Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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I hope y’all know that a lot of people are going to slam this man because he’s dating a Norwegian princess. Such a shame.
that title is really something else :ermm:
Business and pleasure can be a really thin line ...

Indeed. Especially taking into account that she is no longer a 'royal highness' especially so she could go about her own business. Branding yourself as 'the princess' is quite opposite to that.

For many years Princess Märtha Louise's use of her title for her private business functions has been a topic of debate and engendered calls for her to renounce it. In the past she has explained it by saying she uses it because she does not have a last name.

She often mentions her difficulty coping with the attention and expectations of being a princess, including in her interviews promoting her book on "high-sensitivity" people like herself, but her use of the label for her private business indeed seems to increase that attention.
I really feel for her poor kids and parents - they do not deserve all this anwanted attention for all the wrong reasons - the chances are high, that it will go south rather sooner then later.
Indeed. Especially taking into account that she is no longer a 'royal highness' specifically so she could go about her own business. Branding yourself as 'the princess' is quite opposite to that.

Why is she not a royal highness anymore?
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I hope y’all know that a lot of people are going to slam this man because he’s dating a Norwegian princess. Such a shame.

Norwegian princess? I would slam him if he was dating my manicurist.:ohmy:

Sorry but he gives me major heebie jeebies. :sad:

I hope I turn out to be wrong.:ermm:
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Why is she not a royal highness anymore?

The princess agreed to lose her HRH in 2002 in order to be free to earn her own money.

Additionally, she was engaged to be married and eventually would have lost the HRH upon marriage, had she not renounced.

Well, Princess Astrid and the late Princess Ragnhild stopped being members of the Royal House when they married ''non-royal'' men.
The media didn't want this to happen to Märtha when she married in 2002, but the King meant it would have been unfair to his sisters if she had retained her position, while they had to let go of theirs.

That means:
They are no longer Royal Highnesses.
Their birthdays are not an official flag day anymore.
They are no longer on the balcony on May 17th.
They are not required to perform royal duties.
They does not receive money from the state.
They have to pay taxes.

It was the same with Sverre. The King and Haakon meant it would have been unfair to Raghnild, Astrid and Märtha if he was to retain his position after he marries. So, therefore, Haakon and MM thought it was best that he was born without being a member of the Royal House, because then he don't have to go through the same process as the princesses had to do, when they lost their positions.
Norwegian princess? I would slam him if was dating my manicurist.:ohmy:

Sorry but he gives me major heebie jeebies. :sad:

I hope I turn out to be wrong.:ermm:

Well, we don’t know that much about him outside of what the tabs are reporting. Obviously, she know him and is proud to call him her boyfriend.
Together with the hobby...

One can find a relationship, like the one of the Norwegian Princess, quite often:

- The Swedish Crown Princess with body issues and a fitness hobby married the fitness trainer.

- The Danish Princess, which rides horses, is together with the horse transporter.

- The Greek Heiress, which rides horses, was together with a rider.

- And now the Norwegian Princess with "spirituality" is together with the "healer-shaman".

So, nothing unusual about this!
.. quite right, maybe not so unusual - but I doubt the soundness of that particular choice

I wonder in principal, how being together with your hobby can be true love.

Me thinks it shows only a big amount of insecureness.
From the DailyMail

'Durek believes he was a King in a past life and that he and Princess Marta were husband and wife in multiple lifetimes,' a friend told

So let us sum up some things based on the Daily Mail article.

Age 44.
No formal education at all, only high school.
Arrested in 1993. (Reason so far unknown.)
Seemingly very much influenced by his mother, who also seems to have magic... sorry, ESP skills.
Calling cocaine "also a medicine" and helped a client "understand why she needed the medicine (cocaine)."

- I shall refrain from commenting.

But let's us hear how the two met:

They met last autumn, through a mutual acquaintance.
Märtha Louise have been a client of Shaman, and undergone a treatment, which she found "very interesting."

However, medical professionals are not impressed by Shaman!
He methods being described as "dangerous" and it as been more than hinted that his methods is quackery.
And at best "a placebo."

You can read further in the Norwegian papers, they have really begun digging!

Shaman has been certified as a shaman by:
Having gone through seven different tests in different worlds.
Having passed ten tests by invisible spirits.
Having been given skills from ancestors going back generations.
Having died and getting back to life again by command by spirits.

