Princess Caroline & Family Current Events Part 6 : February 2010 - December 2013

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the blog that i like to follow to check on the casiraghis has posted a list of things that happening since the casiraghis arrived here in brazil. they posted somethings which we probably didn't know about-at least i didn't- and so i thought i'd share it with you guys. but please, if the mods think it's useless, then delete it right away:flowers:

-they only took one body guard.
- on the 27th at night they had dinner at são conrado, at the Oásis steakhouse.
- that same day they attended to the birthday party of tatiana's mom. they ate lots of brazilian food while listening to samba however they all spoke french.
Hey, thanks for that, palomasie. I only knew about the Oasis steakhouse thing. It was in one of those many articles out of the Brazilian press via Google News... Anyway, about the bodyguard, I thought they only seemed to have one or two. Sometimes it looked like there was another one, but I figured there was no more than that.

Do you know if Vera's house is at Paraty on the lagoon or whatever? Maybe it is the Dellals who have the house out there, but I have been thinking it's Vera's, from something that was said when they were there back in 2008.

I like the Dellals and the SDs for the most part. I know I said something critical of Alice's style, but it was only about Alice's style, not Alice as a person. To me, Alice seems to be a nice person, sweet even. It's just her style I don't like. I like the Dellals mostly because it seems like they are good friends to the Casiraghis. I remember seeing an interview of Andrea Dellal and was touched by the sweet, protective, almost maternal way she talked about Charlotte. She said she liked watching Charlotte's competitions, but sometimes it made her nervous, she was worried about her falling. How sweet is that?
There is something about the bodyguard that I don't understand. There is one guy that always appears in pics and is obviously a bodyguard. But I wonder if he is the only one. In one of the links (in portuguese) posted some pages ago, they say brazilian photographers just saw one bodyguard with the group. I think is possible that they have others that act more discreetly, but why would this bodyguard act differently from the others? Also, this bodyguard seems more like Charlotte's bodyguard than the family's bodyguard: he is always with Charlotte. Andrea and Pierre don't seem to have one. Again, I wonder why things are different with this bodyguard? I mean, is just Char who has a bodyguard and her bothers don't? Or do Andrea and Pierre have one too but theirs are not always close to them?
Here says, amongst other things, that Princess Caroline gave her two bodyguards a medallion.

Boletim royal! A tarde religiosa de Caroline de Mônaco e seus filhos!
Ontem à tarde, depois de almoçar no Satyricon com os filhos, Andrea e Charlotte Casiraghi e Alexandra von Hannover, os genros, Alex Dellal e Tatiana Santo Domingo, a consogra, Andréa Dellal, e a bestfriend da vida inteira, Bethy Lagardère, a princesa Caroline de Mônaco pulou o Fasano, as lojas e os passeios turísticos pelo Rio para um compromisso inadiável: um encontro com Deus.
Ela foi à Agnus Dei, na Gávea, onde foi recebida por Clara Magalhães. Comprou medalhinhas de São Bento, de Nossa Senhora e de Santo Antonio de Pádua, seu santo de devoção, para ela, para as crianças, para as amigas e até para os seguranças. Queria saber quem era o santo padroeiro da polícia e Clara veio com um escapulário para cada um dos dois fortões que se ocupam dela. Caroline simples, Caroline do bem.
Tão do bem que ela me lembrou que a ONG que ela preside, a Amade (Associação Mundial dos Amigos da Criança, na sigla em francês), já construiu uma residência para menores abandonados para a Casa do Menor São Miguel Arcanjo, em Tinguá, Nova Iguaçu. “Ficamos muito felizes com esse trabalho”.
Na Agnus Dei, ela se encantou com um alfinete de ouro para os santinhos. “Vovó nunca se separava de suas medalhinhas, então ela me ensinou a prendê-las sob a roupa para estar sempre protegida”, contava à Alexandra.
“Fiquei muito impressionada com a simplicidade dela e como ela conhece todos os santos, como é uma mulher de fé e uma ótima mãe, sempre atenciosa e preocupada com as filhas”, disse Clara.
A naturalidade da princesa, foi atestada pelo grande Vittorio, o capo do salão do Satyricon, com quem ela falou um italiano impecável e até posou para uma foto. “A princesa adorou a casquinha de siri e a massa com frutos do mar”.
À noite, a família principesca de Mônaco foi homenageada com um jantar em casa de Bethy, que convive com Caroline há mais de 30 anos. Suas Altezas partem amanhã do chuvoso Rio, mas tecendo juras de amor à cidade. Em tempo: ela a-do-rou a road trip de ônibus que fez até Paraty. “Fomos parando na estrada e nos divertimos muito. É uma cidade encantadora”, resumiu.

