Nicholas & Alina Maria de Roumanie Medforth Mills and Family, News & Events 2: 2022 -

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Nicolae at Euronews Romania:
Our country could become a monarchy again
The former prince draws attention to the fact that the number of those who support this form of government is constantly growing.
- I think it's a very good and strong sign that 10 years ago, over 27% of the people would have voted for the monarchy. Today, over 35%. That it is growing means that it is missing from politics, from leaders today. That the royal family is active nationally and internationally, in many fields, is very important for the symbol that the royal family is. I have a lot of confidence that this percentage will increase a lot in the future as well.
- I have a project on the history of royalty in schools, through my foundation. I go to schools and talk about this period. I'm not doing propaganda, I'm simply talking about characters who did certain wonderful, brave things for Romania, at certain moments in our modern history. I present them in a relaxed environment, and the students have questions. It is a dialogue. We reached almost 4,500 students in 4 cities, in 31 schools.
Țara noastră ar putea redeveni o monarhie. Nicolae al României_ Peste 35% dintre români ar vota pentru
Not sure how his program can be considered anything else than propoganda - with the ultimate goal of becoming king one day.
Nicolae's 39th birthday today.

Prince Nicolae turns 39 today. We join those who wish him a year as good as possible, peaceful and full of joy. Happy Birthday!
Principele Nicolae al României, la ceas aniversar! La mulți ani! _ Răsunetul
Nicolae's very long and interesting interview a couple of months ago. He speaks about himself, his father, his grandfather and other things.
In it he says among other things:
"I don't know what my mission is exactly or what my destiny is. Only God knows. But I believe that if I am challenged in life, it is surely a more special destiny. Maybe not necessarily for me, but for those who will follow. Maybe I'm here to build the road. I think so. You should have this structure around you, built well by people, maybe by the Church, by the community. In everything you do in life you need people!"
"I never thought I would be king."
"If I thought about meeting ministers, conveying all this to them? I don't think it would have an effect. There are millions of people saying the same thing. The people are not listened to! To be a voice of the people? Very hard. I think the best solution would be an economy plan for the development of the country. But that would take a lot of time. My team is small, I don't have the Government team. But maybe that would be the only option. I know that my grandfather did the same in 1992. He made an economic plan for Romania because he had the idea that he was returning to the country", Nicolae says when I ask if he could be the voice of the people and convey all these ideas to the decision makers now.
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Nicolae visited the Romanian-Finnish High School in Bucharest on April 4 with his project "History of royalty in schools".
The school at its Instagram:
"A man cannot achieve anything significant except with a community by his side: a single voice, a common purpose, unity. The future is here in this room. You are the future!" His Highness, Prince Nicolae of Romania
We were honored by the prince's visit, who answered transparently and warmly all the children's questions about the monarchy, what we can learn from history and about the power of purposeful education."

Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Instagram
"At the invitation, we were together with @nicolaealromaniei among the students of the Romanian-Finnish High School in Bucharest.
Enthusiastic, the students actively engaged in the discussion of the History of Royalty and asked questions about their curiosities about the Monarchy."

His Highness was impressed by the speeches prepared by the children, who made a short history of the Royal House, and answered the questions of those curious to know what the life of a royal highness is like, what was the prince's relationship with his grandfather.
"Being part of a royal family isn't just about cutting ribbons at inaugurations and taking photos. You have to be with people, to inspire them. To be able to sit at the table with a man of the people, but to know and respect the protocol where necessary. The crown is the only symbol that has had continuity in Romania, was present among people and encouraged basic values, such as unity and solidarity", Nicolae said.
Mihai two years today
Nicolae at his Instagram
"2 years... I don't know how they passed so quickly, but 2 years in which you brought us a lot of joy. Happy birthday, Mihai!"
Nicolae again at a school visit
Asociatia Principele Nicolae at its Instagram:
"On April 18, we were with @nicolaealromaniai among the students and teachers of school No. 40 from Bucharest.
Enthusiastic and full of curiosity, the students asked many questions about the history of the Monarchy in Romania in the dialogue initiated by the History of Royalty in Schools project.
Thank you all for the warm welcome!"

