HSH Prince Albert of Monaco Current Events 26 : July 2008 - Nov.2008

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Apr 11, 2005
Welcome to Part 26 of the thread to discuss the current events of HSH Prince Albert of Monaco.
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HSH Prince Albert of Monaco Current Events Part 25

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Happy Posting!
Pic 4.7.2008

Last Friday Prince Albert has visited two little girls who have
been operated at the Cardio-Thoracic Center of Monaco. It's
been an humanitarian action initiated on the occasion of the
50th anniversary of Prince Albert II that has made it possible
to operate 20 children from developing countries.

----> Pic
Glistening Seas

:) What a marvelous b-day or any day present! Is Monaco starting something new with the Cardio-care unit? Will there be more activities such as this? Whatever the answer to those questions it's really great to see such an interest in doing this kind of thing.
Pics 10.7.2008

Prince Albert of Monaco at the start of the sixth stage of the 95th Tour de
France cycling race between Aigurande and Super-Besse, July 10, 2008.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 ** Pic 4 **
Does this man ever stay home to govern his country? He is not like the other royals. They do not govern their countries. He does.
Glistening Seas

:)h-m-m-m greaaat pics although all of them are mah-velous! number 3 steals the show on these. Soo-o-o great to see them. Lets hope they have good pics of the tour de france competitions. looks like it's very warm out there. So, it's probably a good thing he didn't wear a tie (whew, gasp). Greaat fun and lets see whom wins!:cheers::unicorn:
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Does this man ever stay home to govern his country? He is not like the other royals. They do not govern their countries. He does.

Have you ever taken the time to get acquainted with the government structure in Monaco?

The Prince is closely akin to the Chairman of the Board of a large corporation. He delegates most of his responsibilities. He determines the strategic directions the country should be going and then lets the government take it in those directions. Just take a look at some of the support structures that are in place to make sure the government is running correctly on a day-to-day basis.
Have you ever taken the time to get acquainted with the government structure in Monaco?

The Prince is closely akin to the Chairman of the Board of a large corporation. He delegates most of his responsibilities. He determines the strategic directions the country should be going and then lets the government take it in those directions. Just take a look at some of the support structures that are in place to make sure the government is running correctly on a day-to-day basis.

Thanks for the info but I have never seen any CEO not at the office as much as he is. Donald Trump may fly all over but he puts in long hours at the office and now he has his kids in the Corp structure as well. There is a difference between delegation and abandonment. Rainier was a very hands on CEO as are most that I either have met or heard of. This does not look like a man in control of his corporation. JMO
Glistening Seas

:) h-m-mn We have to remember that with Ranier he stayed in Monaco while sending PA all over creation to take care of what Ranier wanted done. PA did all the leg work on most projects. Taking care of embassys and opening them takes work. Whom was it that once said a true leader is one who knows how to delegate. One person cannot do it all. Since he is not Ranier he has to forge his own relationships with other countries. So, it appears Monaco is in good hands indeed. :popcorn::polarbear:
:) h-m-mn We have to remember that with Ranier he stayed in Monaco while sending PA all over creation to take care of what Ranier wanted done. PA did all the leg work on most projects. Taking care of embassys and opening them takes work. Whom was it that once said a true leader is one who knows how to delegate. One person cannot do it all. Since he is not Ranier he has to forge his own relationships with other countries. So, it appears Monaco is in good hands indeed. :popcorn::polarbear:

I would like to think that believe me I would, but I have grave doubts especially since he just sold a 30% stake in SBM to the nation of Quatar. I have more faith in Donald Trump at the moment. Having had a father in public office I am aware of that structure, having dealt with many many CEO's I know how they function and think. They do delegate but not like you would think they do. I have personal knowledge of many CEO's they don't sell a 30% stake in their company if they don't have too. They like control.

I should like to add that your statement proves my point. Rainier delegated to Albert but with control. Albert has not changed that role since he became sovereign.Therefore, Albert has not delegated well it would seem.
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Alabaster Skies

:flowers: hibou, Let's see, didn't someone say somewhere that Monaco retains control even though Qatar owns 30%? How do you see that changing the status quo of Monaco? Naturally you are familiar more than most it seems with Monaco then how it changes the landscape of Monaco is what everyone would want to know because no one wants to see Monaco being hindered in growth or expansion as a result of this. So, perhaps it's best to go over how viewers here "see" that particular change affecting Monaco and it's people and most of all it's Soverignty. While we would all agree "blind" faith in one's ruler is not as important as "well informed" faith. So, even though PA is only one person it's sincerely doubtful his sister's would simply allow it without "forcing" PA to think things thru as to how it will affect them and Monaco's, security and well being.

The viewers think of PA family as one whose perceptions and views helps to "keep a proper perspective on things as they go along" so it's why it seems that perhaps maybe people are just not seeing the whole picture here, maybe???
Is this deal "final" are there "options" that can be exercised? please elaborate:prettyplease:
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...especially since he just sold a 30% stake in SBM to the nation of Quatar...

