The more I think about this story and the more I am puzzled.
If the issue is really only the fact that Nicolae has understood that he isn't fit for a royal role and that he prefers to return back to his life as a private person, why just don't tell it and renounce to titles and succession rights? That would be perfectly understandable.
But why, instead, it was King Michael who stripped him of his title and succession rights? And why so suddenly? Why did they choose to act this way instead of a clearer, easier and more understandable way?
It would have been a more clearer decision and way to handle this, if Nicholas would have given a statement - if he wanted to give up his title.
Now this advisor of the Royal House, Mr. Vlad, has spoken a lot to the media, some quotes from an article:
"‘Surely, it will be difficult to get used to it, now I am the first to say that his presence in Romania was a beneficial one and he thinks that he has learned a lot while in Romania, that his experience was extraordinary and unique, so there is nothing and there is no reason for which he leaves Romania due to Romania, on the contrary there are nice memories to be left with’"
"now, nothing happened and we hope nothing to happen in the future, but we got to such a formula to ensure that the future will be nice for both parties’"
About the future for Nicholas
"‘He may get into private business, he may continue with charity activities, he may continue with his activities with the youth, or ecological ones, this renouncement reopens all paths which were closed the moment he assumed the role he had in Romania. By giving up this role, all the other options are valid. He is a young man with unique experience and many companies. The NGOs want him to do extraordinary things with them, for example, Kenya from where he came back quite recently’".
King Mihai withdraws grandson Nicholas actmedia
He makes it sound like they were the whole time waiting that Nicholas makes some mistake. Didn't he have a guidance to help him to learn his role?