Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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marian said:
I think that the prince is a great father for his children, of course, for Marius, too. I belive that the people should see that this prince is wonderful, and that he is better father that the prince Charles. Always, for me, prince Haakon is the "true father" of Marius because he is demostrated this.

I quite agree with you that Crown Prince Haakon is an excellent father for all 3 of his kids. But I disagree that he is the 'ture' father - Marius seems to be quite close with his biological father as well. Haakon is an excellent (I daresay, model) step-father, friend and I'm sure he loves Marius like a son, but the boy's true father is his father - it's unfair to deprive him of that.

And I have totally different idea of the kind of father Prince Charles was/is but that's a topic for totally different discussion.
I think Haakon and MArius have a wonderful relationship however i think he calls him Haakon as Marius already has a father who is very involved in his life.
Haakon has been a staple part of Marius's life since he was 3 years old and from all the video's I have seen of the family they have a wonderful relationship and Haakon loves him like his own.
I remember when Mette-Marit was pregnant with Sverre Haakon did an interview saying he knew what it would be like to have two children but to have three would be a different story as he had no more hands:lol: :flowers:
What does Marius call King Harald and Queen Sonja?

We have a thread about Marius' relationship with Crown Prince Haakon but I was curious as to what other members think he calls the King and Queen and what his relationship is like with them:flowers:
crm2317 said:
We have a thread about Marius' relationship with Crown Prince Haakon but I was curious as to what other members think he calls the King and Queen and what his relationship is like with them:flowers:

My guess is that he calls them either Harald and Sonja or perhaps grandfarther and grandmother but i don´t know.
I also think that he has a nice relationship with them and i also think that they se him as a grandchilde.
I guess he calls them Harald and Sonja but they certainly seem to have a good relationship
I love how the page says he is the eldest of the children in the Crown Prince and Crown Princess's family:wub: . Makes a big differece to articles I have read where it says- also pictured is Marius, the princess's child from a previous relationship.

I think he is addressed as Master whereas his father is Mr because he is so young. When my little brother gets posted cards he is Master but my father would be Mr:flowers:
crm2317 said:
I love how the page says he is the eldest of the children in the Crown Prince and Crown Princess's family:wub: . Makes a big differece to articles I have read where it says- also pictured is Marius, the princess's child from a previous relationship.

I think he is addressed as Master whereas his father is Mr because he is so young. When my little brother gets posted cards he is Master but my father would be Mr:flowers:
I also love the new website because even under CP HM page, it states that there are 3 children in the Crown Princely family. Everytime I see HM amd Marius together, they are touching each other and telling jokes, watch the video from May17th, 2007, they are laughing and HM is rubbing Marius back. Marius is one very lucky boy, remember he has sibling on both sides now, so it isn't like I-A and Magnus are his only siblings. I think everyone in the family should be commended for the way they have handled a very 21st century situation. To me HM is just a fantastic person that has a great heart, you see it everytime he interacts with one of his "kids", and I total agree, Marius is a very handsome young man.:wub:
In our family (USA) all young men are addressed as Master and when they get older it becomes Mister. When my son was young my mom always sent cards to Master "his name".
Well, Haakon adopting Marius wouldn't be fair to Marius's ''actual'' father (just like it wouldn't be fair to Mette-Marit if Marius's step-mother tried to adopt him) He and Mette-Marit have - as far as I know - shared the responsibility for their son's upbringing since his birth. In other words, Marius is as much Morten's son as he is Mette-Marit's.

