General News about Frederik, Mary and Family Part 19: September 2023 -

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Two things:

One: The changing stories to me lend credence to the theory of being caught off guard. I.e. Casanova came up with whatever explanation just entered her head.
You'd think people who are having an affair would at least come up with a prepared explanation if caught.
Admittedly it doesn't cover the spontaneous one night stand. But if they were about to have sex, they sure didn't look like they were in the mood, to me.
So the idea of them deciding to go home to Casanova's place to continue their conversation and then Frederik deciding to crash there and send for his suitcase, still sounds the most plausible to me. - And very naive.

Two: And that leads me to the next point. Frederik or at least the DRF will have to comment.
Otherwise Frederik is a lousy friend who leaves one of his friends squirming in the light of the press. He has to come to her rescue so to speak.
Or he is a most inconsiderate adulterer, who can't even be bothered to come up with a lie to support his mistress.
The "no comments" is so last millennium.
It didn't work with Herlufsholm. It didn't work with Joachim's children and it won't work this time either.
Given the usual easy accessibility of the DRF to the press, Frederik, Mary and even QMII will inevitable be asked to comment.
How difficult can it be? If Frederik merely crashed at Casanova's place, just say so. - Some won't believe, some will refuse to believe - so be it.

Alas, when it comes to communication and damage control the DRF really suck these years! I don't know what they have been doing for the past ten years or so, but either they don't have a PR advisor to deal with such situations, (of which there will be more! M&F after all have four teenagers who at some point will likely do something stupid,) or they flatly refuse to listen.

And along that line: The DRF has announced that the press will not be invited to cover the grandest of the annual royal hunts that takes place at Fredensborg. Instead the press will be invited to cover the royal hunts in Jutland.
The DRF will provide photographs and publish the guest-list.
It is immediately suspected that it might very well be because some segments of the press have criticized the DRF for mingling too much with the elite at these hunts.
- Of course they do! They are royals. They don't mingle with Hansen and Petersen at such events. And I doubt anyone in DK who does not choose to, believe otherwise.
It will annoy some members of the Copenhagener press, who now have to go to the remotest Jutland. :D The thought scares them, they think they will be set upon by banjo playing inbreds or be attacked by wolves or wild cows. So they will let their dissatisfaction be known one way or another... :whistling:

Does anyone know a PR-expert in white shining armor who could come to the rescue of the DRF?
Frederik deciding to crash there and send for his suitcase, still sounds the most plausible to me.

His suitcase was already there; he changed before they went to dinner. Occam's razor — he had always planned to stay there (or had been staying there...), and did not ask for it to be brought there earlier in the day, or something.

Carry on.

Does anyone know a PR-expert in white shining armor who could come to the rescue of the DRF?

No, but I'm sure several of them are being interviewed in Copenhagen or over Zoom as we type.

Also, they can't really make a statement about this because the old-school rule still holds true: you explain this and you have to explain every time something occurs, or people decide the one getting ignored is too damaging to be commented upon.

I'm sure they will come up with something.... or wait it out, like Herlufsholm, but I am not a PR expert and don't know what that something should be.

It is entirely possible that they are not explaining because there is no good explanation, and more lies or obfuscations are also a bad, bad idea. Like I said the other day, I feel like if there was some reasonable explanation for being there that would not make this worse, the DRF would have disseminated it through "sources" by now.

Also: even private planes have to file flight plans and this is definitely in the public interest and no longer a security risk. Why has nobody gotten a hold of when exactly Fred got to Madrid?
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Two: And that leads me to the next point. Frederik or at least the DRF will have to comment.
Otherwise Frederik is a lousy friend who leaves one of his friends squirming in the light of the press. He has to come to her rescue so to speak.
Or he is a most inconsiderate adulterer, who can't even be bothered to come up with a lie to support his mistress.

I agree - but not necessarily because of the fate of his friend/mistress but because of Mary, who will be pursued relentlessly at her next outings with cameras or even be brazenly asked about the incident.
Frederik himself certainly as well - what will kill any event for a good cause they are showing up for.
His suitcase was already there; he changed before they went to dinner. Occam's razor — he had always planned to stay there (or had been staying there...), and did not ask for it to be brought there earlier in the day, or something.