Sorry, I don't get much time. If someone wants and knows Portuguese, translates it ;)
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There is something about the bodyguard that I don't understand. There is one guy that always appears in pics and is obviously a bodyguard. But I wonder if he is the only one. In one of the links (in portuguese) posted some pages ago, they say brazilian photographers just saw one bodyguard with the group. I think is possible that they have others that act more discreetly, but why would this bodyguard act differently from the others? Also, this bodyguard seems more like Charlotte's bodyguard than the family's bodyguard: he is always with Charlotte. Andrea and Pierre don't seem to have one. Again, I wonder why things are different with this bodyguard? I mean, is just Char who has a bodyguard and her bothers don't? Or do Andrea and Pierre have one too but theirs are not always close to them?

I was discussing this topic, the bodyguards of all the family, with someone @ the forum on my site. We wondered why we can see Charlotte, and Caroline and Alexandra, with bodyguards, but never see the boys with bodyguards. Also, Jazmin (Albert's girl) is often seen clearly with a bodyguard. And Pauline Ducruet seemed to have one at the Youth Olympics. And then there are other royal families: The York girls often have a conspicuous bodyguard. But I don't recall ever seeing Pierre, or Andrea, with a bodyguard. We don't see Steph kids much when they aren't with Steph, so it's hard to tell but the only time I've noticed Louis with a bodyguard he has been with his mother.
It's just interesting, or weird, why the girls can more easily be seen with the bodyguards, but not the guys? The only royal men I've seen with bodyguards are the big wigs, like Prince Charles and Prince William and Prince Harry, and of course the heads of state like Albert, because they HAVE to have bodyguards. But "lower" stature men like the Casiraghi brothers don't need them, I guess? Or don't need them to be as close to the heel? I have no idea why, though. Do they just worry about the girls more?
Here is the translation to the text rerehh posted:

Royal Bulletin! The religious afternoon of Caroline of Monaco and her children!
Yesterday afternoon, after having lunch in Satyricon with her children, Andrea and Charlotte Casiraghi and Alexandra von Hannover, her in-laws, Alex Dellal and Tatiana Santo Domingo, her .... (sorry, i don't know how to translate consogra), Andréa Dellal, and her bestfriend of her entire life, Bethy Lagardère, Princess Caroline of Monaco, dispensed Fasano, the shops and the touristic tours around Rio for an undelayable appointment: a meeting with God.
She went to Agnus Dei, in Gávea, where she was received by Clara Magalhães. She bought medallions of São Bento, Our Lady and Saint Antonio of Padua, her saint of devotion, for her, for her kids, for her friends and even for the bodyguards. She wanted to know who was the patron saint of the police and Clara came with one scapular for each of the two strong men that accompanied her. Simple Caroline, Caroline of good (good Caroline, maybe?).
So «of good» that she reminded me that the ONG she presides, AMADE, has built a residence/home for abandoned minors to Casa do Menor São Miguel Arcanjo, in Tinguá, Nova Iguaçu. "We were very happy with this work".
In Agnus Dei, she fell in love with a gold pin for the saints. "Grandma was always with her medallions, so she taught me to attach them under my clothes to be always protected", she told Alexandra.
"I was really impressed with her simplicity and how she knows every saint, how she is a woman of faith and a wonderful mother, always caring and worried with her daughters", Clara said.
The princess' simplicity was certified by big Vittorio, the capo of the Satyricon's salon, with whom she spoke a perfect italian and even posed for a photograph. "The princess loved the Casquinha de siri (a food) and pasta with seafood".
At night, the princely family of Monaco was honored with a dinner at Betty's house, who is friends with Caroline for more than 30 years. Their Highnesses will left the rainy Rio tomorrow, but weaving vows of love to the city. In time: She l-o-v-e-d the road trip in a bus that she made to Paraty. "We went stopping in the road and we had a lot of fun. It's a charming city", she summarized
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It's so cool to hear about this side of Caroline. I've always thought she was a sweet person! And these stories only confirm that!
^Yeah! Seriously. I have sometimes noticed this religious side of her character, but never really gave it much thought until now. I think she must be very private about her spiritual/religious practices. She is, I have gathered, extremely well-read and self-educated in many philosophies and has, I believe, strong spiritual sensibilities. Her house near Paris is directly opposite the little local church and she never misses the Easter service in Saint-Remy-de-Provence! Myself, I was born Catholic, as she was, though I do not really identify as a Catholic, and actually have some ill feelings toward the structural organization of the Catholic Church, yet I also have a deep reverence for the Catholic mysticism. I think Caroline is one of many Catholics who are more mystical and spiritual in her sensibilities. If I am right, then she is more beautiful than anyone in the media can say; then her beauty goes to the very core of her being. You might say that she is so beautiful on the outside because it radiates from a deep place within her soul.
Caroline has been steeped in Catholic culture and rituals since she was born. In interviews, she has made it clear that she is a Catholic, that it is a non-issue for her. Her behavior in church leaves no doubt about her faith, she is so intense and concentrated. However, she became cynical about the Church hierarchy and rules when she asked for the annulment of her marriage to Junot and was put on a waiting list, like everybody else, and it took years to obtain it. The talk was that she played victim, (it's because I am rich and famous that they make it harder for me, they don't want to make it seem like I am getting extra favors). If I were to speculate, I'd say that apart from the normal frustration anyone would feel about putting your fate (and the fate of one's children, whom she wanted to be recognized as legitimate by the church), into the hands of a powerful and arcane administration, Princess Caroline is not a person who is used to waiting and to being at the mercy of somebody else's decision. The lack of control, the feeling of powerlessness must have been all the harder for her as she probably hasn't had much opportunity in life to hone these coping mechanisms. I am not talking about loss, obviously, but about administrative complexities. She experienced a period of bitterness and withdrawal toward the Church, which seems to have abated. For once, it was "Welcome to the real world, Caroline", but it all seems to be behind her now.
Although I share the same feelings as CT about the Catholic Church (not to be confused with the Catholic Faith), I think that Caroline deserved a 'lesson' so to speak. She took it for granted that because she was rich, easy on the eyes, and famous the world owed everything to her, and that she was above everyone and everything. Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's the feeling.
Thanks julliette :flowers:

