Nobel Peace Prize 2003-2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Mette-Marit and Queen Sonia were quite elegant. I heard Mr.Yunus' speech on CNN and it was very moving and I can understand Mette-Marit's emotional reaction as well as Haakon's.
Well call me a kill joy but here it goes. This is a HAPPY occasion and yet Mette-Marit dresses like she is going to a funeral, again, the suit is to big and looks like a sack, the color is dreary and the thick stockings again, she sits like a sack of potaoes in her chair and when she got out of the car she hardly knew where to stand. Sonja also chose an outfit she has worn 5678 times before and tops it of with a hat that looks like a mushroom and the evening outfit is another disapointment, brown and black and then top it of with a giant pink rose:wacko: . Call in the stylists for the Norwegian royal family please. This is the one time the worlds eyes are at Norway, why not dress up for the occasion and play the part. Im usually a fan of Sofias clothes but even her suit looked like i was for a pre-funeral event.

That beeing Said Yunus gave the best nobel speech I have heared in a long time, very inspiering. And I thought it was so nice he had brought several of the participants in the microcredit program with him to Oslo. His daughter will sing for him at the Nobel concer tonight:wub:
Larzen said:
Well call me a kill joy but here it goes. This is a HAPPY occasion and yet Mette-Marit dresses like she is going to a funeral, again, the suit is to big and looks like a sack, the color is dreary and the thick stockings again, she sits like a sack of potaoes in her chair and when she got out of the car she hardly knew where to stand.

On the other hand, at least she has some kind of proper hairstyle instead of the usual let-it-all-hand-down style she prefers. :wacko:
I`m agree with you Larzen. Mette Marit dresses like she is going to a funral. Why cant she use more COLOUR in the dresses?
It isn't just the dark colors, but M-M's clothes are also so ill-fitting. The top looks like it is way to big. And while I applaud that at least she did SOMETHING with hair, the bun looks horrible. Somewhat sad when she is outshined by actresses and commoners.

Another questions, how come the Swedish Nobel Ceremony is so full of glitter and color while the Norwegian one is so subdued, which is made even worse this year as the RF looks like they are attending a funeral.
A gallery of the banquet from ABACA
See it here.

Another ABACA Gallery of the ceremony.
See the pictures here.
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sylla said:
Another questions, how come the Swedish Nobel Ceremony is so full of glitter and color while the Norwegian one is so subdued, which is made even worse this year as the RF looks like they are attending a funeral.
Because the Nobel Comitee wants it that way, the royal family dont arrange the events, they show up at the events they are invited to. The nobel comitee has said they want the focus to be at the Laureate and his work, and like in this case, are we gonna honour a man who lends 27 dollar to 40 people by the Queen showing up in a tiara worth a million dollars.

Even this year the Nobel Comitee had to vote over if they for the first time was going to invite the King and Queen to the Awards dinner because they did not want it to be to formal or stiff or take attention from the prizewinner. And IMO they suceed, the papers today mostly write about Yunus and his great speech and work, and in Sweden they write about the dresses, the tiaras, the food, the flowers, who sat where and who danced with who.

And Really I dont think the ceremony is void of colour (not counting the royal family) the City Hall was decorated in bright red and orange, it was lots of dancers in bangladesh in the strongest colours possible, and also on the Laureates side of the hall it was plenty of women in colourful saris. In the evening there was a torchlight procession outside the Grand Hotel with Dr Yunus greeting them in a quite moving moment, I doubt he found it subdued.
Nobel Prize Concert: The Press conference
(Pictures can be found here)

Angelica Huston, Lionel Richie, Mick Hucknall, Sharon Stone and many more attended.


Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus (left) with Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit during the annual Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo, Monday 11 December 2006

Yanus with Haakon and Mette-Marit

IMO, Mette looked much better today! She is still very darkly dressed:huh: , but this dress fits much better. I also like her hair and make-up!
btsnyder said:
Speaking of Sharon Stone, have you heard about her royalty faux-pas?
Oh yes.. They reported this in TV today. Sharon thought she was in Hollywood and arrived 10 minutes to late. A no-go in the protocol, because the King and Queen have already been there and they have to attend at last, I think :rolleyes:
The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony 2006
Oslo, Norway, December 10
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2006,
signing the guest book at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Mosammat Taslima Begum, representing Grameen Bank and Muhammad Yunus at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony.
Muhammad Yunus with his Nobel Prize medal and diploma
Entertainment at the Oslo City Hall.
Muhammad Yunus delivering his Nobel Lecture in the Oslo City Hall
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon, Nobel Laureates Muhammad Yunus, and Mosammat Taslima Begum representing Grameen Bank, King Harald V of Norway, and Queen Sonja.

