Pierre Casiraghi Current Events 10 : Nov.2006 - June 2007

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CasiraghiTrio said:
Why is that boring? I enjoy these kinds of things, don't find them boring at all. I don't find "books" boring either.

it's not about bieng boring, the fact is that different people have different tastes, and fortunately we're not all the same. I don't blame him if he finds books boring, the problem is that there are loads of people who wished to enter a prestigious university such as Bocconi and didn't manage to enter because of people like him who spend their time doing nothing and acting like total fools in the nearby park (Parco Ravizza)... If he does'nt like studying than we can't possibly blame him, just stay at home and don't lose precious time...
CasiraghiTrio said:
. And Pierre can also look at his brother, who has been serious with one woman for many years now, and before Tatiana, was serious about another. And Charlotte and Felix, no elaboration needed there. But Pierre, he doesn't seem to take anything seriously. I have a major problem with that kind of attitude. It offends me. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true. His behavior is just offensive.
It´s his private life, he has the right to do whatever he wants, we are no one to critizise, what´s offensive for you may be normal for others, i really think his behavior is normal for his age. Who told you a 20 years old boy has to find a mate and settle down or have long relationships? Maybe he just doesn´t want or not now.

Trilly said:
the problem is that there are loads of people who wished to enter a prestigious university such as Bocconi and didn't manage to enter because of people like him who spend their time doing nothing and acting like total fools in the nearby park (Parco Ravizza)... If he does'nt like studying than we can't possibly blame him, just stay at home and don't lose precious time...
He´s very young and maybe doesn´t know exactly what to do with his life. Why can´t he enter a University and see what happens, he can do well or quit, it happened to me so i don´t blame him.
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rosana said:
He´s very young and maybe doesn´t know exactly what to do with his life. Why can´t he enter a University and see what happens, he can do well or quit, it happened to me so i don´t blame him.

i do blame him because he isn't even trying, he thinks life in Milan is all about partying and acting like a fool so I do blame him because he is occupying a place which could have been given to someone who actually wanted to acheive something in life...

rosana said:
He´s very young and maybe doesn´t know exactly what to do with his life..

The problem is that we're all young, but maybe the time has come to start taking some decisions... He is acting as an immature person, and it's so foolish of him!
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I think many people tend to be too judgemental of others' behaviour, and not only on forums, but also in real life when we often judge people we know little about. This post is not a defence of Pierre, because I don't know him at all, and honestly care very little about what he does or does not; I just find a little annoying people preaching, judging and most of all foreseeing a future for people just for the sake of it. I certainly hope Pierre finds his way, whether in University or not, better in University than not, (just for the record, a good friend of mine acted much like him and managed to graduate with good grades with little delay after a phase or excessive partying in the first two years of University!), but if he does not, I will feel sorry for him, instead of blaming him...if he does anything wrong, and none of the things reported about him are bad per se, he is hurting noone other than himself! Sorry about the ranting, but public judgement really annoys me. Let's also keep in mind the fair share of criticism many "icons of perfection", Grace and Caroline included, received and sometimes deserved over the years.
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rosana said:
It´s his private life, he has the right to do whatever he wants, we are no one to critizise, what´s offensive for you may be normal for others, i really think his behavior is normal for his age. Who told you a 20 years old boy has to find a mate and settle down or have long relationships? Maybe he just doesn´t want or not now.

You're right. It's his choice. As Grace says, he hurts no one but himself. It's still sad to see it though. I don't like seeing young people behaving this way. It does not give me any pleasure. I hate having to feel like this, and to preach this sort of thing. I wish it wasn't so, that he would do better. The fact is, if someone I love made these choices that he makes, it would be just as horrible to watch, probably worse of course, since it must be closer to the heart. Ok, I am done with judging him and criticizing. I won't say anymore about it. I just hope for some sort of intervention (maybe from a sibling, parent, or friend, but someone) or something better from him, and the sooner the better.
As long as he plays in Parco Ravizza and drinks beer sitting at a table, he obviously doesn't hurt anybody but himself, but things would change if he drank and drove. Then he could really harm anyone else besides himself!

