King Abdullah and Queen Rania Current Events 2: September 2004-March 2005

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King Calls on Israel To End Its Military Operations in Gaza

King Calls on Israel To End Its Military Operations in Gaza
London, Oct. 5 (Petra)--His Majesty King Abdullah II called on
Israel to immediately stop its military operations and withdraw its
forces from the Gaza Strip.
During talks in London with British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
His Majesty affirmed that the rise of violence in the Palestinian
lands threatens the peace process as a whole.
"Reviving the faltering peace efforts in the Middle East requires
a serious and quick act with all concerned parties, including the
International Quartet and the international community with a view to
put an end to the suffering and rising of violence in the
Palestinian territories," King Abdullah added.
His Majesty called on the Palestinians to work seriously to
unify their ranks and efforts to create a relevant climate to return
to the negotiating table and formulate their future far from
violence and bloodshed.
During the talks, the King and the British prime minister
affirmed that the roadmap is the only way to reach a just and
comprehensive solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through
implementing its items that are based on the establishment of an
independent Palestinian state living side by side with Israel.
King Abdullah stressed, during the meeting, which was attended
by His Majesty advisor for security affairs and director of the
Intelligence Department, the ministers of the Hashemite Royal Court
and planning and international cooperation, Jordan's ambassador in
London and a number of Blair's advisors, that the establishment of
peace in the region is the only way to limit the phenomena of
extremism and terrorism, which started to threaten the world's
security and stability.
His Majesty called on the international community to move
quickly to enable the region's peoples to live in peace and


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King Abdullah's been travelling constantly lately
BERLIN, Germany: Jordan's King Abdullah II (C) and his wife Rania visit with German President Horst Koehler and his wife Eva (R) the exhibition "Faces of the Orient" 07 October 2004 in Berlin's "Old Museum". The exhibition presents 10.000 years of art and culture of Jordan and will run thrugh 09 January 2005. The king said after meeting German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer that despite the current violence in Iraq he was hopeful the elections could take place in four months' time.


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King, Queen Return Home

Amman, Oct. 7 (Petra) -- Their Majesties King Abdullah II and
Queen Rania Al Abdullah returned home after a working visit to
Britain and Germany.

His Majesty the King reiterated during his talks with British
Prime Minister Tony Blair that the rise of violence in the
Palestinian lands threatens the peace process as a whole.

The King called on the international community to help both sides
the Israelis and Palestinians to go back to peace talks as soon as

Talks also touched on the situation in Iraq, His Majesty affirmed
Jordan's commitment and determination to assist the Iraqi people and
enable it to overcome the difficult circumstances it is passing

cooperation relations between the two countries and ways of
enhancing them in the different fields were also discussed.
King Holds Talks in Germany

Berlin, Oct. 7 (Petra) -- Within the active movement of His Majesty King Abdullah II in Europe to urge the EU countries to exert their utmost efforts to stop the escalating violence in Palestine and move the peace process forward, the King, accompanied by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, held talks Thursday with President of Germany Horst Koehler and German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer.

During the talks, which were attended by Minister of the Hashemite Royal Court Sameer Rifai, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marwan Muasher, Jordanian Ambassador in Germany and a number of German senior officials, the King affirmed the necessity of the international society's commitment to establishing an independent Palestinian state.

The King said that the only way of solving the Palestinian- Israeli conflict is the two-state solution which live side by side in peace and security, stressing that achieving this comes through the commitment of the two sides, the Palestinians and Israelis, to implement the roadmap.

King Abdullah called for an immediate halt of violence in Gaza, expressing that the continuity in building settlements and the separation wall hamper any progress to reach a just and comprehensive peace.

The King also called the EU and the international community to shoulder their responsibilities to put an end to the deteriorating situation in the Palestinian lands, stop violence and end the suffering of the Palestinian people due to the Israeli practices.

His Majesty noted that the instability, chaos and violence in the Middle East region, which resulted from failure to reach just and comprehensive solutions especially in Iraq and Palestine, increase extremism and terrorism, a fact which requires unifying efforts to store peace and security for the peoples of the region, affirming that Islam is a religion of tolerance and dialogue and it has no relation to terror, which Jordan condemns in all its forms.

