Jazmin Grace Grimaldi (Rotolo) 2 : April 2006 - June 2006

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Laviollette said:
Is Albert going to make a statement that Jazmin is his daughter in the upcoming People magazine issue? If not then I ask again, what more is there?
Probably nothing more Laviolette, just the same things wrapped in a new package.
Endless re-hashing, as we are seeing here in the Forums (but at People magazine they would call it "journalism").
Warren said:
Probably nothing more Laviolette, just the same things wrapped in a new package.
Endless re-hashing, as we are seeing here in the Forums (but at People magazine they would call it "journalism").

Um, if he were I think he would do it through his lawyer and not in People.
pinklady1991 said:
Um, if he were I think he would do it through his lawyer and not in People.
I'm sure he would that's why the upcoming issue of People is irrelevant if in fact there is something upcoming on the TR story. More rehashing as Warren said. It's the same as the tabloids who claim to document first class travel, lodging, etc. - irrelevant if Albert makes no statement confirming he is the father. Also, it is well known and has been widely discussed on TRF and in the tabloid press that the man TR was married to submitted to a DNA test and was ruled out. Again, old news.
It's an "upcoming" issue in the weeks ahead.
And it is my understanding it's the American version of the same stuff repeated in Europe -- nothing new. It does state the photos and Birth Certificate is in the court file.
TrustWorthy said:
There were two recent visits published: Monaco at Christmas and Paris two weeks ago. Photographs from the Paris visit were published and they included Thierry LaCoste and Prince Albert. Both articles documented first class travel, escorts, drivers, expensive lodging. Since the board now has restrictions on personal comments I just mention the obvious. Prince Albert is litigious yet he has not sued Tamara, or to remove his name on the birth certificate.

In California birth certificates are public record. Anyone can get a copy with certain required information: Mother name, Mother Maiden name, Father's Name and Father's Mother maiden name, baby name and date of birth. Sadly for all involved this information is known so therefore anyone could have, and did, get a copy.

But here's the REAL answer as to who the source is for both any photos and the birth certificate --- the original 1991 court case filed in California. All these items were submitted to the court as part of the case. So mystery solved once and for all. How do I know this? My sister works at People Magazine in New York and they have the court case like every other magazine would I assume.

Look for upcoming People Magazine issue.
This is your photo from December 2005 taken in Monaco. Go back to look at the photo of the trip to Paris and what you will see is this one of Jazmin with Tamara cut out and pasted with another to make it look as if Albert is walking infront of her which was in Voici. Having had to give press releases over the years due to cases I worked I know what the media can do.

The photo below was taken in WY after the trail and Tamara didn't get the desired results she wanted. It's obvious that Jazmin is a toddler.


This photo below appeared in the press last year and as you can see Jazmin was not a baby but a growing young girl of about age 5 therefore the photo did not come from the court records but a private source. As you can see it is also a posed for photo not taken by the paparatzzz.

All photos have been posted by me before in the Forum on the other threads. It's obvious to those of us following this case all information and photo's is being leaked to the press from a private source who has access to it. Tamara has either given it to them or someone close to her has with her permission or she would have sued them long ago. They are speaking on her behalf so its not likely to sue why she hasn't gone after Bruce McCormick. You don't go after the one on your side no matter if they are your friend or not which I heard he wasn't by someone fighting her case as you are. Also if Tamara didn't like her daughters BC published due to idenity theft she could sue but she hasn't. The media is doing her a favor by keeping this issue alive. It's media blackmail.

Albert has not had any contact with Jazmin according to him in his last published interview and has denied any other children other than Alexandre. People want this to be true for many reasons and each one might be different. The media wants to sell stories just like People Magizine.

People have questioned why Albert doesn't sue over the BC here is the answer.
Thierry Lacoste, rises: "That wants nothing to say because, in the United States, the birth certificates are based on simple declarations which are not checked".
© EPA (01/03/2006) I said before its easy to get a man's name on a BC. I listed my father for emergancy contact stating relationship as father. When the papers came to be for final review they had him listed as my childs father. Easy to get the name there or someone else could have signed for it.
Other than Bunte cover -- these ARE NOT cut and pasted photos

LadyMacAlpine said:
This is your photo from December 2005 taken in Monaco. Go back to look at the photo of the trip to Paris and what you will see is this one of Jazmin with Tamara cut out and pasted with another to make it look as if Albert is walking infront of her which was in Voici. Having had to give press releases over the years due to cases I worked I know what the media can do.