Carry on.

No, but I'm sure several of them are being interviewed in Copenhagen or over Zoom as we type.

Well, in that case, the sooner Frederik comes to the rescue of Casanova, the better!

Interestingly. In DK this story isn't high on the list of news, nor is it the thing everybody is talking about right now.
Which suggest to me that Frederik still has a very high public credibility.

Don't believe the thing about the DK press being under control. PH having his meltdown due to Alzheimer, Herlufsholm and Titlegate was top story for days also in the most serious press.
Concerns about privacy does not apply in this case. The DRF basically belongs to the people, so when they celebrate or grieve - or do something stupid, it has public (tribal) interest.
We (the tribe) celebrate or grieve with the DRF - or bash them when they screw up.
Two things:

One: The changing stories to me lend credence to the theory of being caught off guard. I.e. Casanova came up with whatever explanation just entered her head.
You'd think people who are having an affair would at least come up with a prepared explanation if caught.
Admittedly it doesn't cover the spontaneous one night stand. But if they were about to have sex, they sure didn't look like they were in the mood, to me.
So the idea of them deciding to go home to Casanova's place to continue their conversation and then Frederik deciding to crash there and send for his suitcase, still sounds the most plausible to me. - And very naive.

Two: And that leads me to the next point. Frederik or at least the DRF will have to comment.
Otherwise Frederik is a lousy friend who leaves one of his friends squirming in the light of the press. He has to come to her rescue so to speak.
Or he is a most inconsiderate adulterer, who can't even be bothered to come up with a lie to support his mistress.
The "no comments" is so last millennium.
It didn't work with Herlufsholm. It didn't work with Joachim's children and it won't work this time either.
Given the usual easy accessibility of the DRF to the press, Frederik, Mary and even QMII will inevitable be asked to comment.
How difficult can it be? If Frederik merely crashed at Casanova's place, just say so. - Some won't believe, some will refuse to believe - so be it.

Alas, when it comes to communication and damage control the DRF really suck these years! I don't know what they have been doing for the past ten years or so, but either they don't have a PR advisor to deal with such situations, (of which there will be more! M&F after all have four teenagers who at some point will likely do something stupid,) or they flatly refuse to listen.

And along that line: The DRF has announced that the press will not be invited to cover the grandest of the annual royal hunts that takes place at Fredensborg. Instead the press will be invited to cover the royal hunts in Jutland.
The DRF will provide photographs and publish the guest-list.
It is immediately suspected that it might very well be because some segments of the press have criticized the DRF for mingling too much with the elite at these hunts.
- Of course they do! They are royals. They don't mingle with Hansen and Petersen at such events. And I doubt anyone in DK who does not choose to, believe otherwise.
It will annoy some members of the Copenhagener press, who now have to go to the remotest Jutland. :D The thought scares them, they think they will be set upon by banjo playing inbreds or be attacked by wolves or wild cows. So they will let their dissatisfaction be known one way or another... :whistling:

Does anyone know a PR-expert in white shining armor who could come to the rescue of the DRF?

All I will say - Any PR/Crisis Manager would have him make a statement. As of now, all that is out there is the photos, the tabloid reporters spin on it for clicks and her...that's it. The DRF need to take control of the narrative and not stick their heads in the sand. Lene B obviously has zero experience in handling any of this type of thing. Saying "no comment" is equitable these days to almost admission and comes off defense.

He makes a statement setting it "straight" as to the events and does a mea culpa for the grief this total misunderstanding has caused everyone involved and emphatically verbalizes his commitment to Mary, family, God and country! He expresses his sincere apologies for this whole mess.

Then he turns it around on the tabloid press, the photographers and everyone else making assumptons, innuendos, insinuations and the like.

Then he says he will not address this again and give credence to all the wild rumors being spun in for click bait. And having a tone of indignation at how people so quickly believe the worst of him after all these years would not hurt either.
The photos circulated two weeks before being published, Genoveva knew of their existence, but did not know their content, so the explanation she created did not work. She also didn't have the possibility of buying the photos.