- These IMO are not the words of a man, who for various reasons, actually believe he has special skills.
this is the words of a man who is trying to sell himself as more convincing than he is.
This is the first time I use this smiley here on TRF: :humbug:
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Muhler, After what you explain I believe she is not thinking at all. Wonder what her daughters think?
I'll be as sincere as possible. After what the Norwegian press discovered about him, I have no doubt that this man inspires no confidence. I doubt very much that the Kings of Norway have accepted this relationship well, and surely they already know more about him than we do. If Ari Behn was already what it was and was the protagonist of some controversies, this one is still worse. Only Mette-Marit, who despite her past, managed to become a good princess and an example to others.

Harald and Sonja must be worried, which is normal. I also liked to know what Ari Behn and his daughters think of everything. But that's a little worrisome.
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I was asking the same ? What would her ex husband, Ari Behn, and her daughters think of this new guy?
Muhler, After what you explain I believe she is not thinking at all. Wonder what her daughters think?

I'm asking myself what her parents are thinking. Gosh, Harald and Sonja don't deserve this. And Martha Louise is a 47 year-old woman, not a teenager anymore, what makes it even worse.
RoyalNorway is a little preoccupied right now, so I'm standing in and will briefly cover the latest in the Norwegian press.

As you may know ML and Shaman are to embark on a tour of Norway and Denmark but there has already been a little obstacle.
The parish council of Stavanger (a town) Cathedral and Skt Petri Church have refused them to give a lecture in the church. That comes after a direction from the Bishop of Stavanger, Anne Lise Ådnøy. Who says:
Det har kommet frem så mye nytt i media som gjør at jeg har brukt biskopens tilsyn og sagt at Menighetsrådet går tilbake på avtalen
- "So much new has emerged in the medias which means I have made use of the prerogative of the bishopry and told the Parish council to cancel the agreement."

The parish council opted to follow the direction of the bishop.
The bishop has elaborated:
Jeg tenker at det kanskje er noe i hvordan han møter syke mennesker på, som er uforenelig med den måten vi som kirke ønsker å møte syke mennesker. Vi ønsker å møte med dem med omsorg uten prislapp. Vi ønsker å hjelpe folk som står i slike situasjoner.
"I think that it perhaps is based on how he meets sick people, which is incompatible with the way, we as a church, wish to meet sick people. We wish to meet them with consideration without a price-tag. We wish to help people who are in such a situation."

Shaman has dismissed this as gossip, someone, anyone in fact, on the Net could have written about him and what he has said. That's a mess, he believes.
He express great disappointment, because he had looked forward to meeting the bishop and discuss religion - and meet people at the church.

The Bishop has refused to comment on Shaman's comments...

I will here interject that Stavanger Cathedral is the oldest cathedral in Norway, from around 1125. The Norwegians are pretty proud of the cathedral and in their quiet way they take their faith very seriously!

The whole controversy is also very much based on Shaman's own webpage, which sure is worth a read!

Here he describes himself as a "spiritual guide" and "gifted healer" but it doesn't come free! A session in 2017 cost 300 £.
Perhaps not surprising since he claims to be able to: "Twist atoms" and that leukemia is a matter of "imbalance of the skeleton."

Read for yourselves here:

And for your viewing pleasure, here is the full video of the interview Shaman gave to Norwegian TV2:
In English.
You form your own opinion on that.
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For some reason I thought she would step in and help out since Princess Mette Marit sometimes needs to rest , I thought she would of taken up the Banton and covered some of the events .....
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Shaman has been certified as a shaman by:
Having gone through seven different tests in different worlds.
Having passed ten tests by invisible spirits.
Having been given skills from ancestors going back generations.
Having died and getting back to life again by command by spirits.


OMG. this sounds so dodgy...
And we have new details about their first meeting:

As you recall they met through friends they both have and at some point in October last year ML and some friends went home to Shaman.
Märtha has confided in a talkshow:
"We agreed to meet and I and some friends went home to his place. I went inside and said: I know you. And he answered: Yes.
We were predestined to meet before we were born."

The Norwegian press speculates as to when and where Shaman will be introduced to Märtha's family.
It is expected they will both be in Oslo for the National Day on the 17th.
The court will not confirm or deny anything, but it is tradition that the Regent Couple invites a selected group of people (family and perhaps additional guests) for lunch on that day and since Shaman is Märtha's guest...
That lunch is however considered private and the guestlist is not made public, unless someone within the NRF talk about it.