I never met him, of course, but from what I heard about him from a source and in this forum, he acts as an immature child. Unfortunately I happened to met some rich or noble people, that thought to be almighty only because they got lots of money or a title.
Trilly said:
it's not about bieng boring, the fact is that different people have different tastes, and fortunately we're not all the same. I don't blame him if he finds books boring, the problem is that there are loads of people who wished to enter a prestigious university such as Bocconi and didn't manage to enter because of people like him who spend their time doing nothing and acting like total fools in the nearby park (Parco Ravizza)... If he does'nt like studying than we can't possibly blame him, just stay at home and don't lose precious time...
is exam period this week? have you seen caroline at the university with pierre? she's in milan these days, maybe to keep an eye on him?
The more I think about it and read your comments, I realize he is a victim of too much money and time and oppurtunity. I'm sure he is being offered everything of the most exciting and enticing quality (the sexiest, most beautiful women, the best alcohol, the best tickets for parties and clubs) and he just can't resist it, obviously. I guess Andrea went through a similar phase (especially in the Ibiza crowd) but he seemed to grow out of it somewhat rather more quickly. Charlotte, oddly enough, never seemed much tempted by the 'excess' gang. She goes to glamorous parties, to be sure, but we see her behaving with remarkable maturity and balance for the most part. She is certainly never falling down drunk. That is commendable for someone who might easily be tempted to indulge. Pierre may be one of those unfortunate victims born the youngest of his family (before Alexandra of course) and maybe over-spoiled unlike his older siblings. I think Princess Stephanie took longer to mature as well. She seems to have had a longer 'wild phase' than either albert or Caroline, and I remember Grace remarking that Stephanie was probably the most indulged, because she was like her 'baby'.

I hope Princess Caroline will chew her young boy's ear off with lectures. :lol: Set him straight, Highness! "Listen here, young man, no more of your Paris Hilton ways! Here, read a cool and fun textbook!" To which Pierre must reply, Oh geez, textbooks... can't beat that... geez, I love it when Mama comes to visit! :ROFLMAO:
brother said:
is exam period this week? have you seen caroline at the university with pierre? she's in milan these days, maybe to keep an eye on him?

we're not in uni in these days, we're in easter holidays so i guess she's here for other reasons..
All this talk of Pierre's supposedly bad grades sounds like gossip. If you make bad marks, who in their right mind would show them to someone else? It sounds just like the gossip from a Troll about Charlottes supposed bad grades and poor class attendance a while ago.
Trilly said:
we're not in uni in these days, we're in easter holidays so i guess she's here for other reasons..

YES! That can only mean one thing. She is visiting Casiraghis. The Casiraghi family rocks.
I read on Dagospia that Pierre goes almost every night to a disco called "Hollywood". He's said to always arrive followed by a swarm of "friends", treats everyone with drinks and pays with a black credit card. Perhaps Caroline had gone over there to tell her son he's spending too much money...

Once I happened to read in a mag that Caroline is pretty stingy.
Oh god, that's a scary thing: Pierre loose with a Black Card in Milan! Geez.... You know those American Express bills are going straight to Caroline's office, and those things are detailed, let me tell you. The "higher" the card, the more detailed and crazy it gets, so Caroline must know everything he's up to. It's clear he's spending a lot, probably much more than Caroline thinks reasonable, but fortunately a person like Caroline must have great credit rates with AE.
mwhite3182 said:
All this talk of Pierre's supposedly bad grades sounds like gossip. If you make bad marks, who in their right mind would show them to someone else? It sounds just like the gossip from a Troll about Charlottes supposed bad grades and poor class attendance a while ago.

Supposedly nothing... I've seen his grades because everyone in uni can see them, my friends are in class with him so they know his candidate number, so it's no rumours nor gossips...
Trilly said:
Supposedly nothing... I've seen his grades because everyone in uni can see them, my friends are in class with him so they know his candidate number, so it's no rumours nor gossips...

The only thing I have seen is what you can see on the public pages for Bocconi University, where you can see his name in the list of people who were admitted for 2006-2007, and each name has letters and codes that I don't really understand. It's not a big deal, but if Trilly ever has the time, maybe he/she can explain what the listed codes mean. I'm just curious. I don't think this list says anything personal. It's just a list of who applied for admission, what their status in the university is, right?

As for his grades, even if they are poor grades, I feel the same way as I do for anyone in university studies. I am a professional student myself, so I always encourage people to go to school if possible. Even if you don't excel.
I try to stay in school to work on something because I am addicted to learning. I make very good grades but I am not surprised Pierre makes average, maybe even poor grades. I doubt he spends too much time in the library, and in my opinion, only the most dedicated students get good grades, because college is very time consuming. I invest a lot of time in the library, which is why I am frequently checking mail and forums and stuff! :lol: But that's because school for me is a passion. That's what it takes. You have to be passionate about it to excel in it.
Pierre is passionate right now about going to parties. It would be understandable if his grades aren't so impressive. But it does not say anything about his character. Very nice people often don't make high grades. It's just not important to them, so they put their efforts elsewhere.

