Princess Letizia, Current Events Part 15: September 2009 - February 2011

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What if she is happy the way she is, healthy and doesn't feel the need to gain weight? What if she cannot? What if she is skinny because that's the way she is?
I think it has nothing to do with her weight. It looks like its her mood or so, when you look at the pictures of today you can see that she feels comfortable when she is interacting with people but somehow shy or not so selfconfident when it comes to offical scenes. When interacting with people she looks lively and "here".
I think it has nothing to do with her weight. It looks like its her mood or so, when you look at the pictures of today you can see that she feels comfortable when she is interacting with people but somehow shy or not so selfconfident when it comes to offical scenes. When interacting with people she looks lively and "here".

Thank you. My point exactly.
What if she is happy the way she is, healthy and doesn't feel the need to gain weight? What if she cannot? What if she is skinny because that's the way she is?
Exactly! just looking at the pictures, nothing really says how she really drives herself or her mood. I want to make something clear, I really liked this girl, at the beginning felt she represented the "new spanish royal people" but after all this years we still waiting for her, we need to trust her, we need to see that she has selfconfident, and stop being so arrogant or making the quote of the day...

poca machaca a la princesa Letizia
I just do not understand all the nitpicking of HRH Princess Letizia.

She is lovely and pleasant in all situations.

What a beautiful smile.

The weight issue has been discussed to death.

Without any official notice to the contrary she is healthy and happy.

Negativity from the public and press will only undermine her position.
So, maybe you are not dissapointed by Letizia but the Letizia you wanted. :sad:
In her defence I would say that most of actual Letizia is determined by her family-in law. She have to respect some rules and in the same time to be what she want to be. It is very difficult to reconcile these two requirements. We all only can hope that she will win the game.:flowers:
Exactly! just looking at the pictures, nothing really says how she really drives herself or her mood. I want to make something clear, I really liked this girl, at the beginning felt she represented the "new spanish royal people" but after all this years we still waiting for her, we need to trust her, we need to see that she has selfconfident, and stop being so arrogant or making the quote of the day...

poca machaca a la princesa Letizia

What do you mean 'new spanish royal people' ? How do you know she has enough freedom or resource in Zarzuela to do everything she wants to do ? Zarzuela still belongs to the Kings, the CP couple don't even have their own household like other CP couples in Europe. All the final decisions were made by the King. Unlike some other royals who seemed to disappear at times, at least she went to work every week (excluding the official holidays).
I don't see anything wrong with the red dress or shoes to attend the concert. By looking at the popular artists, the popular songs sang in the concert, it's rather a fun event. Rania's dress has a split at the more solemn wedding, so was Rosario's dress at the Greek wedding, nobody has an issue with their dresses.
The only SRF royal who looked 'arrogant or making the quote of the day' (perhaps by your definition) was Cristina by wearing a tiara bigger than the Queen. I'm sure had Letizia worn the Cartier tiara, some would have torn her into pieces.
Exactly! just looking at the pictures, nothing really says how she really drives herself or her mood. I want to make something clear, I really liked this girl, at the beginning felt she represented the "new spanish royal people" but after all this years we still waiting for her, we need to trust her, we need to see that she has selfconfident, and stop being so arrogant or making the quote of the day...

poca machaca a la princesa Letizia

I don't think you understood what I meant. She may be happy or not, but she is professional enough not to show it off. Probably that's the reason, like you said, "nothing really says how she really drives herself or her mood.". Would it be better if she would be angry or mad or pissed off and she would start going around showing her mood? Would that be professional?

Also, please explain the arrogance you mentioned. What is / was so arrogant she does / did?

You said, you are still waiitng for her... what are you waiting for? What does she need to do? What is, what you expect from her? Please, explain.

Finally, she is Letizia, she is, who she is. She was accepted (and seems she still is) by the King, the Queen and the Crown Prince. That is Letizia, Crown Princess. What Letizia would you like to see?
Finally, she is Letizia, she is, who she is. She was accepted (and seems she still is) by the King, the Queen and the Crown Prince. That is Letizia, Crown Princess. What Letizia would you like to see?