Some of you have asked whether ML (and as such Shaman) will be present at the official part of the 17th May processions. The answer is yes, no, and maybe.
ML will not be standing alongside the Regent Couple and the CP family.
However, it has been noticed in previous years that ML has appeared in a window during the processions, especially during the highlight, which is the Children's Procession. - So maybe there will be a glimpse of Shaman as well.

(- Since ML appears to be completely smitten by her kindred spirit, I think it is more than likely that we will indeed see her and Shaman in a window and probably waving a bit as well.)

The Regent Couple have from the very beginning always made the effort of meeting the sweethearts of their children, so in that light it is more than likely that Shaman will indeed have lunch with the Regent Couple.

Asked directly whether the King was looking forward to meeting Shaman, he answered: "Det får vi tro. Vi får se."
Okay, I'm not Norwegian so I may miss a subtlety in this reply, which to my Danish ears sounds pretty reserved.
So my best translation of the King's reply is: "We assume/guess so. We shall see."

The happy couple has at no point, almost from the moment they met, hidden the fact that they have a relationship as is evident of the online updates compiled by the press:
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Yep, dodgy and all that!

But may I remind of Rasputin and his influence on the Tsarina? It might be asthonishing, but there are far to many folks, which believe in such "stuff".
Oh dear, oh dear.
Yep, dodgy and all that!

But may I remind of Rasputin and his influence on the Tsarina? It might be asthonishing, but there are far to many folks, which believe in such "stuff".

Oh yes, I'd forgotten about Rasputin and his supposed claims that he had powers to heal Alexei :ermm: At my church, something similar also happened and one of the pastors from a neighbouring church who was also a Shaman (the church has controversy in our town and some members of my church and others have called to investigate the organisation) claimed he could bring a little girl who very sadly passed away back to life. Of course, her grieving parents instantly complained to the head of the church.
I'm a little weary of Martha Louise's new boyfriend since the whole Shaman business does seem very dodgy indeed to me. Though, as Muhler pointed out, they seem to be kindred spirits so hopefully their relationship will work out well.
I have known two women who became involved with men styling themselves as some sort of mystical guru. Both the women were over 35, both were lovely, both were wealthy, and both were heartbroken, embarrassed, and less wealthy when the inevitable breakup occurred.
Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett participated in the Good Morning Norway Show this morning, May 16.

About the current media attention: "It's more intense, but it's not worse than it has been before. The criticism affects me, but I think it is important that we live in a country where we can express ourselves, and say what we mean".

About her work: "I'm a princess, and I'm born into this family. I have chosen this lifestyle and it is my way of making money. Others who do similar things get money for it, and so do I".

About her family: "I am a part of the family, and so it will always be. But I understand the criticism, and I understand that accepting me for who I am can be challenging".

Durek Verrett confirmed that he has met Queen Sonja and King Harald.

And he denied: "No, I can't cure cancer, and I've never said I can. I think people have taken bites from various interviews and assumed that it is the truth and that it comes from me".

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 ** Pic 5 ** During the show ** video ** rex gallery **

** article with video: Prinsesse Märtha Louise: Vil ikke si fra seg prinsessetittelen ** translation **


** dm article: 'I just can't stop staring at her': Shaman Durek declares his love for Norway's Princess Martha on Norwegian TV..**
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Oh my... She is almost crying in the video!
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Well, the next chapter of the saga is about to begin and I think there is now a genuine chance that ML may be "volunteered" to give up her title as Princess.
More on that later.

Because the court is now openly distancing itself from the Märtha & Shaman Magic Roadshow.
The court has issued a statement saying:
Vi følger med på debatten og det som uttales, og kommer til å være i dialog med prinsessen knyttet til markedsføringen av hennes næringsvirksomhet,
We follow the debate and what is being said (in the public) and will be in dialogue with the Princess in regards to marketing her business.

The court elaborate on the background of the above:
Årsaken til at prinsesse Märtha Louise siden 2002 ikke lengre skulle bli titulert Hennes kongelige Høyhet var for å skape større avstand til kongehusets offisielle virksomhet. Denne avgjørelsen la til rette for at prinsessa kunne gå ut i arbeidslivet og drive egen næringsvirksomhet,
The reason for Princess Märte Louise since 2002 was no longer to by styled HRH was made in order to create a bigger distance to the NRF's official work.
That decision was the basis allowing the Princess to making a living of her own and run her own business.

