Monaco Grand Prix 2006 - 2024

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
i think andrea has problems and BIG ones!! and pierre no doubt will be bald soon. i cannot see any of stefano's good looks in either of them now.
and charlotte - surely she can find a better guy than that alex??
caroline did not look special to me for the grand prix. she can do better than that!

i honestly don't think it could be just smoking only, do you?!:whistling:

Whether Andrea is Ill, or whether he has picked up some 'nasty habits' recently, is really a family concern. I just hope he gets help (of whatever kind) and sorts himself out soon.

I think both boys look like their father, and really what does it matter if Pierre goes bald.

If Charlotte is happy with Alex that is all that is important. She is slim, and healthy looking. She's 21 years old, and I think criticising her appearance (when there is obviously no signs of illness) is damaging.
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Great pics everyone! I think Princess Caroline and Charlotte looked great! Nice to see all the family once again. The pics of Charlotte and Alex wearing the red shirts...somehow reminded me of Princess Caroline with Phillipe Junot at 1977's Grand Prix. The friend that site claims is Stavros Niarchos, doesn't look at all like him.
Guys c'mon, Charlotte hardly looks anorexic.
And poppy7 I agree, I think Pierre and Andrea do look like Stefano, especially Pierre.
Prince Albert looks really happy.
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Did anyone else notice Alce Dellal in this photo: // Free Image Hosting
and this one: // Free Image Hosting
and there's another one on the second page at Abaca posted by tbhrc that you can see her very clearly and they call her Pierre's "girlfriend" (which I think is doubtful).

I was a bit shocked to see her. I know that she and Charlotte are friends (she seems to like making friends with her boyfriend's sisters, or possibly the reverse, that she knew the sister first), but I didn't really expect her to be there. She's more the kind of person I'd expect to see at a club in London than at an event like the Grand Prix. Then again, I'd think the same thing for Stavros (and as an FYI, I heard that Stavros has a new girlfriend, some French heiress, I want to say her name is Amandine).

I love how Charlotte, Alex, Pierre, Tatiana, and Eugenie looked! I loved Eugenie's outfit!!( // Free Image Hosting) Is it just me of do ALL of Pierre and Andrea's friends look a bit scruffy? ( // Free Image Hosting) I wanted to break out in a chorus of "Dirty White Boys". And I'm a little insulted by the fact that Andrea didn't even try, his suit was bout five sizes too large!

Charlene looked good. There's something about it that I didn't quite love, but she looked good. She looked like she was about to go into the office didn't she? A chic office, but still an office.

The race was amazing! I was biting my fingernails most of the time, and I'm so proud that Lewis Hamilton won!!!! :w00t::bb:

P.S. I know this is ROYAL forums, but did anyone else think that Nicole Schezinger (sp?) was a bit over-dressed? I think she got this event mixed up with Ascot.
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I find it rather strange that there are no photos of the gala at the sporting club this year. Last year we were treated to quite a few photos.
Did anyone else notice Alce Dellal in this photo:
Is it just me of do ALL of Pierre and Andrea's friends look a bit scruffy?

no - it's not just u. they are dressing to match them.

Guys c'mon, Charlotte hardly looks anorexic.
And poppy7 I agree, I think Pierre and Andrea do look like Stefano, especially Pierre.

i didn't say that charlotte looked anorexic. can someone post a photo of stefano and recent ones of his sons together to compare. everyone has different tastes in looks. stefano was a knock out!

can someone pls remind me how old charlene is and the age of andrea?
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I noticed Alice in the pictures too.........I wasn't sure if it was her though I had to do a double take. It does seem strange that she is there and that the press is saying that she's with Pierre again. Considering that she deined that they ever had a relationship. I figured that she there with her brother but who knows. As for her clothing I think she looked better than she has been looking lately.:flowers:

Did anyone else notice Alce Dellal in this photo: // Free Image Hosting
and this one: // Free Image Hosting
and there's another one on the second page at Abaca posted by tbhrc that you can see her very clearly and they call her Pierre's "girlfriend" (which I think is doubtful).

