Princess Madeleine, Current Events Part 6: January 2007 - February 2008

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Thanks for posting the links Lena

And also rop81 stated that the queen's swedish isn't so good. I have a little theory on that. People that have immigrated to Sweden have to probably speak swedish in everyday life they might not have a choice. Whereas the queen maybe hasn't perfected her swedish b/c so many people that she comes in contact with probably prefer speaking to her in her language of choice. She's the queen and they are probably very accomodating to her language preference. Just a theory, I could be way off.
Is Swedish an easy language to learn for foreign speakers? I have had a look at it and it seems very hard. Could that possibly be the reason Queen Silvia have not "perfected" the Swedish language?
Gita said:
Is Swedish an easy language to learn for foreign speakers? I have had a look at it and it seems very hard. Could that possibly be the reason Queen Silvia have not "perfected" the Swedish language?

Well, one maybe has to distinguish between two things: Grammar and pronunciation. Grammar and words in general are very close to German. So if you speak German, you shouldn´t have a too hard time to learn writing in Swedish...and also to speak it. But I though guess it is very difficult to speak it without an accent, if you learn it after your childhood years. The thing is, that Silvia has problems with the grammar as well...and I´d say, that´s it, what the Swedes blame her for...since it´s a matter of studying.
I´ve my very own theory for Silvia and Mary (two obviously smart women...the one even very experienced in languages) having problems with their new Scandinavian languages. I´m agreeing with Aurora810...but I think, it´s even a little more. I´ve never seen ppl faster learning a language, than when it has been on their free will. So when they have been interested in an other country and culture. Even though Silvia had a little connection to Sweden (her father worked for a Swedish steel company and they have visited Sweden at least once) it´s clear to me, that she wouldn´t have chosen to live there, if she wouldn´t have met the king...and in her position, it was somehow also hard to get into "normal" situations...everyday Swedish life. Apart from some chitchat at duties her circles seem pretty small and the language ppl talk to her very limited. If you are an "average" immigrant and if you go outside, you have to face so many different situations and you are pretty much left you have to fight yourself through all kind of situations and you are meeting all kind of social classes with different styles of language...and in the light of this stress the brain is much more stimulated. Silvia has many limited to polite little conversations. Of course later she got her own family...but usually the very first months or years are important for learning a language. All here, who have (like me) English as second language surely know, what I´m talking about ;) The mistakes, you have made in the beginning are so hard to iron out. :rolleyes:
So maybe the teaching method wasn´t the right one, maybe she was lacking a bit of passion for learning this new language, maybe she couldn´t experience Swedish in all its liveliness and maybe ppl still spoke way too much English to her (so that she never got into this "I´m lost" survival mode, that would have helped her to try harder)

And as rop is saying "worse and worse"...she doesn´t get any younger. If she isn´t really "at home" in Swedish, it won´t get better with age.
English is my second language too! I think I understand what you are saying about Queen Silvia.
Swedish is very difficult, I mean for speakers :)

But i'm curious about the dress of Princess Madeleine next saturday
Where will Princess Madeleine be appearing next Saturday? I have heard nothing about an appearance.

Thanks in advance.
Gita said:
Where will Princess Madeleine be appearing next Saturday? I have heard nothing about an appearance.

Thanks in advance.

70th birtday of King Harald V of Norway. There is a gala ;)
According to Princess Madeleine has two engagements next week:

> Wednesday, 21 February
She will visit The Queen Silvia Children’s Hospital on behalf of My Big Day.


> Friday-Sunday, 23-25 February
Attendance at the celebrations of King Harald V’s 70th birthday in Oslo. And like Princess Robijn posted there is a gala on Saturday.
I'm really looking forward, too. Here are some events related to the celebrations of King Harald V’s 70th birthday in Oslo.

