Monaco Princely Family Documentaries and DVDs

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Aug 28, 2003
Hi everyone,
I dont know if this has already been mentioned, but Biography on A&E is going to be airing a show on Caroline and Stephanie titled The princesses of monaco, on Wed. Feb should be very interesting to watch!

This is a link to the biography website...i dont know why it says "my webpage"

My Webpage
Thanks Sandee, I'll have to remember that. :)
That should be really good! I love how is says ".... so why can't they stand each other?" Wonder how deep it's going to go into their relationship. I'm glad it was recently made because I would hate for them to have old news... ha ha :p Pray for a little section on my dear ol' Ernst :heart:
I'm watching it now.

Wow I have never heard them speak before. Step has an American accent and Caroline has an English one.

Did you know that Caroline and her friends put Step. in the toilet. :woot: :lol: I don't know who this women is but she said that the problem with most royal families is that the children are ugly, but in this case these princesses were not. :lol: But I know that in the 60's Charles was a sex symbol here(U.S)
I watched it too! Caroline has a deep British-American accent whilst Stephanie has a soft American accent. Did anyone notice the change in Grace's voice? She sounded British-American like Caroline. Maybe she picked it up from Rainier. I read somewhere that he has a deep British accent.
To me Grace always had a English accent. But always thought Step had a geep voice not Caroline. But I never thought about how Caroline would sound. I feel like I know the princesses a bit more or closer. And with E-A. Him attacking the camara man made me feel close to him. I really do mean that. :lol:
According to the program, Caroline found out about her mother's history with older married men, that's why she never cared to listen to her. She ignored her mother's wishes to stay away from older men.

As for Stephanie, well, she said she wanted to live life to its fullest. She didn't want to grow old and say: "I wish I did this or I wish I did that." Plus she said: "it may seem glamorous [being a royal, attending dinner parties, etc.] but it's boring."
How I feel about them did not change much. But hearing what the people of Monaco had to say did help. But I never thought Caroline was so mean to Stephanie. I can not believe that she got Ranier to not allow Stephanie to go a ball and was able to get her allowance cut down. Even though I would take Caroline to the ball than Stephanie. :rolleyes: I always felt soory for Stephanie,but I feel even more sorry for her because of that. E-A appealed to me more on TV than photos and newspapers.
I always knew that Stephanie and Caroline weren't particulary close and that Caroline can be a snob at times, but after watching this she is like a tyrant. I can't believe that her father had to choose between the two of them for that ball. Poor Stephanie had to stay away, because as one of the person interviewed put it Prince Rainier chose "the daughter with the most class" :eek: That it just horrible.

After viewing this program, how do you feel about Caroline and Stephanie?

I still like Stephanie, but I don't particularly care for Caroline right at this moment. I do like some things about her, but I really don't like the way in which she has treated her sister. She may look pretty great now as Princess of Hanover and mother, but she is hardly a saint as the biography showed us. You would think that she could be a little more understanding towards Stephanie and just love her sister and accept the fact that Stephanie is a free spirit and move on. They are really getting too old for this. Most people regardless of who they are have a sibling who is different, dare I say "out there?" She should embrace it. Stephanie seems as though she can be a lot of fun. ;)
Originally posted by Jacqueline@Feb 18th, 2004 - 10:28 pm
I always knew that Stephanie and Caroline weren't particulary close and that Caroline can be a snob at times, but after watching this she is like a tyrant. I can't believe that her father had to choose between the two of them for that ball. Poor Stephanie had to stay away, because as one of the person interviewed put it Prince Rainier chose "the daughter with the most class" :eek:  That it just horrible.

After viewing this program, how do you feel about Caroline and Stephanie?

I still like Stephanie, but I don't particularly care for Caroline right at this moment. I do like some things about her, but I really don't like the way in which she has treated her sister. She may look pretty great now as Princess of Hanover and mother, but she is hardly a saint as the biography showed us. You would think that she could be a little more understanding towards Stephanie and just love her sister and accept the fact that Stephanie is a free spirit and move on. They are really getting too old for this. Most people regardless of who they are have a sibling who is different, dare I say "out there?" She should embrace it. Stephanie seems as though she can be a lot of fun. ;)
Wow, I think neither sister came out too clean in this one. Sure, Stephanie is a free spirit but she has made some big mistakes too. I didn't like the tone of the show too.
I like Stephanie a lot more than Caroline but in a way, I understand Caro. Those problems between them, came from their childhood. From what I know, Grace had a few miscarriages before having Stephanie. So, she used to receive a very different threatment from her parents than her sibs did. Last born kids usually receive an unfair better threatment, but in a situation like know they didn't mean to harm Caro but that doesn't mean that Caroline didn't feel really bad about it. So, whatever resentment that's left, is a continue of their childhood relationship. I doubt it's because of men and all the blah, blah, blah, that the press insists. If so, she would be picking on Albert too because he simply doen't choose a woman.
I have to say, I'm still a huge fan of Caroline... and EA *sigh* I love him. The program didn't tell me anything I hadn't already read about Caroline but it made me like Stephanie a little more. I could listen to the Princesses talk all day... I taped it and have watched them talk over and over... ha ha...

