Prince Harry Current Events 17: March 2007

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cowarth said:
What is organic food?
Prince Charles is a heartfelt advocate of organically grown food products -- without pesticides, without any chemicals that are harmful to other species or the environment, and without any hormones in the cows and chickens. Hence, the "organic milk" you see in some stores.

Sorry I don't know very much about it, except that the methods that he encourages and practices on his farms are concerned with ecological issues. Many health food stores in the US have organic products, I believe Whole Foods and Gelsons are good sources. They tend to be pricey because organic methods are not as cost-effective as the more popular alternatives. I think in the UK, "Tesco" is a source of organic food too. ??

I love Prince Charles for using his position as Duke of Cornwall to promote and execute practices he believes are ecologically responsible rather than focusing on running a profit-based operation. I imagine he sometimes must operate at losses.

Personally, I like organic foods. I am not perfect at buying only organic, far from it, but I do buy organic milk and love it, and there's some other things, but I guess I've gone very far off topic. I hope I answered your question somewhat helpfully and I'll save the moderators the trouble, here goes:

This board is about Prince Harry's current events. Please stay on topic.

I always wanted to do that!! I'm sorry if I overstep my bounds.
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Thanks for the link.

Nice to know there are environmentally friendly ways to farm.

Does the food taste any differently?

How much does it cost to farm this way?
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cowarth said:
Does the food taste any differently?
I can only tell about Germany, but the food definately tastes better and recent research said that it's only about 6-10% more when it comes to prices in the shops.
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CasiraghiTrio said:
mock-combat training in Thetford Forest, Norfolk (2 weeks ago?) - Guardian Observer

Un-related to training: He tries buying "VAT"-free iPod
He went to a US Army base "BX" (US Army stores are usually PX, so this "BX" is strange to me) trying to buy an iPod.But one of his friends was asked to show US military ID. - Telegraph

Was his Salisbury Plain training this week and is that over?
No, I meant what does he do once all of the mock combat is over, the spare time, before he deploys?

Or is it non stop training before you deploy?
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cowarth said:
No, I meant what does he do once all of the mock combat is over, the spare time, before he deploys?
Or is it non stop training before you deploy?
It is just like any job, he will have ordinary duties to perform, checking and rechecking the kit he is issued and the extra's he thinks he will need. Umpteen sessions covering everything the senior offices think you need to know, talking with people who have been out there and learning what you really need to know. Meeting with friends and family, going out for meals and drinks. :flowers:
Skydragon said:
It is just like any job, he will have ordinary duties to perform, checking and rechecking the kit he is issued and the extra's he thinks he will need. Umpteen sessions covering everything the senior offices think you need to know, talking with people who have been out there and learning what you really need to know. Meeting with friends and family, going out for meals and drinks. :flowers:

Definitely. But as a junior officer, he will have a lot of work (no doubt, paperwork). On the other hand, as an officer, he will be able to delegate some tasks that will help him get the results faster and please his superiors.
Either way, he must have lots of things dumped in his lap to 'handle'. His CO marches up to him: "Cornet Wales, are you slacking off on my watch? Back to the office, now, and make me a fresh pot of coffee, and this time use grounded beans!" :rolleyes: :lol: Just kidding around.
CasiraghiTrio said:
Definitely. But as a junior officer, he will have a lot of work (no doubt, paperwork). On the other hand, as an officer, he will be able to delegate some tasks that will help him get the results faster and please his superiors.
He is a very junior officer and as I said he will have his ordinary duties to perform, the same duties he would have to perform whether he was deployed or not and the same duties he has been involved in since completing the course at Bovington. As he is not an admin officer, he shouldn't need to be doing any extra paperwork at all, apart from making a will, next of kin letters etc. As for delegating, all men and women preparing for deployment check their own kit, it's not much good getting out there and finding that someone else didn't pack your undies! :ROFLMAO:
Skydragon said:
He is a very junior officer and as I said he will have his ordinary duties to perform, the same duties he would have to perform whether he was deployed or not and the same duties he has been involved in since completing the course at Bovington. As he is not an admin officer, he shouldn't need to be doing any extra paperwork at all, apart from making a will, next of kin letters etc. As for delegating, all men and women preparing for deployment check their own kit, it's not much good getting out there and finding that someone else didn't pack your undies! :ROFLMAO:

Is 10 or 12 men the press says he will command the total of his division?
Then maybe the next senior one of them under Second LT/Cornet Wales must be (enlisted) E-6 or E-7??? If the British army works at all like the US navy, from my experience, I can see that maybe he issues his E-7 to be in charge of certain things, then the E-7 takes it from there. Of course that would leave Prince Harry to focus on his 'kit' (I am not familiar with that at all because I was never deployed in a combat zone and was never on a ship, where perhaps there might be some equivalent?? like a 'seabag' maybe. I did have to pack a 'seabag' for squadron deployments but these were all on land and during peacetime, so it wasn't a big deal. Also, I'm not familar with Army things in general, even US Army, so excuse my ignorance!) But I am fascinated to know about his Army career, what he does exactly and how his command works.
There are 12 men in a Recce Troop, each Scimiter holds 3 men. All the men have their own tasks to do, their own preparations to make. Harry is able to give orders to any rank below him or at the order of a more senior officer to his equals. He can give his own orders to a WO1 or 2, even a Staff or ordinary sergeant, but it would be frowned upon if he tried to order any of them to perform his assigned duties, as it would if he took a private away from the job he had been given. Most junior officers learn within the first day or two to leave the running of the men to the non commissioned officers, as with any large organisation, there are ways and means of doing things and for the first few months, a senior officer will take more notice of his non comms, than a JO.

With the kit, there are certain items they are allowed to take as well as what they must take and even for officers, it must all be within a set weight. One of our boys is 6ft 9inches and despite him argueing that his clothing weighed more, it was only with the help of his men that he managed to take any 'extra's'. Parents can of course send 'extra's' out to arrive before them! :lol:
Skydragon said:
but it would be frowned upon if he tried to order any of them to perform his assigned duties, as it would if he took a private away from the job he had been given.

Oh you misunderstood me there. I never meant to convey an idea that he would delegate his personal tasks, those which every officer of his rank must do. I was talking more of the daily missions for the unit. My impression from the news reports was that he is in charge of the unit, so I assumed that he would take charge of the missions. Naturally, he would pass down things, and the tasks would trickle down the COC accordingly, but ultimately, as I assumed before, Second LT Wales would sign off of things -- from my navy (naval aviation) experience, flight missions. The entire COC must sign off on these missions and signing off entails many checks and inventories that are undertaken and accounted for from bottom up, all the way to the Commanding Officer. Certainly while he has his own duties separate from 'the missions', he is part of the daily missions, no?
I don't know anything about what those missions are for Army recon units.
I guess you can substitute the planes for tanks? And perhaps Cornet Wales is like a 'pilot' (driver)? The enlisted men take care of the pre-operational checks, the servicing, parts ordering, whatever?
Is 10 or 12 men the press says he will command the total of his division?
He will command 11 men in his devision.

Parents can of course send 'extra's' out to arrive before them
I hope Harry takes advantage of this feature.

The entire COC must sign off on these missions and signing off entails many checks and inventories that are undertaken and accounted for from bottom up, all the way to the Commanding Officer.
So Harry is just another check list in the COC?
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Prince Harry's drunken 3am brawl

Prince Harry's drunken 3am brawl | the Mail on Sunday

It is hardly behaviour becoming of a Prince. Emerging from his favourite nightclub after downing several "Crack Baby' vodka shots, Prince Harry stumbles spectacularly into the gutter. Only seconds earlier he had lashed out at a photographer, chasing him through West London's late-night traffic and trying to shove him in the back.
Harry can be his worse enemy sometimes. I would suggest he end this friendship with Mr. Dyer and Ms. Pinkham :neutral:
CasiraghiTrio said:
Oh you misunderstood me there.
As you know that is where my expertise lies! :ROFLMAO: :flowers:

