Princess Marie as Patron of the 'Prix littéraire des Ambassadeurs' 2009 - 2024

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Jul 18, 2004
Princess Marie will be taking over from Prince Henrik the patronage of annual litterature prize. Its a prize given out by P.Merie on behalf of the French speaking countries ambassadors in Copenhagen

According to BB

Thread will open when time comes :flowers:
Billed Bladet has an article about Prince Henrik handing a duty down to Marie:
Billed-Bladet - Marie overtager pligt fra prins Henrik

Marie will now become the patron for a literary prize given in Copenhagen to French writers each year. It is the perfect job for Marie, who, like her father-in-law, is a native of France, according to the article.
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A very appropriate patronage, not only will she feel comfortable with the French writers, but will no doubt be happy to honor them. When are these prizes normally given out?

It is good to note that Marie's patronages are being tailored to her and taking advantage of her French speaking skills. That she should award French writers prizes is perfect for her, a nice blend of the Danish and French cultures. Very natural for her to follow her father-in-law's steps with this particular patronage.

When are these prizes awarded?
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It is good to note that Marie's patronages are being tailored to her and taking advantage of her French speaking skills. That she should award French writers prizes is perfect for her, a nice blend of the Danish and French cultures. Very natural for her to follow her father-in-law's steps with this particular patronage.

When are these prizes awarded?

No idea, no date nothing on what or when the event will take place. I think it is too early especially since the patronage was announced.
I assume it's an annual event, right? Maybe it didn't get much publicity when P Henrik made the awards...
This event will take place sooner then expected

October 22
Princess Marie of rows as Protector "Prix littéraire des Ambassadeurs" at the French Embassy, Kongens Nytorv 4, at Copenhagen at 16.00
Thank you for the pictures, a really new look for Marie. She looks confident at the event.

BB has an article & picture gallery - click here
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i don't really like how she dressed this time - i'm not a fan of the all black look. it reminds me a bit of this outfit mary wore shortly after her wedding. a bit too goth to my taste.

however, i love the hairdo and the fact she is starting to take on her own engagements which are suited to her personal interests and tastes and the fact she is taking over her father-in-law with this patronage. nice to see...
i don't really like how she dressed this time - i'm not a fan of the all black look. it reminds me a bit of this outfit mary wore shortly after her wedding. a bit too goth to my taste.

however, i love the hairdo and the fact she is starting to take on her own engagements which are suited to her personal interests and tastes and the fact she is taking over her father-in-law with this patronage. nice to see...

It wasn´t after. It was before her marriage, that crown princess mary were that outfit, Benedikt' birthday.

And i think princess Marie looks wonderful in black.
The black with gray is so overdone by both princesses. I'm not sure about the shiny jacket either. The shoulders are too padded I think. I believe the look with the deep lapels is designed to give her torso a longer look, but something is off, in my opinion.

Nice smile, but her eyes are so overdone as well. Black almost demands it. She looked better put together at the opening of parliament. She looked outstanding in that green coat.
I think that Marie looks very elegant and confident in these photos. She seems very happy, and looks like she is enjoying the event. I think this is a great patronage for her. It is a lovely tribute to her father in law, and a great fit with her university patronage.

Here are some more photos from the event:
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her look was average, I think; the jaket and pants are nice but the top doesn't match well and give her a too strict appearance, a more open top would be better I think;her hairdo and make-up are nice
I like her elegant way to be, and she seems very confident

Princess Marie as patroness giving out the award Prix litteraire des Ambassadeurs
to Carsten Jensen at the Belgian Embassy in Copenhagen, October 14, 2010.
Great look!

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** ppe gallery **

Princess Marie as patroness giving out the award Prix litteraire des Ambassadeurs
to Carsten Jensen at the Belgian Embassy in Copenhagen, October 14, 2010.
Great look!

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** ppe gallery **

She looks quite good. Isn't this event that took place at the French embassy last time? Does it take place in different embassies?
Thanks for the pics :flowers:

Here is an article form Billed Bladet: Billed-Bladet - Billeder: Smuk og smart Marie uddelte litteraturpris

While Christian was busy turning five, our Marie turned up at the Belgian embassy in order to present a litterature prize from embassies from French speaking countries.
This time the prize went to the author, Carsten Jensen, who has had several books translated to French. He gave a speech in fluent French and was commended for that by the fair Marie.

This is a funny picture Billed-Bladet - Prinsesse Marie uddeler litteraturpris of a somewhat cold girl. I guess she is daughter of the ambassador. And flowergirls too, perhaps?