Copyright © The Norwegian Nobel Institute 2006
Photo: Ken Opprann
purple_platinum said:
The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony 2006
Oslo, Norway, December 10
Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2006,
signing the guest book at the Norwegian Nobel Institute.
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Mosammat Taslima Begum, representing Grameen Bank and Muhammad Yunus at the Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony.
Muhammad Yunus with his Nobel Prize medal and diploma
Entertainment at the Oslo City Hall.
Muhammad Yunus delivering his Nobel Lecture in the Oslo City Hall
Crown Princess Mette-Marit, Crown Prince Haakon, Nobel Laureates Muhammad Yunus, and Mosammat Taslima Begum representing Grameen Bank, King Harald V of Norway, and Queen Sonja.

Copyright © The Norwegian Nobel Institute 2006
Photo: Ken Opprann

What an honour to receive sutch an distinguished prize in the world.
Sorry for the ignorance, but what is the difference between the nobel prize here and in Sweden?
auntie said:
Sorry for the ignorance, but what is the difference between the nobel prize here and in Sweden?
In Oslo the Nobel Prize for Peace is handed out, while in Sweden all the other Nobel Prizes (like Literature and Physics) are awarded.
auntie said:
Sorry for the ignorance, but what is the difference between the nobel prize here and in Sweden?
The subject matter. The Swedes award the prizes for physics, chemistry, economics, physiology or medicine, and literature. The Norwegians award the peace prize.
Nobel Peace Prize 2007: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore

The winner(s) of the Nobel Peace Prize of 2007 will be announced tomorrow (October 12) at 11AM CET from the Norwegian Nobel Institute in Oslo.

Previous years:

Earlier winners
2006 - Muhammad Yunus, Grameen Bank
2005 - International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei
2004 - Wangari Maathai
2003 - Shirin Ebadi
2002 - Jimmy Carter
2001 - United Nations, Kofi Annan
2000 - Kim Dae-jung
1999 - Médecins Sans Frontières
1998 - John Hume, David Trimble
1997 - International Campaign to Ban Landmines, Jody Williams
1996 - Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, José Ramos-Horta
1995 - Joseph Rotblat, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
1994 - Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin
1993 - Nelson Mandela, F.W. de Klerk
1992 - Rigoberta Menchú Tum
1991 - Aung San Suu Kyi
1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev
1989 - The 14th Dalai Lama
1988 - United Nations Peacekeeping Forces
1987 - Oscar Arias Sánchez
1986 - Elie Wiesel
1985 - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
1984 - Desmond Tutu
1983 - Lech Walesa
1982 - Alva Myrdal, Alfonso García Robles
1981 - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1980 - Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
1979 - Mother Teresa
1978 - Anwar al-Sadat, Menachem Begin
1977 - Amnesty International
1976 - Betty Williams, Mairead Corrigan
1975 - Andrei Sakharov
1974 - Seán MacBride, Eisaku Sato
1973 - Henry Kissinger, Le Duc Tho
1971 - Willy Brandt
1970 - Norman Borlaug
1969 - International Labour Organization
1968 - René Cassin
1965 - United Nations Children's Fund
1964 - Martin Luther King
1963 - International Committee of the Red Cross, League of Red Cross Societies
1962 - Linus Pauling
1961 - Dag Hammarskjöld
1960 - Albert Lutuli
1959 - Philip Noel-Baker
1958 - Georges Pire
1957 - Lester Bowles Pearson
1954 - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
1953 - George C. Marshall
1952 - Albert Schweitzer
1951 - Léon Jouhaux
1950 - Ralph Bunche
1949 - Lord Boyd Orr
1947 - Friends Service Council, American Friends Service Committee
1946 - Emily Greene Balch, John R. Mott
1945 - Cordell Hull
1944 - International Committee of the Red Cross
1938 - Nansen International Office for Refugees
1937 - Robert Cecil
1936 - Carlos Saavedra Lamas
1935 - Carl von Ossietzky
1934 - Arthur Henderson
1933 - Sir Norman Angell
1931 - Jane Addams, Nicholas Murray Butler
1930 - Nathan Söderblom
1929 - Frank B. Kellogg
1927 - Ferdinand Buisson, Ludwig Quidde
1926 - Aristide Briand, Gustav Stresemann
1925 - Sir Austen Chamberlain, Charles G. Dawes
1922 - Fridtjof Nansen
1921 - Hjalmar Branting, Christian Lange
1920 - Léon Bourgeois
1919 - Woodrow Wilson
1917 - International Committee of the Red Cross
1913 - Henri La Fontaine
1912 - Elihu Root
1911 - Tobias Asser, Alfred Fried
1910 - Permanent International Peace Bureau
1909 - Auguste Beernaert, Paul Henri d'Estournelles de Constant
1908 - Klas Pontus Arnoldson, Fredrik Bajer
1907 - Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, Louis Renault
1906 - Theodore Roosevelt
1905 - Bertha von Suttner
1904 - Institute of International Law
1903 - Randal Cremer
1902 - Élie Ducommun, Albert Gobat
1901 - Henry Dunant, Frédéric Passy
I have been trying to find out why the Peace Prize alone is awarded in Oslo. Why that award and only that award. On wikipedia's page it simply says where they are awarded, not why, and I was wondering if anyone is able to enlighten me?