Other than Bunte cover -- these ARE NOT cut and pasted photos. Can anyone post a larger version of these?





I found these and other photos, some larger and of better quality throughtout this forum. Maybe someone with better talents can enlarge or translate the text?
None of the above are cut and pasted. However, none of them show Jazmin, Tamara, Albert and/or Thierry in any telling combination together in the same photo. They are separate photos published together to illustrate a story. Emphasis on the story. Articles contain facts.

One rag did post a shot that was 'photoshopped'. It appeared to be Albert walking in front of Jazmin to his car. The car photo is in the above pages. Lady Mac posted the photo that was used for the Jazmin part of the trick shot.

I think publishing manipulated pictures and calling them real or "fair use speculation" is just horrid and should be illegal in every country. Its not just the famous royals and celebrities who are embarrassed. Innocent people are hurt from the perceived reality.

first of all, I do not think BUNTE was trying to make it look like Jazmin and Albert were walking together here: http://files.profilemix.com/2006/04/04/10/163792_03829.jpg

For one thing, Albert's proportioning in the foreground is much larger. Also, this pic of him is obviously from the July 2005 enthronement. So I don't think this was an attempt to make them look like they were walking together. If it was, it was a bad attempt.

Wasn't the paternity question solved? I thought there was a DNA test and it was negative, right? At least, I think that is what the Palace said, but Tamara claims it wasn't done or something like that?
TrustWorthy said:
Other than Bunte cover -- these ARE NOT cut and pasted photos. Can anyone post a larger version of these?

I found these and other photos, some larger and of better quality throughtout this forum. Maybe someone with better talents can enlarge or translate the text?
But the none-Bunte photos don't show them together either and you continue to suggest they do without proof and I thought that was against the rules on TRF. These photos don't show them together so why are they continually repeated as showing them together? And if TR has a secret deal with PA then why has she become more visible? Imo she's trying to force his hand and get him to publicly acknowledge Jazmin as he did with Eric Alexandre but PA has not dignified her continued claims with a response.
CasiraghiTrio said:
first of all, I do not think BUNTE was trying to make it look like Jazmin and Albert were walking together here: http://files.profilemix.com/2006/04/04/10/163792_03829.jpg

For one thing, Albert's proportioning in the foreground is much larger. Also, this pic of him is obviously from the July 2005 enthronement. So I don't think this was an attempt to make them look like they were walking together. If it was, it was a bad attempt.

Wasn't the paternity question solved? I thought there was a DNA test and it was negative, right? At least, I think that is what the Palace said, but Tamara claims it wasn't done or something like that?
I have to disagree Bunte was trying to make it appear they were together but I agree it was a poor job. A quick look and people wouldn't know they weren't and would buy the photo's. That is the photo I was talking about of being cut and pasted together. I do believe he was in South Africa when the Rotolo family was in Monaco.

The Palace has always denied the claim. It's been Tamara's claim the Grimaldis were afraid to acknowledge her daughter as being Albert's first born and rightful heir to the Throne as to why they wouldn't allow the DNA testing even though the samples for DNA was given to the Grimaldis. She has maintained had the testing been negative Albert would have announced to the world he wasn't Jazmins father, therefore he knows he is. That was Tamara's comments (not quoted) in 1997-1998 some six to seven years after the court dismissed the case. According to Albert he thought this had gone away until Nicole's story came out about Alexandre. Gone away means dropped as I understand the meanings of the words. He is the Palace that said he was not the father just as his attorney spoke for him after he repeatedly said in interviews that no other claims can be true. If he knows of no other claims that can be true that is a denial. This story is making money for the media like People Magazine which apparently is now getting in the mess of rumors about a child under the age of 18, a minor. I still find this disgusting that any mother can do this to their child and deny them of a safe and normal childhood by placing them on public display. The child is being mentally abused by this whole thing. The press and the public is trying to blame this on Albert when in fact its Tamara not him.

