Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 - 2024

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The only thing that truly worries me is if The King and The Crown Prince is not worried at all - or chooses to not intervene to escape more angry outbursts from M-L and Durek in the newspapers and on social media…. That would not be a good sign for the future of the norwegian monarchy

Like Trond Norén Isaksen has already written, with the aging King and Queen, the King being fragile, Crown Princess Mette Marit being chronically ill and is not expected to be able to increase her engagements, Princess Astrid being 92, and Ingrid and Magnus still in their educational years, the number of engagements that the Norwegian RF can undertake is being more and more reduced for every year now when only Haakon works full time…. Haakon is luckily a very healthy and fit man and is not (according to himself) working anywhere near full capacity…. But he is only one person…. And The King being fragile means that no outgoing state visits can be undertaken, wich means a lot less media coverage compared to nearly all the other heads of state…

The empty space in the media that is left by a shrinking royal family and engagements that cannot be undertaken is then filled by M-L and Durek and their combined idiocy…. Not because they have done anything good and not because anyone likes them but because they are the only ones visible….

So it’s really not a surprise that the previously rock solid public support for the norwegian monarchy has began to shrink, and shrink rapidly…. Because the Norwegian population are not dumb… They see as much as anyone else what is happening…. My only fear is that Harald and Haakon does not…. The line of communication between them and Märtha seems to be non-existent
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Märtha Louise's manager Carina S. Carlsen hasn't answered to gossip magazine Se og Hør, so Se og Hør contacted the Royal Court again and asked, what King Harald thinks about Märtha Louise having sent a threatening letter to an 81-year-old lady, whether he has approved that she sent this letter and whether he is considering removing her princess title.
- We do not want to comment, replied Guri Varpe, head of communications at the Royal Court.
More and more experts have questioned Märtha Louise using her title in such a letter. Press expert Gunnar Bodahl-Johansen:
- She has the title of princess exclusively as the king's daughter, so the royal house is drawn into the matter as long as she operates as a princess. Anything else is naive to think. How one uses such a title carries with it a great responsibility. The royals must be prepared to defend their position and actions. The media, on behalf of the people, have the right to ask questions and demand to receive answers. This is an essential part of the Norwegian social order.
I am pretty sure that Harald and Haakon can see what's going on, but at the same this can't be easy for Harald. His daughter is born a Princess, and it's must be hard for him to even think about strip her for the title. I feel so so sorry for him!
Its a very tricky situation as clearly Harald doesn’t want to take the Princess title away from his princess and doing so will be spun by Derek as racist.
I’ve thought about it alot and I think the only way forward it a statement saying ML is keeping her Princess title but it will be removed if its used in any way that has already been forbidden. It means letting incidents of the past go but also makes clear to ML and Derek the rules and it effectively becomes their choice - either play by the rules or loose the title. It can’t be considered racist if their own actions leads to its removal. It some ways it creates a win win- either ML reigns in her use of the title as has been requested or by her or Derek’s own actions it is lost.
Even better if I were Harald I’d turn it over to someone else - eg I have asked the Prime Minister to monitor the situation and if ML uses her title is a way not expected the PM will inform me and the title will be removed. Clear firm boundaries
I doubt the above would make much of a difference unless Harald is willing to follow through with it; so far, he has shown to be rather 'soft' on his daughter, so I'm not sure such a thread will make much of a difference - it will mainly lead to arguing about whether the rules were truly broken or not.

Removing her from the line of succession would be the clearest step imho. It will ensure that she will never become queen of Norway and clearly shows disapproval of her actions which are not compatible with representing the royal family and especially not leading it as monarch if it would ever come to that.

