Marriages Announcements 2024

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Sep 14, 2008
Welcome to the thread for
Royal and noble Marriages Announcements
in 2024.

The 2023 version of this thread can be found HERE.
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The original posts will be updated with news as soon as the information is made public.​
The wedding ceremonies lasting from 7 to 16 January took place at Istana Nurul Iman in Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei) between Prince Abdul Mateen of Brunei (b.10 August 1991) [youngest child and only living son together of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei (b.1946) & his former second wife, Puan Hajah Mariam binti Haji Abdul Aziz (b.1956)] & Anisha Isa Kalebic (Anisha Rosnah binti Adam; b.6 November 1994) [daughter of Siti Mariam Isa and Ivica Adam Kalebic]; the solemnization of the marriage vows took place on 11 January.

Prince Abdul Mateen is the last living child of the Sultan and Hajah Mariam who marries.

Sources: Their wedding thread.
Archduke Nikolaus of Austria (b.2000) [Archduke Matthias of Austria (b.1971) & his current wife Eva, nee Anderle (b.1968)] married Sandra Aschauer this year

Nikolaus is the eldest of four children and first one who marries.
His siblings are Jakob (b.2001), Klara (b.2005) & Martin (b.2011).

Archduke Nikolaus of Austria (b.2000) [Archduke Matthias of Austria (b.1971) & his current wife Eva, nee Anderle (b.1968)] married Sandra Aschauer this year

Nikolaus is the eldest of four children and first one who marries.
His siblings are Jakob (b.2001), Klara (b.2005) & Martin (b.2011).


That’s so young! The youngest Habsburg to marry as of now
Manuela de Orleans e Braganзa (b.1997) [youngest of three children of Prince Francisco Humberto of Orleans and Braganza (b.1956) and second child by his current wife, Rita de Cascia Pires (b.1961)] married Henry Grossi Kappaun (b.1992) this year.

Her half-brother Francisco Theodoro (b.1979) [only son of her father by his first wife Christina Schmidt Peзanha (b.1953)] married Mathieu Assumpaгo Arruda de Oliveira (b.1976) last year.
Her full brother Gabriel (b.1989) is single.

Source: Descendants of King Louis Philippe I of the French
Teresa Urquijo y Moreno (b.1996) [elder of two children and only daughter of Beatriz Moreno y de Borbón (b.1967) {herself daughter of Princess Teresa of Bourbon (b.1937) & her husband Iñigo Moreno y de Arteaga, Marquess de Laserna (b.1934)} & her husband Lucas Urquijo y Fernández-Araoz (b.1962)] married the Mayor of Madrid José Luis Martínez-Almeida Navasqüés (b. 17 April 1975) [the youngest of the six children of Rafael Martínez-Almeida y León y Castillo and Ángela Navasqüés Cobián] in the church of San Francisco de Borja in Madrid on 6 April.

The bride has a younger brother Juan (b.1999).

Sources: Descendants of King Alfonso XII of Spain
English and Spanish biography of the groom in Wikipedia
The thread: Weddings of the Spanish descendants of the Bourbon-Two Sicillies
Archduke Pal of Austria (*1997), second son of Archduke Istvan of Austria and his wife Paola Temesvary, and Antonia Lutz (*1996), eldest daughter of Princess Maria Isabella of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg and her husband Manfred Lutz, got married or will marry this year.
Source: Descendants of Archduke Karl of Austria, Duke of Teschen
Luna de Medina y de Orleans e Braganza, Countess de Ricla (b.1988) [younger of two daughters together of Princess Maria da Gloria of Orleans and Braganza (b.1946) & her second husband Ignacio de Medina y Fernandez de Cordoba, Duke de Segorbe (b.1947)] married her longtime partner, Giovanni Michele Rapazzini de'Buzzaccarini (b.1993) in Pazo de Oca (Spain) on 4 May ; their son Galateo was born last year.