But I am a little disappointed that A&E didn't focus a little more on their charities and duties, but I guess the show was about their relationship... hopefully next time there is a story more of their good qualities and not their problems! Oh well I loved it anyway!!!!

EA... awww
I saw the biography of Caroline and Stephanie. It was very interesting and well done. I enjoyed hearing Caroline and Stephanie speak.

And I loved seeing the childhood pix and video of them. The current info was also pretty fun to watch. For a one hour biography episode it was done well.

Caroline and Stephanie were so very beautiful when they were younger. They are still pretty, but they were huge knock outs in their youth! I see where Charlotte gets her good looks and bone structure!

I still enjoy Stephanie and think she is cool. But I'm still a huge fan of Caroline as well. I have always been drawn to Caroline and her family.
I would have loved to watch it but I don't have any possibility to watch american tv ( exept CNN).
Seems like the show braught up some funny anecdotes such as the thing as Caro and friends put Steph head-first into the toilet ( nasty sis...hehe)
I'll try to think of more fun-facts and anecdotes of the Grimaldi...I already posted some on Stephanie ( as she is the one I know the best) in the Princess Stephanie forum under ' Stephanie's bio'.....check it's interesting to know some stuff like get to know the princess better...get a clue of what she's like...
The program portrayed Caroline as a hypocritical, self-righteous, conceited tyrant. Stephanie, however, was portrayed as a lost little girl who desperately needed love and appreciation from her sister.

Caroline’s interview did not help her image either. She appeared too dignified and aloof. Stephanie, on the other hand, appeared very friendly and ordinary. She seemed like the type of person, who could win her audience over, with her sweet personality. One source even said: "Caroline is a snob....bitter and cold....Stephanie is very warm."

By the way, the program also mentioned why Rainier approved of Caroline’s third husband, Ernst von Hannover. According to a source, Rainier said: “he’s one of us” to his daughter.
darn, i wish i was able to watch it. :angry:

Rainier said: “he’s one of us” to his daughter

that's such a horrible way to say to a daughter. although in a different context it may not seem so bad. a father could really relate more to a son-in-law if he's "one of us" kind of thing.

anyhow, i really wish i saw the video. i've read some stuff about the family though. there was even a biography that tells about how stephanie was sent to a very strict boarding school and how she begged to her father not to be sent there. :( grace was said to be very firm that she go there while rainier was not. stephanie ended up running away from that place. they weren't allowed to take a bath everyday there and so she traded up her desserts (because she's not fond of them) for a shower from her classmates. :lol:
and then there was also said about the letters that rainier and grace sent to each other before they eventually ended up getting married. when asked about the letters the couple sent to each other rainier said that he wouldn't want to share them as they're only among th few things that the world doesn't really know about. :heart:

I felt that the editors and producers of the bio were manipulative in focusing on Caroline and Stephanie's scandals and not focusing enough on the good things they have done and accomplished in their lives.

I also think they slanted the bio in Stephanie's favor. I firmly believe that both Caroline and Stephanie have made numerous mistakes with each other and in other areas of their lives. They both are not perfect. But I felt that they tried to vilify Caroline too much and tried to make Stephanie out to be simply misunderstood. Caroline is no saint, but neither is Stephanie. I do believe that Stephanie is warm, fun, and misunderstood, but she is still responsible for her scandalous behavior, etc. I don't believe that Stephanie is such a victim that the biography made her out to be. Stephanie is more complex than the biography portrayed.

I also don't believe that Caroline is strictly a cruel and villainous woman. I think Caroline is more complex as a person. Caroline has less than stellar qualities like all humans, but I don't think she is heartless. I believe that Caroline is more than that and wish they could have focused more on her being a good mother and her charity works.

I enjoyed the biography, but it's clear that the producers only wanted to focus on the negative and the scandalous stuff in the house of Grimaldi. But I still enjoyed the bio and still am intrigued by Caroline, Stephanie and their families.
I agree that there was a lot of focus on Caroline. She was definitely painted to be a snob, however, the way in which she appeared in her interview didn't help the way in which people thought about her IMO either. She came off as being really reserved and not very open. She may very well have put a wall up. I could understand that as people do tend to hold back around strangers at times and choose their words more carefully.

It did seem that Stephanie was made to seem like a victim, but she has made her own choices and not all of them good. The thing about Stephanie is that she does seem to be living with her choices and doesn't seemed bothered by them. It really appears to me that more people had different opinions about them and Caroline was made to look worse than she most likely is in actuality because Stephanie is easier to know that Caroline. Stephanie is more accessible to people and just very open. Caroline may very well be an open person, but she comes off as always being a snob (of course, she obviously can be a times) because she is more careful of people. I get the feeling that Caroline is extremely less trusting than Stephanie which makes for a huge difference in anyone's perceptions of the two women.