In court records Tamara stated Albert was the only man she was with after she separated from her husband and she was with no other until the child was born. No where did she admit she cheated on her husband while married except with Albert. She has refused to give proof by medical records that Jazmin was premature. If she was born 6 weeks early as she stated there was NO NEED to do DNA testing on David and what was the sense in her doing so if she knew as she claimed from the start Albert was the father? She also used the Grimaldi name before she knew the DNA results or filed a paternity suit. What is there to say she didn't have another affair and it was the cause of her split with David? Sorry the part of me that likes to get evidence to put criminals behind bars is coming out.
TrustWorthy said:
It's an "upcoming" issue in the weeks ahead.
And it is my understanding it's the American version of the same stuff repeated in Europe -- nothing new. It does state the photos and Birth Certificate is in the court file.
How do you know this?
TrustWorthy said:
Other than Bunte cover -- these ARE NOT cut and pasted photos. Can anyone post a larger version of these?
Yes, these have been posted several pages back. We already saw them. But all they show is PA and his people walking into a building. JR and TR walking around, shopping, walking into a building. They don't show them together in any way. We don't even know if they're in the same building. And the fake cover is the icing on the cake for me as far as the legitimacy of the story they're trying to create with the photos.
Laviollette said:
But the none-Bunte photos don't show them together either and you continue to suggest they do without proof and I thought that was against the rules on TRF. These photos don't show them together so why are they continually repeated as showing them together? And if TR has a secret deal with PA then why has she become more visible? Imo she's trying to force his hand and get him to publicly acknowledge Jazmin as he did with Eric Alexandre but PA has not dignified her continued claims with a response.

I am not suggesting anything, just pointing out and commenting on what the article which states they were all together at the same hotel.
So the argument here is whether two people were together somewhere on the basis of photos which shown them separately in what may or may not be the same place at what may or may not be the same time, is that what's going on here?
Elspeth said:
So the argument here is whether two people were together somewhere on the basis of photos which shown them separately in what may or may not be the same place at what may or may not be the same time, is that what's going on here?

as far as i've read, yes.
CasiraghiTrio said:
first of all, I do not think BUNTE was trying to make it look like Jazmin and Albert were walking together here...

I pose this thought....Could it be the photos in BUNTE showing Prince Albert and Jazmin on the same page was done not so much to indicate that they were together in the same place, but rather, to put in the minds of BUNTE's readers to compare physical characteristics to determine paternity? I mean that BUNTE was trying to show or imply to the reader that Jazmin (allegedly) possesses Prince Albert's physical traits as an alleged daughter???
They could have done that by putting separate photos next to each other.

Did the text in the magazine say anything about the picture being a composite, or did it just give the impression that the two of them were together in the same photo?
mw7060a said:
I pose this thought....Could it be the photos in BUNTE showing Prince Albert and Jazmin on the same page was done not so much to indicate that they were together in the same place, but rather, to put in the minds of BUNTE's readers to compare physical characteristics to determine paternity? I mean that BUNTE was trying to show or imply to the reader that Jazmin (allegedly) possesses Prince Albert's physical traits as an alleged daughter???

what BUNTE was clearly trying to do here was just as any news organization does daily: more than one subject, paste images together not to imply they are together in the same photo but rather the two subjects of the same story. As an example, in yesterday's San Fransico Chronicle there's a photo of Barry Bonds and a Syringe. Is the newspaper implying Barry Bonds uses steroids, is that HIS Syringe -- or is it a story about Barry Bonds, Steroids and the Syringes fans are throwing on the field?

I'm sorry to have to point this out to you, but in looking at any newspaper/magazine cover around the globe you will find a number of photos pasted together to show the subjects of a story -- NOT THAT THEY ARE TOGETHER IN THE SAME PHOTO.
Elspeth said:
They could have done that by putting separate photos next to each other.

Did the text in the magazine say anything about the picture being a composite, or did it just give the impression that the two of them were together in the same photo?

BUNTE did not say that they were at the same place.... The headline is ' Is this Prince Albert's daughter?'..... That's it.....
TrustWorthy said:
what BUNTE was clearly trying to do here was just as any news organization does daily: more than one subject, paste images together not to imply they are together in the same photo but rather the two subjects of the same story. As an example, in yesterday's San Fransico Chronicle there's a photo of Barry Bonds and a Syringe. Is the newspaper implying Barry Bonds uses steroids, is that HIS Syringe -- or is it a story about Barry Bonds, Steroids and the Syringes fans are throwing on the field?

