Princess Madeleine and Jonas Bergström, Current Events Part 2: June 2006 - April 2010

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On the first sight I´m agreeing with you. And I must admit, that I was pleasantly surprised to see, that he also did projects before he met Madeleine.
Yes I agree, it shows he has drive and not only gotten the places he has been because of who he is (or who he is dating)
But what do we know about him? I can count with one hand´s fingers, what statements he has given in the past 4 years. Ok, this speaks for him, but it also doesn´t allow to get a detailed picture. Usually we just get to know things about his career, but IMO the perfect prince consort for a Swedish country needs a little bit more. Or to come faster to a point...IMO he has to be like Inaki Urdangarin...maybe a little bit more noble and a little more into a career apart from sports...but generally I would say, that a guy like Inaki is under the current trend of dating commoners, the right "prince consort material" ;)
Well I would say he is already lacking 25 cm on Iñaki:lol: Iñaki makes lots of points because he seems so hands on with his family, difficult for Jonas since he dont have any children. But considering the latest royal marriages, he has a solid education, work experience pre Madeleine, no scandals, his family dont talk to the press, he dont talk to the press, the King and Queen has been seen with him in public a couple of times, he never looks like he want to punch down the press, and most important, since Madeleine has been with him she has focused on education much more than she did with her previous bf, so good influence as well I would say. I must admitt he looks a little Östermalm, but his girlfriend is like the Queen of Östermalm so I guess it is a good fit;)
I think Jonas is perfect "Prince material" (or whatever title Madeleine's future husband will have) for all the reasons you've given: he is well educated and brought up, he works incredibly hard, is used to move in certain circles, there are no scandals in the family, none of his family or friends have sold any stories to the press - and first and foremost (for me) - Jonas seems to love her and he's a perfect gentleman (that's a thing I appreciate in our modern times).

Jonas is really the dream of a son-in-law, and the King and Queen have accepted him since a long time now, and it's said that he's their favourite.

This past summer, Count Carl Johan Bernadotte af Wisborg (the last surviving child of King Gustaf VI Adolf) and his wife Gunilla hosted a small family dinner in the restaurant at Sofiero Castle in Skåne. The King and Queen came from France, and Jonas and Madeleine were there with them. Jonas had the Queen to the table!

So he managed the art of having lunch with the King and Queen in a public restaurant in Sweden - there's still a long way to go for Daniel Westling to achieve that...
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Larzen said:
Yes I agree, it shows he has drive and not only gotten the places he has been because of who he is (or who he is dating)

Well I would say he is already lacking 25 cm on Iñaki:lol: Iñaki makes lots of points because he seems so hands on with his family, difficult for Jonas since he dont have any children. But considering the latest royal marriages, he has a solid education, work experience pre Madeleine, no scandals, his family dont talk to the press, he dont talk to the press, the King and Queen has been seen with him in public a couple of times, he never looks like he want to punch down the press, and most important, since Madeleine has been with him she has focused on education much more than she did with her previous bf, so good influence as well I would say. I must admitt he looks a little Östermalm, but his girlfriend is like the Queen of Östermalm so I guess it is a good fit;)

I was a little bit puzzled by the 25cm thing in the first moment :rolleyes:
Yes, Jonas is surely boyfriend-wise the best what happened to Madeleine so far. And I could also imagine them as married couple.
And though...seeing Inaki the first time, I had another feeling, when seeing Jonas first time. Inaki seemed more likeable and natural.
It also could be that it is again the lack of information and of pics (after all we had seen Daniel with this baby and heard him talking about his niece in a very nice way), but I can´t help to imagine Daniel as more "daddy-ish" than Jonas. Well, time will tell...I hope...and even more I hope, that time will tell it fast. I want Swedish Royal bebisar (and Royal hands-on daddies for them) !! :lol:
GrandDuchess said:
I think Jonas is perfect "Prince material" (or whatever title Madeleine's future husband will have) for all the reasons you've given: he is well educated and brought up, he works incredibly hard, is used to move in certain circles, there are no scandals in the family, none of his family or friends have sold any stories to the press - and first and foremost (for me) - Jonas seems to love her and he's a perfect gentleman (that's a thing I appreciate in our modern times).

Jonas is really the dream of a son-in-law, and the King and Queen have accepted him since a long time now, and it's said he's their favourite.