The Danish Royal House has to be cautious, because they do not know how the Spanish press works nor can they control, they can create an apology and then new information appears and they look even worse.

Lecturas has the exclusive, but starting next week the photographs will be published in Denmark and other countries. Furthermore, only the agency and the magazine know if those were the only photos or if there is more material.
The photos circulated two weeks before being published, Genoveva knew of their existence, but did not know their content, so the explanation she created did not work. She also didn't have the possibility of buying the photos.

But why would she know? She was photographed in a public place with a public figure. I'm not sure why they would have to inform her.

And if she knew (and you'd think someone with her media experience would say "no comment", rather than acting so shocked and outraged), then do we assume Fred has known for that long? (And possibly the DRF...)
The photos circulated two weeks before being published, Genoveva knew of their existence, but did not know their content, so the explanation she created did not work. She also didn't have the possibility of buying the photos.

The Danish Royal House has to be cautious, because they do not know how the Spanish press works nor can they control, they can create an apology and then new information appears and they look even worse.

Lecturas has the exclusive, but starting next week the photographs will be published in Denmark and other countries. Furthermore, only the agency and the magazine know if those were the only photos or if there is more material.

Thanks lula, wasn't it Lecturas who published the photos of Inaki and his mistress to 'force' Cristina into a formal separation/commend divorce proceedings?
Maybe there is a deeper agenda behind all of this.
But why would she know? She was photographed in a public place with a public figure. I'm not sure why they would have to inform her.

And if she knew (and you'd think someone with her media experience would say "no comment", rather than acting so shocked and outraged), then do we assume Fred has known for that long? (And possibly the DRF...)

The photo agency offers the photos to the magazines and it took 15 days for them to be published. It is normal for rumors to begin to circulate among journalists and the rumor will have reached a journalist who is close to her.

She spoke with Hola, which is a magazine with which she has often collaborated, possibly she thought that was the best. Not commenting means having dozens of photographers waiting at the door of your house waiting for statements. Genoveva had a pulmonary embolism last summer, and her health is delicate... and she probably also wanted to avoid the stress of daily harassment from the press.

Thanks lula, wasn't it Lecturas who published the photos of Inaki and his mistress to 'force' Cristina into a formal separation/commend divorce proceedings?
Maybe there is a deeper agenda behind all of this.

Yes, it was Lecturas. Possibly it is a magazine that has few scruples about publishing this type of stories, before it was more serious, but in recent years they have given a lot of prominence to characters from the yellow press.

It is said that Genoveva herself wanted to test the price, but it was quite expensive. In another time, Hola could have bought the photos and kept them in a drawer (a common practice with royals and very famous people for years), in exchange for good exclusives.
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His suitcase was already there; he changed before they went to dinner. Occam's razor — he had always planned to stay there (or had been staying there...), and did not ask for it to be brought there earlier in the day, or something.

Carry on.

No, but I'm sure several of them are being interviewed in Copenhagen or over Zoom as we type.

Also, they can't really make a statement about this because the old-school rule still holds true: you explain this and you have to explain every time something occurs, or people decide the one getting ignored is too damaging to be commented upon.

I'm sure they will come up with something.... or wait it out, like Herlufsholm, but I am not a PR expert and don't know what that something should be.

It is entirely possible that they are not explaining because there is no good explanation, and more lies or obfuscations are also a bad, bad idea. Like I said the other day, I feel like if there was some reasonable explanation for being there that would not make this worse, the DRF would have disseminated it through "sources" by now.

Also: even private planes have to file flight plans and this is definitely in the public interest and no longer a security risk. Why has nobody gotten a hold of when exactly Fred got to Madrid?

He arrived on the 23rd and left on the 26th
Apparently not the first time.
Latest here in Spain is that she is negotiating giving an interview to Hola and she’ll explain that this wasn’t the first tkme. A journalist said 3-4 times a year. Another “many times” a year

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Spanish Royal House denies that Queen Letizia was interested in the Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark scandal

"I inform you that no one from the House of His Majesty the King, due to a supposed interest of the Queen, has at any time asked to be sent either the cover or the report published in the latest issue about the Crown Prince of Denmark", they point out. from House of His Majesty the King.
Awkward to hear another royal house even acknowledging the reports tbh^^

Honestly, I don't really know that the DRF could say anything now

"no comment" is basically read as "it happened so we don't want to talk about it"

"it didn't happen" without a severe threat of legal action from Fred and the Court would be seen by many that it did happen and the DRF is scared enough to try to deny it

"it happened" - well do I need to even explain that one

So what could they say?

