Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett: News & Information 2019 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It hasn't any worth.
Basically King Harald agreed to ML and her Durak to adhere to a number of terms. ML & The Shaman however didn't...
Seven breaches in two years, the article says.
Okay, let's say two or three of them were genuine misunderstandings and misinterpretations that happens.
Everything beyond that smells like pushing the boundaries. - And I see no reason why they shouldn't continue.

I seriously suspect ML has rarely, if ever, faced really serious consequences of her actions from her parents. So why shouldn't she continue doing what I again suspect she has been doing all her life?
Durek? Why shouldn't he continue? What consequences will he face in comparison to the benefits of getting away with it? Has he been sued? Will he likely ever be sued? Will he be deported from Norway? Will he be arrested? Will he risk being stripped of a title or status.. oh wait, he hasn't got any. The only consequence is that the couple is at odds with the Norwegian press. Big deal in regards to the US market alone. And the public ire in Norway? So what?
It hasn't any worth.
Basically King Harald agreed to ML and her Durak to adhere to a number of terms. ML & The Shaman however didn't...
Seven breaches in two years, the article says.
Okay, let's say two or three of them were genuine misunderstandings and misinterpretations that happens.
Everything beyond that smells like pushing the boundaries. - And I see no reason why they shouldn't continue.

I seriously suspect ML has rarely, if ever, faced really serious consequences of her actions from her parents. So why shouldn't she continue doing what I again suspect she has been doing all her life?
Durek? Why shouldn't he continue? What consequences will he face in comparison to the benefits of getting away with it? Has he been sued? Will he likely ever be sued? Will he be deported from Norway? Will he be arrested? Will he risk being stripped of a title or status.. oh wait, he hasn't got any. The only consequence is that the couple is at odds with the Norwegian press. Big deal in regards to the US market alone. And the public ire in Norway? So what?

In the USA Durek is not even a bleep on the radar, he seems to be completely dependent on this new access to the European market for gullible people and the lack of knowledge on his legal issues and five arrests in the USA
Incredible! I didn't know of all his legal issues and arrest in the USA. Does Märtha and her family know, I wonder...
I suspect they are well aware but she finds any other explanation BUT the one that there might be a reason for those and her family doesn't have much of a choice but follow the King's line. And the King, for reasons of his own, doesn't want to take a hard line with his daughter. The hard line being, distancing the Royal House from her, as long as she is with him.
It hasn't any worth.
Basically King Harald agreed to ML and her Durak to adhere to a number of terms. ML & The Shaman however didn't...
Seven breaches in two years, the article says.
Okay, let's say two or three of them were genuine misunderstandings and misinterpretations that happens.
Everything beyond that smells like pushing the boundaries. - And I see no reason why they shouldn't continue.
You're being too gracious, Muhler. To me, it's more like asking, Boundaries, what boundaries? The NRF is in for increasingly bigger embarassment with those two... A pity because I liked Martha-Louise. But her head needs to be more involved. Alas, her sense of decorum and manners seems to have taken a flight as well.
Historian Trond Norén Isaksen's chronicle in Aftenposten
This is serious...

The use of the princess title to promote alcohol is the seventh breach of the agreement that the King entered into with Märtha Louise and Durek less than two years ago.
When the agreement is not respected, it is time to strike off Märtha Louise's princess title before King Harald's life's work takes further damage.
Isaksen writes that over the past few years, aging and illness have made the royal family less visible. In 2013, they carried out a total of 267 missions outside royal residences. In 2023 only 157. In the public eye, the void left by state visits that are not made and representative tasks that are not carried out is filled by the endless controversies caused by Märtha Louise's and Durek's flawed role understandings. There is an obvious connection between this and the fact that support for the monarchy is falling steadily.
Most Norwegians are happy with King Harald for good reasons, and many are angry that the daughter and future son-in-law are publicly humiliating the King by showing that they do not respect his authority. At the same time, among most people, there is growing irritation that the King does not cut through, and that the breaches of agreement do not have consequences.
A lot more at the chronicle:

I could read the whole chronicle, I don't know if they put it behind a paywall later.
He says what probably everyone thinks…. Why doesn’t her actions and repeated breaking of the agreements with her father lead to any consequences at all ? The hyped press conference where The King and Queen presented the new limitations on Märtha and Durek (wich was almost no new limitations, more like a gentle tap on her shoulder) was empty oxygen and plain theatre…. Remember that it was not The King but The Crown Prince who led the negotiations with ML and Durek and brokered the new deal with them… The King’s only contribution was throwing in the pre-condition that ML’s title was not to be touched…. And thereby The Crown Prince could honestly not do very much as ML had with very few exceptions already stopped undertaking royal engagements..

One cannot help but wonder if ML has ever faced any consequences for anything in her life…

It’s a shame really that King Harald after a whole lifetime of dedicated service for Norway, and who for good reasons has often been called the worlds most ”likeable” monarch, now at the age of 87 is stuck in this situation…. Part of it may very well have been caused by himself and Queen Sonja if they spoiled ML too hard during her childhood and youth but that doesn’t take away the fact that ML is 53 years old, divorced once, and a mother of 3… Even with an upbringing in a palace full of servants who probably bent over backwards for her, she has had plenty of time to learn how the reality works for people outside of her bubble…
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Incredible! I didn't know of all his legal issues and arrest in the USA. Does Märtha and her family know, I wonder...
In the USA Durek is not even a bleep on the radar, he seems to be completely dependent on this new access to the European market for gullible people and the lack of knowledge on his legal issues and five arrests in the USA
Thanks for this - I clicked on the link you provided about his legal issues, and this guy is unbelievable! There was a quote from his own mother in 2022 and 2023 interviews “described him as "ingratiating", "manipulative", "dangerous", "prone to lying", and said she no longer has contact with him.”:oops::oops:
Nothing about Verrett's legal issues or time served or warnings by people he's been involved with is new. It's all years old (and discussed here, if anyone looks back far enough in the threads). Rest assured, the NRF know. When I asked back in the day why the Norwegian security services weren't ushering him along, I think the answer was something of a combination of "ML is basically a private citizen" + "Verrett is not an actual security risk to the monarch or the monarchy". The latter may have changed or will change at some point...