I never meant to convey an idea that he would delegate his personal tasks, those which every officer of his rank must do. I was talking more of the daily missions for the unit. My impression from the news reports was that he is in charge of the unit, so I assumed that he would take charge of the missions.
The daily missions of the unit are at the moment probably decided by the Major, who passes the instruction down through the officer ranks, until they get to Harry. Harry will probably then have a word with the WO's and leave the organising up to them. The officers who are in admin will already have held meetings to work out who will be going where and on what errands or exercises. Harry's unit consists of 11 men, who day to day take their orders from the non comms. The privates report to the corporals, the corporals to their sergeants, the sergeants to their WO, who will then, as you say pass the papers to Harry for his signature.
At the moment I would imagine all of them are studying hard to learn a few phrases, various tactics they may be able to employ, stripping their guns down etc, etc. :flowers:

And it would seem plenty of time to get drunk and make a fool of himself.
Lamyah said:
Prince Harry's drunken 3am brawl | the Mail on Sunday

Harry can be his worse enemy sometimes. I would suggest he end this friendship with Mr. Dyer and Ms. Pinkham :neutral:


He may be young but the guys a fool!

Excessive drinking and reported bursts of violence...It's ok though, becuase 'daddy' 'aka' Clarence House (not a sly on the Prince of Wales by any means as he would only do what any parent would I'd imagine) will come to his deffense (although they may not always wish too) and shelter the "poor lad" who is so widely misunderstood yet seems to do very little to project an image that most could take seriously.

His a man now and should start acting like a responsible adult. If one wants to be taken at all seriously, then getting wasted and violent wouldn't seem to be the most encouraging approach.

I know his not his brother, but even Willian can handle himself (even when dancing on a nightclub podium) in a manner that is relatively dignified in comparison.

He needs a swift reprimand and I say let it come from the top!!!!
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A few things of note: (1) at least he's not getting behind the wheel of a car; (2) he's about to go put his butt on the line in Iraq, which is way beyond what the privileged adult children of my country's leaders would ever be willing to do, so he gets a pass from me. The only thing I take issue with him about is penchant for taking a swing at folks who are trying to earn a living. He's lucky I'm not the one he chased in the street, because where I'm from they're waiting for punks like him to try to set it off. All Harry needs is a good old fashioned ass kickingby just one of those photographers followed by an assault & battery charge, if such like that exists over there. But we all know his goons won't let a man handle this kid, but if just one of those photographers manned up and put him on his ass, he'd stop his nonsense really fast.:lol:

All in all I couldn't care less about what Harry does. And what can Charles and the Queen do? Send him to his room??? Send him back to Centerpoint. How'd that work out??:lol: He's a grown man responsible and accountable for his own behavior. Those pictures are Exhibit A as to why I continue to cheer a William & Kate union blessed with tons of little heirs, so that we won't have to worry about Harry owning the keys to the palace. He's got a certain zest for life, what more can be said?:lol: :lol:
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Again...let Her Maj lose!!! :lol:

Would love to hear 'Granny' scold that guy (wishful thinking I know).

As his grandmother and sovereign, I don't dare think Harry would take on Elizabeth...and rightly so!
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I'm sure the Queen has expressed her displeasure before. No one can reign him in, not even the Queen apparently. Maybe Prince Phillip can scare him. Take him on a hunting trip and pull a Dick Cheney--cock the rifle then pull the trigger at some poor duck flying overhead.:lol: The only thing that will slow Harry down is time and age/maturity...and a woman...not Chelsy, because that relationship looks a little co-dependent to me. Hitting the clubs gets really old. Meanwhile his friends have got to step up and take the parties and Harry along with them to their estates, out of sight.
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And while she may have, It's well noted that the Queen chooses to leave such matters to their father (of course) and not interfere, but I really think she ought to.

