Carl Philip got into a fight with tv host Peter Magnusson, one of the hosts of Hey Barberiba!
This happend (ofcourse
) many years ago, when they were 11 and 6 years old. Peters younger brother went to the same school as crownprincess Victoria and he met the prince during a schools day at Smedslättskolan.
" I saw a bunch of kids wrestling in the sand box, so I went over there and joined them"
Did you know who he was?
"No, but suddenly a SÄPO guard came and took him away. They must have thought it didint looked good for him to be involved in a fight like that. Thats when I thought: Oh sh*t, that must be the prince
Peter was 11 and Carl Philip 6 years old when it happend.
"He´s is five years younger than me so ofcourse I was stronger than him"
But the prince didn´t got any bruises.
"No, it wasnt a real fight. We were just fooling around. Just like kids do.
Who won?
"No one did, SÄPO stopped it!",2789,806338,00.html
This isnt really current event, but I didn´t know where else to post it