Either come out with new evidence that actually there was a house party and there were lots of other people there to testify Fred slept alone on the sofa


It happened, Fred has a problem and is seeking help - the sympathy card - suggestions of real problems that he is seeking support for with the help of Mary and his family

or much more likely ( so much so I expect it very soon) - Mary is deployed, heavily made up a la Diana, heavy sad looking eyes - "Princess Mary what do you have to say about the rumours about your husband?" - a sad look, a choke in the throat - "Its just so sad to see how the foreign media misconstrued something innocent to sell magazines. It is so unfair on us as a couple and of course think of the poor innocent children. I just want it (chokes backs tears and wipes eyes right down the cameras) to stop"

The last option changes the narrative, makes the foreign magazines the new badies, giving the Danish media a new prey to go after. TBH Mary could say all of that and have not really denied it happened...

The answer - the only answer IMO - lies in Mary speaking out. Daisy wouldn't lower herself (and her reputation as a mother is shot), Fred can't be trusted and it wouldn't play well a man talking about a supposed relationship.
:previous: Can you post your sources? Otherwise, I honestly think we're moving into unsubstantiated hearsay territory.
TV goes faster than magazines…
I’ve watched it on TV ? after the news, on Spanish Channel 5, the journalist Marisa Martin Blazquez, wife of another journalist Antonio Montero( from the top paparazzi agency) , she has been talking about the negotiations that are going on atm.
We will see the interview and let’s see how much she is willing to reveal.

I have also read in that Frederick came to Spain “to end” their many years affair and since there was nothing left for her she told the paparazzis. That’s all for now from Madrid.

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The answer - the only answer IMO - lies in Mary speaking out.

Even assuming Mary were in the state of mind where she loves Fred utterly and wants to defend him — and that's a hypothetical...

Why on earth should she have to...?

These things only work as a team approach à la Hillary and Bill, anyway. You don't stick the uninvolved wife out by herself for sympathy points. If Mary chooses to say something, that doesn't mean Fredo can maintain omertà forever.
The Lecturas magazine report is very detailed and precise.

I am very struck by the way in which he has moved. He did not use diplomatic protection, he went to the airport, and flew on a private plane, but he did not use the so-called authorities gate intended for people with diplomatic protection, this means that he did not inform the Ministry of Spanish Interior of his presence, he was in Spain as a private person. It is obvious that he did not want anyone to know that he was in Madrid, but I think that for a Crown Prince, this is very dangerous, he is a representative of a State in his public and private life.
Awkward to hear another royal house even acknowledging the reports tbh^^

Honestly, I don't really know that the DRF could say anything now

"no comment" is basically read as "it happened so we don't want to talk about it"

"it didn't happen" without a severe threat of legal action from Fred and the Court would be seen by many that it did happen and the DRF is scared enough to try to deny it

"it happened" - well do I need to even explain that one

So what could they say?

Either come out with new evidence that actually there was a house party and there were lots of other people there to testify Fred slept alone on the sofa


It happened, Fred has a problem and is seeking help - the sympathy card - suggestions of real problems that he is seeking support for with the help of Mary and his family

or much more likely ( so much so I expect it very soon) - Mary is deployed, heavily made up a la Diana, heavy sad looking eyes - "Princess Mary what do you have to say about the rumours about your husband?" - a sad look, a choke in the throat - "Its just so sad to see how the foreign media misconstrued something innocent to sell magazines. It is so unfair on us as a couple and of course think of the poor innocent children. I just want it (chokes backs tears and wipes eyes right down the cameras) to stop"

The last option changes the narrative, makes the foreign magazines the new badies, giving the Danish media a new prey to go after. TBH Mary could say all of that and have not really denied it happened...

