Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna: June 2008-

If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Only Grand Duchess Maria and Grand Duke George are members of the Imperial Family.Who speak about Imperial Russia should read first the ruules of Succession .
The thing is that we have other heads of the House of Romanovs and not all of them do agree with the position of heiress of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna
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I am looking for the exact quote and article link, but Maria V most certainly made the outrageous claim that the "only three Romanovs" were there in the room, meaning herself, her mother, and her son, during the course of an interview.

Yeah, it was when Richard K. Massie interviewed her for his book.

Irrespective of Pauline law though, I think that it was a horrible, vindictive statement. Family is family irrespective of ambition.
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cory umm i gotta ask wasnt maries vlandornivas mother a divorcee whos name was kirby whom was in a conerction camp during the war which would be meaning she lost her childerns right to the throne just asking since noone ever brings up that tid bit under paul 1 law which is why she was last i heard astranged with her sister as well half sister
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It's such a tangled mess, isn't it?

I wonder how Jerry Springer would handle this family situation.
Yeah, it was when Richard K. Massie interviewed her for his book.

Irrespective of Pauline law though, I think that it was a horrible, vindictive statement. Family is family irrespective of ambition.
I don't know a Richard Massie. Were you confusing him with Robert Massie by chance?
Photo gallery of the Romanovs at the Monaco wedding.
(which, while browing through, I noticed that the Lambrinos were there as well...wonder if they rubbed shoulders with Crown Princess Margarita and Prince Radu :whistling:)
I need to re-read Flight of the Romanovs. Right now I am attempting "Ella:princess, Saint Martyr". But I do recall reading about all those things about Cyril's family.
I just finished reading "Romanovs The Final Chapter" and Maria actually had the insane idea that the bones of the people murdered in the Impatiev House be split into 3 parts!
Grand Duchess Maria just wants to be sure the bones discovered at Ekaterinemburg belong to her beloved relatives.
after she was thrown out of the running by yeltson hmmm strange way to authiiac something after u send out letters asking people come to the furneral of your predscuasor then say its not them when things dont go just right just saying
after she was thrown out of the running by yeltson hmmm strange way to authiiac something after u send out letters asking people come to the furneral of your predscuasor then say its not them when things dont go just right just saying

Kell, could you elaborate?
let me see in 1998 when after boris nemstov got booted out of the kremlin she was sending in the period before invites to all the heads of europe to invite them to her predcusors burial her son at this time was supposedly written by artclaies inculdeing a few posted here written in russian to be under considortion to be crowned following the burial as tsar and yeltson as the guardian of the throne after some uphevael by kremlin lawyers also she started denieing the bones right after it got dropped by yeltson that idea
hope that epxlains it
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I wonder what sort of mother-in-law she would make.
I think that if Georgi's wife is 'good enough' for her, Maria would dote on her, as long as his wife doesn't dare have any views of her own, at least to Maria's face.
Too many prejudices against a Grand Duchess who is the symbol of Monarchy in nowadays Russia.
I think the good question will be if she is actually a symbol of monarchy for Russians,very sorry but she is a symbol for just a few people,the Russians do not like when someone is imposed to be considered their monarch.Of course,if Maria Vladimirovna makes some steps to be opener with people...
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She is a symbol for the monarchists in Russia...I mean for those who still respect the Ruules of the Imperial House.
now in the thred name what is June 2008 - ?
She has been unusually active, going to royal engagements and taking her son along, more and more, no? It might be because I am only recently beginning to pay attention to her, but she does seem to be more out and about than in the past.
She is a symbol for the monarchists in Russia...I mean for those who still respect the Ruules of the Imperial House.

I consider that to be insulting. Meaning that if we don't consider her to be some kind of "symbol for monarchists," then we aren't respectful of the "Rules of the Imperial House?" Poppycock.


I have read recently that she has decided that if her son is to marry someone who doesn't meet the existing qualifications of an Imperial/Royal bride, then she will exercise her "powers" to change the rules. Yes, that's hypocritical.

I also remember that she was willing to have her son raised as essentially a ward of the Soviet state in return for his "rights" being recognized. Maria was going to hand her son over to the people who murdered much of the Romanov family. Now that Putin is in power - a hard-line Communist from before, no matter what he "professes" now - Maria appears more and more under his auspices. That's extremely distasteful and certainly doesn't raise her credibility.