I was a bit shocked to see her. I know that she and Charlotte are friends (she seems to like making friends with her boyfriend's sisters, or possibly the reverse, that she knew the sister first), but I didn't really expect her to be there. She's more the kind of person I'd expect to see at a club in London than at an event like the Grand Prix. .
can someone pls remind me how old charlene is and the age of andrea?

it's okay, i've found it. it makes interesting reading. here we have albert aged 50, charlene aged 20 years younger at 30! then we have andrea turning 24 next month. how would he feel having an aunty aged 6 years his senior? charlene is a very attractive woman and just by viewing her, seems to have a lovely nature.

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The weather during this Grand Prix seemed bad, it was raining and raining :sick: but it looks like they managed to organize everything smoothly.:)
I am Caroline's fan and unfortunatelly I'm disappointed again with her outfit. That dress was weird and too short, net stockings...:ermm:. What's wrong with Caroline?
Charolotte was lovely again. White dress was an exellent choice for that occassion. I'm glad to see Pierre and Andrea.
I must say Charlene looked really nice, her outfit was classy and I think a good choice for the occassion, too. She improved her style recently, she is classier and more feminine.
But the real hero was of course Lewis Hamilton. He was also very cute.:angel:
Olycom - News has a gallery for the family and other celebrities that attended the Grand Prix, including Charlotte and Alex kissing.;)
Actually Andrea was at the match, but I have found only one picture of him.

My, my. How the worm turns. I used to think that kid was just so gorgeous...and mind you he is still attractive but his little near-sighted brother Pierre has passed him up in spectacular fashion.

It sort of reminds me of Princes William and Harry of England. William was everybody's idea of a dreamboat in the 1990's. And now it is Harry who all the young ladies seem interested in. Poor William has a bald spot that grows larger every year, and a nose that matches!

I see Charlotte is still with lizard face Alex...god!! How I keep hoping and praying that the next time I see her she has dumped him...he skeeves me out for all kinds of reasons! And maybe poor Charlotte has lost weight as a reaction to all the speculation that she looked pregnant at the Rose Ball a few weeks ago.

Princess Caroline is living proof of the old adage that nothing beats a great pair of legs! If you got em flaunt em!
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Olycom - News has a gallery for the family and other celebrities that attended the Grand Prix, including Charlotte and Alex kissing.;)

Great gallery Tosca, thanks! :flowers:

I thought Charlene looked nice, if a little officey for the setting. Princess Caroline looked like a Bratz doll if you look at the full length shots. (I'm not saying it was awful or anything, that's just what it reminded me of.) The outfit I liked most belonged to Athina Onassis! I thought she looked like she was there to enjoy the race and not just there to see and be seen.
Charlene looked nice, although she reminds of Princess Caroline living in St. Remy in the early 90s...there's this pic of her with a blouse and skirt and her kids back in the day.
Everyone from the family looked nice, IMO, except Caroline. What does she think? She used to have fantastic taste and great dress sense, but it seems to have left her. Of course she has great legs, but she simply is too old to wear mini. It looks strange, out of place somehow. It emphasizes her age and not the contrary. And those terrible shoes! Strange thing is, she never wore mini when she was younger, why now beginning with it? I never noticed a fashion misser in the 30 years before 2007, but the last year she has completely lost it. Terrible dress at the Rose Ball, etc. Wrong adviser perhaps?
Glistening Seas

:) I Think that Carolines dress was good length she may have worn long dresses in the 80's but it was the style. Besides you cannot wear long dresses all the time-how uttterly and completely droll concept that even in writing appears. Pa and the boys always look adorable. The boys dressed for comfort it seems they really enoyed this race!:unicorn:

Charlotte dress was simply divine. hooow could anyone not like thaaat dress. it seems perfectly suited to her that is soo "in style" right now.

Fashion requires a real progressive attitude and a strong heart :). Those whom allow themselves to go thru life being afraid to wear something "outside" the box, are forever doomed to have their closets stranded in "droll halls of mediocrity". :verysad: :ohmy: u-u-u-ugh, i don't know about anyone else out there but that doesn't even sound 'remotely appealing" to me. The whole entire fun of fashion is the chance to develop a taste and sense of style and hemline that is uniquely one's own and reflective of one's mood somber or playful. In the "now' generation as well.