The answer - the only answer IMO - lies in Mary speaking out. Daisy wouldn't lower herself (and her reputation as a mother is shot), Fred can't be trusted and it wouldn't play well a man talking about a supposed relationship.

That sounds very complicated.

A simple: Yes, we know Miss Casanova, she's a friend of ours. Frederik spend the night at her place. Nothing unusual about that. Nothing happened.

I think most Danes will accept that explanation, because things like that happens. You visit friends, have a cozy time. Spend the night.
Some won't believe it or chose not to believe it, no matter what. And that's the price M&F will have to pay for this.
I mentioned in a previous post that both my wife and I have committed a similar "transgression". The last time was some years ago when I went to another part of DK for work related issue.
I could stay at a hotel, alone - hurrah...
Drive home for four hours after a long day in mid winter. On a high way that is about as exciting as counting needles on a cactus.
Or accept an invite from a friend of ours who lived nearby.
We had a cozy evening catching up and I slept in one her children's bed. They were with their dad, she's divorced. That's it. Drove home the next morning.
- I explain that because, (I don't know if it's cultural or whatever,) it's not an unusual thing in DK to spend the night or just visit someone of the opposite sex alone while being married.

To me it's not particularly important what is said in the Spanish press (or Danish press for that matter) unless there is something new, like Miss Casanova admitting they had steaming sex or the DRF issuing some sort of statement. Because right now it's all speculation, theories and assumptions.
To me Mary's reaction and how she acts in the long term is what I will be looking for.
Yeah, they can fake affection, but unless Mary is an exceptionally good actress worthy of an Oscar, she can't keep it up if she doesn't mean it.
It's damn difficult to keep faking affection for someone you deep down would rather smash on the head with an iron-pan.
We who have followed M&F from the beginning know how they have always looked at each other, smiled at each other and touched each other. If that stops, and seemingly tops permanently, that will be the strongest evidence of infidelity in my eyes. Short of publicly admitting it of course.

But - if M&F keep displaying their mutual affection in the way they have always done, also in unguarded moments, then Mary obviously has no problems. And if Mary has no problems, I have no problems, because that means Frederik is acquitted or at worst that Mary has forgiven him.

I can wait months before I will finally make up my mind in this matter.
Until then Frederik is innocent until proven guilty.

Love reading all the different opinions and perspectives. As each day goes by, I DO feel worse for Mary and the Kids.

My view of Frederik, worsens daily too. I never thought of him as being particularly vibrant, or a hard worker though. Someone who has "coasted", likeable enough, but that was about it. Talk about an epic screw up here. Really baffling that he could be either so arrogant or foolish. Or both.

How this all pans out ? Who knows ? The wild card is Geneveva Cassanova. I honestly have no idea.
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It occurs to me:

You know what the best thing for Fred to do right now might be...? (Although there is probably not enough pressure in DK atm.)

"I am very sorry for my behavior [do not need to specify what] and I promise not to embarrass myself, anyone I love, my country or the Crown in future. My family and I are working on this together and we appreciate your patience and support. Thank you. No questions."
This is so messy, it all could have been avoided if Frederik had slept in a hotel. Now El Economista has published an article that goes a step further claiming the affair had been going on for months.

Two days after the magazine was published, we are told that Genoveva Casanova and Frederik of Denmark have been seeing each other for months and that the Madrid date was by no means the only one. This fact alone demolishes the first versions given through Hola magazine, in which the story was explained that a common friend of the Mexican woman who was going to act as a cicerone for His Royal Highness was infected with Covid and commissioned Genoveva to act as guide on his trip to the capital of Spain.

The most surprising thing about the new information that reaches us is that Frederik of Denmark had actually come to Madrid to meet face to face with his friend Genoveva Casanova with the purpose of telling her in person that their 'friendship' (let's put it that way) should end and that Genoveva being aware of the intentions of Mary Donaldson's husband, preferred that the public know about her relationship (whatever it may be) with the future Danish monarch. We don't care that she did it by calling the photographers, as various members, as well as Danish media, have suggested, or that she evaded it by taking her Royal friend to places where she knew there was a very high probability of being photographed.

