Princess Madeleine & Chris O'Neill, Current Events 1: December 2012 - December 2020

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Nov 5, 2005
Princess Madeleine & Chris O'Neill, Current Events 1: December 2012 - December 2020


Princess Madeleine and Chris O'Neill, News and Current Events Thread, Part One
Commencing December 2012

The thread for the couple's engagement can be found here.
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Maybe he had a bad day!

BTW: As at the article "mentioned", do you believe the wedding date will be announced at the day of the Nobelprizes? I believe not, this would take the focus away of the laureates to Madeleine.
I never understood why some public figures have to be a little nasty to the paps. I totally understand when you get tired of them following you around all day and invading your privacy but If I was in that kind of situation, I would just ignore the paps. I can't see myself sticking my middle finger up at them unless the paps have harmed me or my family.

Maybe I'm just different.
I agree with you Dman. Very weird behaviour indeed.
And of course I'm not saying he's a bad person for doing it. Many royals have a way of being a tad nasty to the paps. I just couldn't see myself doing it, then again, I'm not being followed around by the paps.
I agree with you again :) We don't know what happened with the paparazzo before Chris showed him the middle finger.
I would go insane with paparazzi following me everywhere but when you flip them the middle finger, it will only encourage them and they will try and provoke Chris the next time.
I understand why he did it but there is just no way he can do something like that. Not a clever move, the pic will be around forever. In his position, Chris should be more in control of himself, its like don't go into the kitchen when you cannot stand the heat: don't get involved with a princess if you cannot stand what goes along with it. The downsides (paps, scrutiny) will never go away, so I thought he had gotten used to that by now and couldn't care less, but I guess he was affected by the unexpected media bashing of his character/job/lifestyle.
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Not sure where this belongs: Chris showing the finger to the paps
Prinzessin Madeleines Verlobter: Stinkefinger statt Etikette - Royals -

A lot has already been written about Chris, particularly questions as to whether "is CHris friendly, attractive etc, or not" Honestly most comments I read here and there were at least sceptical, if not negative. the engagement video made him apprear more friendly.
I share the view "if he cannot stand the paps, he should not be dating a royal princess". So far he has been looking annoyed because of paps on many pictures. I would not be surprised that guy believes he will manage to make them understand that they should leave him in peace, being rude if necessary, in spite of his good education. When he is in NY he probably feels he can behave in his own way. I hope he would behave better in Sweden, and also that he has turned the page of his playboy life!!
A lot has already been written about Chris, particularly questions as to whether "is CHris friendly, attractive etc, or not" Honestly most comments I read here and there were at least sceptical, if not negative. the engagement video made him apprear more friendly.
I share the view "if he cannot stand the paps, he should not be dating a royal princess". So far he has been looking annoyed because of paps on many pictures. I would not be surprised that guy believes he will manage to make them understand that they should leave him in peace, being rude if necessary, in spite of his good education. When he is in NY he probably feels he can behave in his own way. I hope he would behave better in Sweden, and also that he has turned the page of his playboy life!!
There has never been any indication he has lived a playboy life. He is an adult single man so of course he has dated and had relationships prior to meeting Madeleine.
RTL showed yesterday the whole set of Chris middle finger pictures and it appears that Madeleine was with him during the incident. So according to RTL at least Madeleine could have tried to stop him which she did not. I think he is old enough to know what to do but found it interesting nevertheless that they were more or less blaming Madeleine for not stoping him.
RTL showed yesterday the whole set of Chris middle finger pictures and it appears that Madeleine was with him during the incident. So according to RTL at least Madeleine could have tried to stop him which she did not. I think he is old enough to know what to do but found it interesting nevertheless that they were more or less blaming Madeleine for not stoping him.

It takes about two seconds to make that sort of rude gesture - what was Madeleine supposed to do during that time, tackle him?

A man pushing 40 should be old enough to control his actions to the point where he doesn't get himself into this sort of situation. I understand the frustration behind what he did - if I was followed around by paparazzi giving them the middle finger is the least of what I'd want to do. But wanting to do it and going ahead and actually doing it are different. IMO he's made things worse for himself and Madeleine.
I agree with you. And I also think he made matters worse for them. A reporter even claimed that the king is furious and that the engagement could be called off again. Yeah sure cause that would be the best thing that could happen to all the medias out there.
Sounds like people are making a mountain out of a very small mole hill.
It takes about two seconds to make that sort of rude gesture - what was Madeleine supposed to do during that time, tackle him?

A man pushing 40 should be old enough to control his actions to the point where he doesn't get himself into this sort of situation. I understand the frustration behind what he did - if I was followed around by paparazzi giving them the middle finger is the least of what I'd want to do. But wanting to do it and going ahead and actually doing it are different. IMO he's made things worse for himself and Madeleine.
I completely agree with you. There was nothing Madeleine could have done and Chris should have known better IMO. He's marrying the daughter of the King of Sweden for goodness sake, he needs to get a grip and realize that photographers are going to be a part of his life from now on.
What's the problem he is giving the NYC sign for hi haha
Maybe something made sense to Chris to start him up and be the sharer of a typical scenario where you immediately stand up for your other half when necessary. It can happen allot of times given we are talking about a princess and her future husband. I would do the same if I felt the paps appeared to conspire on my space. Never the less the press does have enormous error in intruding when their intentions are not respectful of parties involved in the past, so I'm not going to say do as you may, but be courteous of hoe you play. But that's me and it's just me. Silly but true. Anyways I think Chris is a rather handsome man and apparently very lucky. No way is he with Madeleine and her beau. Wow. I hope I see them from time to time pictured again and again and smiling on wedding day. Cheers.
I dont think the Swedish people will warm to Chris, and this picture is only the last straw (other reasons being the way he comes across, doesnt want the swedish citizenship, is likely not to work for the crown, will continue to live in the US with Madeleine).

