Marius Borg Hoiby - Discussions 2003 - 2020

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When it comes to university studies, I sincerely believe that the student needs to want to be there rather than expected to be there. So often after finishing up the required many, many years of schooling, a person just has had enough and as a young adult, wants to explore his young adult world. Its definitely a period of life where there's a whole lot of trial and error going on until they hit on a path in life they feel is where they want life to take them and then see the studies at university as a ways and means of getting there.

Its important, I believe, that Marius finds his path but I don't think there's any real rush to do it right now instantly. He's got youth on his side and a supportive family. He'll be just fine.
Agree! - And good for him that he comes from a country where I can't imagine there are many people (including the media) going around ''expecting'' him to be at university, just because he is the son of the future Queen-Consort.
What is his full education?
It seems Marius is always giving us something to talk about around this time of the year (late December/early January.) ?

Royal Norway's summary of "what's been going on" in post #591 made me go back in this thread and whoooo boy!

Jan 2017 -- Mette-Marit posts her letter about him being a private citizen and criticizes the press.

Jan 2018 -- Mette-Marit and Haakon are mad at Seg og Hor for writing about Marius' "Playboy model" girlfriend.

Now& Jan 2019??? Perhaps the newspapers will eventually write about his new job, just to keep the January theme going.
Jokes aside, I hope that he learns from his new job or uses it as a stepping stone to what he actually wants to do.

Do we know if his girlfriend is still in London? Are they still planning on their leather fashion line?
I can’t find it in me to worry about the life, lifestyle, and employment prospects of a wealthy, handsome teenager from a prominent family. He’ll be fine.
What is his full education?
His full education? Well, that must be him attending the public Jansløkka Primary school in Asker (age 6-13 - 2003-2010), then the public Solvang Lower secondary school in Asker (age 13-16 - 2010-2013), before attending the top-sport-line (specialising in skiing) at the private Wang Upper secondary school in Oslo (age 16-19 - 2013-2016).

Read more about Education in Norway here (English Wikipedia article - link).


Do we know if his girlfriend is still in London? Are they still planning on their leather fashion line?

After what I know (from the media), yes, she's still living and working in London.

Their ''leather fashion line''? I don't know.

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I can’t find it in me to worry about the life, lifestyle, and employment prospects of a wealthy, handsome teenager from a prominent family. He’ll be fine.
Hear hear. He's a white, heterosexual male coming from a wealthy upbringing. He ain't suffering and will never do as long as the Norwegian Royal Family treat him as their own.
He finished high school.
Now a days high school it is not much education, you need to do College, University, What he wants to be ? or how he is thinking to make money? Iam surprise almost all Royals have a most extended education surprise his mother did not promote for him to study more. Is he thinking to live out of his family money?:whistling:
Perhaps he needs to take time and "find himself" like many young people do. Its not unusual for a young adult to take what is called a "gap year" to figure out just where they want to go in life. It doesn't have to be a year. Could be shorter or longer. Depends on the person.

Its been an experience in my family with my brother and my oldest son that they chose not to go to college right after high school but returned in their 30s. In fact, my son has gone on to get 3 degrees. The education is appreciated more by them too as it was them who decided they wanted to go for these degrees.

Its happened that a person will go directly to college, take courses and find out later on that the courses he took weren't of any use to him once he decided where he wanted life to take him. Marius does have the advantage of coming from a wealthy family and can pursue easily any venture that he wants to try.

Just because he's taking a bit of time away right now doesn't point to him being a loafer or a slacker or a sponger but a young man not sure of where he wants life to take him yet. ?
Now a days high school it is not much education, you need to do College, University, (1) What he wants to be ? or how he is thinking to make money? Iam surprise almost all Royals have a most extended education surprise his mother did not promote for him to study more. (2) Is he thinking to live out of his family money?:whistling:
1. Well, as I wrote in post 562 and 567 (where I mentioned some of the things he is interested in), there is a lot of stuff he could be doing without an higher education.
2. Hmm, then he will have to live off The CP-Couple's (future Regent-Couple's) apanages, because there is no big family-fortune to take money from:
Haakon has currently (according to himself and the court) a personal fortune of around 9-million NOK (private properties not included), which is invested in mutual funds in Norway and abroad.
While The King's private fortune of around 100-million NOK (private properties not included) is, according to the court, placed in two crisis-funds/trusts (by his father King Olav) to provide an income independent of the state in case of an emergency.