Sources: Descendants of King Louis Philippe I of the French
Luna Medina, hija del duque de Segorbe, se ha casado en Galicia con Giovanni Rapazzini de Buzzaccarini (Thanks, Linda_26 and Blog Real!)
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Archduke Pal of Austria (*1997), second son of Archduke Istvan of Austria and his wife Paola Temesvary, and Antonia Lutz (*1996), eldest daughter of Princess Maria Isabella of Lowenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg and her husband Manfred Lutz, got married or will marry this year.
Source: Descendants of Archduke Karl of Austria, Duke of Teschen
Civil marriage took place 4th May, religious marriage will be 27th July:
Hereditary Count Alexander Fugger von Babenhausen (b.21 November 1981) [son of Hubertus, Prince Fugger of Babenhausen (b.1946) & his wife Princess Alexandra of Oettingen-Oettingen and Oettingen-Spielberg (b.1948)] married religously Gabriella Stoudemire (b.3 November 1987) [daughter of Sterling Cranford Stoudemire & his wife Dora-Beatriz Cortés Gelpi] at the St. Moritz Church in Augsburg on 18 May; their civil wedding took place in 2022; in 2023 their son Otto was born.

Source: Märchenhochzeit: Alexander Erbgraf Fugger-Babenhausen heiratet (Thanks, Stefan!)
Ali Nasser Juddeh (b.1996) [son of Princess Sumaya bint Hassan (b.1971) & her former husband Nasser Juddeh (b.1961), aJordanian politician who served as Jordan's longest serving minister of foreign affairs (later minister of foreign affairs and expatriates), having served between 2009 and 2017 in eight consecutive governments] married Tamara Rasamny recently.

Source: ARA With Sondos on Instagram‎: "New #RoyalWedding Alert: Ali Nasser Judeh, the son of Jordan’s Princess Sumaya Bint El Hassan, weds Tamara Rasamny. The father of the groom took to Instagram to share the happy news. The bride Tamara is the daughter of the late Maya Rasamny, a prominent art collector originally from Lebanon. She was the co-head of the Tate Modern’s committee on Middle Eastern and North African acquisitions. الأفراح تغمر #العائلة_الهاشمية بزفاف السيد علي ناصر جودة وتمارة رسماني. احتفلت سمو الأميرة سمية بنت الحسن-ابنة عم العاهل الأردني والسيد ناصر جودة وزير الخارجية الأسبق بزفاف نجلهما السيد علي على تمارة رسماني. وقد زف الخبر السعيد والد العريس عبر حسابه الرسمي بالإنستقرام. العروس تمارة هي ابنة الراحلة مايا رسمني، وهي جامعَة فنية بارزة من أصل لبناني. كانت تشغل منصب الرئيس المشارك للجنة التابع لمتحف تيت مودرن حول اقتناء الأعمال الفنية من منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا. وقد احتفل الثنائي بخطبتهما العام الماضي. ويذكر أيضا احتفلت الأسرة بزواج أكبر ابنائها السيد طارق جودة و زين هادي أبو هنطش في حفل أقيم في قلعة الجبل الأثرية في يوليو الماضي. #AliNasserJudeh #Wedding #Royals"
Joseph Ellingworth (b.1992) [second of three sons of Lady Amanda Knatchbull (b.1957) & her husband Charles Ellingworth (b.1957)] married Bridie Anne Riley (b.1991) sometime this year.

He is the first of his parents' sons who marries; his brothers Luke (b.1991) and Louis (b.1995) are single.

Source: Descendants of Princess Julie von Battenberg
Duchess Katharina of Oldenburg (b. 20 February 1997) [youngest of four children and only daughter of Christian, Duke of Oldenburg (b.1955) & his wife Caroline, nee Countess zu Ranzau (b.1962)] married Count Clemens Moy de Sons (b. 22 December 1985) [youngest of four children and only son of Count Gou Moy de Sons & his wife Verena, nee von Stein zu Lausnitz] in St. Ulrich's Church in Rastede (Oldenburg, Germany) on 13 July.

Sources: The wedding of Duchess Katharina of Oldenburg and Count Clemens Moy de Sans
François-Xavier de La Rochefoucauld, Duke of Liancourt (1986) son and heir of François XIX Alexandre, Duke of La Rochefoucauld and his aide née Michelle Suzanne Etter (1948) madrier Inga Grigorenko at La Rochefoucauld on 29th June 2024.

Thank you in advance,

François-Xavier de La Rochefoucauld, Duke of Liancourt (1986) son and heir of François XIX Alexandre, Duke of La Rochefoucauld and his aide née Michelle Suzanne Etter (1948) madrier Inga Grigorenko at La Rochefoucauld on 29th June 2024.