I'm sorry to have to point this out to you, but in looking at any newspaper/magazine cover around the globe you will find a number of photos pasted together to show the subjects of a story -- NOT THAT THEY ARE TOGETHER IN THE SAME PHOTO.
Of course we all know this happens but you continue to re-post these pictures, both the Bunte pasted-together cover photo and the photos of TR and Jazmin put next to the photos of Albert and his lawyer to imply they were together. My point is none of the photos show these people together. One photo is pasted and the others show separate pics of Albert and his lawyer put beside other pics that show TR and Jazmin. We know the pics don't show them together as mentioned in post after post yet we keep having to view the same re-posted pictures implying they were together. Whenever someone doubts TR was in MC to see Albert you put these same pictures up as exhibit A to prove it happened when they don't show anything.
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"An American teenager who visited Monaco at the end of last year with her mother also claims that Albert is her father. His spokesman has denied that she is related."

Sounds like a denial to me.
BurberryBrit said:
"An American teenager who visited Monaco at the end of last year with her mother also claims that Albert is her father. His spokesman has denied that she is related."

Sounds like a denial to me.

Unless there's an official statement from the Palace there's no denial.
I have to read official statement from Palace or hear it from Prince Albert's lips for any denial or admission to be on the record. Both the Palace and Prince Albert have failed to do either to date.
TrustWorthy said:
Unless there's an official statement from the Palace there's no denial.
I have to read official statement from Palace or hear it from Prince Albert's lips for any denial or admission to be on the record. Both the Palace and Prince Albert have failed to do either to date.
There's no official statement acknowledging Jazmin, which is what TR wants very much. Furthermore, I think all the denials are valid and credible but for people who want this to be true, no words denying his fathering Jazmin will due. They will always find some way to say 'he didn't say it this way or he didn't say it that way, it wasn't on official letterhead from the palace, they didn't refer to her by name' and so on. The most important thing to remember is that TR wants public acknowledgement and Albert hasn't given it.
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LadyMac echoes my thoughts exactly by calling what Tamara is doing to her daughter a crime. It is mental abuse, as LadyMac stated. It is horrible mental abuse of Jazmin, whether or not Albert is her father, it doesn't change that this is mentally abusive, emotionally abusive too.

<Speculation deleted - Elspeth> I pose these questions for those who have doubts to ponder:

Why would Albert deny Jazmin if she is daughter? What is there to gain? He has recognized himself as the father of Eric Alexandre Coste. Therefore, why would he recognize one child and deny the other? What does he have to gain from allowing this speculation to persist?

The answer is he has nothing to gain. The only gainer in the whole charade is Tamara. Albert loses, Jazmin loses. Tamara gets what she wants, whatever that is. Attention? money? who knows...
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This article is repeating what others have said about there being a denial.

I can say "I denied kicking my brother when I was five" and tell everyone "I denied it" and have them repeat it but if I never actually made the denial, then its pointless.

If a spokesman, spokeswoman, press agent, butler or someone from the Palace said in a statement that Albert denies fathering Jazmin, I really really would like to 1) know when it was issued/made and 2) see some sort of copy of it. Albert has never said "I did not father Jazmin" or "I have denied fathering Jazmin" or even "I have already made a statement about that".

I do find it interesting that the more we discuss official or not denials of late, that there have been two articles in prominent places saying there was a "spokesman" denial.

Albert would do Monaco so much better by saying something one way or the other about Jazmin, about Charlene and about Monaco's incinerators.

Ouch, I think I got my foot caught in this soapbox. Where's that high horse?

by Suonymona Albert would do Monaco so much better by saying something one way or the other about Jazmin, about Charlene and about Monaco's incinerators.

I agree. I think he should just set the record straight here because the truth is there are good arguments for both sides here and until he does that, this kind of speculations will go on and on and on......

Lets just get it over!
If this is true, I am officially through with PA! I've already express my anger at the way he's treating poor Alex, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt when he said he wasn't JGG's father! It will be interesting to see if he'll spend time with this illegitimate child. Hmph!

I wonder if he if tidying things up, so to speak, so he can get hitched to Charlene?
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Wow! I can't say I'm shocked about this. I saw the pic and Jazmin really did resemble him. I don't understand how you could wait 14 years to acknowlege a child. She's almost an adult already! I don't know for sure, but it seems like he hasn't spent much time, if any, with her for the past 14 years, so why would anything be different now? I feel sad for everyone involved.
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