Louis, Pauline and Camille Current Events Part 6: January 2017 - October 2024

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Jan 29, 2005
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Welcome to part 6 of the thread to discuss the current events of Louis, Pauline and Camille.

You can find the old thread here:

** Louis, Pauline and Camille Current Events Part 5: June 2007 - December 2016 **

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:flowers: Happy posting! :flowers:

Here it is. The quote says: "I grew up surrounded by love".

How nice that she agreed to give an interview!
I would love to see the pictures, but they won't open for me!

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Thank you, titiromi, for your effort. The pictures are stunning. Pauline is another very beautiful Grimaldi descendent. I am so happy to see her sharing the magazine covers and limelight with her cousins. It is nice to see her involved in events in Monaco. I also hope she will have a successful career as a fashion designer and find true happiness in her private life.

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It's an old pic they've used for this article.

It was not taken at the Palace in Monaco but during the John Galliano show as part of the Paris Fashion Week Womenswear Fall/Winter 2017/2018 on March 5 this year.

In her role as President of the New Generation Young Artists Festival Pauline was the guest of honour at a reception at the Embassy of Monaco in Washington DC and at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival that celebrates its 50th anniversary. The Smithsonian Folklife Festival is organized by the Smithsonian Institute, which promotes cultural exchanges between countries, artists and the public.

** fb gallery ** mc: Pauline Ducruet, invitée de l'Ambassade de Monaco à Washington DC à l'occasion du Smithsonian Folklife Festival **
Very strange styling. Long-sleeved top, seems to be of autumn fabric, the lady near wears coldish clothes and, bottom white summer shorts
I don't blame her for wearing a wider sweater considering she went braless. A bit odd to see pap shots of her all the way in New York.
I just thought it was a cute outfit - other people seem a bit more wrapped up so maybe she's doing some product placement for her new business with those shorts.
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Pauline seems to have "inherited" the love to elephants after her mother. On Instagram she is critical about Trump lifting ban of importing elephant hunt trophies from Africa.
:previous: Go Pauline!!

I am as heartsick and as angry as she is.:bang:
Is Pauline still dating Paul Ettori? (or whatever his name is, I don't remember clearly).
Is Pauline still dating Paul Ettori? (or whatever his name is, I don't remember clearly).
I thought her boyfriend of a couple of years now was called Maxime Giaccardi?
Pauline gets all the attention, at least in this "corner" of the family tree, but Louis is very interesting as well. Two bachelors degrees, apparently, sports management and business administration, and working for AS Monaco FC as a scout. He's had quite a number of jobs before that. Additionally, Louis and his father are the co-managers of the company MONADECO. I don't know anything about that company. Louis and Daniel being co-managers became official last year. NOMINATION D’UN COGERANT - S.A.R.L. MONADECO Société à Responsabilité Limitée au capital de 15.000 euros Siège social : 11, boulevard Charles III -... / Newspaper 8285 / Year 2016 / Journaux / Home - Journal de Monaco

And then there was the cool thing he did in 2013, driving a car from France, through Spain, and to the Moroccan border, to raise money for school supplies for poor kids in Morocco. https://web.archive.org/web/2017120...ophy-Un-equipage-aux-couleurs-de-Radio-Monaco

Louis and Pauline and Camille are all rather open and "normal" (Whatever "normal" means; you certainly can't use me or rely on me to understand normalcy!:lol:) But I only say this because it is interesting to see that Stephanie protected them so well as they were growing up, and now they are very comfortable in their skin, not shy or terrified of publicity. Obviously, some degree of caution will always be necessary, but they seem very rational about it. I do wonder if the Casiraghi trio were a little traumatized by all the overexposure they got. Pierre handles it well, but I wonder Andrea and Charlotte may have some ptsd around paparazzi.:sad: The level of attention Charlotte received at times, and possibly Andrea, could be construed as outright abusive in some instances. That can leave permanent scars, unseen of course.

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