I think this will continue to put a strain on the relationship especially for Madeleine since she is who she is, a swedish princess, who wants to be liked or loved or at least respected. It will put a gap between her and the country, possibly between her and her family because it only adds up to the topic not working for Sweden but receiving money from the King.
Once again:
The Royal Court stated months ago that Princess Madeleine does not receive any state money from The King apart from reimbursed expenses for appearances on behalf of the Crown.
She will not be the first Swedish princess to marry and live abroad with her husband. Chris will also not be the first husband to leave royal obligations up to his wife, only accompanying her on the most important family and state occassions. Since she is only paid for her official engagements I cannot see why this should present any problems for the Swedish people now or in the future.
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I dont think the Swedish people will warm to Chris, and this picture is only the last straw (other reasons being the way he comes across, doesnt want the swedish citizenship, is likely not to work for the crown, will continue to live in the US with Madeleine).

I think this will continue to put a strain on the relationship especially for Madeleine since she is who she is, a swedish princess, who wants to be liked or loved or at least respected. It will put a gap between her and the country, possibly between her and her family because it only adds up to the topic not working for Sweden but receiving money from the King.
Most Swedes are mature enough in their thinking to be happy for Princess Madeleine to have found love and a life away from the snarky swedish press. Swedes also appreciates hardworking professionals that make something out of their lives so no need to worry about whether Chris will be accepted or not. There are many very wealthy Swedes that live lives similar to what Chris and Madeleine are and will be living so no surprises. People with money generally do not live like the middleclass.
Madeleine has her own money as well so no need to live of dad's. And if he is managing the family wealth that is also quite normal. Madeleine would not have to worry about money even if she had not met Chris.
There are enought royals in Sweden, (remember; we are the size of California with the population of Los Angeles county) so no need to have one more around. Prince Daniel is doing a fabulous job as is CP
Victoria and P Carl Philip and of course our King and Queen duo. Princess Christina is still active as well.

Madeleine is Princess and will remain a Princess. She is also a Swede and will remain a Swede. Whether her husband is a Swedish citizen or not is for most Swedes totally irrelevant.
It may become relevant, if he were to get his wife's ducal title, a la Jonas was supposed to.
I'm not surprised at his behavior. I never liked the looks of him, sorry to judge a book by it's cover but he just "looks" loutish to me, now he has confirmed it.
... if he doesn't want to become a Swede, I would be very surprised if he will use or adopt her ducal titel...
In the end regrettable, but not worse than the fight of CPhil in the South of France last summer...

"A reporter even claimed that the king is furious and that the engagement could be called off again. "
Another paps story?!! How could anyone know about that??? microphones, cleaning lady gossip??? I am not full of admiration for him, but sure he did not shout that out of the window. I hate that sort of journalism which invents if nothing substantial is available.
That Chris O'Neill showed the finger to the press seems to only be an issue outside Sweden, I haven't seen any mentioning of it in any Swedish newspapers, maybe the photo will show up in one of the gossip mags that write about royals, but it won't be an issue here. Most Swedes are not especially interested in the royals, the media is more interested than the general public, and my guess is that if the photo was to appear in Swedish press most people would laugh about it, and the younger ones would probably think he did the right thing showing his opinion about the paps. I would think that many royals have wanted to do the same, and it's something I could imagine Carl Philip do one day, or something the king could have done while he was a crown prince, so I doubt the king is upset about the gesture and it's definitely not a reason for Madeleine and Chris to break their engagement.
To me this discussion is "en storm i ett vattenglas" (a gale in a glass of water).

I don't think there will be much of a discussion here in Sweden about Chris O'Neill and his role in the SRF, he will be an in-law and show up at some occasions, but on the whole he won't be important, whether he's liked or not won't reflect in any way on princess Madeleine, he will matter as little as John Ambler, Hansi Hohenzollern, Niclas Silfverschiöld or Tord Magnusson have done in Sweden when it comes to the public opinion about their wives.
That Chris O'Neill showed the finger to the press seems to only be an issue outside Sweden, I haven't seen any mentioning of it in any Swedish newspapers, maybe the photo will show up in one of the gossip mags that write about royals, but it won't be an issue here. Most Swedes are not especially interested in the royals, the media is more interested than the general public, and my guess is that if the photo was to appear in Swedish press most people would laugh about it, and the younger ones would probably think he did the right thing showing his opinion about the paps. I would think that many royals have wanted to do the same, and it's something I could imagine Carl Philip do one day, or something the king could have done while he was a crown prince, so I doubt the king is upset about the gesture and it's definitely not a reason for Madeleine and Chris to break their engagement.
To me this discussion is "en storm i ett vattenglas" (a gale in a glass of water).

I don't think there will be much of a discussion here in Sweden about Chris O'Neill and his role in the SRF, he will be an in-law and show up at some occasions, but on the whole he won't be important, whether he's liked or not won't reflect in any way on princess Madeleine, he will matter as little as John Ambler, Hansi Hohenzollern, Niclas Silfverschiöld or Tord Magnusson have done in Sweden when it comes to the public opinion about their wives.

This is exactly my opinion!
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