School No. 40 at its Facebook with many photos of the visit:
"On Thursday, April 18, the History of Royalty project in Romania took place in our school. Prince Nicolae was in dialogue with the students of Secondary School no. 40 and of the Olga Gudynn International School Bilingual High School. The personality of King Mihai was evoked, the role of the moharchy in the development of the country was discussed, but also topical issues for young people such as environmental protection or volunteer actions."
Nicolae wishes you a happy Easter with a photo of your family:
"We wish you a blessed Easter full of light and peace with your family and loved ones!"

Historical event in Giurgiu. His Highness, Prince Nicolae, the grandson of His Majesty King Mihai I, is coming to Giurgiu on 09.05. to promote the Tour "In the footsteps of his grandfather, King Mihai I".
As part of the "History of Royalty in Schools" project, Prince Nicolae will be present on the morning at Ion Maiorescu College and Tudor Vianu High School, but also for the promotion of the album "My Grandfather, King Mihai I" and the protection of the documentary film "King Mihai, the way home" which will take place at the Tudor Vianu Giurgiu Theater. Along with Prince Nicolae, Dan Drăghicescu, associate producer and John Florescu, executive producer, will be present.
King's Mihai 5 daughters were to gether for the orthodox Easter and he did not even see his Mother.
Nicolae wishes you a happy Easter with a photo of your family:
"We wish you a blessed Easter full of light and peace with your family and loved ones!"

The great-grandchildren of King Mihai grow up beautifully
The images posted on Facebook show Alina-Maria de Roumanie and the two children fully dressed in national costume, while Nicolae wears an elegant day suit.
Maria-Alexandra and the youngest Mihai are smiling widely and cracking eggs in the arms of their young parents, and we can't help but notice how much the four-year-old girl and her two-year-old brother have grown.
Nicolae yesterday in Giurgiu:
Discreetly, without retinue and without fuss - this is how Prince Nicolae, the grandson of King Mihai, arrived in Giurgiu.
At the initiative of the Danubius Rotary Club, the prince arrived at 10:00 sharp, at the Ion Maiorescu College in Giurgiu, for a lesson on the history of royalty in Romania, an interactive meeting with high school students, part of a national project of his Association.
The students had the opportunity to ask questions, the dialogue being open and extremely educational.
Why does the prince have a strong British accent, why we Romanians, although we have everything we need, are mocked by foreigners, could Romania return to the monarchy? These are just some of the questions of the students, the prince's answers being well received.

Nicolae was interviewed by historian Diana Mandache on May 8:
On values and royalty with Prince Nicholas
As May 10 approaches, Royalty Day, today we offer you a special edition, in which Prince Nicolae, the grandson of Mihai I, and historian Diana Mandache talk about the most important moments when the King returned to Romania in 1992.
Diana Mandache's new book, “Exile and Rivalries. Prince Nicolae", tells about the relationship with the members of the royal family of Prince Nicolae, the brother of Carol, the youngest son of Queen Maria.
For someone less familiar with the history of the Royal House of Romania, the presence of the two Nicolae princes can create confusion. Prince Regent Nicolae, the main character of the book, was the brother of Nicolae's great-grandfather, with whom the renowned historian Diana Mandache spoke.
Prince Nicolae, who today talks to us about values and royalty, was 7 years old when he visited Romania, together with his grandfather, His Majesty King Mihai.


Prince Nicolae, the grandson of His Majesty King Mihai I, visited the "Teohari Antonescu" County Museum on May 9. He was accompanied by the deputy mayor of Giurgiu, Ionel Muscalu, and by members of the Danubius Giurgiu Rotary Club, organizers of the event.