Morten Borg (Marius' father): Not an option, since he probably just has a regular income (unsure of what he's working with right now).
But didn't I say in post 570 that he is: ''Married to the daughter of the 'wealthy' and controversial Lebanese-born businessman in the carpet-industry, Mahmoud Maktabi, who's been accused/convicted of fraud''?
Yes, but Maktabi is not ''super-rich'' and has been through several bankruptcies, so I doubt there will be that much left to his SIX children. - And anyway, I don't think Marius wants to live off his stepmother.



Just because he's taking a bit of time away right now doesn't point to him being a loafer or a slacker or a sponger but a young man not sure of where he wants life to take him yet. ?
Agree! - But he doesn't seem to be a university-type - and when you think about it, he's not ''taking a bit of time away'' from anything actually:
Worked at Tempus Magazine in London from March 2018 to its closure in October.
January/February 2019, will work in the sales and marketing department at Selvaag Bolig (residential property developer).

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Well, I'm not awed by Marius' education.

He's basically gradated from a sports high school and that's it.
In Scandinavia like most places, I believe, you can feed pigs with high school graduates. In itself it's a stepping stone but not much more.
Royal Norway, who as usual is very well informed, says that he doesn't consider Marius to be university material. To me that suggests that he is not technical minded either - that is he probably not suited for a higher technical degree either.

It is IMO most unlikely, given his position, that he will ever work as a plumber (good wages, well sought after, very high degree of permanent employment BTW) a clerk or a nurse.

So IMO that narrows his options down to something creative or within the media.
So how about Marius becoming a journalist?
Has he ever shown a creative streak?

Okay, economy.
The NRF is not wealthy enough to support a Marius permanently, so no matter what he will have to earn his own living if he wish to maintain his current living status.

He can IMO think about his future for a year or two more, but that's it, then he has to think about his future and get an education. The longer he waits, the harder it will be to return to the classroom.
And the other perspective is that he still is the crown princess' son, so I would expect seeing him profiting from that position without making somehow good use of all the possibikities offered will reflect badly in the NRF whether he likes it or not.
Royal Norway, who as usual is very well informed, says that he doesn't consider Marius to be university material. To me that suggests that he is not technical minded either - that is he probably not suited for a higher technical degree either.
Thanks! :flowers:

I won't say that I don't ''consider'' Marius to be university ''material.''
But to me, a guy who chose to attend a sports-school as his Upper-secondary-education and dropped out of college after a few months, doesn't seem like a ''university-type'' (with that I mean, I don't think university is his thing). ?


So how about Marius becoming a journalist?
Again, to me, he doesn't seem like a university-type, so that must be without an education. - Perhaps a job in a foreign clothing/trend magazine or something, as we saw with his Tempus-adventure in London.
But I can't see him being (or wanting to be) employed by any of the major outlets here (I.e. television, newspapers, magazines or radio), not even with an education, because the criticism of not just Marius - but also the media-company that hires him would be immense.
I mean, we're talking about guy here, whose mother and stepfather have literally gone out of their way to protect him from the Norwegian press, because he ''didn't want to be a public person.''


Has he ever shown a creative streak?
That's perhaps to take it a bit too far, since the only creativeness we've seen from him is those leather-jackets of his, with imprints of ''mother****er, I am trouble and **** you,'' which he loves to walk around in. ? :lol:

But as you probably know from posts 542, 562 and 567 (I think we discussed them in PMs at the time), The Crown Princess said back in April, when he got that job at Tempus Magazine: ''Først og fremst har Marius fått seg en kreativ jobb, og han er en veldig kreativ sjel. Han er veldig god til å ta bilder og filme, og har ønsket å jobbe kreativt lenge (First and foremost, Marius has gotten himself a creative job - and he is a very creative soul. He is very good at taking pictures and filming, and has wanted to work creatively for a long time.)''
Yes, a mother speaking, I know. - But there is several ways for him (especially since he's already well known) to do that without an education. I.e. starting a blog (which seems to very lucrative here), or he can try to continue with something within clothing (or other types of design).