In that scenario she could either keep her title, be given a lower title (not sure whether Norway has that option - but it was done many times before in other Scandinavian countries) or be stripped of her title completely (which most likely is not something that the king would contemplate).
Durek Verrett reveals in Nettavisen podcast "Stavrum og Eikeland" why the wedding with Märtha Louise comes before he gets a new kidney.
- I haven't received a kidney yet, but the thing is that I love Märtha so much and we love each other so much. So then we are like: 'Why are we putting off what we know is inevitable?'. We therefore decided to continue, so a new kidney will come after. Of course I want it.
Durek underwent a kidney transplant in 2012, his sister as donor. After a few years, a new transplant became necessary. In Bild's interview last year, Durek said that Märtha Louise wanted to give him her kidney, but that it didn't fit.
I had been wondering a long time about his kidney problems. I might be wrong in my judgement, but I still cannot believe the whole story. A dear friend of mine suffered many years of kidney problems, she got a new kidney twice, but finally died after the second transplant. This is a very serious condition, usually with people have to undergo 3times a week blood transfusions and are feeling very sick afterwards, I was always surprised how fit he seems to be, doing all these interviews, travelling from the US to Norway and back and so on, the energy you need to do all this.
I don't know about other sufferers, but from what I learned from my friend and other people with that serious problem they were not in such a condition to lead the life that he has been living in the last couple of years.
I had been wondering a long time about his kidney problems. I might be wrong in my judgement, but I still cannot believe the whole story. A dear friend of mine suffered many years of kidney problems, she got a new kidney twice, but finally died after the second transplant. This is a very serious condition, usually with people have to undergo 3times a week blood transfusions and are feeling very sick afterwards, I was always surprised how fit he seems to be, doing all these interviews, travelling from the US to Norway and back and so on, the energy you need to do all this.
I don't know about other sufferers, but from what I learned from my friend and other people with that serious problem they were not in such a condition to lead the life that he has been living in the last couple of years.
I have also been , shall I say dubious of this individuals medical history . Especially with his claims that cancer etc are caused by negative thoughts . One would think that the obvious devotion / love of Martha would have cured him by now ?????? One only has to look at the example of HRH Prince Daniel of Sweden and how he and the Crown Princess have handled his own problem .[ with the courageous help of his Father ] to see how this situation could have been handled . My greatest sympathy I'm sorry to say goes not to the reigning couple , but to the Crown Prince couple . I hope and pray that they have many more years together .

You bring up some good points Hereditarytitles and Fabaunty. I've commented periodically about Durek's ongoing statements about needing a kidney transplant but we really have nothing to go on except his physical health presentation via his activities and from pictures. While he looks pretty good we know nothing except for what he says and Durek has a problem when it comes to the truth.

I'm commenting as a Registered Nurse with 34 years working in hospital critical care. We know Durek had a live donor transplant from his sister ~ 12 years ago. Most live donor transplants are functional for 12 to 20 years. In the US a person qualifies for a transplant when they have lost 20% kidney function, the wait list for a deceased kidney donor is 3.6 years. Of course live donor much sooner. We have 2 kidneys so questions come up, is it only his donor kidney or is it his nondonor kidney affected. Durek talks like it's no big deal, they will get married and then he can get his supposed transplant. And what about dialysis? There is so much we don't know. Frankly, Durek just sucks the oxygen from the room, all of he and Martha's "its all about me" behavior. If it weren't concerns about their negative impact on the current NRF why does anyone care about either one of these big babies. :yuk:
I feel for Harald and Haakon. This is a very difficult situation to handle. And maybe they would have taken her title or place in the succession already away if the whole Harry-Meghan didn't happen. If they do it now, very predictably the Norwegian royal family will be seen as racists (and there is no reason to view them as such).
In an upcoming episode of the Nettavisen podcast "Stavrum og Eikeland" Durek Verrett reveals that Gwyneth Paltrow is not attending the wedding.
- Gwyneth is not coming. Her son is going to college the same weekend as the wedding. It has been very difficult for both her and my family that she cannot come, because she is a very close family friend. So it's been heartbreaking for both of us. She puts the children first, just like Märtha. We made an agreement to always put the children first, and Gwyneth is the same way.
The DK tabloid BT has compiled a number of recent articles in Norwegian media, some of which I believe have already been mentioned here.
I won't go into too much detail, because they are all similar: Very critical of ML.