I'd like to see her dress better on a consistent basis, but that's just me:lol:
Quite agree. This outfit is much better. The pale violet matches with the white pants.
You mean you want for her to dress with clothing you like?

I would like her to dress as the Crown Princess that she is. In nice, quality clothes that befits her position. This is not just one person's opinion. Read board after board, and you will find many who feel the same. There was an article in a spanish paper, I understand, that said much the same. Letizia under-dresses on too many occasions. She is too casually dressed, and many times what she chooses to wear is inappropriate for what she is doing.
I'd like to see her dress better on a consistent basis, but that's just me:lol:

Well, this is you, like you said, but I appreciate an answer and an explanation that makes sense.
Dona Letizia is very hardworking, see how many events she has in one week! She remains modest, I don't see arrogance ever on her. For you that say she's not happy, what I believe is that there are moments of sadness when you look at her face and the reason, according to my theory, is that these moments she's thinking Erika. Or maybe she feels the pressure from paparazzi and the media around her all the time that don't allow her breathe.
Letizia has always had a beautiful face and been slender but I think the stress of the wedding is where the weight loss started as even though she was radiant and lovely on her wedding day, she looked tired. I still think she is one of the hardest working royals out there in terms of engagements and she genuinely seems to connect with people but perhaps the constant round of engagements means she gets tired and the 'mask' of 'everything as usual' slips sometimes to show the fatigue. I too think she could do with gaining a bit more weight but she is obviously not so skinny it has affected her ability to have children or keep up with a hectic schedule with not much time off. I do think however that the saying about having to choose between your face or your derriere as a person gets older is true and Leti will put weight on.
Well, this is you, like you said, but I appreciate an answer and an explanation that makes sense.

Cinderella5x, when you have time go through the fashion threads and look at the pictures from the last several years and before. She has changed considerably from the very beginning of her life as a royal to the present, and not for the better fashion wise. Please take note that I emphasize those last two words as I am not critcizing Letizia as a person. This only has to do with how she dresses as the future Queen of Spain. She hit all the right notes those first few years as a crown princess. Letizia is not consistent in how she dresses now. My post seemed quite clear. :flowers:
Cinderella5x, when you have time go through the fashion threads and look at the pictures from the last several years and before. She has changed considerably from the very beginning of her life as a royal to the present, and not for the better fashion wise. Please take note that I emphasize those last two words as I am not critcizing Letizia as a person. This only has to do with how she dresses as the future Queen of Spain. She hit all the right notes those first few years as a crown princess. Letizia is not consistent in how she dresses now. My post seemed quite clear. :flowers:

First, I did. I went thru all the threads about Letizia's clothes recently.

Second, I was not attacking, you, I even said, it's your opinon and I am fully aware we are all entitled to such.

Lastly, we all change. Our minds, clothes, shoes, fashion... it all changes thru the years. Most likely that's what happened to Letizia. She had some clothing ideas back then, she has different ideas now. Better / worse - well, everyone being different will see it different ways. Maybe she is still looking for her own, unique style, trying many diverse styles? Who knows...
Princess of Asturias assumes with permanent character the Honorary Presidency of the Spanish Association against the Cancer

The Princess of Asturias will assume, with permanent character, the Honorary Presidency of the Spanish Association against the Cancer (AECC) and of its scientific foundation, as it has reported this Friday the AECC, which emphasizes that it is the first time that the Princess presides at honorific form and with permanent character an institution.

According to the AECC, with this gesture, the Princess reaffirms " her commitment in the fight against this disease, since she has done with her presence in the institutional acts against the cancer and the receipt in audience of groups of affected and their relatives, with special attention to the infantile cancer ".

La Princesa de Asturias asume con carácter permanente la Presidencia de Honor de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer.
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