5 JULY 2006
Princes of Asturias, besides presiding the delivery of offices of near 80 new lieutenants and lieutenant of the Air Force in an act that took place in the General Academy of Aire (AGA), in San Javier (Murcia), found a hollow to make some secrets on their daughter infanta Leonor.
The Prince dressed uniform commander of Ejercito of the Air in the Toisón de Oro and the Great Cross of the Aeronautical Merit. Doña Letizia, white jacket troquelada and black and white skirt of silk with printings in cashmere - the same set of Felipe Varela who took the day that presented/displayed her daughter to the Virgin of Atocha -, in addition of a black fan that used without stopping to fight the insensitive heat, during the celebration of the act. The heat indeed remembered Princess de Asturias her visit to Mule, when she was still pregnant.
"The Infanta sleeps very well"
The Princess was already prepared for the suffocating heat that whips the traditional appointment on July. It was her second visit to the Academy of San Javier and she was familiarized with the ceremony. But her domain of the situation was shown when she incorporates the fan to her outfit, but, mainly, in a relaxed attitude infinitely more than in the previous encounter. Proof of it, was the spontaneous gesture of princess Letizia: she broke the military protocol to place better to prince Felipe the band of Great Cross of the Aeronautical Merit, while they chatted friendly.
Also it was shown after the ceremony. Princes de Asturias stopped to talk with the journalists about the act and they did not have disadvantage in making them some secrets familiar: "Infanta Leonor has not given a bad night us. Sleeps very well ", Doña Letizia commented, who also boasted Leonor excellent sense of humor. The Princess joked with one of the companions on which the cocktail was less abundant than in other occasions: "I have said it to the colonel, I hope that he has taken note", she affirmed.
From San Javier to San Fernando
Allthough intense, the stay of the Heirs in San Javier, where the last month Prince Felipe attended alone - the Princess remained with the girl, at the Exhibition Air 06' she kindly commented on the wonderful zone -"How wonderful is this region. It enchants me - it was short". On the following day, they maintained course to Cadiz to preside over the Non-commissioned officer school of San Fernando the delivery from Real Offices to the LXVIII Promotion of Sergeant Majors of Specialist and Marines of the Navy.
The act began with the honours of decree of Princes de Asturias. Following, Don Felipe reviewed the company of honors and greeted the civilian authorities and military guests to, later, give the offices and imposing the condecorations to numbers of different promotions. For this occasion, in which the heat returned to tighten, Doña Letizia showed preference for a horse tail and a white shirt dressed with belt. And it is that when the sun heats, heats for all. Including royalty.