I think that the woman at the beginning of the biography said it very well, when she said that they are two people with very different personalities.
I really enjoyed watching this program and im so glad i found out about it on (this is one of my fav shows!) I thought the part about Caroline and her friends putting steph in the toilet was funny and cute..even though it was a cruel thing to do! I also never knew that Caroline has not forgiven stephanie because she thinks that steph was in a way responsible for her mother's death.
That must be horrible for stephanie...imagine feeling that tremendous amount of guilt (and i dont believe for a second that stephanie had anything to do with that terrible accident). Stephanie seems like such a great person, she seems so down to earth and friendly and i really feel sorry for her after watching this program. I really have alot more respect for stephanie now. :flower:
Any dvds or videos on Princess Caroline and Stephanie that you can buy?
DVD's for Monaco Royals

DVD's for they royal family of monaco on
The Princesses of Monaco DVD (BIOGRAPHY)
Prince's Palace in Monaco VHS (America's Castles)

The Biography Channel broadcast an episode called "The Grimaldi Dynasty."
I don't think that it is available yet on DVD.

E! TV has broadcast episodes of E! True Hollywood Story, "Grace, Caroline, Stephanie: the Curse of the Royal Family." and "Young Royals".
I have never seen E! True Hollywood Story TV episodes available for purchase.
Ruling House Of Monaco Documentary Channel 4

hi guys firstly im mark and thanks for having me. a few years back when the book THE RULING HOUSE OF MONACO was published in uk and ireland channel 4 in great briton showed a 2 part documentary about the lives of this amazing family. my question is do you know here i can get a copy of this id love to have it for my collection many thanks mark
hi guys firstly im mark and thanks for having me. a few years back when the book THE RULING HOUSE OF MONACO was published in uk and ireland channel 4 in great briton showed a 2 part documentary about the lives of this amazing family. my question is do you know here i can get a copy of this id love to have it for my collection many thanks mark

Hi Mark! good question! I recall seeing a biography of them in the US on the E channel about two years ago. I would guess if you search their sights or history sights on the web one might turn up. Also you can sometimes write to the channel and ask to buy a copy. Sometimes the stations will do that. Good luck and do let us know if you find one!!
I just got my copy of the biography and after watching it, agree with all of the comments above. What is striking to me is how absolutely gorgeous Princess Caroline was in her youth. You rarely (never?) see such incredibly beautiful women, even on Oscar night and so on. I was also surprised to see that Stephanie was very pretty indeed, in a different way from her sister, but quite striking too. And of course, Princess Grace is beauty, in its purest, most flawless form, incarnated. The photographs or clippings of the series of husbands made them all look quite seductive too, in fact it was a leitmotive in the documentary :"It is easy to understand why C/S would have fallen for this guy". Ernst 10 years ago cuts as good a figure as Philippe and Stefano, in my opinion.

But the bias was so on scandal, wild life, jealousies. Some show of solidarity in some circumstances (for the good of the principality) between the sisters would have lightened the b....y tone. I liked Caroline's humble comment that strength is not a matter of character but of circumstances. I liked how she reaches for her father's hand at Grace's funeral, a subtle sign that she has become the parent in a way, the first lady, the one in charge of maintaining propriety and dignity. I am amazed at the education she has received. It makes Stephanie (whom I like) seem so childish when she complains about the boredom of long official dinners. (Although, in all honesty, Stephanie would probably have reached for her father's hand as well, had she been present. Also, Caroline is 7 or 8 years older.) Anyway, I always liked the reflection (read somewhere) that most shampoo girls dream of being princesses, and Stephanie always acted as if she dreamed of having been a shampoo girl. This is not to denigrate her, but there is an innocence, a desire to be seen and liked "like others" that makes you feel "she doesn't get it". I don't mean to be judgmental, I speak from the royal watchers' point of view, who have always found that Stephanie does not belong in the rarefied spheres of royalty.

For Monaco lovers, it is a DVD well worth acquiring.
Is this the same documentary that was first aired on the Biography Channel approx. a year ago? If so, has it been updated to reflect any subtle changes in the relationship between Caroline & Stephanie since Albert's succession?
I saw the one that aired on the Biography Channel a year ago, and it was excellent. A & E replays so many of their programs. I'm hoping that I will be able to see it during the next airing. If it is the same one, hopefully they have updated it. Their lives have changed quite a bit in the past year, and it is frustrating to see biographies that haven't been updated.:flowers:
I'd like to know where I can get the Princess Grace and Prince Rainier documataries and the Monaco Circus Festival videos. Is there any website that I can purchase these Monaco Royal Family videos? Thank you.:)
"The princes of Monaco", starting 06-09-09, 20:15 at ZDF

ZDF is broadcasting a new royal serie. Now about the princes of Monaco.

Part 1: Albert and Charlene

Part 2: Grace Kelly and Rainier (06-16-09, 20:15)

Part 3: Caroline and Stephanie (06-23-09; 20:15)

Here some general information:

Die Fürsten von Monaco -

Die Fürsten von Monaco -

Here some information about part 1:

Die Fürsten von Monaco -

Here some information about part 2:,1872,7590708,00.html

Here some information about part 3:

Die Fürsten von Monaco -

There is also a picture gallery:
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