I'll add that I learnt a lot from this research, I had no idea of the history of the awards prior to it, nor the selection process and apparent discrepancies and controversy.
Nobel Peace Prize - Al Gore

What do you think about this year laureate???
I personaly don't agree that Al Gore has done something really important to help and promote the world peace, but at least the nobel academy along with Al Gore also laureate The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).~
He doesn't deserve the prize because of the reasons above and because his documentary had some untruths.
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I have been trying to find out why the Peace Prize alone is awarded in Oslo. Why that award and only that award. On wikipedia's page it simply says where they are awarded, not why, and I was wondering if anyone is able to enlighten me?

I'll add that I learnt a lot from this research, I had no idea of the history of the awards prior to it, nor the selection process and apparent discrepancies and controversy.

this is what i found in wikipedia:
"The Norwegian Parliament appoints the Norwegian Nobel Committee, which selects the Laureate for the Peace Prize. The Committee chairman, currently Dr. Ole Danbolt Mjøs, awards the Prize itself. At the time of Alfred Nobel's death Sweden and Norway were in a personal union in which the Swedish government was solely responsible for foreign policy, and the Norwegian Parliament was responsible only for Norwegian domestic policy. Alfred Nobel never explained [1] why he wanted a Norwegian rather than Swedish body to award the Peace Prize. As a consequence, many people have speculated about Nobel's intentions. For instance, Nobel may have wanted to prevent the manipulation of the selection process by foreign powers, and as Norway did not have any foreign policy, the Norwegian government could not be influenced."

perhaps mr. nobel's decision had something to do with what it says, and he didn't want the prize to be manipulated. i however heard another explanation, i think, but not sure where.

i'm quite happy mr. al gore is the selected nobel peace awardee for this year! he was also selected for the prince of asturias award, so i'm glad his efforts are being recognised!
The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 goes to AL GORE from the United States.
He shares it with the UN's International Panel on Climate Change.
Al Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize - Climate Change -
YEAH! I'm happy for him!

What do you consider to be the untruths?

I personally am happy for him/them. I saw his documentary and it definately opened my eyes and made me more conscious of what I can change in my life. Even if he got if for promoting awareness to the issue, it's worth it in my opinion.
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A very bad decision imo, there are far more deserving people who have spent a lifetime dedicating their lives to the care and welfare of others.

As for his film, well it's accuracy (or should that be inaccuracies) has been revealed in the High Court

"Al Gore’s award-winning climate change documentary was littered with nine inconvenient untruths, a judge ruled yesterday."
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