Concerning the situation in Iraq, the King affirmed that Jordan exerted all efforts to support the Iraqi people and government to achieve stability and security as soon as possible with a view to enable Iraq regain its normal positions and effective role in the region.

King Abdullah called on the international community to further support the Iraqi government in its efforts which aim to achieve peace, rebuild Iraq and build its institutions, stressing the importance of security in Iraq with a view to hold elections over Iraq.

King Abdullah's talks with the German president and foreign minister also touched on ways of enhancing the bilateral ties especially in the economic and trade fields. Both sides had identical views toward continuing work to develop cooperation relations in all domains.

The King expressed appreciation for Germany for its support to Jordan in implementing its economic and social programs that aim to achieve sustainable development in different sectors.

On their part, German president and foreign minister hailed Jordan's determination, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, to achieve peace in the region.

They highly valued the friendship relations between Jordan and Germany affirming that Germany will continue supporting and enhancing its relations with Jordan.

They also hailed the economic programs implemented by Jordan to develop its national economy which are a model example in the region.

King Abdullah stressed, in statements to Agence France-Presse (AFP) follwing his meeting with Fischer, that we are committed to support the temporary Iraqi government to make the security situation in Iraq more stable.

The King affirmed that he will meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi soon to discuss with him ways of supporting Iraq with a view to help it hold elections in January, 2005.

King Holds Talks..............2nd LD

German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joschka Fischer said, in a statement to the Jordanian Television and Jordan News Agency //Petra//, that its is a great honor for us to meet with His Majesty King Abdullah, adding that we have a strong friendly relation and ties in the different spheres.

concerning the Iraqi issues, Fischer said that the situation in Iraq is complicated, expressing hope that Iraq regain its stability and the Iraqi government play its political role.

Fischer also hailed the ties between Jordan and Germany adding that we highly value the role of Jordan in the region. He also reiterated his country's and the EU countries readiness to continue presenting aid that include developing tourism, trade, and economic in Jordan.

On his part, Foreign Minister Marwan Muasher said that the statements of Israeli Prime Minister's advisor make us wonder about Israel's commitment to the roadmap and the peace process.

Muasher added that His Majesty the King explained the situation to Fischer, the King affirmed the necessity of hard working,especially after the American election, with a view to fasten the peace process and reach a just solution.

He also pointed that the king touched on the bilateral and economic ties between Jordan and Germany.


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King Opens Faces of the Orient Exhibition

King Opens Faces of the Orient Exhibition
Berlin, Oct. 7 (Petra) -- Their Majesties King Abdullah II and
Queen Rania Al Abdullah opened Thursday evening, in the presence of
the German President Horst Koehler and his wife, 'Faces of the
Orient" exhibition which reveals 10,000 years of art and
human culture from Jordan.

On display would be about 700 pieces representing the main
historical ages of the civilizations which existed in Jordan.

Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Alia Bouran said that the
exhibition reflexes the public and official interest of the people
of Germany of the eastern peoples and their contributions in
supporting the human civilization.


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29 September pics by corbis


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whatever happened to the Arab Women's Summit?
The last one was in 2002. Has Rania completely abandoned the event or has it merely been postponed because of the Iraq situation?
I notice QR wear more black since she appears pregnant (except in the last wedding ceremonies) !


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King Receives Amr Mousa

Amman, Oct. 11 (Petra)-- His Majesty King Abdullah II on Monday discussed
with Secretary General of the Arab League Dr. Amr Mousa the latest developments
in the Middle East especially the Palestinian issue and the exerted efforts
to find comprehensive solutions for the conflicts in the region.
During the meeting which was attended by Minister of the Royal Court
Sameer Al Refai, His Majesty affirmed the necessity of the commitment
of the Palestinians and the Israelis, in implementing the road map stressing
that the rise of the acts of violence threatens the establishment of an
independence Palestinian State.
King Abdullah urged the Palestinians to intensify their efforts to
form a clear vision and to implement the reforms which enable them to
be active partners in the peace process.
The King pointed out that Jordan, through its continued efforts and
its relations with the International community, spares no effort to revive
the peace process and to help the Palestinian people.
The two sides also discussed the latest developments regarding the
Iraqi issue and means of restoring security and stability in the Iraqi
For his part, Mousa briefed the King on the efforts of the Secretariat
General of the Arab League to put an end to the situation in the region.
He also reviewed the efforts being exerted to develop the Arab League
and to activate its role in all fields.


