I think it depends what jobs and roles senior staff have- often it is better to keep those with expertise on. E.g after the death of QE2 Charles kept most of his mother senior staff on (and still has even now), he even kept her Private Secretary on for 8months, having him work along side his own.
It will depend also on how long senior staff have had to prepare for the abdication. If they have known for say, a year, staff Fred might want to move into senior roles will have had time to shadow those in the role. If less time has been given then you approach a situation more like Charles accession which was well planned but the timing unknown and a shock, in which case keeping the existing staff on works better perhaps.

Any official word yet on What apanage Daisy will get and what residences she will use?
In the aftermath of the announcement, I've discovered so many interesting things about her life, what a remarkable and talented woman she is!

Congratulations on your 52 years of service Ma'am. Well done!
The opposite is also possible, and Frederik in Spain was potentially either trying to get his affairs in order (so to speak)... or panicking and doing things without particularly thinking about them.

I believe Frederik knew about the abdication and was "getting his affairs in order." In fact, I believe the Crown Princely family may have known as early as Christian's 18th birthday gala. I noticed that they were all very nervous upon arrival to Christiansborg, which made me think that something big had happened to put them all on edge. Just my speculation, but I seriously doubt that the family had not known for months what 2024 held for them all.

77% of Danes think Frederik is ready.
This was a recent poll in December 2023. So no, I don't think he needs any growing up to do regardless of posters speculations. Those who actually follow his work events know this and not relay on tabloids.

"TV also made a recent poll asking whether you think Frederik will be a good monarch.
Here the answers were:
Very good or good - 77%.
Nor good nor bad - 12%.
Bad or very bad - 7%
Don't know - 4%."

Posters can try to make the Spain incident more then it was, and ignore everything else, but Danes are happy with their Crown Prince. Speculations will be there but actual facts can't be bended.

This is very good news. I appreciate that Danes can separate Frederik's personal life from his professional life.
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I stand with Viv, too much speculating we know nothing more. We have to wait until January 14th.
There will of course be changes in the staff - and also in the apanage.

From now on Frederik will get the main part of the apanage, probably still with Mary getting a substantial sum allocated to her personally. How much remains to be seen.

QMII will get a "retirement-apanage", also to cover her expenses and salaries for her lady-in-waiting and other members of her staff. I.e. chamber maid a couple of cleaners, a cook and chief of her staff.

The leading courtiers are likely to stay on and continue serving M&F. But more personal staff like secretaries and most of QMII's ladies in waiting will leave.
Mary will get her own ladies-in-waiting. QMII had four I guess Mary at the very least initially will have four as well.
The staff of adjutants will now accompany M&F pretty much everywhere now.

Lower-ranking courtiers like cleaners and footmen will no doubt continue.

I guess some will simply resign while others will be transferred to other jobs within the state. (They have job-security. Meaning that jobs will be offered before a sacking is considered. And even if they are laid off, they will get a substantial sum.)

The current key members of M&F's staff will go with them, unless they decide the increased responsibility is not their force and resign.
The only job that really hangs in the balance is M&F's current chief-of-staff. Because QMII already has a very experienced chief-of-staff and it would be silly IMO to dismiss him.

In the pre-abdication thread there is a press release issued today that addresses some of the staffing changes that will take place.
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