"The history of royalty in schools" event organized in Giurgiu by Asociatia Principele Nicolae

Prince Nicolae was on Thursday, May 9 present in Giurgiu with his tour entitled "In the footsteps of grandfather Mihai I"👑


About May 10
Nicolae and Alina Maria of Romania were godparents to Princess Marija of Serbia, who is the great-granddaughter of Queen Marie of Romania. The christening took place today at the Royal Palace in Belgrade.
Princess Marija is the daughter of Prince Philip and Princess Danica.
Nicolae and Alina Maria of Romania were godparents to Princess Marija of Serbia, who is the great-granddaughter of Queen Marie of Romania. The christening took place today at the Royal Palace in Belgrade.
Princess Marija is the daughter of Prince Philip and Princess Danica.
Nicolae posted more photos to his Instagram

Eduard Mircea Uzunov (friend of Nicolae and Alina-Maria and co-owner of the Rotenberg-Uzunov Gallery in Bucharest) attended the christening too and posted to his Instagram photos with Nicolae, Alina-Maria and Philip.
No Royal attendence at Nicolae Children 's Baptism not even their grandmother.
For Serbia Crown Prince Alexander shows that Prince Philip would be his Heir and decorated Princesses Danica and Marija with the Royal Order of Sawa, Grand Cross.
For the Custdian of Roumania , her Heir/Heiress is unknown.
Andrei Niculae, Vice president of the Authority for the Digitization of Romania:
"With His Highness, Prince Nicolae of Romania and Alina Maria of Romania, at the commemoration of the 74th anniversary of the State of Israel."

Nicolae and Alina-Maria visited Rad Art Fair
Nicolae and Alina-Maria were at MINA Museum of Immersive New Art to watch "In Between" and met its director Bobi Pricop.
Nicolae visited on Saturday June 1 "Matei Basarab" Secondary School's students and their parents with the project "History of Royalty in Schools".
Later he presented his book "My grandfather, King Mihai", which was followed by the screening of the documentary film "Maria - the Heart of Romania".
A group of young artists from the Republic of Moldova got the Grand Prize of a competition from Prince Nicolae of Romania
The "Micul Prinț" artistic studio from the Criuleni Arts School won the grand prize at the "PRIMAVERA" Theater Festival for High School Students. The contest took place between April 26-28 in Sinaia.
With the performance of the song "Sluga la doi stăpâni", the studio was awarded the "Masca Trophy" - for the best performance in the festival. It was granted by Prince Nicolae.
O trupă de tineri artiști din R. Moldova a obținut marele premiu al unui concurs, de la Principele Nicolae al României
Nicolae and Alina-Maria attended Kultho (Forever Diamonds) gala. Alina-Maria posted to her Instagram:
"@kultho_foreverdiamonds gala dedicated to formidable women. Elegance and sensitivity, an unforgettable evening. Thank you"
Nicolae attended yesterday screening of the film "Coroana României" ("Crown of Romania") at the Intercontinental Athenee Palace Hotel in Bucharest.

British International School of Timisoara, the private school with the fastest development in the western part of the country, marked a very important event yesterday: the first graduation ceremony. The event was also honored by the presence of a special guest: His Royal Highness Prince Nicolae of Romania, who gave an inspirational speech. His Highness's words resonated like an older brother speaking to his younger siblings.
Nicolae and Alina-Maria attended the opening of the new wellness center Reconnect Harmony in Bucharest.
The city of Ardud is the scene of a historic moment for Satu Mare county. On July 20, starting at 17.00, at the House of Culture "Dr. Augustin Mircea", people can meet His Royal Highness Prince Nicolae, the grandson of King Mihai I.
At the MedievArtFest Ardud 2024 event, Prince Nicolae, known for his activism in the field of human rights and especially for his involvement in the training of young people, presents the book album "My Grandfather, King Mihai" and attends the screening of "King Mihai - The Road to Home".
Prince Nicolae continues the mission of his ancestors with noble blood and is actively involved in events, actions and initiatives that he considers telling for authentic Romania, promoting Romanian traditions and values with dignity and diligence, in memory of his grandfather.
Happy to see Nicholas is so active promoting the House of Romania family with these events and that the local press refers to him as Prince Nicholas.
I think there is a wrong perception outside of Romania regarding the relevancy of royalty in our country. The truth is that outside of the press (that has to write something to have content) and a really small group of royalists, there is no interest in these types of events.
Alina-Maria posted to her Instagram a lovely photo of her taken on June 24, on the day of the Romanian Blouse:

Nicolae posted to his Instagram
"The end of each school year is celebrated as it should be, but we celebrate not only the school year but also the growth of our little girl. At Die Biene Maja Kindergarten we found a place where Maria has the opportunity to cultivate her curiosity and passions. Thanks for another wonderful year full of love!"
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