The only way Haakon (or Morten's wife) could - or should - adopt Marius was if Morten or Mette-Marit were somehow unwilling or uncapable of him.
I admire the Norwegian royal family so much for just how well (it looks like it) they treat Marius, by including him in their official family photos (with the King & Queen & with the CP's), national day. Yes, he might not get the title prince but he is around them and it does not seem that he is having trouble with the family and his other siblings. I think he is very lucky. I also think he has a strong relation with Haakon, which is also very nice to see. I do not know which other royal family would do what the Norwegian family has done, but I guess that is not the discussion here. :)
I believe that he is part of the family. He is accepted as son and grandson and those are titles worth cherishing. I remember seeing pictures of Marius when he was much smaller being held by his grandmother, Queen Sonja and thought it was so sweet. He is part of the family. Prince Haakon is already a king in my eyes due to relationship with Marius.:)
kerry said:
I believe that he is part of the family. He is accepted as son and grandson and those are titles worth cherishing. I

I agree. My son from a previous relationship has been fully accepted into my husband's family. They adore him! They ask when he'll come for a visit again! So why should the Norwegian royals think differently about Marius, who is such a handsome, and seems to be such a well-behaved child?
I quite agree!

Her_Majesty said:
A lovely moment:

Queen Sonja and Marius during Harald's birthday celebrations.:flowers:
Sonja Marius - Sesam
Sonja Marius - Sesam

Oh yes ... Agreed!

The complicity between Marius and The Queen is marvellous.
Well, after all ... Her Majesty WAS a commoner, like Marius, before marrying into Royalty ... They already have a bond and share THAT.

LOVE her Mink Coat, btw, and doesn't Mette-Marit look lovely, too?
Marius and the Queen seem to be close, if you look at the pictures of them. I saw a video of one Christmas (before the other children were born, not sure of the year. Maybe 2001?) where the Queen and Marius were playing and having fun with a polar bear rug. I think they treat him just like a regular kid.
I think his name "Haakon" is the most adequate one for him to call his stepfather!
acdc1 said:
Marius and the Queen seem to be close, if you look at the pictures of them. I saw a video of one Christmas (before the other children were born, not sure of the year. Maybe 2001?) where the Queen and Marius were playing and having fun with a polar bear rug. I think they treat him just like a regular kid.

It was Christmas 2000 when Haakon and Mette-Marit just got engaged.:flowers:
ANP Beeldbank

more pictures:
Her_Majesty said:
It was Christmas 2000 when Haakon and Mette-Marit just got engaged.:flowers:
ANP Beeldbank
That's one of the loveliest pictures of the Queen and little Marius. :wub:
Here are a couple more nice pictures of Marius with various members of the NRF (Christmas pictures, different years).

Marius with Haakon, Sonja and Martha-Louise
Marius with Haakon and others
Marius with Martha-Louise and others
Marius with his little cousin
The Family (note how the Queen has her arms aroun her eldest grandson)
I'm too lazy to read all the posts and not sure if this was discussed before, but does Marius' biological father pay alimony or child support or the Royal budget (aka taxpayers) takes care of him too? I'm just curious about his place in this family. Well, it seems like they have embraced him. I also wonder how the public and the press view him because if this were to happen in know?
I can't help but say that I love Norwegian Royal Family. They seems to have fully accepted Marius. You can tell the child is happy with them. This family shows that they have very strong love ties between its members. That's wonderful nowadays.

planetcher said:
I'm too lazy to read all the posts and not sure if this was discussed before, but does Marius' biological father pay alimony or child support or the Royal budget (aka taxpayers) takes care of him too? I'm just curious about his place in this family. Well, it seems like they have embraced him. I also wonder how the public and the press view him because if this were to happen in know?

Why would the people of Norway pay for Morten Borg's upkeep? He's not a member of the Royal Family, so they have no reason to. He's the father of the Crown Princess's son, but the child is not a member of the Royal Family either. Alimony is paid to ex-wives, and he and Mette were never married. As for child support, I don't see why he'd need to. All of the child's needs are being met by all parties involved. Mette doesn't need his money to care for him anymore....her and Haakon and his family do that when he's with her and when Marius is with Morten, he takes care of any financial needs he may have.
Sister Morphine said:
Why would the people of Norway pay for Morten Borg's upkeep? He's not a member of the Royal Family, so they have no reason to.