The opinion pieces don't go so far (yet) to call for ML and her shaman to be rolled in tar and feather and kicked out of Norway, but it's pretty much the gist.
ML has disappointed, a lot! She should know better, she should be more mindful of her family, especially her dad, she should not constantly try to push the boundaries. Including she and Durek attempting to and failing to trademark "The Princess and the Shaman" in USA.
Durek is openly considered a charlatan, so he actually gets a relative easy time here.
The call to the NRF, and in particular King Harald is: Do something! Because this cannot go on.
And the general call is: Strip ML of her princess title.

Now, I can't say how big a deal this really is in Norway.
If people went on the street and started demonstrating outside the palace or began to sign petitions to strip ML of her title, then it would IMO be critical for the NRF. So critical in fact that I believe the government (on behalf of the Parliament as well) would be forced to intervene in one way or another.
But King Harald has an immense public credit, so he can so to speak afford to be lenient with his daughter.
However a king Haakon, who is new on the throne will IMO not have that luxury.

On top of that ML, is already seen as ruthlessly (or recklessly if you prefer) hurting her father (and of course mother as well) by her behavior. After all instead of this being a happy occasion for King Harald, where his daughter has found happiness, this is at best a major cause for concern - on top of his already frail health.
Should King Harald die in the near future ML, just like a certain UK prince, may be the focus of a lot of public resentment.
It has not exactly increased ML's standing in Norway that she was a co-signature in a letter threatening to sue Durek's 81 year old mother.

So in short: If it wasn't already it sure is now: It's open war between the Norwegian press and ML and Durek.
I think Derek gets an awfully easy ride tbh - if he was in the UK he'd have been torn apart by now, for I might add, all the things he has done wrong (the fake claims, dangerous claims, illegal activity)

Hmm, I didn't know this
When the agreement between Märtha Louise and the Norwegian royal house was made at the time, it was a reaction to the fact that the princess had received criticism for using her title on a lecture tour together with her American boyfriend, Durek Verrett, who is a self-proclaimed shaman.

They called the lecture "The Princess and the Shaman", a name they also tried to patent in the USA.
Shows IMO they really do / did want to use her title to make $$$$
But they will still want coverage of the wedding somehow.
Oh yes! This is a great story.
Probably the biggest society story in Norway for decades and of course the public Norwegian interest is immense. Even if the press were reluctant to cover this they would IMO still have an obligation towards the public to cover it as best (but not as unbiased...) as they can.
Oh yes! This is a great story.
Probably the biggest society story in Norway for decades and of course the public Norwegian interest is immense. Even if the press were reluctant to cover this they would IMO still have an obligation towards the public to cover it as best (but not as unbiased...) as they can.
Actually I meant ML and Verrett. Instagram coverage just isn't quite the same.
Actually I meant ML and Verrett. Instagram coverage just isn't quite the same.
I see.

Well, I agree with you.
There would however be better ways of getting coverage - which no matter what would be very high - than having a feud with the entire press corps.
This whole thread can be boiled down to one word: Mess.
But doesn't he want to practice his spirit hacking and whatnot in Norway? I think that is their plan. I am still amazed that they don't want to make their home in the US, they must know that the Norwegian people are not friendly towards them with all that has been published. I am also worried and surprised that the King has not said anything for quite a while. I hope he and his wife are in good condition, lets not nor get they are both 87 years old and Harald has his health issues.
How very reckless of Märtha to not consider the feelings of her aged parents.

In the USA he will have to compete with an overwhelming number of con men and women like him passing themselves as shamans, life coaches and all that new age garbage supported by celebrities in need of attention. Celebrities are an easy prey but if the couple lived in the USA and tried to run scams, the competition would expose them. These life coaches' and new age gurus are like predators in California and in any major city with rich people, so they work to discredit anyone competing with them.

I assume he would like to be a major influencer to get more money from nonsense, but the risk in the USA is if the shaman becomes an USA celebrity, he and ML will also become openly exposed and ridiculed. At the moment, Durek and ML are a couple of nobodies in the USA, thus they need to run whatever money-making scheme they have in mind in Europe.

I don't feel sorry for ML, she got what she wanted in him to push the limits and embarrass her family with this former USA prison inmate.

