And what is the royal family's position on the subject?
From what I gathered at in the news lately, only about 25% seem to support the idea of having an Emperor/King of Germany again. Better than most countries but it doesn't help when the Kaiser's great great grandson is against the idea plus the laws of the Federal Republic.
-Frozen Royalist
There was never "a German monarchy". There were dozens of German monarchies.
There is still some support for a monarchical restoration in Germany?
The Emperor should have stayed out of politics during the war and should have distanced himself a bit from the military operations. He should have played George V's role and that was all.
In contrary to the Anglo-American cartoonesque imago af the Kaiser being an all-powerful dictatorial madman, he was pretty as sidelined as his cousin George V.
During WW I Germany was essentially governed by a military junta. The Oberste Heeresleitung (Supreme Army Command) held the reins of power. Of course the officers' ranks of the Heer, the Kriegsmarine and the Luftwaffe were full with aristocrats. That is also why the ruling class (royals and nobles) fell so deep in Germany, Austria and Russia, after (then) the biggest bloodshed ever in human history.
The ultimate "Chief" of all this was the Emperor. And the saying goes: the higher someone is, the deeper the fall. This was not justified. The Oberste Heeresleitung took all power over the armed forces, the economy, etc. and degraded the Reichstag (Parliament) and the Kaiser (Emperor) to powerless rubber-stamps of their Militardiktatur.
The real Emperors were the Generalstabchefs of the Oberste Heerssleitung, all were aristocrats: Helmut von Moltke, Erich von Falkenhayn and Paul von Hindenburg.
The German Monarchy had also the King's,Grand Dukes,Dukes and Princes that reigned in the Empire. It would be difficult to restore them without restoring the whole Empire.
These Fürsten and their states in the Kaiserreich were, in practice, subservient to "Berlin". It was nice to be Fürst von Lippe, Herzog von Mecklenburg or Markgraf von Baden but in essence they were puppets which were a heavy burden on all the Budgets of all the states. The Germans have ended these monarchies in a more or less prudent manner, look at all these former Fürsten who still have their ancestral castles and patrimoniums. We can not say that the same favourability was done to the royals and nobles in Austria, Russia or the countries which endured Communist rule. I think no one of these German Houses: Bayern, Waldeck und Pyrmont, Hessen, etc. is thinking about a restoration at all. Many of these Fürsten have a good life, they have a position in society and that is it.
It would be difficult to believe the Princes of these Houses do not believe in Monarchy. Restoration is certainly not easy and can't be done only in parts of Germany.