
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Sep 16, 2006
United States

Hello everyone!

My name is Sean and I've always found royalty interesting, but have just recently begun to actually get into it. What kicked this impulse off was reading The Royals by Kitty Kelly. Since then I've wanted to take a look at all the royal families of Europe and such.

I hope to post here frequently, and look forward to posting with you all. :)
I'm new here

Hi to everyone,
I'm new to this forum and I'm glad I'm here. I've always been interested in royalty and it seems I will like this forum a lot.
Hello! My name is Lilidh and I am new to the forums. I have loved learning about the royal families of today and yesterday since I was a little girl. I can't wait to jump into the forums and learn even more! :)
Welcome to all the newbies! I hope you enjoy the forums as much as I do! :flowers:

See you around!
Just wanted to introduce myself

Hello everyone, I'm AdmiralSteven and I'm new here. I wanted to stop in, say "Hi" and get to know everyone.

A little about myself. I'm originally from New Mexico, USA, but I now live in Massachusetts. I've always been a fan of history, and inparticular, royalty. I don't know why I'm so fascinated by royalty, but I am. I've been lurking for a few days now, and someone had posted a question asking if your family understands your interest in royalty...well, my wife knows and that's about it. I've never said anything to my parents or brothers...so for me it's like a secret passion. So don't tell anyone, ok? ;) I'm really glad I found this site, although I'll have to admit that my knowledge of royalty, past or present, is limited.

For me, I particularly like finding out information on the Russian Imperial Family, and the French Monarchy, as well as all other royals, but those two in particular.

Well, work waits for no man so I must be off. Thanks for letting me introduce myself.

Hello, i'm Neal from Lancashire, UK.

Found the site by doing a search for British Monarchy so look forward to some good reading. A lot to take in!

Excellent resource, look forward to speaking with you all.
My Introduction


I've been lurking for quite while before joining.

However, I'd really like to say firstly that I enjoy reading the many different opinions that people have from all round the world on various royal happenings.

My royal family is the British Royal Family and I always enjoy seeing and hearing about events happening to and involving them. Yes, they are our royal family in Australia . . . still ;) . . . but even if they won't be some day they'll always be mine as I'm British born!

And royal genealogy . . . love it!!


Hiya, Im mrsmerlin and Im a big Royalist.
Im one of hopefully the many that feel us brits give our royal family a hard time and wish we had the attitude of our Scandinavian Neighbours.

I think that our Queen for the ripe old age of 80 is doing a wonderful job and that Prince Charles should just retire with his wife and let his son William become king.
Out of the Royal families of Europe, I am especially fascinated by the Danish Royal family as they are connected to all the European royal families.
This is a great site, and one of my other fav site is "The unofficial royal news" site on Etoile.

MrsMerlin xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello friends, i am new to the forum also, we live in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA and i've been interested in royalty for about 7 years. i am a stay at home mom to three wonderful children, Joseph, 18, Kyle, 15 and Hannah Joy, 10, we are really busy! i am a freelance writer and have had several articles published in the European Royal History Journal...

my greatest interest is in the area of Hesse and By Rhine, and esp. the Princess Alice, that's where i got my name!, and her family. she was an incredible woman and taken way too soon, i lost my mama 12 years ago when i was 37, i can't imagine losing her and being so young.

i collect vintage European royalty postcards mostly of the Romanian, Hesse and By Rhine and Spanish royal family, have just started getting a few cards of the Greek royal family, too.

hope i can post a lot and God bless you all!!

Hi,my name is Kalasin. I am new to this forum. I just wanted to say 'hi' and introduce myself on this forum.
Hi and welcome!:lol:
Just wanted to say hello to the forum. My name is Sephare and I love reading about royalty and history.
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