Before we go off starting untrue rumors, why not take a look at the reality of the situation?

Read "Qatari Diar to increase stake in Monaco resort firm" As you can see, a real estate investment firm located in Qatar has offered to purchase shares in SBM. The principality has refused to sell any of its shares (69.6% of the total). Thus, the company is now offering a premium of 31.3% (€725 per share) to other shareholders for their shares.
Before we go off starting untrue rumors, why not take a look at the reality of the situation?

Read "Qatari Diar to increase stake in Monaco resort firm" As you can see, a real estate investment firm located in Qatar has offered to purchase shares in SBM. The principality has refused to sell any of its shares (69.6% of the total). Thus, the company is now offering a premium of 31.3% (€725 per share) to other shareholders for their shares.

Thank you for finding this. what I read was that it was a done deal so perhaps it was an attempt at a hostile take over of the stock that failed. I am relieved. I would still prefer that they raise the cash by bonds thus keeping full control of the stakes.
:flowers: hibou, Let's see, didn't someone say somewhere that Monaco retains control even though Qatar owns 30%? How do you see that changing the status quo of Monaco? Naturally you are familiar more than most it seems with Monaco then how it changes the landscape of Monaco is what everyone would want to know because no one wants to see Monaco being hindered in growth or expansion as a result of this. So, perhaps it's best to go over how viewers here "see" that particular change affecting Monaco and it's people and most of all it's Soverignty. While we would all agree "blind" faith in one's ruler is not as important as "well informed" faith. So, even though PA is only one person it's sincerely doubtful his sister's would simply allow it without "forcing" PA to think things thru as to how it will affect them and Monaco's, security and well being.

The viewers think of PA family as one whom perceptions and views helps to "keep a proper perspective on things as they go along" so it's why it seems that perhaps maybe people are just not seeing the whole picture here, maybe???
Is this deal "final" are there "options" that can be exercised? please elaborate:prettyplease:

I have elaborated in my post to SM Douglas. I don't have time to view all the news all the time but I do pick up on things like selling shares etc. If I didn't like Monaco I would bother. I just want to see them succeed. But I have not been impressed lately with Albert. I still have great faith in Caroline.
Glistening Seas

:)ohhh this sheds light on the subject that was much needed. So, an unsuccessful bid to increase shares on SBM? So it's business as usual, then? Monaco succeeding is something all here would want to see. :monacostandard::unicorn:
Thank you for finding this. what I read was that it was a done deal so perhaps it was an attempt at a hostile take over of the stock that failed. I am relieved. I would still prefer that they raise the cash by bonds thus keeping full control of the stakes.

No problem. I've found over time that the press gets more incorrect than correct. When I have time, I try to get more than one source. The active party in this - potential - transaction is the real estate investment firm...not SBM.
It seems that prince Albert was present not only at opening of Tour de France on 07/10. On that day he was in Grimaldi Forum at Ancient Egypt exhibition and met Egypian first lady.
Monaco Revue -- The celebrity and lifestyle magazine with purpose

Ok article did not state date, but I found another article about this event and it said in was July 10th.
Lakshmi, you are right, it's been a current event Albert attended.
The caption of the following pics said: Monaco, July 11th 2008:
Prince Albert and Mrs Moubarak are opening the exhibition

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Pics 13.7.2008

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy and Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak
welcome Prince Albert of Monaco at the start of a EU-Mediterranean
summit in Paris, July 13, 2008. Some 43 heads of state and government
are attending the French-inspired summit intended to revitalize cooperation
between the European Union and Mediterranean countries.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
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Here you'll find a gallery with photos of Prince Albert and his cousin Elisabeth Anne de Massy with daughter Mélanie supporting Monaco that played for the Davis Cup
Six and twelve are the funniest pictures those expression PA is given know the team is losing.
I like when PA goes out without Charlene it about him not her. He seem more relax and happy that way.
Pics 3.8.2008

Member of the International Olympic Committee Prince Albert II arrives
at the Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing, capital of China,
August 3, 2008.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 ** Pic 3 **
Pics 22.8.2008

EllieSofie, I fear there is a long long queue :D;)

Mongolian Prime Minister Sanj Bayar and Mongolian President Nambaryn
Enkhbayar shake hands with Prince Albert II in Ulan Bator, capital of
Mongolia, Aug. 22, 2008. Prince Albert II arrived to pay a two-day visit.

** Pic 1 ** Pic 2 **
Forbes came out with its list of Richest Royals, again. Prince Albert came in at number nine with 1.4 billion dollars. Forget his nephews, I'm all about Prince Albert now. :lol:


sorry to disspointed you girls charlene already got it over, all else she leave there is no chance for any of you girls, did you see the video of forbes about albert, she is on it they talk about albert sending charlene to french schoo.l:eek:
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