Tranekær Castle is arguably located in the most scenic parts of Denmark, as you can tell from these two photos:
And here is an updated map of where the castle is located:
(Large file!)
Summary of article in Billed Bladet #33, 2015.
Written by Ulrik Ulriksen.
This weekend the lords of Tranekær Castle located on the idyllic island of Langeland, celebrated their 50th birthdays.
Christian and Mette Ahlefeldt Laurvig are nobility and close to the DRF. (They also have a multitude of children!) So M&F and J&M were among those invited.
Alas Frederik had to excuse himself, he's gone down with pneumonia. But Mary as well and Joachim and Marie arrived pretty early. Here they were shown to their rooms.
In the afternoon before the party Mary drove for a sightseeing tour of the island. Presumably with someone, but the article doesn't say.
Shortly before 18.00 the 197 guests had either arrived or dressed for the party in their rooms and started to stroll towards the nearby restaurant that is owned by the Ahlefeldts as well, where the hosts received them with champagne.
Mary walked with Anna von Lowzow and her husband Klavs, whom she insisted on being photographed with.
Joachim and our Marie followed close behind in the company of Christian and Amalie Lerche, also nobility.
Mary wore in her ears a present from Frederik made from diamonds and five Aquamarines.
Marie wore a clutch by Bottega Veneta and shoes by Jimmy Choo.
Mary, Joachim and Marie stayed at the castle overnight and had brunch with the hosts in the morning before returning home.
The guest list is also very much a list of the noble friends of the younger members of the DRF.
The Ahelefeldt-Laurvigs had shown up in force naturally.
But also the new Matsre of Ceremonies, Kim Kristensen, with wife was there.
The singer Lis Sørensen, with husband.
Jørgen and Malou Skeel, who own Birkelse Estate where M&F often come visiting.
Christiane Wedell. - Nobility.
Louise Iuel-Brockdorff. - Also old nobility.
Christoffer Knuth and his Stephanie, from Knuthenborg Manor.
Merete Wedell-Wedellsborg, with husband. - Nobility.
Sofie Glahn and her Christian Levin.
(Somewhat surprising to me) The very respected Middle East correspondent, Steffen Jensen and wife.
Kim Magnussen and his Rebecca.
Bengt and Mette Sundstrøm, manager of the high quality auction house,
Henriette Honore and her Henrik Feldborg-Zethner.
Bendt Tido Wedell with his Pernille. - Nobility.
Christian Scherfig and his Agnete Arnø.
Marina of Rosenborg.
Erik and Susanne Wind, with children. For LiW to Alexandra.
Nina Wedell-Wedellsborg and her Peter Aandahl.
You can see for yourselves here:
Now, I should like a little help. There is an interesting article about royal friends in this weeks issue. Is there are a thread somewhere about royal friends?