Sources from the Danish embassy explain to Informalia that Prince Frederick's security service was aware that the heir had been captured by paparazzi. His Royal Highness was informed early in the morning last Thursday, October 26, that his "activity" with the Mexican woman in Madrid had been photographed and perhaps videotaped. It was then that he contacted Genoveva to obtain more information about it. Some sources suggest that she tried to stop the publication of the report, as was commented this Friday on the program Espejo Público, on Antena 3. But the version that reaches us is that that was what she told him and that he didn't actually lift a finger. Sources from the agency to which the photographers who made the report belong explain to Informalia that there was "a desire for this material to be published and not removed," they assure us, and that "only an amount that would multiply the price of the report by seven." It would have led them to sell it so that it could be stored in a drawer. "They wanted to make sure he got out because otherwise they would have taken him to Hola," they insist. Who wanted those photographs to come to light?
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This is so messy, it all could have been avoided if Frederik had slept in a hotel. Now El Economista has published an article that goes a step further claiming the affair had been going on for months.

I really don't know what credibility that website has, and the news was not written by a journalist who is known. Possibly many gossip websites are going to launch multiple versions to generate visits, and it seems that on this website they have chosen the option of generating a lot of garbage about Genoveva to achieve this.

I think that on these issues it is important to provide information from well-known journalists and recognized media.
I really don't know what credibility that website has, and the news was not written by a journalist who is known. Possibly many gossip websites are going to launch multiple versions to generate visits, and it seems that on this website they have chosen the option of generating a lot of garbage about Genoveva to achieve this.

I think that on these issues it is important to provide information from well-known journalists and recognized media.

At the moment all recognised and not so credible media here in Madrid are reporting the same, that it had been going on for months
See the newspaper El Mundo
That sounds very complicated.

A simple: Yes, we know Miss Casanova, she's a friend of ours. Frederik spend the night at her place. Nothing unusual about that. Nothing happened.


But few days ago she said he didn't stay the night at her home (even though there are pictures indicate the contrary). If Fred does the above, then it will turn into a case of "who's lying? Why lied, do they have something to hide?"
I think that on these issues it is important to provide information from well-known journalists and recognized media.

I think that on these issues it is important to know what one is talking about before labeling the gossip section of one Spain's top financial newspapers as "unrecognised" media.
I think that on these issues it is important to know what one is talking about before labeling the gossip section of one Spain's top financial newspapers as "unrecognised" media.

I know perfectly well what I'm talking about, one thing is the economic El Economista has a prestige, but that does not have to be transferred to its Informalia gossip section, whose information often does not have that quality. And as far as I know who writes it is not a renowned journalist, nor someone who is known for participating in television or radio programs.

In Spain there are dozens of digital media, and among them there is also a lot of garbage that is very far from journalism. There are websites of serious newspapers or magazines whose online gossip section is terrible, and where they copy and paste things without the least sense. The fact that they are considered serious media is no obstacle for them to publish things on their websites that are useful for generating visits and making money.

Tomorrow is Saturday, the day in which the serious Spanish newspapers expand on their gossip reports, we will see how many different versions of this story there are.
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I know perfectly well what I'm talking about, one thing is the economic El Economista has a prestige, but that does not have to be transferred to its Informalia gossip section, whose information often does not have that quality. And as far as I know who writes it is not a renowned journalist, nor someone who is known for participating in television or radio programs.

In Spain there are dozens of digital media, and among them there is also a lot of garbage that is very far from journalism. There are websites of serious newspapers or magazines whose online gossip section is terrible, and where they copy and paste things without the least sense. The fact that they are considered serious media is no obstacle for them to publish things on their websites that are useful for generating visits and making money.

And? I also know what I'm talking about.
Write a letter of complaint to express your dissatisfaction with the article if you fancy, far more is not to be believed by Lecturas, and yet here we are.

As if appearing on television in Spain meant anything, in fact the further away from it, the better.
Lecturas' very own director Luis Pliego usually appears on TV, that doesn't make him a respectable, serious journalist, in fact he has spent the last two days lying about Queen Letizia's supposed "interest" on the whole affair.
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