Thank Royal Norway.

Hmm, blogger/vlogger.
Unskilled journalist - or more correctly writer for a magazine.
Nah, these are jobs that could be temporarily lucrative but almost certainly not in the long run.

And as you point out: Most sons are wonders in the eyes of their mother. ;)

He needs an education. Period.
Because in contrast to other Norwegians, who can always end up finding a job on the factory floor (and that's not so easy anymore, for someone who is unskilled!) that way is not an option for Marius.
No matter how egalitarian Norway is there is still a considerable degree of social snobbery. The son of the Crown Princess cannot do more menial work.

Also, even though I'm not Norwegian, I have a more positive view on the Norwegians attitude towards getting an employment for Marius.
While the papers may, for a period, make a song and dance act out of it, should MM&H pull strings, after a while that will pass.
It will certainly be much more acceptable than a Marius seemingly leeching of his parents, who at some point in a probably not that distant future will be the Regent Couple!

To be brutal: If Marius is more "practical minded" universities and classrooms are not his thing. Then a design school or creative technical school is his way to go - but that usually require some talent to start with...

If Marius is not in possession of enough talent, then pulling strings and having him parked somewhere is the best, perhaps even only, option.
MM&H have friends, who have friends, in other countries. Most notably Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands. That's more or less around the corner from Norway and the local press won't be that interested in Marius.
And as for the Norwegian press: Out of sight, out of mind.
Thank Royal Norway.

Also, even though I'm not Norwegian, I have a more positive view on the Norwegians attitude towards getting an employment for Marius.
While the papers may, for a period, make a song and dance act out of it, should MM&H pull strings, after a while that will pass.
It will certainly be much more acceptable than a Marius seemingly leeching of his parents, who at some point in a probably not that distant future will be the Regent Couple!

It appears that has already happened as Marius got a job offer in Norway from a close friend of the Crown Prince. So, at least for now, his job situation is settled. It remains to be seen if he will able to make a career out of the opportunity he has been given, or if he will waste it as he has wasted (sorry to say that) the opportunity to go to a private school in Norway , or to go to college in the United States , both of which, I assume, are not possibilities that are normally available to the average Norwegian.
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Thank Royal Norway.

Hmm, blogger/vlogger.
Unskilled journalist - or more correctly writer for a magazine.
Nah, these are jobs that could be temporarily lucrative but almost certainly not in the long run.
You're very welcome! :flowers:

And totally agree! - But he can actually make a lot of money on a successful blog here (we talk up to 2 million NOK a year). - And I can see him doing it for as long as least a decade, perhaps together with his girlfriend on something within clothing, design, etc. ?

He needs an education. Period.
Because in contrast to other Norwegians, who can always end up finding a job on the factory floor (and that's not so easy anymore, for someone who is unskilled!) that way is not an option for Marius.
No matter how egalitarian Norway is there is still a considerable degree of social snobbery. The son of the Crown Princess cannot do more menial work.
Oh, believe me, both the media, commentators and ordinary people here would absolutely LOVE seeing Marius on the factory floor, or him working as a plumber, clerk or a nurse (which you mentioned in your other post). - But due to these two points, I can't see it happening:
1. Lived almost all of his life in luxury with friends who are either celebrities or from wealthy families, so he will most likely see these jobs as being beneath him (although I'm pretty sure The CP-Couple has taught him to have a lot of respect for these professions, but it's just not him).
2. Now in 2019, all these jobs (with some few exceptions) will require an education.


