Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant News and Events 2, Feb 2024 -

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I was surprised to read in the article that Princess Elisabeth "was spotted casting a vote" in the recent Belgian elections. I know that voting is mandatory in Belgium, but I would imagine that, as heir to the throne, Elisabeth would be exempt. If I am not mistaken, the King and the Queen Consort themselves do not vote, but it appears that they are the only members of the Belgian Royal Family not to do so.
It was widely reported at the time of the Belgian (and European, of course) elections that Elisabeth and her sibilings all voted for the first time.
It was discussed in this thread here:
General Questions and Informations about the Royal Family of Belgium

During Albert's reign, Philippe and Mathilde always voted as well; former/dowager monarchs also are obliged to vote (Fabiola after 1993, Albert and Paola after 2013)
I was surprised to read in the article that Princess Elisabeth "was spotted casting a vote" in the recent Belgian elections. I know that voting is mandatory in Belgium, but I would imagine that, as heir to the throne, Elisabeth would be exempt. If I am not mistaken, the King and the Queen Consort themselves do not vote, but it appears that they are the only members of the Belgian Royal Family not to do so.

To be honest, the issue of royals refraining from voting has always intrigued me. As much as I can understand a rationale for the King and possibly the heir not to vote, I have always asked myself how far one should go down the line of succession for the voluntary "voting ban" to be lifted. And when I asked that, for example on TRF, with respect to specific RFs,, especially in the UK, I never got an answer.
Re her college credentials: Impressive!

Re her casting a vote, I thought royals directly connected to the monarch were not to be involved in voting for political parties of any kind.

Anyone knows more on this? Are they allowed or required to participate in elections or show preference for a candidate(s) or political ideology?
Footnote, after I posted this, I noticed @Linda_26 reply and thanks for the information! I was not aware it was not a choice but a must-do for the royals to participate in the electoral process. And by royals I don't mean adjacent royalty but solely the inner circle, monarch, spouse and children.
As far as I am aware, the 'voting royals' is mainly a thing in Belgium and Luxembourg - it seems only the reigning monarch and spouse are exempted.
Has Princess Elisabeth graduated yet from Oxford? Are there any images from her graduation ceremony?

The graduation ceremony will take place on July 23, the Palace announced today.

So I guess we'll get some official photos that day :)

Her Royal Highness Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant, attends the Oxford University graduation ceremony at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. The Princess officially completes her 3-year Bachelor of History and Politics at Lincoln College, University of Oxford. Their Majesties the King and Queen and Their Royal Highnesses Prince Emmanuel and Princess Eleanor also attend the ceremony.

I assume Gabriel is on his military summer camp or has other military school obligations. Otherwise he surely would have attended as well.
Fête Nationale on the 21, then off to Oxford for Elisabeth's big day. Very exciting couple days for the family! I can't believe how fast the years flew by, now Elisabeth's next step will be to get her Master's degree.

I also assumed that Prince Gabriël is on military summer camp. He seems very committed and I bet his family is very proud as well.
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