As I have said before,I would like Pierre to be different, but sadly people don't always behave like I want them to! It's very unfortunate! :ROFLMAO: :lol:
I hope you read the humor in my tone.
CasiraghiTrio said:
The only thing I have seen is what you can see on the public pages for Bocconi University, where you can see his name in the list of people who were admitted for 2006-2007, and each name has letters and codes that I don't really understand. It's not a big deal, but if Trilly ever has the time, maybe he/she can explain what the listed codes mean. I'm just curious.
the codes are the "numeri di matricola" i don't know how you'd say that in english, "candidate numbers" i guess...
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Trilly said:
CasiraghiTrio said:
The only thing I have seen is what you can see on the public pages for Bocconi University, where you can see his name in the list of people who were admitted for 2006-2007, and each name has letters and codes that I don't really understand. It's not a big deal, but if Trilly ever has the time, maybe he/she can explain what the listed codes mean. I'm just curious.
the codes are the "numeri di matricola" i don't know how you'd say that in english, "candidate numbers" i guess...
So it seems like you mean to say these codes are for filing purposes. Like case numbers. So they do not indicate on the site who was selected, what scores? Again, it is not important. I was only asking out of trivial curiosity.
CasiraghiTrio said:
So it seems like you mean to say these codes are for filing purposes. Like case numbers. So they do not indicate on the site who was selected, what scores? Again, it is not important. I was only asking out of trivial curiosity.
"Matricola" is the same as "enrollment"... So the numbers are under which number the student is enrolled, and most of the times you look up your scores and everything by that number. Well, in a lot of universities, anyway.
Ok, so his matricola number is the same as what Americans would say "student number". It's how the university database knows each student and is on the student ID card. According to the University Bocconi site, Pierre is listed as "Casiraghi, Pierre Rainier". He is enrolled in a two-year course. Currently, I guess he is still "primo" (first year).
What I don't understand, though, is the CDL admissions system. What is CDL?
It says that Pierre's CDL is "BIEM".
Some of the other students have BIEM by their names too, but others have CLES, CLEACC, CLMG, CLEF, or CLEAM.
Is CDL something about the admissions process, and perhaps these various codes indicate what exam the student took for admissions?
CDL stands for "corso di laurea" which means what kind of subjects you choose to study
There are several "typecasted" CDL (finance for small/medium enterprises, public administration, genral finance, financial institutions, ...)
If I remeber well, during the first 1/2 years you cannot choose your subjects, then you can specialise on specific matters having a range of subjects to choose among
BIEM stands for Bachelor of International Economics and Management
All the lessons are in english
In the first year Pierre has to study (and pass the final exams!!):
1st quarter
- Economic history
- Introduction to the legal system
- Management
- Mathematics
2nd quarter
- Accounting and financial statement analysis
- Financial mathematics
- Microeconomics
- Computer skills for economics

I bet the 3 note was in mathematics !!

The CDL lasts 3 years, which corresponds to the "laura breve (brief degree)" in Italy, then if you study for other 2 years you get the "full degree"
In Italy you cannot do that much without the full degree, but I imagine that abroad noone gets the difference as long as you have a degree
So, would his exam grades be posted for everyone to see?
normally exams are oral
some of them are both written and oral
only the results of the written part of exams are public
tyter1 said:
CDL stands for "corso di laurea" which means what kind of subjects you choose to study
There are several "typecasted" CDL (finance for small/medium enterprises, public administration, genral finance, financial institutions, ...)
If I remeber well, during the first 1/2 years you cannot choose your subjects, then you can specialise on specific matters having a range of subjects to choose among
BIEM stands for Bachelor of International Economics and Management
All the lessons are in english
In the first year Pierre has to study (and pass the final exams!!):
1st quarter
- Economic history
- Introduction to the legal system
- Management
- Mathematics
2nd quarter
- Accounting and financial statement analysis
- Financial mathematics
- Microeconomics
- Computer skills for economics

I bet the 3 note was in mathematics !!

The CDL lasts 3 years, which corresponds to the "laura breve (brief degree)" in Italy, then if you study for other 2 years you get the "full degree"
In Italy you cannot do that much without the full degree, but I imagine that abroad noone gets the difference as long as you have a degree

Thanks! That is fascinating info. I love knowing about what the Casi's study. I wish we knew about Andrea's university studies too. :sad:
According to dagospia website, Pierre is dating Francesca Turturiello, aged 23, who's related to the owner of a distilllery in Southern Italy. In the past they were suppliers of the then Italian Royal Family.
ChanelWindsor said:
are there any photos of them together?

Unfortunately there aren't. We'll have to wait, provided this piece of news is true.
ok soo i remember maybe 2 months ago i saw alot of photos of pierre char andrea and princess caroline on the pacha III and i cant find them anymore. Doea anyone know where these photos are?
He's surpassing his brother in the looks department~

I bet he stands out even more if you'd meet him face to face! ;)
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