Caroline, because she was princess, that they make it harder for her, a lot of famous obtain the annulment much less time, i.e., Isabel Preysler and Julio Iglesias, eight married years, three children, they obtained the annulment in one year. Again, Isabel Preysler obtained the annulment of her marriage with her second husband, Carlos Falcó. The same person, two annulment in less years than Caroline-Junot. This is one example, I could say you many more cases like Rocio Jurado, her daughter Rocio Carrasco, Carmen Martinez Bordiu...

I understand the Church, If they had given her the annulment very soon, they would have been accused of favouritism, but I also understand to Caroline.

I hope you understand me, my English isn't very good ;).
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I'm Catholic as well and I agree with Tosca and those who say Caroline should've been taught a lesson. I don't doubt she is a devoted Catholic (and I like that about her, possibly because I can relate to that). That being said, on the anulment issue, that should not have been about her being more or less famous. I don't understand how these people are getting anulments at all, because it's a Catholic tenet with roots in Biblical scripture. Remarrying is akin to adultery. I think anulment is only permissable if the marriage has not been consummated. Caroline was married to Junot for at least two years (I think?), so I doubt that this was the case. Regardless, technically, at least in the Catholic tradition, they are lawful husband and wife. That's how I was raised anyway. I may be missing a point, but whatever. I like that she is spiritual. I understand the reservations with the Catholic church, but I identify Catholic and I'm proud of it.
I remember hearing somewhere that Caroline's anulment came through when Pr. Rainer "forgot" to send the vatican monaco's annual tithe.
I also remember that the late pope John paul II wanted or at least commented that he wished Caroline would get more serious about her life, ie charity work etc. This was all way back when...
Vanya, the tithe story might be true, but I remember there was certainly another factor! The Catholic Church was a bit wary of granting the annulment because they feared that Caroline might get another divorce and they were scared of the potential embarrassment from that. Maybe this is one of Caroline's issues with divorcing Ernst. It would be a second divorce and for a woman who is so attached to Catholicism, that could be a real problem. Maybe she is feeling some guilt about that, even though (obviously) it's not her fault. You know, Catholics and guilt, even where it's irrational, is not exactly unheard of!:sad:
Well, her first marriage to Junot was childless, and - unfortunately - Stephano was tragically killed, so she was a widow in her second marriage; this marriage to Ernst involves their child, so maybe for Princess Alex's sake, they remain married until she's older - may or may not have anything to do with religion, but keeping some semblance of marital structure for their daughter.
At the airport, I think. They're probably back to Monaco! Love Alexandra's outfit. :flowers:
At the airport, I think. They're probably back to Monaco! Love Alexandra's outfit. :flowers:

In case you are referring to the airport pics in sugarbaby318's latest post, they were
made at their arrival in Rio, so they already are from last year. Princess Caroline is
definitley back in Monaco, she has attended an event last weekend (see
the family's current events thread) :flowers:
Hope the whole group of Casiraghis and friends are back home. Brazil was having major flooding near Rio.
^Sweet! Looks like Andy and Tati are still a couple. But it looks they are saying goodbye. Maybe she is staying for a bit longer, or they had to say goodbye because they are going to different places.
Hope the whole group of Casiraghis and friends are back home. Brazil was having major flooding near Rio.

The Grimaldi curse?:sad:
Yeah, I think they just missed the floods. They all seem to be back in europe as of last week. Certainly, Charlotte is back, and Andrea seen kissing Tatiana in what looked like a goodbye kiss. Maybe Tatiana is still there? Maybe Pierre and Beatrice still in Uruguay??

They might all go to a skiing place, Zurs? per tradition, or a different place like Christmas 2009 (Crans Montana, Switzerland) in february.

Here are some pics from Brazil: the last holidays of the family in Rio, Paraty, etc. (from IBL)
i cant see it :( i dont know why i cant open the link
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