23 Febuary
Arrival of most royal guests at Gardermoen during the day

18.30 Event in Rådhuset, attended by most royal guests (Broadcast on TV2)

The Crown Prince Couple will host a dinner for the royal guests and Presidents at Skaugum after the show is finished

24 Febuary
The first part of the day is spent at the Norwegian Museum for Cultural History, some sort of cultural walk.

Gala Dinner and ball

22.45 A surprise event outside the palace, gift from the military, the people are invited to come see it, guess the royal will watch from the balcony then like during the Crown Prince wedding

25 Febuary
For those guests still in town there will be a lunch and a ride in horse drawn carriages in the Norwegian Winter Wonderland
Expressen has today as big header a story about Madeleine´s dog, its nursery and a woman, who worked there illegally.
Madeleine left there always her dog during the day. In the evening, her, Jonas or one of tree friends picked Zorro up. The woman, who is called Maria in the article, said, that she had to work many more hours than it was said in the beginning. She had to work up to 11 hours and just got 15700 SEK (1700 EUR) from the middle of October until February. Well, I think this is actually not so much a story about Madeleine...everyone has gotten somehow in contact with illegally employeed ppl in the world of services. The court also said, she didn´t know about it.
As it seems the woman stopped to work there and Madeleine changed the nursery for Zorro (not sure, if "nursery" is the right word...apart from "dogsitter" Holly in "King of Queens" and some stories on hotels for dogs, I´ve never ever heard of daycare for dogs :rolleyes: )
Another article is maybe a little bit more about Madeleine. One day she "forgot" to pick up Zorro. "Maria" waited 2 hours longer, but still no one showed she took Zorro and went with it to her little home in a suburb of Stockholm. Zorro, which isn´t used to going by subway trembeld the whole way. The dog played with Maria´s children and she got a picture of Zorro together with herself and her mother taken.

In the morning she took Zorro again to work and in the evening Madeleine picked the dog up and Maria got 100 Sek (about 10 Euro) for her extra work.
I will refrain to give a comment about this story. It would be to much about cliches on Östermalm-gals, too much on the silly press world and too much about the court commenting everything :rolleyes:
EXPRESSEN.SE/Första sidan: "Hunden skakade i hela kroppen"
Some beautiful dresses! Can't wait! I wonder if Princess Madeleine will wear a dress she has worn before? What do others here think? A new dress or an older one?
Lena said:
Another article is maybe a little bit more about Madeleine. One day she "forgot" to pick up Zorro. "

She forgot to pick up her dog??? She must be really busy with her studies, eh? :rolleyes:
I think she might wear an older dress, simply because she wore a new one to Nobel. In recent months we have seen Victoria wearing older dresses so this time around I think we might see an older dress on Madeleine and a new one on Victoria. We'll see!!
Gita said:
Some beautiful dresses! Can't wait! I wonder if Princess Madeleine will wear a dress she has worn before? What do others here think? A new dress or an older one?

a new dress, please.... and an other tiara, perhaps:ermm:
I hope its a new dress and I hope that Victoria wears a new dress too.
I think she will wear her diamond tiara, perhaps even her aquamarine tiara as we have not seen it for a few years. I am not sure about the dress though. Princess Madeleine does have plenty of dresses that she has only worn once so may be she will wear one of those?
I don't get the point of having a dog and ask for someone to take car of him!To me it doesn't make any sense! Also because she has a lot of people in the Palace that can take care of him while she is away, although my opinion is that if we don't have time for dogs we just should not have one!
She doesn't live in a palace - she lives in an apartment. Most people work during the days - even royals - so having someone look after your dog while you are gone is the responsible way to be a dog owner.
EXPRESSEN.SE/Första sidan: Bagagekaos i Oslo

artical from

The artical says that Madeleines luggage were missing when she arrived to Oslo with queen Silvia. But it was later found with the other "normal" peoples luggage.

New picture of Madeleine you can also find at!
thanks cindygirl for the website bruno press. there are so many pictures of Madeleine.
I coluldn´t find any pictures of Madeleine. Can you give a directlink to the photos?
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EXPRESSEN.SE/Utrikes: Madeleines korta show


The artical says that Madeleine wore the shortest dress of all the guests.

Another artical, also from

EXPRESSEN.SE/Utrikes: Norska medier rasar mot prinsessan Madeleine

This artical says that Madeleine was criticized from the Norwegian press for her cut low. They say that she tried to steel the show from the Norwegian king.

Another artical from;

EXPRESSEN.SE/Utrikes: Hovet avfärdar kritiken

says that the swedish hoof reject the accusation.
Princess Madeleine looked very stunning.

Thank you for the photographs and articles.
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She looked awsome, her dress is so hollywood :lol:
looove her hair!!!
thanks for the article and pics everybody =D
As it was his birthday and his party she could'nt steal the show.
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