It appears that has already happened as Marius got a job offer in Norway from a close friend of the Crown Prince. So, at least for now, his job situation is settled. It remains to be seen if he will able to make a career out of the opportunity he has been given, or if he will waste it as he has wasted (sorry to say that) the opportunity to go to a private school in Norway , or to go to college in the United States , both of which, I assume, are not possibilities that are normally available to the average Norwegian.
Which is why I wrote (in posts 586 & 597) that ''with the exception of some of The CP-Couple's wealthy friends (perhaps not even them), I can't think of one company/individual offering him a job just because he is the stepson of the future King.'' ?


And now to why I bothered writing this post, because I have to admit that I'm a bit tired of all this Marius-stuff:
Well, according to Tønsbergs Blad (local newspaper), Marius and his girlfriend, Juliane Snekkestad have bought a house together in Tønsberg (the city/municipality where Snekkestad grew up, which is located around 102 kilometres [63 International miles] south-southwest of Oslo - English Wikipedia article).
Juliane's father, Jesper Snekkestad, confirms this to the newspaper, which also writes that The Crown Princess accompanied them to a viewing of what Dagbladet (national Tabloid) says is a property close to the sea, before they bought it.

Hmm, that sounds expensive, so how did they afford it? Most likely by using some of the money Juliane has earned on her modeling-career (perhaps even all of it), and money from The CP-Couple's apanage.
But isn't those money supposed to be spent on paying salaries to employees and stuff like that? No, that is covered by the Civil List of around 200 million NOK a year (state-funds given to the Royal Court). While the apanages (state-money given to the royals) of around 12 million NOK to The Regent-Couple and around 10 million NOK to The CP-Couple are only to cover personal expenses and upkeep of private royal properties, with the exception of Skaugum (which although privately-owned by The Crown Prince, serves as the official residence of the heir to the throne - and is therefore covered by separate state-funds).

Articles from ABC (link) and Dagbladet (link).

Wait. Am I understanding your post correctly, Royal Norway?

There's a POSSIBILITY that the Crown Prince couple used part of their apanage to buy their 21 (!!!) year old son a house with his girlfriend of over a year? The same son who they most likely had to "help" get a two-month job?

Are Marius and his girlfriend that serious? Couldn't they have just rented an apartment? Does she make that much modelling? Are houses cheap in Norway?

(Yes, they're free to use their apanage how they see fit, but Marius is practically unemployed. If this two-month job doesn't work out and if Juliana used all of her savings to purchase the house, who's going to pay for upkeep and such? The CP couple? Wow. Okay. Coolcoolcool)

(If the property market is good in Norway and it's better to buy than rent, please let me that I can move there! :lol:)
Oh, believe me, both the media, commentators and ordinary people here would absolutely LOVE seeing Marius on the factory floor, or him working as a plumber, clerk or a nurse (which you mentioned in your other post).

Would the same apply to Prince Sverre Magnus or a future wife of his?
Wait. Am I understanding your post correctly, Royal Norway?

There's a POSSIBILITY that the Crown Prince couple used part of their apanage to buy their 21 (!!!) year old son a house with his girlfriend of over a year? The same son who they most likely had to "help" get a two-month job?

Are Marius and his girlfriend that serious? Couldn't they have just rented an apartment? Does she make that much modelling? Are houses cheap in Norway?

(Yes, they're free to use their apanage how they see fit, but Marius is practically unemployed. If this two-month job doesn't work out and if Juliana used all of her savings to purchase the house, who's going to pay for upkeep and such? The CP couple? Wow. Okay. Coolcoolcool)

(If the property market is good in Norway and it's better to buy than rent, please let me that I can move there! :lol:)
Yes, and since property-prices are generally high here, especially in Oslo, it's quite common for Norwegian parents to help their children into the housing-market. - Which is better in the long-run than using a lot of money renting a place.
(Hope this sentence answered some of your questions.)

Her modelling-career/earnings: She is described by Norwegian media as a ''well-established model in London,'' but to my knowledge she isn't very well-known, so I doubt she had the amount of money to pay for 50% (perhaps not even 20%) of this ''close to the sea property,'' which according to Tønsbergs Blad (local newspaper) was bought for 3,6 million NOK (a bit lower than I thought).

