HRH Prince Nikolaos of Greece and Tatiana Blatnik: August 25, 2010

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Do the official wedding pictures get released to news agencies or do we have to wait for Hola or Hello magazine to view them?

Thank you Paty. Elena's dress is definitely much better without the jacket, but I'm still quite disappointed. I've come to expect some really phenomenal dresses from Elena. She is by far one of my favorite royals because of her elegance and unique style, and I don't think this dress really showcased that.

Also, I love this pic of Alexia's family: They are such an incredibly beautiful family and Alexia looked stunning.
Thank you Paty. Elena's dress is definitely much better without the jacket, but I'm still quite disappointed. I've come to expect some really phenomenal dresses from Elena. She is by far one of my favorite royals because of her elegance and unique style, and I don't think this dress really showcased that. .

Infanta Elena´s dress has almost two decades.It's pretty good looking for time.What I liked was her hair. It was crushed.
Does anyone have pictures of the reception or official family pictures?
I think respectfully its a little harsh to say this couple look to have no true feelings. How would we know? They aren't in the limelight everyday like other royals and I'm sure its a little daunting to have so many cameras and chaos there to deal with. What would we say if they weren't smiling but pouting?I think there trying to balance the whole show and still try to keep it there day. My opinion only!!!
I just watched german tv show "RTL Exclusiv". There a greek man says Margarethe and Sofia were leaving the party at 3 in the morning;-).
Thank you all for posting those amazing photos!I was recently reffered to this forum during my vacation in Greece,i was staying with a family and everyone kept talking about Nikolaos's wedding!I hope they will enjoy their honeymoon now!:):flowers:
It was lovely wedding, in beautiful place with the closets family and friends. Bride and groom look sooo in love:wub:
Tatiana looked very, very nice, but I must say that I was waiting for something more WOW. Anyway her happiness was the best accessory last evening.

all the best to the newlyweds :D
I thought all the guests looked really well turned out for the heat and the general casual charm. I must say the bride looked really average IMO given how glamorous she always looks the gown was school girlish and lacked the quite sex appeal a bride is allowed to ooze on the bigday. The gown also appeared to be the wrong colour for her perhaps a creamier shade. Also thought she was far morei n love with him he I have to say IMO always looks very impressed with himself and is not someone I would be thrilled for my daughter to marry ..... however that being said she got the man of her dreams she appears to adore him.
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It must have been a long hard night, judging from their look the next morning:lol:.
I´m so happy for King Constantine and the whole GRF. To be able to marry one of his children finally in Greece. Such a beautiful setting. Such beautiful guests-family, friends. What a couple! And the people there to cheer them.
Most of the time I don't care for what Queen Margarethe or Queen Sofia wear. I think they did very well at this wedding. Well done, Your Majesties....
The newly wed's look exhausted - must have enjoyed their wedding events!
I thought all the guests looked really well turned out for the heat and the general casual charm. I must say the bride looked really average IMO given how glamorous she always looks the gown was school girlish and lacked the quite sex appeal a bride is allowed to ooze on the bigday. The gown also appeared to be the wrong colour for her perhaps a creamier shade. Also thought she was far morei n love with him he I have to say IMO always looks very impressed with himself and is not someone I would be thrilled for my daughter to marry ..... however that being said she got the man of her dreams she appears to adore him.
This wedding caught me by surprise but I'm delighted to have been able to see the pictures on Getty. I have to say I was a little disappointed in that her wedding gown, which is pretty, lacks the WOW factor. CP Victoria's wedding gown was so simple and elegant it was spectacular. This one was not impressive. Forgive me for saying this but I thought her veil looked like a fancy tablecloth:ROFLMAO:.

Most of the time I don't care for what Queen Margarethe or Queen Sofia wear. I think they did very well at this wedding. Well done, Your Majesties....
I liked the green gown Queen Margarethe wore to Victoria's wedding better but she looked fine. I really like her and Queen Sophia so I agree that the both look good. Now if somebody could do a good couture job on Infanta Elena I would ride down Broadway naked on a horse in broad daylight:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:!
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Everyone looks like they are having a wonderful time at the wedding. Crown Princess Mary especially looks wonderful for being pregnant with twins, but perhaps a bit out of sorts without Prince Frederik by her side. It looks as though she was jostled about a bit between escorts. And Tatiana is an exquisite bride. I love her dress!
I do not know how many of you noticed it, but it was quite impressive that no monarch of any European Union member-country or his/her consort attended the wedding except for Queen Margrethe [a sovereign monarch in her own rights] and Queen Sofia [consort of the sovereign monarch of Spain], who both happen to be immediate blood relatives of the groom, his aunts - sister of his mother and sister of his father, respectively.
Moreover, it is quite remarkable that despite the closeness between King Constantine and the British royal family, the representation was very "thin" with just a junior member of the royal family attending - prince Michael of Kent. The absence in toto of the Belgian and the Luxembourg families were also very "vocal".
Thus, it is absolutely clear that, in view of Greece's major fiscal problems and/or in deference to the Republic of Greece, the EU Central Government had probably advised member states with monarchies to keep a low profile.
This attitude was quite comforting to, and deeply appreciated by, the Greek people who are currently struggling and needing a lot of support from the EU.

Everyone looks like they are having a wonderful time at the wedding. Crown Princess Mary especially looks wonderful for being pregnant with twins, but perhaps a bit out of sorts without Prince Frederik by her side. It looks as though she was jostled about a bit between escorts. And Tatiana is an exquisite bride. I love her dress!

I fully agree regarding the wedding gown of Tatiana. Quite elegant, chic and contrasting the mundane one of princess Victoria.
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I have never heard that he visits this place "every year", I know he's been once without HM and she wasn't allowed inside. Never heard that Prince Charles has been either, where have you heard this? They are both part of the "Friends of Mount Athos".
I second fandesacs that he visits every year-and the Doc is usually on the yacht of a man called Latsis doen below cruising the waters- as Prince Charles engages in hesychasm up above on MT. Athos. For once just take our word on this.
Beautiful Bride. It's nice that so many turned out for the wedding. One thing I notice is the continental royals seem like very down-to-earth and friendly. The British royals on the other hand don't seem as close. Were they invited to the wedding?
I do not know how many of you noticed it, but it was quite impressive that no monarch of any European Union member-country or his/her consort attended the wedding except for Queen Margrethe [a sovereign monarch in her own rights] and Queen Sofia [consort of the sovereign monarch of Spain], who both happen to be immediate blood relatives of the groom, his aunts - sister of his mother and sister of his father, respectively.
Moreover, it is quite remarkable that despite the closeness between King Constantine and the British royal family, the representation was very "thin" with just a junior member of the royal family attending - prince Michael of Kent. The absence in toto of the Belgian and the Luxembourg families were also very "vocal".
Thus, it is absolutely clear that, in view of Greece's major fiscal problems and/or in deference to the Republic of Greece, the EU Central Government had probably advised member states with monarchies to keep a low profile.
This attitude was quite comforting to, and deeply appreciated by, the Greek people who are currently struggling and needing a lot of support from the EU.

I doubt it was that political of a decision. I think it was mostly financial - they probably couldn't afford to do it up big since Tatiana is no Marie-Chantal Miller with a billionaire father willing to pay for it all. They kept it small - family and friends - and that means Danish and Spanish Royal families with the British and Norwegian being a little bit more distantly related. Also had to take into account how big the church/monestary was and how many people it could accomodate.
The designers for Princess Victoria and Tatiana should be complemented for their creations: mundane or not. Victoria's figure and style are different from Tatiana. and they were dressed accordingly.
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