I asked, "does Marius' biological father pay alimony or child support or the Royal budget takes care of him (meaning Marius) too? Even if they're not married he's still responsible for that child IMO. I'm just wondering if he pays child support as far as sending him to school and other basic child needs. It's not a "catty" question. I'm just curious because as far as I know Mette Marit is the only princess with an illegitimate child, and royal families survive on taxpayers money so I'm just wondering if Marius' father is financially taking care of him (as he should be) or not because the Royal budget takes care of the boy.
Avalon said:
That's one of the loveliest pictures of the Queen and little Marius. :wub:
Here are a couple more nice pictures of Marius with various members of the NRF (Christmas pictures, different years).

Marius with Haakon, Sonja and Martha-Louise
Marius with Haakon and others
Marius with Martha-Louise and others
Marius with his little cousin
The Family (note how the Queen has her arms aroun her eldest grandson)
It's really nice seeing the family close and warm to Marius. I'm also happy seeing Martha-Louise is close to her nephew in the third picture by holding him up.:)
planetcher said:
"and royal families survive on taxpayers money

Like any other Head of State a King gets his income from the State,they,do not just survive on your precious taxpayers money.The fixation on "taxpayers money" is typical for many of those across the Pond,and much less of an issue here,in the Old World.It's just the Monarch and the Heir that get an income,the Norwegians don't have any free-loaders in the RF.But this is totally O/T.
planetcher said:
I asked, "does Marius' biological father pay alimony or child support or the Royal budget takes care of him (meaning Marius) too? Even if they're not married he's still responsible for that child IMO. I'm just wondering if he pays child support as far as sending him to school and other basic child needs. It's not a "catty" question. I'm just curious because as far as I know Mette Marit is the only princess with an illegitimate child, and royal families survive on taxpayers money so I'm just wondering if Marius' father is financially taking care of him (as he should be) or not because the Royal budget takes care of the boy.
Marius' school is free, as all Norwegian public schools are.

As far as the arrangement between Morten and Mette-Marit goes regarding Marius today, it is difficult to say exactly what the details are.
planetcher said:
I asked, "does Marius' biological father pay alimony or child support or the Royal budget takes care of him (meaning Marius) too? Even if they're not married he's still responsible for that child IMO. I'm just wondering if he pays child support as far as sending him to school and other basic child needs. It's not a "catty" question. I'm just curious because as far as I know Mette Marit is the only princess with an illegitimate child, and royal families survive on taxpayers money so I'm just wondering if Marius' father is financially taking care of him (as he should be) or not because the Royal budget takes care of the boy.

The crownprince couple receives an annual apanage of (as far as I know) about 5 mill norwegian kroner (aprox. $ 950,000). They would receive that same amount, Marius or no Marius and I am sure they find it within their means to pay for food, clothes and a bed to sleep in.
As norwegienne mentioned shools are free in Scandinavia as are medical treatment.
I've said so before, I think that they have done a superb job with handleing the situation. Some royal families would not have been able to do as the Norwegians have done.

It seems like Marius is closest with- besides his mother and siblings- Haakon, Queen Sonja, and Martha-Louise. Haakon is always hugging him and holding his hand when he was little (I'll expect we see less of that in public from everybody... what ten-year-old boy wants to be hugged and kissed on all the time when there are a bunch of cameras around!) and laughing with him. Queen Sonja is always hugging him, too, like a grandmother would. Martha-Louise was holding him in the Christmas pictures, and she let him hold Maude Angelica another Christmas. (Those were funny pictures- Haakon, Martha-Louise, Queen Sonja and Mette-Marit all looked VERY much on guard in case he should drop her, as she was maybe heavy for him!)

But they are a good family, and he seems to love them all, which is very good. His parents and step-father are proud of him, his little sister and little brother absolutely adore him (I bet he's a great big brother), and he has the chance to be a regular kid, such as attending public school. Marius is a very lucky boy.
I don't know what he calls them, but I agree that they have a great relationship. They have been in his life longer than they weren't in his life.
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