What with her family: Hmm, since the media hasn't done it yet, I decided to look for stuff about them - and what did I find out?
Well, her father is a real-estate-agent in Tønsberg (who probably helped his daughter and Marius with the formal part) with a probable salary of well below a million a year, while her maternal grandfather, Roar Jonstang, is a former business-leader and the current mayor of Færder municipality (English Wikipedia link) in Vestfold county (representing the Conservative Party) with an income of around a million NOK and a fortune of around 8 million NOK in 2012 (most likely invested in funds). - Which probably means they didn't have that much to help her with.

So, what does this tell us? IMO, that The CP-Couple stood for most of the money when it came to buying this house/property.

Who's going to pay for upkeep and such? Yes, I have an answer to that too, because according to Tønsbergs Blad, SpareBank 1 (a Norwegian savings bank) has taken a mortgage of 4.5 million NOK in the property (yes, more than the house was bought for), which means that Marius and Juliane have taken out loans. - Most likely to pay for what the newspaper says are plans to ''totally renovate'' the place, and IMO to pay The CP-Couple back.
And in the long run? Well, they will most likely find something they can make money on. - And since they've bought a house together and taken up loans with the help and support of both The CP-Couple and Juliane's family (who seems to be a ''good bunsh of people'' with respectable jobs) they may even have done so already.

Are Marius and his girlfriend that serious? Since they've lived together in London and (as I wrote above) have decided to buy a house together, yes, they seem quite serious to me, at least for now.



Would the same apply to Prince Sverre Magnus or a future wife of his?
Yes, (and although as a prince and son of the heir/monarch, he will be expected to attend some royal events such as milestone birthdays and jubilees) he's not a member of The Royal House (hence no Royal Highness style) and can therefore do whatever he wants, but hopefully nothing too controversial (such as Märtha standing in a room learning paying-people to speak with angels).
And if a public person were to say publicly that: ''No, he can't work as a plumber, clerk or a nurse,'' then he/she would IMO be branded as ''out of touch'' by the media, commentators and most ordinary people.

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What luck I ain't a public person in Norway then. ?

It is IMO a considerable risk considering how young they both are! The odds against them staying together are pretty high. Especially as either of them, to my knowledge, have a steady high income. It is after all not a two-room apartment they have bought! (Which IMO would be a sound investment, until they decide to have a family - if that ever happens. I.e. an apartment that is easy and quick to sell at a marginal risk of a major loss.)
That's good news.
If he has a talent for it and it suits his profile all the better.

I wish him every possible good luck.
to me he comes over as a entitled and arrogant young man - quite spoiled. And his jobs so far impress me most of all with the impression of 'Orchideen - Jobs' quite ornamental on a card de visite ...

hope he learns fast and soon ...
So, he is going to promote an app on (Norwegian) night life?

And he was chosen because of his network in the US and Norway... will given little direction as to how perform the task but that's not needed because that isn't needed aa he is really motivated or so? But no, he's not a 'posterboy'... :ermm:
to me he comes over as a entitled and arrogant young man - quite spoiled. And his jobs so far impress me most of all with the impression of 'Orchideen - Jobs' quite ornamental on a card de visite ...

hope he learns fast and soon ...

I somewhat agree - he is apparently socialising with celebrities such as Justin Bieber etc, probably due to his royal connections with Norway. Marius sadly seems to be using his royal connections for employment and socialisation. I hope these are just our assumptions and not the actual case!
As long as he earns his own money, he can sell hotdogs for all I care.

Anything else from the jetset and idle lifestyle he has had for the past few months.
So, he is going to promote an app on (Norwegian) night life?

And he was chosen because of his network in the US and Norway... will given little direction as to how perform the task but that's not needed because that isn't needed aa he is really motivated or so? But no, he's not a 'posterboy'... :ermm:

I believe the correct term nowadays is "social" or "brand influencer." ;-) So, yeah, basically he's a posterboy for this app, lol.
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