Whilst I feel shooting the Prince in the rear is a tad excessive (amusing mental image he needs to know once and for all the limitations of his public display.

Grow up Harry. No one will do it for you!
I wouldn't be surprised if the pressman hounding him tripped him for the story.

The kid went out and had a very legal drinks and didn't drive home. He's about to go serve overseas in a mortally dangerous zone.

IMO, the article makes those after him look worse than Harry!
Luv2Cruise said:

He's a grown man responsible and accountable for his own behavior. Those pictures are Exhibit A as to why I continue to cheer a William & Kate union blessed with tons of little heirs, so that we won't have to worry about Harry owning the keys to the palace. He's got a certain zest for life, what more can be said?:lol: :lol:

:clap: I totally agree. He is responsible and accountable for his behaviour and he needs to start realising that. If he needs to drink in excess and make a fool of himself in public, then find a room in the palace and turn it into a nightclub so that he doesn't have to be seen falling over his own feet.
Hopefully William will produce a few sons and heirs freeing up Harry from the stresses of his future. Perhaps that is why he drinks so heavily. :ermm: (Tongue in cheek.)
Prince Harry current events 14: March 5 2007 -

crisscross1 said:
:clap: I totally agree. He is responsible and accountable for his behaviour and he needs to start realising that. If he needs to drink in excess and make a fool of himself in public, then find a room in the palace and turn it into a nightclub so that he doesn't have to be seen falling over his own feet.
Hopefully William will produce a few sons and heirs freeing up Harry from the stresses of his future. Perhaps that is why he drinks so heavily. :ermm: (Tongue in cheek.)
I agree with you on one hand on the other you do ot know what went dwon before he chased the phototag. The fact is that from what I read and pictures that I have seen he grabbed or tried grab the mans shirt. To me it appears that his foot got under the Land Rover somehow.
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Royals Deny Harry Involved in Scuffle

Prince Charles' Office Denies Prince Harry Was in a Scuffle With Photographer Outside Club.

ABC News: Royals Deny Harry Involved in Scuffle

He was out with friends and on the way out of the nightclub he stumbled on the kerb and fell on the photographer.
"There was no aggressive intent, they were laughing at it at the time.

Prince Harry accused of paparazzi scuffle | The Sunday Telegraph

The world according to skydragon. :flowers: I believe Harry's version of what happened, he tripped on an uneven kerb, (anyone who has been to Bouji's can confirm how bad the pavement is), and accidentally knocked the person in front of him, who happened to be a lowlife snapper, who has found a new way to make extra money and sell his pictures.
Antoher night out for Harry...which is fine...but what's the point of denying the incident with the photographer?! It is not the poor man's fault that Harry did something he shouldn't have. And Chelsy could have learnt about his night out with this girl with the help of her friends...or Harry's "friends" ... after all one can never know who saw them together.
melike2 said:
Antoher night out for Harry...which is fine...but what's the point of denying the incident with the photographer?! It is not the poor man's fault that Harry did something he shouldn't have.
The point of denying it could be that it did not happen the way the paparazzi would like us to believe, I mean what is he going to get the higher payment for, Harry falling over and knocking into him = accident or Harry grabbed him and swore = $$$$$$ :rolleyes:
Oh dear Harry! I think there is some truth in this but also some exaggerations on the part of a photog trying to get his name out there. Does this seem odd that the RF is denying this so soon? It just seems that most of the time no matter which RF it is it seems that they really like to keep quiet in most circumstances. So I'm a bit surprised that there is a denial about the incident so quickly. But I guess this could seriously escalate(speculation on attempted assault, possible lawsuit, etc.) At least in America things like that would be specualted about right away if this had happened to say the Pres. daughter. Anyways, I think their doing the right thing by addressing the matter.

p.s. I agree with Madame Royale, please Harry grow up and act like a royal. Realize that things like this are not acceptable.
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