Princess Irene (1942-), sister of King Constantine

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I suppose that she uses of Greece as her surname as Sofia and JC's children have as the second surname "of Greece", so Sofia and Irene must have of Greece as her first.
In the process prior to filing the application to the Strasbourg court. Princess Irene in a statement in first person, she defended her surname as Greece, and that the deprivation of her passport was illegal. She demanded the return of her passport and her surname as validity. This is logical that she is not assume the Greek passport because she demanded the return passports and the validity of her surname. A passport of convenience would be the Danish to the Princess Irene, but she has a Spanish passport, she initially assumed the Danish passport and later voluntarily Spanish, . Princess Irene's surname may be in Danish or spanish "Greece". She has assumed voluntarily the Spanish passport.
She currently lives in Spain, and is very common to see her with Queen Sofia in London.
She has many friends in Spain, she has made many friends with Spanish missionaries, she shares with them the thinking and work,. She is free and she has decided this life. Greece is the land where she was born and raised Greek and her Greek blood like the rest of the family, but her life is in Spain, this is a reality. I'm not trying to offend anyone, I try to be honest. She travels to Greece, she has friends in Greece, but her life is in Spain that's obvious ... By this, she is not more or less greek, she is greek , but her life this in spain. ....

"Pecu" is monarchical.
The story goes that she was turned down or turned away a couple of princely matches[ including the future King of Norway then I think} and the arranged marriages with nobility did not work out so Irene did not play with various men and create a reputation- she is above reproach- she became a spiritual person; a musical person who maintains an apartment in Chennai ; spain; and Athens . And I think she rocks!

She certainly did not turn down the future king of Norway, infact she was prepared to go along with her mother's planning of an arranged marriage with him. Irene was supposed to even have been taking Norwegian language lessons. Frederika had her son Constantine ask Harald to be his main crown bearer at his wedding, trying to do the same kind of matchmaking where she got Sophia to invite Anne-Marie of Denmark to be one of her bridesmaids so that she and Constantine could be together. Unfortunately for Frederika, Harald had already begun his relationship with his Sonja so wasn't interested in Irene in the slightest.

She didn't turn down other crown princely marriages as there were no other crown princes around her age. Carl Gustav was a child, Baudoin (a king) was married and she was too young for him before he married, his brother Albert was married. The Netherlands had only female princesses as did Denmark.

Irene did have a relationship of many years with a friend of Constantine's, he was married and went into exile with the family. He died many, many years ago and we can assume that she's remained single since, or very discreet if she is involved with someone.
Princess Irene of Greece from 1964-1967 was the girlfriend Michel d'Orléans, Prince of Orléans. Beatriz d'Orléans, removed the boyfriend to Princess Irene. Princess Beatrice acknowledged it last year in an interview, but they are friends:whistling::whistling:
Beatriz of Orleans is always teaching good behavior, :lol::lol::lol::lol:
And she removed the boyfriend to Irene..:lol::lol::lol:
It takes two to tango so therefore Prince Michel wasn't a passive observer as he was "removed" from the Princess's side by Beatrice.
I did not see princess Yriny at the wedding. I hope she is doing well. She is very dear to me. Maybe Beltraneja who is well informed about the Greek royals whereabouts may know something.
At Nikolaos's wedding? She was there, in a blue dress, standing with Sofia.
Princess Irene was in India for the longest time and she still maintains an apartment there I believe .
Irene was never one of "one of the girls" going with this man and that one-He moral standards are high and ideal.If Norway's king passed up Irene it is his loss not hers.
She is a very cultured person; musical; with several degrees in those fields; independent; pure in intent and credible with honour abounding her.

It might be just as well that she never married because I think that if it had not worked out she would have been deeply hurt.
Irene is wise. All the bedcovers are hers at night when she sleeps.
........Her moral standards are high and ideal.If Norway's king passed up Irene it is his loss not hers.

It's neither his nor her loss. Two people may be excellent and complementing otherwise each other in terms education, character, values etc etc but they may not be physically or otherwise attracted to each other.
I just don't understand the content of your statement.
The life of both royals and commoners is well past the point when physical attraction was not a consideration prior to a match and eventual marriage.
Jaya is saying that with these values of the Princess Irene, would had been a ideal or perfect Queen...I think it also
Jaya is saying that with these values of the Princess Irene, would had been a ideal or perfect Queen...I think it also

There is no doubt whatsoever that she would have made an outstanding queen anywhere.
Thank you!!
She was Crown Princess up that was born Princess Alexia, Greek law was modified and adapted to the laws of succession that prevailed in Europe.
Thank you!!
She was Crown Princess up that was born Princess Alexia, Greek law was modified and adapted to the laws of succession that prevailed in Europe.
Which law are you referring to? Princess Yriny became Diadoch in March 1964 because Constantine was unmarried and had no issue at the time. He married Anne-Marie 6 months later and Alexia was born in mid-1965 at which point, she became the Heir, until the birth of Paul.
In the video is two proclamations, not a single "proclamations" , the first proclamation of Constantine as King and the second, Princess Irene like heir , all that was accepted by government decree, it is given preference to the offspring closer to the last king regardless of whether it is male or female, . and thus exclude the preference of men in absolute terms which excluded women from Reign,novelty is that it has written decree, which is law. This delimitation of the succession law, establishing preference to the descendants of the last king, regardless of whether they were men or women,was happening in other countries in Europe. Princess Irene was a woman, she for one year and four months was heir to the throne of Greece.
Not only for violists...the award is about young artists who live away from the urban cities, in the country, and is about all kind of artists, pianists, etc.
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These are wonderful pictures, thank you for posting them, Beltraneja! They must have really enjoyed themselves, the place is wonderful and I'm sure they enjoy each other's company, being the "intellectual" ones of the family ;-)
Yes, Michel is the historian of the family, and knows Greece better than anyone. He didn't left Greece after the 1967 coup, but only after the 1974 referendum. But even after that, he was the only member of the GRF that was visiting Greece during the 70's, 80's and 90's, and also has a house in Patmos Island:)

Princess Irene together with Queen Sofia and Paloma O'Shea attended the
Yehudi Menuhin tribute concert at the 'Escuela Superior de Musica Reina
Sofia' on December 15, 2010 in Madrid, Spain.

** Pic **

Princess Irene as chairwoman of the 'World Armony Association' attended
the Granada City Orchesta charity concert held in Granada, Andalusia,
Spain on January 28, 2011.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** belga **

Princess Irene attended the launch of the sculpture exhibition of Sofia Vari, the
wife of famous Colombian sculptor Fernando Botero in Madrid, April 4, 2011.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
Yes , i know that Botero´s family are friends of the royal family, and of the princess Irini

Princess Irene attended a charity concert together with her sister Queen Sofia
to raise funds for 'Proyecto Hombre Baleares' organised by Rotary Club Palma
Ramon Llull on April 19, 2011 in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Hola article with more pics **
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