This past summer, Count Carl Johan Bernadotte af Wisborg (the last surviving child of King Gustaf VI Adolf) and his wife Gunilla hosted a small family dinner in the restaurant at Sofiero Castle in Skåne. The King and Queen came from France, and Jonas and Madeleine were there with them. Jonas had the Queen to the table!

So he managed the art of having lunch with the King and Queen in a public restaurant in Sweden - there's still a long way to go for Daniel Westling to achieve that...

Hmm...aren´t you here a little too much lead by your imagination and prejudices towards Daniel? I say that, because I´m often and obviously lead by it...and as you know, I´m also very torn, when it comes to Mister Westling. And just under your post, I speculated that I can´t see too many daddy qualities in Jonas so far...all based on imagination and impression. So maybe I´m not the person to wonder...but how can you be sure, that Jonas is the perfect gentleman? He could be a sod behind closed doors...or he could be totally arrogant...or obsessed with his career (keyword golddigger) And what does tell you, that Daniel wasn´t the Queen´s table partner at bigger family gatherings either? On A side note...One could even say, that it doesn´t speak for the table partner, called Queen, not to invite Daniel to do the same in 4.5 years of relationship. :rolleyes:
Well, I respect your opinion of course...and feeling-wise I would also say, that Jonas would be the better prince consort...but I also wanted to drop some kind of new "impulse" into the discussion. In the long history of Royalty Jonas wouldn´t be the first person, who would turn out better or worse, than the first impression would imply...:flowers:
History showed us that when it comes to choices of a swedish prince/princess-consort to be,they don't need a strong"CV" or a perfect gentelma, ;)
Lena said:
Hmm...aren´t you here a little too much lead by your imagination and prejudices towards Daniel? I say that, because I´m often and obviously lead by it...
I just gave my impressions of Jonas Bergström. What I think of Daniel Westling is a completely different matter (there are positive things about him as well, but I'm not as thrilled by him as I am with Jonas).
Lena said:
And just under your post, I speculated that I can´t see too many daddy qualities in Jonas so far...
That I don't have an opinion on. As long as I haven't met or talked to a person, or at least seen the person on TV in an interviewed or something, to give me a better picture of him or her, I'm not gonna go ahead and talk of these things as if I know something...
Lena said:
how can you be sure, that Jonas is the perfect gentleman? He could be a sod behind closed doors...or he could be totally arrogant...or obsessed with his career (keyword golddigger) And what does tell you, that Daniel wasn´t the Queen´s table partner at bigger family gatherings either? On A side note...One could even say, that it doesn´t speak for the table partner, called Queen, not to invite Daniel to do the same in 4.5 years of relationship.
I'm not sure of anything as I've never met or talked to him, not even seen him on TV in a personal interview - but this is just the impression I have of him. We all have impressions of people we don't know, and this is mine. How reality is might not coincide 100% with it, but that's to find out if they ever marry. And how people are behind closed doors, none of us really knows - but I'm not gonna go ahead and suggest that someone is this or that just like that. Anyone for that matter could easily be something not so great without us knowing a thing.

About the family dinner, my guess is that Victoria and Daniel were on vacation when it took place, and since it was Count Carl Johan that arranged it - you'd have to ask him about it. And I highly doubt that Daniel, or any friend of the royal children, had the King or Queen as table partners at the King's private birthday dinner. My guess there would be on close relatives.
Lena said:
Well, I respect your opinion of course...and feeling-wise I would also say, that Jonas would be the better prince consort...but I also wanted to drop some kind of new "impulse" into the discussion. In the long history of Royalty Jonas wouldn´t be the first person, who would turn out better or worse, than the first impression would imply...:flowers:
And I didn't say that you are wrong or can't say what you think. I just gave my impressons.
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The King and Queen certainly seem like they've accepted Jonas. Maybe they're just relieved that he's the opposite of Eric? :ROFLMAO:

I think the King and Queen have accepted all three signficiant others of their children. Daniel, Emma, and Jonas were all invited to the King's private dinner party for his 60th birthday. I doubt all three relationships would still be going strong if their parents strongly objected.
talking about Jonas

Larzen said:
I must admitt he looks a little Östermalm, but his girlfriend is like the Queen of Östermalm so I guess it is a good fit;)

can anyone explain what "Ostermalm" means? thanks!
theprincess said:
talking about Jonas

can anyone explain what "Ostermalm" means? thanks!
Östermalm is the posh area at the center of Stockholm.

Madeleine & Jonas, picture by Johnny Axelsson/Expressen.

