It's really difficult to find pics of Prince Jean de Nassau and his divorced wife Helen Vestur.
I've found these two:
Source of the pics: seegerpress and google
Link to the pics I stocked on photobucket:
Prince Jean is living actually in Paris and I've heard rumours that there has been a serious dispute between him and the rest of the family in the eighties.
Anybody know why he devorced from Helen Vestur?
Born at Betzdorf Castle on 15 May 1957, twin brother of Princess Margaretha, Prince Jean studied in Luxembourg, Switzerland and France, where he obtained his baccalaureate. He then attended language courses in Great Britain.
In 1977, he obtained his officer's commission after a period of study at the Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst. In 1979, he was appointed Captain in the Luxembourg Army. Prince Jean completed his higher education at the Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires (Instead) in Fontainebleau, France. Today he works in the financial services industry.
By declaration dated 26 September 1986, he renounced his rights of succession to the throne. On 27 May 1987, he married Hélène Vestur, who bears the title Countess of Nassau. Four children were born of this marriage:
Marie-Gabrielle, Countess of Nassau (born on 8th December 1986)
Constantin, Count of Nassau (born on 22th July 1988)
Wenceslas, Count of Nassau (born on 17th November 1990)
Carl-Johann, Count of Nassau (born on 15th August 1992
Text from a pdf file
Why did he renounced his rights in 1986? Are the rumours of the dispute true?
On 27th November 2004 Jean became Prince of Nassau!
Here is the official Grand Ducal decree:
I found the article under this link:
Arrêté grand-ducal du 27 novembre 2004 relatif aux titres à porter par Madame Julie ONGARO et les descendants issus de l'union avec Son Altesse Royale le Prince Robert ainsi que par les descendants issus de l'union de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Jean avec Madame Hélène VESTUR
Grand-Ducal decree of 27 November 2004 relating to the titles to be carried by Mrs. Julie ONGARO and the descendants resulting from the union with His Royal Highness Prince Robert as well as by the descendants resulting from the union of His Royal Highness Prince Jean with Mrs. Helene VESTUR
Nous Henri, Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, Duc de Nassau,
Vu les articles
3 et 40 de la Constitution;
Voulant donner une marque publique de Notre affection et de Notre bienveillance à certains Membres de Notre famille;
Sur le rapport de Notre Premier Ministre, Ministre d'Etat et de Notre Ministre de la Justice, et après délibération du Gouvernement en Conseil;
Art. 1er. Dans les actes publics et privés qui les concernent:
L'épouse de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Robert, née Julie ONGARO est autorisée à porter le titre d'Altesse Royale, Princesse de Nassau.
Les descendants issus de cette union de même que les descendants issus de l'union de Son Altesse Royale le Prince Jean avec Madame Hélène VESTUR sont qualifiés de la même manière.
Les dispositions de
l'article 4 de l'arrêté grand-ducal du
21 septembre 1995 concernant le nom de famille et les titres des Membres de la Famille grand-ducale sont applicables.
Art. 2. Notre Premier Ministre, Ministre d'Etat, et Notre Ministre de la Justice sont chargés de l'exécution du présent arrêté. Le Premier Ministre,
Ministre d'Etat
Jean-Claude Juncker
Le Ministre de la Justice,
Luc Frieden
Château de Berg, le 27 novembre 2004.