And it's times like this I dearly wish crabby old Olav or explosive roaring Haakon VII were around, so Verrett would not be a topic for discussion here.
I worry for the Royal Family of Norway. They are much too lovely and kind to know what has arrived at their doorsteps.

We have seen enough of Verrett... a liar, a conman, reportedly a convicted criminal and more. It is baffling why Martha Louise has involved herself with him but is now getting married. Is this her way of continuing to lash out at whatever problems she had in her younger years that have carried over into adulthood. I am concerned she has become a powerless victim. Either King Harold, Crown Prince Haakon or the government need to stop this man before he gets started. Unfortunately, it will have to be at the expense of removing ML from the royal family. Of course, these are only my opinions and concerns.


The definition of Narcissistic personality disorder or NPD. Read this: Who does this sound like.
I think the NRF are afraid to get a Prince Harry situation in case they go for the hard line. But to give them a pass over and over again wont be possible either with the conman constantly pushing the boundaries.
They already do, so what kind of backward reasoning is this?
Royal house experts: The princess title must go
There are far too many blisters and slips, says one. Another believes it is "time" for Märtha to give up her place in the line of succession to the throne.
- We do not wish to comment, writes Guri Ofstad Varpe, head of communications at the Royal House, to VG.
The royal house expert believes that it is only natural that these discussions come up, when Märtha and Durek make headlines time and time again.
- They steal attention from the important task of the king's work, and that is very sad.
The princess's manager, Carina Scheele Carlsen, has not responded to VG's inquiries.

I also read another article yesterday where another expert said that taking Märtha Louise's princess title doesn't change anything, the press will still connect her and her various actions to King Harald by writing "Märtha Louise, the daughter of the King of Norway".

Vinmonopolet: Princess gin broke the law - must change the label
Communications manager at Vinmonopolet Kristin Welle-Strand in an e-mail to NRK: The Alcohol Act states that advertising for "other goods with the same brand or characteristics" as alcoholic beverages is not permitted. The alcoholic beverage must have its own distinct trademark, and the label/packaging must not give clear associations to other goods and services.
There is no information that indicates that Märtha Louise and Durek's monogram is only linked to OHD Pink Gin. The product cannot therefore be said to have a "distinct trademark of its own" with the monogram on the label. Our assessment is that the label on which the monogram is printed is in breach of the advertising ban. »

The Shaman works from Norway
The self-proclaimed shaman finds himself in a gray area when he performs healing sessions from Norway.
Se og Hør has tried to get in touch with Durek Verrett via his American manager.
We have asked her the following questions;
- Which visa does shaman Durek travel under when he stays in Norway?
- Is this a visa that also allows him to work during his stay?
These questions are so far unanswered.

The princess and the shaman are active in most social media channels to build the brand. This is their business. They need their celebrity status.
But the princess's desire for massive positive press coverage and at the same time to avoid critical questions, it is a difficult combination.
At the launch of the gin, they avoided talking about why they advertise alcohol and why the princess title keeps appearing commercially. That Märtha and Durek do not return the favors they receive from the media by answering critical questions says something about the couple's power. They can dictate the terms.

Royal chaos before the princess wedding
Royal family experts believe the wedding will be for the insiders and the party will be private. The guests are prohibited from taking photos and a private photographer captures the party. It would not be surprising if there is a bidding war for those pictures.
It is difficult to be wise about Märtha Louise. Actions do not match words. She wants peace from negative media coverage, but invites famous guests to a celebrity wedding. She vows deeply and sacredly to distinguish between royal title and commercial interests, but puts the princess stamp on alcoholic beverages. You don't need to be psychic to predict royal chaos before the wedding in Geiranger.
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They do not have a Harry situation yet, ML har yet to say anything negative about her parents, brother or sister in law. But if they remove the title they suddenly might have that on top of the current horrible situation, she is very protective of the title as her comments on Instagram shows, her one claim to fame.

Princess Ragnhild once said she was bannished to Rio after her wedding to a war hero…. Maybe a trip to Rio for this couple would not be so bad either…I cannot imagine they will thrive in the house they have bought in the suburbs…
They do not have a Harry situation yet, ML har yet to say anything negative about her parents, brother or sister in law. But if they remove the title they suddenly might have that on top of the current horrible situation, she is very protective of the title as her comments on Instagram shows, her one claim to fame.

Princess Ragnhild once said she was bannished to Rio after her wedding to a war hero…. Maybe a trip to Rio for this couple would not be so bad either…I cannot imagine they will thrive in the house they have bought in the suburbs…

Not 100% banished; it was more like "convenient". After all, nobody made Astrid go anywhere and she had an even more controversial marriage. Ragnhild was completely frank that according to her, her family was horrible to her about the whole seven-year wanting to marry Lorentzen saga, though.

And Harald, of course, remembers all of this, not just his own saga. It's the family curse, but I think he was hoping for some peace and quiet regardless.

Anyway, the world is much smaller now; you can't have people in "exile" in California or Brazil. Not with social media. Distance doesn't do much. Ragnhild would undoubtedly still have words about her niece's continuing choice of partners, though.
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