Now we can stop "worrying" and wondering :rolleyes: - Expressen today writes that Princess Madeleine has gotten herself a new Lexus after coming home from New York!

She and Jonas have been seen in a brand new Lexus 400 hybrid, the same environmental friendly car she drove before leaving for the USA, but was registered to the Royal Court already in February of this year. Jonas has been driving when they've been spotted together.

Crown Equerry Mertil Melin comments to Expressen:
- The cars that are a part of HM The King's Royal Mews are acquired via purchase or lease.

- The Royal Mews are responsible for keeping the Royal Family with cars, sometimes with a driver and sometimes without. We've had cars from Lexus for circa two years.

When Princess Madeleine goes to the Stockholm university, where she's currently studing a master's course in leadership and organisation, she apparently drives herself the 5,9 kilometres.
GrandDuchess said:
When Princess Madeleine goes to the Stockholm university, where she's currently studing a master's course in leadership and organisation, she apparently drives herself the 5,9 kilometres.

Thanks for the news GrandDuchess, do you have any further info on Madeleine going to Stockholm university? I thought she was due to graduate? Or is she going to stay longer and get a better degree? Thanks.
Sha has already graduated. She is going for her graduate degree.
Why no pics of her recently shes stayed out of the public eye alot any ideas on when we will see her again
Nice car, by the way. lol She has been staying out of the public eye for awhile, I miss seeing her.
Royal Fan said:
Why no pics of her recently shes stayed out of the public eye alot any ideas on when we will see her again
I think she will attend the opening of the parliament on october 3rd
Yennie said:
I think she will attend the opening of the parliament on october 3rd
Oh, that´s our National Day. Just mentioning.
I am not really up to date with Madeleine. Has she already finished working with UNICEF? What is she doing now?
I believe she's finished with UNICEF for the moment. She's taking a masters class in organization and leadership at Stockholm University and interning at the World Childhood Foundation.
Does anyone have any latest news on Madeleine and Jonas? :ermm: I haven't seen any pictures of them together in a while.
Jonas is working at a law firm full time up to 80 hours a week and Princess Madeleine is working interning at the World Childhood Foundation and taking classes at Stockholm University but there have not been any photographs taken of them for a few months. I guess they are both busy and most of their time is consumed with work.
Jonas is not very good looking, but love is blind right?
You know Jonas' has a very preppy style and that made me think what he would look like with Daniel's clothes and glasses on. You know how sometimes e judge people on appearaces especially if we don't knw them then will your opinion of Jonas change? Just a thought. Personally my opinion wouldn't but I would like to hear your opiniopns.
kaydura0717 said:
You know Jonas' has a very preppy style and that made me think what he would look like with Daniel's clothes and glasses on. You know how sometimes e judge people on appearaces especially if we don't knw them then will your opinion of Jonas change? Just a thought. Personally my opinion wouldn't but I would like to hear your opiniopns.

Actually Jonas seemed to have gotten a pair of black framed plastic glasses as well :rolleyes: They are though not as "chunky" as Daniel´s and Carl Philip´s.
Well, I like Jonas´style more, but my picture of Jonas isn´t all glory (as it is for many others here) He seems nice and smart, but also a little superficial, super-ambitious, spoilt and vain. Hard to say, how I would judge him, if I would have seen only one picture (the latest for example) Probably a little better than Daniel these days, who pretty much represents the image of a yuppie-snob. And IMO Daniel is also in his facial expressions not as much at ease as Jonas seems to be. I guess this is the biggest part in ppl being reluctant about being as fond of Daniel as of Jonas. :wacko:

foto scandpix

the artical says that Madeleines boyfriend Jonas has been chosen to have the best eximinationswork in exchangeright (don´t really now what it´s called on english...). Börsrätt on swedish! He got 15000 kronor for the price.


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cindygirl said:

foto scandpix

the artical says that Madeleines boyfriend Jonas has been chosen to have the best eximinationswork in exchangeright (don´t really now what it´s called on english...). Börsrätt on swedish! He got 15000 kronor for the price.

I am kind of confuse with the translation. Does it mean Jonas pay 15000 kronor for an item?
wanderer said:
I am kind of confuse with the translation. Does it mean Jonas pay 15000 kronor for an item?
no, he got a prize for best essay in law. So he was given 15 000 swedish crowns.
Cool for Jonas! Does anyone know what grade he graduated from University with?
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