This seems to be a rather contradictory statement by Noor. She's "lucky" to have had friends who have been at her side for more than 20 years but yet she can't really trust them with her innermost thoughts, concerns, or feelings. So then why does she have these friends?
While Noor is/was in a unique position as Queen, a role that most people would be hard pressed to really understand or identify with, a good friend doesn't have to understand your position 100% to support you. She just has to listen to your concerns, problems, fears, and feelings.
My friends will never know 100% what it is like to be me, or me to be them. But we still turn to each other when we are each frustrated, concerned, scared or whatever.
It must be lonely to isolate yourself as much as Noor has done. It is certainly not how I'd like to live my life.