Prince Felipe, Current Events Part 9: September 2008 - October 2011

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Prince Felipe held in San Millan 120th anniversary of the Journal LA RIOJA

El Príncipe Felipe celebra en San Millán el 120 aniversario de Diario LA RIOJA.

His Highness Prince Felipe congratulates to the San Millan Foundation

His Highness was greeted by an icy and snowy valley of Cardenas, but also by the warmth of the children of the of school 'San Millan de la Cogolla' and the Center for Disabled Nájera​

His Royal Highness the Prince of Asturias, Don Felipe de Borbon, today congratulated "of heart" to the Foundation of San Millán Cogolla for its "intense" work for the benefit of the language, which he defined as "one of our most precious treasures" . Around 11.30 am, with a slight delay, the prince arrived at the monastery of San Millan Yuso of Cogolla to celebrate with the responsibles of the Foundation and president of La Rioja, Pedro Sanz, the ten years of this.

Su Alteza el príncipe Felipe felicita "de corazón" a la Fundación San Millán.
Audience to the Office directors participants in the strategic convention of Llorente and Cuenca.
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid.

Audience with a representation of the Manufacturers' Spanish Association of Bricks and Tiles.
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid.

Audience to a representation of the participants in the Congress VIII National of Economy.
Zarzuela Palace. Madrid.

Prince of Asturias attends audiences in Zarzuela Palace
Audience to the Board of directors of the " Forests and Climate change Forum "
Zarzuela Palace

Audience to a representation of the Patronage of the "Bay of Cadiz for the Economic Development Foundation"
Zarzuela Palace

Audience to a representation of the business School of Extremadura, ITAE
Zarzuela Palace
He is unbelievably handsome. Tall and fit and carries himself well, always. One of the best-looking royals, I'd say.
Ohh I completely agree with you lacornemuse! :) He's gorgeous!
La Nueva España - Diario Independiente de Asturias - Galería - El Príncipe Felipe quiso renunciar a la Corona por Sannum, según la biógrafa de doña Elena
Prince Felipe wanted to resign to Corona by Sannum, according to the biographer of Do6na Elena
“Don Felipe was on the verge of resigning to the crown by Eva Sannum”, assures journalist Carmen Duerto, author of the biography of Infant Elena “the queen who could not be”, in an interview to the “Newspaper of Majorca”, of the same publishing group that the NEW SPAIN
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