Thank you in advance,

Hello, the Duchess of Liancourt was born at Tallinn, Estonia on 28th Oct 1988 as the daughter of Valeri Grigorenko and of his wife née Tatjana Senkevich

Thank you in avance,
Civil marriage took place 4th May, religious marriage will be 27th July:
And they in fact married religiously on 27th July at the Bonner Munster in Bonn:

Aoun Juma (b.27 May 1992) [son of Princess Aisha bint Hussein of Jordan (b.1968) & her former husband Zeid Juma] married Lina Abbas [great-niece of the President of the State of Palestine, Mahmud Abbas (b.1935)] in Amman on 20 August.

Source: Wedding of Aoun Jumaa and Lina Abbas
Princess Märtha Louise of Norway (b. 22 September 1971) [daughter of Harald V, King of Norway (b.1937) & his wife Sonja, nee Haraldsen (b.1937)] married, as her second husband, Derek David Verrett, who became Durek David Verrett in 2014 (b.17 November 1974) in Geiranger, Norway, on 31 August.

She was previously married to Ari Behn (1972-2019) from 2002 to 2017; she has with him three daughters: Maud Angelica (29-4-2003), Leah Isadora (8-4-2005) & Emma Tallulah (29-9-2008).

Source: their wedding thread.

Prince Ionn Teimouraz Galitzine (b. 27 May 1992) [son of Prince Peter Galitzine (b.1955) & his wife Maria Anna, nee Archduchess of Austria (b.1954)] married Gabrielle Tartakovsky (b.1997) sometime this year.

Ionn is the youngest of six children (one deceased) and last one who marries.

Sources: Descendants of Archduke Franz Karl of Austria
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Countess Caroline de Lannoy (b.2001) [daughter of Count Jehan de Lannoy (b.1966; eldest brother of Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxemburg) & his wife Beatrice, nee Spates (b. 1968)] married Henry de Spoelberch (b.1999) in Frasnes-lez-Anvaing (Belgium) on 31 August.
Caroline is the eldest of four children and first one who marries; her siblings are: Louise (b.2003), Antoine (b.2005) & Maxime (b.2006).

Sources: Wedding: Caroline de Lannoy & Henry de Spoelberch

Victoria López-Quesada y de Borbón (b.1997) [daughter of Princess Cristina of Bourbon (b.1966) {herself daughter of late Infante Carlos of Spain (1938-2015) & his wife Princess Anne of France (b.1938)} & her husband Pedro López-Quesada y Fernandez-Urrutia (b.1964); goddaughter of Felipe VI, King of Spain] married Enrique Moreno de la Cova y Ybarra [son of Enrique de la Cova y Maestre & his wife Cristina Ybarra y Sainz de la Maza {herself daughter of the late 5th Count of Ibarra}] in the Soto Mozanaque estate in Algete (Spain) on 31 August.
Victoria has a brother Pedro (b.2003).

Sources: King Felipe's goddaughter. Victoria López-Quesada marries Spanish nobleman
Countess Caroline de Lannoy (b.2001) [daughter of Count Jehan de Lannoy (b.1966; eldest brother of Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie of Luxemburg) & his wife Beatrice, nee Spates (b. 1968)] married Henry de Spoelberch (b.1999) in Frasnes-lez-Anvaing (Belgium) on 31 August.
Caroline is the eldest of four children and first one who marries; her siblings are: Louise (b.2003), Antoine (b.2005) & Maxime (b.2006).

Sources: Wedding: Caroline de Lannoy & Henry de Spoelberch

The pair is distantly related, as both descend from Charles François de Paul van Brouchoven, Count de Bergeyck (1766-1811) and his wife, Carolina Josephina Maria Roose de Baisy (1779-1852).
Princess Theodora of Greece (b.9 June 1983) [daughter of late former King Constantine II of Greece (1940-2023) & his wife Anne-Marie, nee Princess of Denmark (b.1946)] married her longtime fiance Matthew Kumar (b.15 December 1983) [son of Shalendra Kumar (b.1954) & his wife Yolanda, nee Richards (b.1953)] at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Athens on 28 September.

Theodora is fourth of her parents' five children and last one who marries.

Source: their wedding thread.
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Princess Maria da Gloria of Orleans and Braganza (*1982), middle daughter of Prince Fernando of Brazil (*1948) and his wife Maria da Graca de Siqueira Carvalho Baere de Araujo (*1952), married Tanguy De Bock (*1980), son of Jean de Bock and Celine de Montpellier d'Annevoie, on September 21, at the Saint-Sulpice church, Boussu-en-Fagne, Namur (Belgium)

Source: Mariage Princesse Maria da Gloria d’Orléans e Bragança & Tanguy De Bock
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