Zara04 "....these children should not be taken to task for what their selfish and (dare say) trampy mothers did....low doing what they did... I just worry about the negative influence... on Albert's children.
Some strong opinions, but your privilege but it looks to me that these women have come through with flying colors being mothers. (Alex looks big and happy, Jazmin, well we see her looking good.)
If it weren't for their(the mothers') insistence, excuse me, but they might not even be a memory or heard of. For Alex maybe some difference but for JG, its been a hard road to acceptance, I hear. Think again when you proclaim exclusively "Albert's children"
MsGriffin I feel you're right on except "...Ms Coste..she just lost the certificate." Which one? I just yesterday read two interviews where she said she was never given the very first one early,which was why she was aggressive, shall we say.
Some strong opinions, but your privilege but it looks to me that these women have come through with flying colors being mothers. (Alex looks big and happy, Jazmin, well we see her looking good.)
If it weren't for their(the mothers') insistence, excuse me, but they might not even be a memory or heard of. For Alex maybe some difference but for JG, its been a hard road to acceptance, I hear. Think again when you proclaim exclusively "Albert's children"
MsGriffin I feel you're right on except "...Ms Coste..she just lost the certificate." Which one? I just yesterday read two interviews where she said she was never given the very first one early,which was why she was aggressive, shall we say.