I frankly don't think her son is all that interested in marrying, but I imagine that much in the way that the Duke of Braganza and Prince Johannes of Thurn und Taxis wed in later years, Georgy will find himself married. And since Maria has decided to change the rules that she so doggedly clung to, to "make her case" as the "only" proper heir, I can see her going on a fortune-hunt for him. A Marie-Chantal repeat would be what she may have in mind.
Of course she'll change the rules to suit her, just like her father changed the rules to suit him. And are ignoring the fact that there is no freakin Tsar to enforce any rules!
Anyway the woman is clearly a psycho and obsessed with herself. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my vote is for Rostislav. But I'm not Russian and Russia as a whole seems content with what they have now.
She did not want compromises with the communists that's why she does not live yet in Russia.
Of course she'll change the rules to suit her, just like her father changed the rules to suit him. And are ignoring the fact that there is no freakin Tsar to enforce any rules!

Even if there were a Tsar to deal with, there would be no excuse to change the rules since the whole point of monarchy is that they are elitist and have subtantial rules to conform to.

Anyway the woman is clearly a psycho and obsessed with herself. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my vote is for Rostislav. But I'm not Russian and Russia as a whole seems content with what they have now.

At the moment, she isn't following Pauline Law, since Pauline law is based on Salic Law, not just who specifically is next in line, male or female. So she is not Tsarina, at all, but just another Pretender.

I also remember that she was willing to have her son raised as essentially a ward of the Soviet state in return for his "rights" being recognized. Maria was going to hand her son over to the people who murdered much of the Romanov family. Now that Putin is in power - a hard-line Communist from before, no matter what he "professes" now - Maria appears more and more under his auspices. That's extremely distasteful and certainly doesn't raise her credibility.

One thing I am more than sure of, is that Maria is dancing with the Devil in her dealings with Putin. She is in WAY over her head in her dealings with Putin and has no clue about how nasty this man and his cohorts are. They would gladly put them in place as puppets, get an heir or two out of Georgi and his wife, and then possibly assassinate the two and raise the kids in a brainwashed environment.
She does what she could in her situation and she is treated with a lot of respect in all her trips in Russia.She is "Tsarina de iure" because the Rules of Succession accept a female to become Empress if there is no other male dynast.
Even if there were a Tsar to deal with, there would be no excuse to change the rules since the whole point of monarchy is that they are elitist and have subtantial rules to conform to.

At the moment, she isn't following Pauline Law, since Pauline law is based on Salic Law, not just who specifically is next in line, male or female. So she is not Tsarina, at all, but just another Pretender.

One thing I am more than sure of, is that Maria is dancing with the Devil in her dealings with Putin. She is in WAY over her head in her dealings with Putin and has no clue about how nasty this man and his cohorts are. They would gladly put them in place as puppets, get an heir or two out of Georgi and his wife, and then possibly assassinate the two and raise the kids in a brainwashed environment.

Putin and Maria Vladimirovna strike as people who will do whatever they want, because both are power-hungry. I have no doubt that if there was a Restoration, that Putin (or whoever was 'elected' at that point) would be the one running the show. I would not want to be in Georgii's (or his future family's) place in this scenario. It just doesn't sound like anything that would end well. Of course at this point the last thing Russia needs is a Tsar and another catastrophe that could be the result.

I'm learning a great deal from your postings, by the way. Thanks for your contributions.
Daria_S said:
Putin and Maria Vladimirovna strike as people who will do whatever they want, because both are power-hungry. I have no doubt that if there was a Restoration, that Putin (or whoever was 'elected' at that point) would be the one running the show. I would not want to be in Georgii's (or his future family's) place in this scenario. It just doesn't sound like anything that would end well. Of course at this point the last thing Russia needs is a Tsar and another catastrophe that could be the result.

I'm learning a great deal from your postings, by the way. Thanks for your contributions.

Ditto. I'm rather enjoying this debate.

It seems that there would be a steep price to pay in a theoretical future involving a restoration. I wonder what Georgi wants in all of this? Would he be willing to pay- god forbid his life to end up on the throne only to have his heir being controlled by a puppet master ie Putin?
Oh why thank you Daria. Anyway, an official restoration as most monarchies are these days is impractical and impossible. Maria is quite like Cyril when it comes to being utterly power hungry and determined to do anything (no matter how low) to get a position.

She did not want compromises with the communists that's why she does not live yet in Russia.

Then what is she doing right now?
Ok Just throwing this out there, how much money do these Romanovs have? Either Maria, Nicholas (or is his name Nikolai) Rostislav etc. Power in the 21st century = money, not claiming to be a pretender to an ancient throne that had like 50% of their tsars murdered.
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