Some people in life never seem to capture the courage to function outside of the box and what a hapless and sad existence that truly must be. Cost never guarantees that a dress will be truly a masterpiece. Some people seem to never quite challenge themselve to get out of the "uninteresting" within the confines of their own closets.

however, there are some whom in spite of their limited exsitence can manage to bring their sense of style into the truly captivating and breatless leaving some of us to enviously wonder how they could have done it.

i think the most beneficial aspects of these fashion wise outings is to aspire to keep our closests from being doomed into the "halls of mediocrity". it's the difference between a so-so closet and a closet with pizzaz!!! don't you think??
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OK, Caroline is a fashion victim.

I have to agree with Glistening Seas on this one. It takes courage to step outside the box. When a woman hits a certain age there is a high probability for turning into boring or house frau. Caroline has always tested the waters. I found her outfit fun and interesting. Not too many women have the legs to wear fishnets and even less women do after the age of 30. So from my perspective she can do what many can not. Also there are very few older women who can wear a shoe like that with a strap. Again she has the legs and body to wear it. If she starts going mini (which this dress is not) then I might agree that she's dressing too young. Wearing a dress just above the knee does not make it a mini, I grew up with the mini and micro-mini. In my day her dress would have been considered long. JMO
^ I agree completely hibou.
And how is she a fashion victim, just because she likes fashion?
De gustibus non est disputandum. It's all about personal taste and liking, and not very important either. I have always liked her style (which was, by the way, always very fashionable), but I simply do not find this dress, nor the shoes very becoming, period.
In my day her dress would have been considered long. JMO

Hibou, in our day we were 20 or even younger, including Caroline. Having great legs doesn't necessarily mean having good tastes. Her dress is ok, but not those awful fishnet stockings. They would have be much more suitable for Charlotte instead. I guess she's been struck by a middle age crisis, just like her brother...
I guess she's been struck by a middle age crisis, just like her brother...
I am afraid you are right, Tosca!:flowers:
Her dress is nice and fashionable, but IMO it is not an appropriate outfit for a 50 years old Princess on a public event. It is ok for a private event. Not all fashionable clothes and shoes are classy, nice and appropriate for any woman on any event!
What surprise me more is that Caroline has always been classy and elegant on public events, on Monaco Grand Prixs included (as you can see on the Monaco Grand Prix Retrospective thread), but lately....
I keep wondering when Alexandra will start coming to the GP. The Casiraghi kids were going when they were practically in diapers. Why do Caroline and Ernst not bring out Alex to the GP?
Hibou, in our day we were 20 or even younger, including Caroline. Having great legs doesn't necessarily mean having good tastes. Her dress is ok, but not those awful fishnet stockings. They would have be much more suitable for Charlotte instead. I guess she's been struck by a middle age crisis, just like her brother...

Oh so true Tosca!!! I agree about the fishnets especially!
I keep wondering when Alexandra will start coming to the GP. The Casiraghi kids were going when they were practically in diapers. Why do Caroline and Ernst not bring out Alex to the GP?

Caroline was a widow, and her children were her constant companions in those years. Plus they lived, relatively, close to Monaco. Alexandra is at school in Fontainbleu, and Caroline probably doesn't want to disturb her routine.
God! What´s Caroline wearing? Does anyone have a picture of her from head to toes, i can´t find it.
Thanks for all the pictures it is always a pleasure to see the family together. I wonder weather Stephanie was there at least watching from some private balcony.
IMO everybody looks fine. I like Caroline´s dress tough those sandals didnt really match with the rest of the outfit. I find Charlotte´s dress pattern quite intersting (but im not sure wether i like it or not :ermm:). Anyway the hair tied back does justice to her face and she looks much better with almoast no make up on: she seems younger.
Glad to see Andrea and Tatiana again; they make such a glamourus couple, always wearing vintage clothes:wub:
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