The reason for the court reacting like this is of course that a lot of Norwegians consider Shaman to be a charlatan and combined with the fact that ML is using her title as Princess (and as such de facto an official representative for Norway, because you can't expect foreigners to know or understand that she is not an active member of the NRF) as part of the promotion of hers and Shaman's... ehh... spiritual enlightenment tour.
And that has of course led to quite a lot of raised eyebrows in Norway and indeed more or less veiled calls for ML to give up her title as Princess or if need be, strip her of the title.
It is, top put it mildly, considered unfortunate that a prominent member of official Norway, which a princess must be considered to be, is associated with a man whose business is somewhat questionable and whose statements are "medically remarkable" - and all that for profit.
Because the tickets to their lectures, at least in Norway, are sold out. (Of course everybody wants to "see the giraffe." I doubt the good Shaman has that many followers, let alone people who are interested in what he has to say, in Norway, if it wasn't for his liaison with ML.)
Especially since Shaman being "a healer" means that he can be exempt from vat in Norway. :D
The sale from the tickets alone is expected to net around one million Norwegian Crowns. - To that we must add books and talismans... I mean, tools for helping to attain spiritual awareness. Not to mention sessions and what not.

There are now calls from politicians to stop healers being exempt from vat.

Norwegian healers are up in arms as well!
Shaman ruins everything and puts them in a bad light. He is not serious, a fraud and certainly not a genuine healer - and now he may cost them the vat-exemption... :D

The press has noticed an elegant little backdoor Shaman has put up on his webpage, where he saying how much he can alleviate and indeed cure of ailments and illnesses.
It's this little sentence: Vi garanterer ikke at du blir helbredet for din lidelse. Å bli helbredet fra sykdom har å gjøre med pasientens villighet
We don't guarantee you will be cured of you ailment. To be cured of a disease is dependent on the determination of the patient.
- In other words: It's your own fault, if you don't get cured. :D

You can read for yourselves here:

- I started by saying that I think there is a genuine chance that ML will be stripped of her title.
She has since 2002 and until now, had no reservations about playing on her title as Princess in connection with her business - which of course in the eyes of many Norwegians is bad enough. What is even more annoying to many Norwegians is the nature of her business. I.e. claiming abilities to communicate with angels - and earning money on that. That is being seen as taking advantage of people who may have personal issues.
Now she is teaming up with someone who is going a step further, in the sense that Shaman is said to claim abilities to cure people of often very serious diseases - People who may end up worse or even dead, because they don't follow the treatment prescribed by doctors.
Whether ML is being taken advantage of remains to be seen.
Or even worse, she is perfectly aware of what person she is association herself with! (I don't believe that though. I believe she is genuinely fascinated by Shaman.)
Now, can a Princess, a semi-official representative for Norway, who is openly using her title as Princess, earn a living on what can at best be described as a "morally questionable" business?
Apart from being an embarrassment for Norway and the Norwegians, it is hardly desirable for the NRF to having a princess running around having conversations with angels (and perhaps other beings as well) while performing "stage-healings" with a man with astounding healing abilities. (That is, if the patients have the will to get well, the lazy buggers.)

What is she persists?
What is she refuse to give up her association with Shaman?
What if she is starting to claim having "powers of healing"? If not in Norway, then abroad? (Outside Norwegian legislation.)
What is she refuse giving up her title and indeed persist in using her title?

Can we then end up in a situation where the King, either on his own accord or under public and political pressure, is forced to strip ML of her title?
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Does anyone have any sense of how Haakon Magnus feels about his sister and her . . .uh . . . businesses and associations?
Does anyone have any sense of how Haakon Magnus feels about his sister and her . . .uh . . . businesses and associations?

It is his sister. She does no any harm.
In my country HKH prinses Irene der Nederlanden, prinses van Oranje-Nassau, prinses van Lippe-Biesterfeld formerly prinses de Bourbon de Parme (sister of Queen Beatrix) wrote books about hugging and talking with trees, about having a spiritual dialogue with nature. She also organized courses, seminars and sessions to open minds for spiritual dialogues. Despite the quite ethereal level, the book was a bestseller. So who are we to argue about Märtha Louise? Those who do not believe in angelic dimensions shrug their shoulders anyway. Her Dutch "colleague" was not stripped from any of her titles.
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There is a slight difference between talking to trees and having a spiritual dialogue with nature and preying on sick people who will try anything and everything in order to get well...
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