I don't understand why he isn't healing himself with his shamanistic powers.
I would love to see that!

Although if his powers included the ability to foresee the future winning lottery ticket, he would have moved away from his current lottery ticket called ML.
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In the USA he will have to compete with an overwhelming number of con men and women like him passing themselves as shamans, life coaches and all that new age garbage supported by celebrities in need of attention. Celebrities are an easy prey but if the couple lived in the USA and tried to run scams, the competition would expose them. These life coaches' and new age gurus are like predators in California and in any major city with rich people, so they work to discredit anyone competing with them.

I assume he would like to be a major influencer to get more money from nonsense, but the risk in the USA is if the shaman becomes an USA celebrity, he and ML will also become openly exposed and ridiculed. At the moment, Durek and ML are a couple of nobodies in the USA, thus they need to run whatever money-making scheme they have in mind in Europe.

I don't feel sorry for ML, she got what she wanted in him to push the limits and embarrass her family with this former USA prison inmate.
Now I begin to understand why they want to live in Norway, although I remember that a few years ago the shaman complained about Norway being too cold, people not welcoming him, being racist. I really hope that their plan of money making in Europe will not work for them.
The shaman / shameless individual seems to be getting more desperate . Odd that he is now stating that his close friend Paltrow is putting her sons entry to college before his wedding because they both put children first . not heard a word from goop about this . As to ML I can only assume that her devotion to this individual is because he reinforces her own beliefs rather than tolerating them as her family , and Norway have done . IMHO
I wonder what Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah really think of all of this.

Two elder ones are already of age, the youngest will be in two years.
The DK tabloid BT has compiled a number of recent articles in Norwegian media, some of which I believe have already been mentioned here.
I won't go into too much detail, because they are all similar: Very critical of ML.

The opinion pieces don't go so far (yet) to call for ML and her shaman to be rolled in tar and feather and kicked out of Norway, but it's pretty much the gist.
ML has disappointed, a lot! She should know better, she should be more mindful of her family, especially her dad, she should not constantly try to push the boundaries. Including she and Durek attempting to and failing to trademark "The Princess and the Shaman" in USA.
Durek is openly considered a charlatan, so he actually gets a relative easy time here.
The call to the NRF, and in particular King Harald is: Do something! Because this cannot go on.
And the general call is: Strip ML of her princess title.

Now, I can't say how big a deal this really is in Norway.
If people went on the street and started demonstrating outside the palace or began to sign petitions to strip ML of her title, then it would IMO be critical for the NRF. So critical in fact that I believe the government (on behalf of the Parliament as well) would be forced to intervene in one way or another.
But King Harald has an immense public credit, so he can so to speak afford to be lenient with his daughter.
However a king Haakon, who is new on the throne will IMO not have that luxury.

On top of that ML, is already seen as ruthlessly (or recklessly if you prefer) hurting her father (and of course mother as well) by her behavior. After all instead of this being a happy occasion for King Harald, where his daughter has found happiness, this is at best a major cause for concern - on top of his already frail health.
Should King Harald die in the near future ML, just like a certain UK prince, may be the focus of a lot of public resentment.
It has not exactly increased ML's standing in Norway that she was a co-signature in a letter threatening to sue Durek's 81 year old mother.

So in short: If it wasn't already it sure is now: It's open war between the Norwegian press and ML and Durek.
Muhler, could you please explain what the thinking is of “why” ML wants to hurt or embarrass her family? I’m not sure I totally understand. Do people think she really believes his con or is just going along for the publicity/money making? Thanks in advance :flowers:
Has Gwyneth Paltrow ever mentioned, online or in an interview, having a close friendship with Durek at all? Or is she just an imaginary friend of his?
While Durek name drops Gwyneth Paltrow as his dear close friend it appears Gwyneth has referred to Durek as her shaman in the context of promoting her online wellness blog/company GOOP. In 2019-2022 several magazines included articles and photos of Durek and ML with Paltrow. If anything I think the relationship is more a Hollywood promotional grifting business than close personal friends.

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