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King meets delegation representing investors at QIZ

Amman/ Oct. 12/ (Petra)-- His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed
his support to Qualified Industrial Zones QIZ being one of the basic pillars
of economic growth and a mainstay to move forward to the world markets.
The King also stressed the necessity to enhance performance of these zones
and increase their productivity and to find effective mechanism to overcome
challenges facing investors at these zones.
King Abdullah was speaking during a meeting at the Royal Court
ion Tuesday with a delegation representing investors at QIZ.
The qualified industrial zones should by supplied with well-trained
and well-qualified Jordanian cadres, who can develop work at these zones,
King Abdullah said during the meeting, which was attended by Deputy Prime
Minister and Industry and Trade Minister Mohammad Halaiqa, Executive Director
of Jordan Investment Board JIB Reem Badran and Director of the Royal
Court Economic Department Mohammad Rawashdeh.
King Abdullah listened to a briefing by the delegation on the
challenges facing investors in QIZ how these challenges can be better
There are 11 qualified industrial zones in Jordan employing over
21,000 Jordanian workers and have so far brought about $200 m. in investment
to Jordan.
Tariff-free exports of the zones to the U.S. market stood at $650
m. last year.


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King meets Arab Businessmen Federation delegation

Amman/ Oct 12/ (Petra)-- His Majesty King Abdullah II affirmed
his full support to the private sector in the Arab world to enable it
exercise its role effectively towards building the state of law and institutions
noting the tremendous challenges facing this sector in its drive to promote
the process of development and progress.
King Abdullah made his remarks during a meeting at the Royal Court
on Tuesday with members of the Board of the Arab Businessmen Federation
and heads of Arab delegates taking part in the 8th congress of the Arab
business community.
"The private sector is a strategic partner in realizing comprehensive
development in political, social and economic spheres," King Abdullah
said. It is the responsibility of the governments to provide the appropriate
environment for this sector to enhance its contribution to economic
development, the King added.
During the meeting, which was attended by Royal Court Minister
Samir Rifai and the King's Advisor Aqel Beltaji, King Abdullah said the
programs and projects implemented by the private sector should offer the
opportunity for the young people to use their potentials to chart their
future and participate in the development process.
The private sector can play a significant role in promoting
inter-Arab trade whose volume is still moderate noting that most projects
carried out recently in Jordan were initiated by the private sector.
Members of the delegation paid tribute to the favorable investment
climate in Jordan made available by the modern and updated laws and legislation.
Injadat/ Petra


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King Receives Secretary General Of MWL

Amman, Oct. 12 (Petra)-- His Majesty King Abdullah II on Tuesday received
at the Royal Court Secretary General of the Muslim World League, (MWL),
Dr. Abdullah Abdul Muhsen and his accompanying delegation which comprises
a number of scientists in the Islamic World.
The King affirmed that the tolerance of Islam and its openness to
the International civilizations reflect the values of good and justice
and achieve human dignity that the Islam is based on.
During the meeting which was attended by Minister of the Royal Court
Sameer Al Refai, Minister of Awqaf Dr. Ahmad Hlayel, His Majesty stressed
the Islamic scientists' role in elaborating the Islamic values and points
of view.
" The initiative of the Muslim World League to form an Islamic delegation
to visit many counties world wide is a distinguished step towards building
bridges with the peoples and towards calling for a rational dialogue in
an atmosphere where moderation and tolerance exist." The King said.
The king called for finding a charter to the scientists and unifying
the "futwa" by analogy with the Islamic religion, pointing to the necessity
of rejecting violence and extremism, fighting the terrorism and spreading
the Islamic morals and values.
For his part, Dr. Abdullah extolled the sincere efforts being exerted
by His majesty to serve the issues of the Islamic and Arab nations He
also praised His Majesty's keenness to achieve stability and the just
and comprehensive peace in the region.
The Islamic delegation, which includes scholars from Jordan, Saudi
Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia and Nigeria, visits Jordan within a tour
that will also take it to a number of Arab, Islamic and International