And I was told to ask the resident experts: Are those new earrings?
Seem new to me. Funny that she never wears her wedding earrings?
Thanks for the galleries Marika86 & Iceflower :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #44, 2011.
Marie vild med Rifbjerg - Marie crazy about Rifbjerg.
Written by Trine Larsen

Our Marie popped by the French embassy recently in order to present the Prix littéraire des Ambassadeurs. Which is a prize presented by the ambassadors of French speaking countries.
The prize went to the author Klaus Rifbjerg. - Now, I'm a cultural ignorant, so I'll label Klaus Rifbjerg an "intellectual writer". Don't expect any crime novels from him.
When you get to his level, you are automatically presented with prizes, because everything you do and say must be high culture and meaningful. Everybody says so, so it must be true. So your are praised to the sky, because no one wants to be seen as a cultural moron.

With that established let's move on to what la charmant Marie had to say: "Yes, I've read several of Klaus Rifbjerg's works and I think he's an impressive writer. He is also a fantastically exciting man and that he is soon about to turn 80, is impressive. To me it was a very big honor and pleasure to present him with the prize".
Two other and very diverse cultural unikums were also present, Lars von Trier (*) and Susanne Brøgger.

La petite Marie sat in a big chair and shined, with her LiW, Britt Siesby close at hand.

(*) Which proves that if you are eccentric or mad enough, you end up being a cultural icon.
But the world would be a poorer place without the likes of von Trier. - Who when he had to cross the English Channel for the first time, insisted on sitting on deck during the entire crossing, wrapped in layers of clothing, because he was afraid the ferry might sink.
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Two other and very diverse cultural unikums were also present, Lars von Trier (*) and Susanne Brøgger.

(*) Which proves that if you are eccentric or mad enough, you end up being a cultural icon.
But the world would be a poorer place without the likes of von Trier. - Who when he had to cross the English Channel for the first time, insisted on sitting on deck during the entire crossing, wrapped in layers of clothing, because he was afraid the ferry might sink.

Wasn't he the one who sang Hitler's praises at Cannes or something? Sounds like the world would do just fine without his opinions, at least.
Well, he didn't actually praise Hitler. He was trying to tell some sort of convoluted joke and it didn't translate very well.

But Hitler-praise or not, we could do very fine indeed, without his opinions.
Thanks for the pics, Iceflower & Fairy Tale :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #4, 2013.
Marie overrakte pris - Marie presented award.
Written by Helle Skram de Fries.

Marie arrived slightly late to the Belgian embassy on a bitterly cold Monday. Perhaps that was why our Marie took her time chatting to the waiting flowergirl, in the shape of six year old Sophie who had looked forward to presenting the flowers, dressed in her finest.

Well inside Marie presented the Prix Litteraire 2012 to the author Sissel-Jo Gazan, gor her book Les Plumes du Dinosaure.
This is something she has taken over from her father-in-law Prince Henrik.
There were a number of speeched - in French. However the recipient held her speech in Danish. Sissel-Jo Gazan is Danish, the book has merely been translated to French and apparantly well enough to merit an award.
As the title suggest the book is indeed about feathered dinosaurs and it's not a novel, oh no, Sissel-Jo Gazan is a fully fledged biologist. (*)
After a brief receptin, Marie, wearing lilac glowes (**), rushed out to the waiting car and presumably home to birthday preparations for Athena who turns one today.

(*) Interesting. I was of the impression that the Prix Litteraire was always presented to authors of highly intellectual novels - and not the Bill & Ben cowboy novels ordinary people might read. Good, a book about dinosaurs may even be worth reading.

(**) The glowes may have warmed her hands, but the jacket was open in the neck and she wouldn't have survived standing at a busstop that day for more than five minutes max, without ending up in bed for the next eight days. :coffee:
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Thanks, Iceflower :flowers:

Summary of article in Billed Bladet #4, 2015.
Written by Henrik Salling. (*)

When Marie went to the French embassy as patron of the Prix Litteraire des Ambassadeurs it was shortly after the terror attack in Paris. Most of her family live in Paris.
Asked by our reporter about what thoughts went through her head when she learned about the attack, Marie thought for a moment and said: "I must say that's a difficult question. But I thought: It's terrible. And I was very moved.
But unfortunately that's how it is today. But it's utterly terrible, so I won't say: I'm Charlie, but almost...".

The prize went to the Canadian author Kim Thuy who wrote a novel called Ru.
About that book Marie said: "Ru is a very inspirational story, that I clearly can recommend.
I try very much to read books in Danish because I so much would like to improve my Danish".

During the following reception Marie had a talk with the French ambassador, Francois Zimeray, who was moved by the recent events in France.

(*) Who speaks French and who has followed our Marie right from the beginning. I have long suspected, bordering on certainty, that he had and still has a crush on la belle Marie.
HRH Princess Marie during the "Prix littéraire des Ambassadeurs" at the French Embassy in Copehagen this evening.

PPE Agency
:previous: Well, our Marie sure has blossomed. :rose:

Come on, that one was simply irresistible. :D
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