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She also seems to be capricious again with her dressmakers. It is said in a Franch magazine (Gala) that she behaves very capriciously with Ji Haye's workwomen and they are fed up with her.
King Abdullah and Queen Rania inspect Mabarrat Um Al Hussein Orphanage in Irbid


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pdas1201 said:
King Abdullah and Queen Rania inspect Mabarrat Um Al Hussein Orphanage in Irbid
its nice to see QR out and about, she looks really good. She colored her hair, she is glowing, pregnancy really suits her
She could be a little more imaginative with her clothes though. All she's been wearing is black. Oh and a lot of scarves around her neck.
~*~Humera~*~ said:
She could be a little more imaginative with her clothes though. All she's been wearing is black. Oh and a lot of scarves around her neck.
Alot of people rather wear black when they are pregnant, maybe she doesnt want her bump to show so much. I think she looks good.
pdas1201 said:
King Abdullah and Queen Rania inspect Mabarrat Um Al Hussein Orphanage in Irbid
The pics are so sweet. It is nice to see a King and a Queen visiting an Orphanage. It's good to see that they don't just go to glittering parties.
QR hosts Iftar banquet

Her Majesty Queen Rania welcomes a guest at an iftar banquet she hosted on Tuesday at Basman Palace. Attending the iftar were members of the Royal family, ministers, wives of Arab and Muslim ambassadors, former prime ministers and senior officials, in addition to other dignitaries.


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the King in Libia:


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Iftar banquet: Queen Rania

Her Majesty Queen Rania welcomes a guest at an iftar banquet she hosted on Tuesday at Basman Palace. Attending the iftar were members of the Royal family, ministers, wives of Arab and Muslim ambassadors, former prime ministers and senior officials, in addition to other dignitaries


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Why are some of the pictures in black and white instead of color?
cut1me said:
Alot of people rather wear black when they are pregnant, maybe she doesnt want her bump to show so much. I think she looks good.
yeah I know, but wearing black for nine months is rather boring.
If you look at a lot of pregnant celebrities, for example, they wear gorgeous maternity fashion. There's no reason to abandon style and elegance just because one's pregnant. A lot of the black tops Rania has been wearing are quite unattractive. Perhaps if she wore coloured outfits with dark jackets, that might help
جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني يطلع على احوا&#1604

جرش/ 20 تشرين الاول/بترا/ حرص جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني على ان يمضي
بعض ساعات اليوم بين فئة ذوي الاعاقات الشديدة والمتعددة في مركز
الرعاية والتاهيل بمحافظة جرش واطلع على احوالهم واوضاعهم في هذا الشهر
الفضيل الذي تتجلى فيه صور التلاحم والتواصل والتراحم بين الناس .



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His Majesty King Abdullah in jum'a prayer in Ma'an

الملك يؤدي صلاة الجمعة في بلدة ابو اللسن في معان


Amman, Oct. 22 (Petra) -- His Majesty King Abdullah II joined
worshippers in performing Jum'a prayer in the mosque of the village
of Abu Allusun in Maan governorate.

His Majesty and the prayers listened to the Friday sermon which
was delivered by Sheikh Ra'ed Khawaldeh in which he outlined the
virtues of the holy month of Ramadan.

Khawaldeh urged worshippers to visit each others in this month,
do the good deeds and help poor people.

After the prayer, King Abdullah shook hands with the worshippers,
listened to their demands and issued directives to study these
demands and answer them.
King Abdullah and Queen Rania open 'Queen Rania Pioneering Center' in Tafeleh

By the way, she looks fantastic in bright Jordanian dresses, I was tired of seeing her in black all the time...its a welcome change...


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AQABA, JORDAN: Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak (2ndL) and his wife Suzzane (L) pose for a picture with Jordanian King Abdullah II and Queen Rania in the Jordanian port city of Aqaba, 24 October 2004. King Abdullah II called for all influential parties to attend an international conference on Iraq which Egypt will host next month. The king was speaking at a meeting with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in the southern Jordanian Red Sea resort of Aqaba, during which the two leaders discussed the November 22-23 conference to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh. AFP PHOTO/YUSSEF ALLAN (Photo credit should read YUSSEF ALLAN/AFP/Getty Images)


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